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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. This is why I tell people to not mine the door of the strip, and instead mine behind the second, farther purchase terminal so that it blocks both the tower and the front, and saves your team 4 mines. Nobody ever listens
  2. I don't think you played enough to understand how important mines are. Getting rid of them will completely break the game. And if you're getting blocked off by mines, just jump into them and kill yourself (if you are a free class), or pop a few and run back to base for a refill or sneak in, or just find an engineer for repairs. Waiting around is very inefficient for your team. If there are mines everywhere, so many that you can't even sneak in their base, you should tell that to your team because the other team is most likely overmining. That means their buildings are probably unmined, meaning any infantry can just walk inside taking little to no damage. For example, if you're Nod, set up a SBH c4 team. If you're GDI, do a Hotwire APC/Chinook rush. Grenadiers and Flame troopers aren't exactly "anti-structure" classes, though they are labeled as one. They are indeed the free classes that deal the most damage to structures externally, but rarely will you ever see a successful building destruction from these 2 guys. Just use them against infantry and vehicles. Again, you need to play more to get a better understanding of how normal games in Renegade flow. I also never played the original, but I took my time learning and adapting the concepts. My aim is still pretty bad, but a reason why I like this game so much is that even if you don't have proper mouse control as some other players, you can still be an important factor for your team, as long as you participate in team plans and play accordingly. I consistently get a top score in my team, mainly by playing smart. In time you'll know what action to take in certain situations, and if you act appropriately, you can save your team's ass. Just play more. Every game is not like this. And if GDI is getting wrecked by Nod vehicles, the team is simply incompetent. In most situations: Weapons Factory > Airstrip Hand of Nod > Barracks
  3. Refinery bothers me too. Completely cutting off all income outside of damage and repairs is too much in my opinion. I've been playing around with an idea: Make +2/1.5 credits consistent throughout a whole game, regardless whether a team has a refinery or not. Increase harvester payload income and speed of everything it does slightly. I never really liked how the WF/Strip constantly supplies the refinery with harvesters. I think even after losing the vehicle structures, harvesters should still be available to a team (dropped off by chinook, or some other way). It'll make a loss of these structures less punishing. So basically now, all the ref does is give a team a boost in credits every ___ seconds.
  4. Not really... the door seemed to be closed but probably I'm pretty close to it. I'm about 2 feet away MCT What about the flame though? You know how far the barracks' MCT is from the door... The walls on the barracks are pretty thin, so the turrets on the flame tank are able to stick through the building model. There was likely a flame tank behind the barracks that was killing you. Normally when you do this with other tanks, the game will prevent you from firing.
  5. Well I can't argue against engie classes being too strong, which is why I think all sidearms should be nerfed or doubled the price (x1.5 for tib weapons + slight nerf). Tib weapons projectiles have rather long travel times, which affects your accuracy against air at a certain range. The damage you deal if you do hit air isn't enough to make a difference. A team is way better off using 1K classes to deal with them. How about something else. Make the supply beacon something purchasable from the items section for like ~100-200 creds. This way, every class is able to have one, and since it should be in the 4th weapon slot, remotes would be removed for engie classes.
  6. Technically snipers are support classes, they just happen to be fairly good at CQC in Ren if you have the reflexes for it. But seriously, engineers are already useful enough. How many people do you see use an officer after the first 5 minutes of the game? Not many at all. Now how many run with a Hoty/Tech using a carbine? A helluva lot more. If it's a map with a tib-silo then it's a Hoty with a tib weapon that can basically negate the point of using anything other than a sniper or a PIC. A tech with a sidearm is both combat efficient, a building destroyer, and can do anything on the field. There's almost no reason to choose a tier 1/2 infantry unit, except the SBH for obvious reasons. Distribute SOME power, sheesh. Getting rid of your remotes makes a huge difference in what you can do offensively. You can no longer destroy buildings by yourself, cause quick damage to vehicles, and your sidearm is your only weapon you can use to defend yourself against other infantry. Engies/Techs/Hotties are again, the support classes, and it'll only make sense if they are the ones distributing ammo to all the other classes that are made to KILL, including snipers. Officers, Mcfarland, and Chems aren't seen as often later in the game because the other classes are obviously more effective choices in dealing with both infantry and armor. These three classes are really meant to give your team an edge in the early infantry fights. Tib weapons are trash against air targets and heavy armor. The range of those weapons are quite limited too, which is where the other advanced classes other than the ones mentioned above come in to play, and are more fitted to KILL for your team. And to help them out, Engies/Techs/Hotties provide them both health and ammunition in the middle of a battlefield, and perhaps poking the enemy with whatever sidearm they are holding.
