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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Different Jeff. I didn't dare share the game to friends when it was in beta 2. The crashing still gives me nightmares. Beta 3 and 4 fixed lots of things, but there's still a lot more that needs to be looked at. Another thing I forgot to mention was RenX's huge learning curve and the nostalgia factor. I never played the original and struggled in my first couple of games on RenX, but what kept me going was the simple fact that this was C&C. I can understand people who aren't familiar with the series aren't going to be enjoying the game as much as I did.
  2. After I introduced this game to my steam friends, they didn't enjoy it in its current state (bugs, clunky movement, etc.). Because of that, I think we should only put in efforts to expand the player base when RenX is stable and balanced.
  3. Another example as to why admins should have the ability to restrict and remove mines from certain players. It will help so much and nobody has to be kicked from the game. I don't believe mines were nerfed. Mine walking still feels the same as before.
  4. Since Beta 3, I've always complained that Orcas and Apaches are too strong. Lock on isn't really the issue though; they have too much HP and their machine guns do too much damage to everything--buildings, vehicles, infantry. If the missile system was reworked to have no lock-on in exchange for faster missile speed, I'd be down for that. It would make air battles more fun, but this might haphazardly buff the Chinook. Ramjets I think should do 200 damage to light armor per 4 shots, but that's for another topic.
  5. In all honesty, being a field engie is possibly one of the most boring things in the game. It's very hard to stay alive and it's a pain to keep running back and forth from your base to the front line. Give these people some love and share your spam credits so they can keep buying techs/hotties. And also, give them your thanks, as field engies are also one of the most important key roles in winning a game.
  6. Their structure damage should be the largest of any infantry in the game by a reasonable gap (because of their price and short range). Rocket soldiers I think kill buildings the quickest atm, and being tied with grenadiers in this area is just not right. Their vehicle killing capabilities are not strong enough. Ravs and Sydneys can do more at a much safer distance, and are arguably better against infantry in more circumstances than Mobius and Mendoza.
  7. Yet again, these guys are back to being the worst 1K choice. The alt fire is a neat addition, but it's fairly easy to dodge as infantry and even as a tank by the fact that it isn't hit-scan. The delay after firing the charged shot also is a severe drawback to using it (charged shot isn't a good trade-off for a weaker primary fire). These two should be absolute monsters in close quarters. I wouldn't mind if the spread was increased in exchange for the RoF as it was in Beta 3. The point is that these two are simply too weak compared to the other 1Ks in fulfilling their specific roles. I'd even approve of giving them an extra timed C4.
  8. Using stanks right now is like playing the waiting game. Sitting back behind the GDI front line to pick off weak tanks sounds strong on paper, but in game this only leads to GDI getting more spam points and you watching them blow up your base. You can try being aggressive and attack GDI tanks head-on with tech support. But of course, meds will easily overrun you and your tech with brute force. Mammoths will wreck you instantly in one volley of rockets and cannon fire, and you are an attractive target to all anti-tank GDI infantry. Also, Orcas can easily avoid getting destroyed by stank missiles by quickly flying out of its small range or flying directly above it. And lastly, Stank missiles are shit against all infantry. So yeah. Stanks have no real effective use at the moment besides rushing, covering beacons, or crushing 1-2 hotwires behind tanks. Their missile trajectory is still quite random and stanks themselves are hard countered by all GDI infantry, especially with sidearms. This tank is too risky of an investment at the moment; you are much better off getting two artys or an apache. If HoN is up, you can always wait and get yourself a 1K and do much more than your stank will ever do. Increase damage vs heavy armor? Increase range? Increase missile splash radius? Increase missile speed? ~ Edit: It seems so far that an accuracy and damage vs. heavy armor buff is the way to go. Personally, a slight range buff I think would be necessary to counter Orcas.
  9. I like it a lot. Playing Ren with sub 100 ping is quite an experience. A good time to switch servers would be 8PM EST.
  10. +1 Some of my steam friends had the same exact issue.
  11. Nerfs: 1. Building Damage/Repair credit income 2. Silo Income 3. Sidearms (Vet system, or increase price) 4. Chaingun (Reduce Mag size and/or increase spread, decrease range) 5. Orca Apache (HP decrease, Machine gun building damage decrease) 6. Shotgun (Increase spread) 7. Sniper Rifles Hip-Fire headshot damage multiplier (x2) 8. Grenadier Building Damage 9. EMP more noticeable 10. Airdrops (Vet system) Buffs: 1. Stealth Tank (Increase damage and/or Increase Range in exchange for longer time to be cloaked again after firing) 2. Volt Auto Rifle RoF (beta 3) 3. Destroyed PP slows AGT/OB fire rate instead of stopping it (-500%) 4. Bar/HoN destroyed price decrease (+50%) 5. Gunner Building Damage increase, enough so it kills faster than rocket soldier 6. Tactical Rifle bullet speed increase 7. LCG spread decrease 8. Arty projectile speed increase (beta 3) 9. Automatic Rifle bullet speed increase 10. AT mine damage increase
  12. Airdrops are fine as they are, it's just the credit system that's a little broken atm.
  13. This mine system will only end up creating more problems and frustration. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. To fix, or at least improve the current mining system is to: - JeepRubi[Dev]: not 1st one placed disappear, but ones which are: furthest from the base/are in large groups. - Add an in-game warning when mine limit is full and you currently have mines equipped. - Flashing mine counter when someone is overmining (and when mines decrease). - Bold/Italicize the mine counter - Mods should be able to send obvious text to any/all of the player's screens. - Repair gun: Right-click disarms team mines, left-click repairs them. Disarming should be 3x faster than repairing. - salarite: with the next update, server moderators will be able to properly disable all mines placed by a person, which will help
  14. There should be a system where Admins are able to send big, bold, obvious text across a certain player's screen to send warnings of team hampering or inappropriate behavior. I think people who are unresponsive didn't read the chat box, as it's easily neglected during gameplay. Suggestions to prevent overmining: Make frag grenades the default loadout for Techs/Hotties instead of mines. Optimize the mine counter->Make it more noticeable (bold, larger/different text, different color, etc) Add an in-game warning when mine limit is full and you currently are holding mines. ~ Flashing mine counter when someone is overmining (and when mines decrease). Repair gun: Right-click disarms team mines, left-click repairs them. Disarming should be 3x faster than repairing.
  15. I got some of my steam friends (all of them I met in Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, or CS:GO) to try out Beta 4, but most of them can't get into it because they feel that the game is too clunky (vehicle and infantry movement, vehicles especially) and buggy (crashing, explosion freezing, SBH spectator, Apache/Orca wobbling, etc.) They liked the overall idea of C&C mode and the diversity of the two factions. They love the amount of teamwork necessary to win games.
  16. It's a good step forward, I'm down for this change. In-game voice chat (when/if Renegade is on steam) would still be the greatest solution to communication issues.
  17. In order -Reduce Silo income to +1 -Reduce Orca/Apache health to 350 -Adjust how a Destroyed PP affects OB/AGT, decrease fire rate by 100% on AGT, Increase charge time on OB by 100%? -Slightly increase sidearm prices Heavy Pistol - 100 Carbine - 175 Flechette - 275 Tib Autorifle - 275 -Decrease range and Increase spread on Officer Chaingun -Increase Volt Rifle Alt Fire bullet speed -Slightly increase Light tank speed -Increase Gunner Building damage slightly -Decrease Grenadier building damage slightly
  18. Ah you meant officer, my apologies. Yeah, I'm up for a nerf, but I was thinking an increased spread and decreased range. The damage output should stay the same.
  19. I'm up for your gunfight suggestion. and definitely the vehicle control. Buggys, Hummers, and APCs are a real struggle to drive now. But LCG is not OP at all, and he was nerfed quite a lot in Beta 4. The spread is pretty large now, and the firerate nerf noticeably affected his DPS. The removal of the spinup didn't really change anything because the spinup time in Beta 3 was already minuscule. I say leave him alone.
  20. Depending on the building's %, smart tankers would usually ignore you and keep firing if the damage output is exceeding the repairs.
  21. I was a Hottie with a smoke grenade, and grabbed a spy 500. I then bought another smoke grenade on the spy, and when I refilled after using it, I got mines instead of the timed C4. Pretty convenient bug though, I like it.
  22. +1 This bug has been annoying me since release.
  23. It's a lot better. But I'm going to disagree, this map is still GDI sided because it focuses a lot on tank play (where GDI excels). Nod's best option in this map is infantry rushing the PP because of the rocks and boxes are covering the AGT. If GDI mines them off, there really isn't anything Nod infantry can do because the AGT covers WF and both sides of the base easily.
  24. I don't know, I like the idea of getting a slower stream of credits from a destroyed refinery. Early ref losses are less significant this way. It's the silo that I have a problem with, +1.5 is a bit much. Vehicle drops need to be looked at. At its current state it makes the WF/Strip nigh useless. Before a Vet. system is implemented, I agree with what Alkaline suggested about the price, x2 cost, x4 without PP. Vehicle limit should be 3.
  25. Nope, that would make GDI vehicles far too strong, and they're already better than Nod's.
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