  7. The only problem with the point system right now, is the sandwich crushes. If, lets say, you are in a stank, and you decide to crush a hottie standing right behind a mammy. If the hottie dies while being sandwiched directly between the mammy and your stank, you will be rewarded a TON of points. I once got 2000 from a downhill, speedy sandwich crush, when normally it's supposed to be ~50. In one game in Islands, we were always losing the vehicle battles and got our buildings spammed to death as Nod. Time ran out eventually after we lost the Ref and Strip, but we still won with our HON and by defending nonstop. How? My stank crushes on advanced infantry standing next to objects, walls, or vehicles. I got nearly 10000 points, far more than anybody else on my team. This works with any vehicle, and doesn't seem to work as well against free classes.
  8. As for now, a good way to break stalemates is disabling death crates and increasing the uniform/spy/vehicle crate chance after a certain amount of minutes. Spies, in my opinion, are the game changers in base defense maps for obvious reasons.
  9. This bug happened to me only when (rarely): 1. Immediately after I join a server 2. After a vehicle explosion freeze 3. Alt-tabbing (full screen) I think this bug goes away after death. Something similar happens to me on Nod, but it's not as important gameplay wise. You can't see friendly SBH normally, only up close, like a GDI player. You can still highlight/outline them though from your weapon range. Same reasons as above. Maybe the game is mistaking how you see stealth? Like if you're on GDI, the game confuses your vision to look like a Nod player's and vice versa?
  10. This worked today after 95 minutes in field. I must say, disabling the defenses pretty much gave the game to Nod. Half the GDI team left the game because of how imbalanced it was. Raining nukes, SBH stealing vehicles, SBH C4, Arty spamming, flamer/stank rushes, etc. Also, it's not really fair how Nod has 2 turrets and GDI has nothing. The turrets worked great in picking out infiltrators. Plus, with 65 mines, coming in through the tunnels was extremely difficult for GDI. Nod was held in their base the whole game by endless waves of mammys and meds, but as soon as the AGT went offline, Nod sure had fun ripping apart GDI. The bar quickly got nuked, 10+ vehicles were stolen, and GDI was forced to camp in their base for the last agonizing 5 minutes.
  11. I love this idea, but it will only make sense if this was something Engies/Techs/Hotties could only do, simply because they are the only support classes in the game. Ammo resupplies should replace remote C4s as Truxa mentioned, and could also be used by enemies (supposing it's something that is dropped on the floor for people to use, and not "given to"). This way these classes will lose a lot in their offensive capabilities in exchange to further enhance their support roles.
  12. I also would like to see a full set of defenses. Biggest reason is dealing with stealth, which would easily make Whiteout more balanced. In regards to earlier comments, I actually think the turrets work just fine. The turrets on both teams don't do a real good job at killing (if anything, GDI's gun turrets do a much better job at both vehicles and infantry, so increased ROF on the Nod turret is indeed necessary for matching their effectiveness), which I don't have a problem with. I really like them because they are great at bringing attention to infiltrators, like stealth, techs/hotties. That itself is a huge plus. ~ I still hope there would be a fix in the map that would make it easier for a team to counter Artillery/MRLS hiding behind the middle hill, or the sides. About that, it isn't quite fair that Nod is able to hit, for example, the WF and the Ref when camping on the left side of the map. For MRLS, it's impossible to hit the resource buildings anywhere behind cover because of the airstrip setting them farther away.
  13. boxes

    oh hi there

    Royal died before we got in, GoPin got caught just before he planted on the wf. I planted on the bar and covered it with an emp, but since we had them holed in their base most of the game, there were about 7 hotties and and some others running at me; there was nothing I could do.
  14. boxes

    oh hi there

    Only times when this happens is when field is interesting for me. And very rarely will this happen. TRIPLE SPY POWA
  15. There isn't supposed to be one. Just like how Nod has no counterpart to the Mammoth tank.
  16. There is no need to add more to the EMP nade. It works perfectly fine.
  17. I love it. Just a few things though. 1. Vehicle explosion freezing still occurs here and there. 2. SBH visibility bug still exists. I'm not sure if the SBH spectator bug is fixed or not, didn't play enough of this class. 3. Xmountain has a lot of rocks that can be clipped with vehicles. Example, the rocks next to the GDI powerplant. I was hiding in an APC there for like. 10 minutes. 4. The airstrike circle when zooming in seems to be bugged, it's just floating really close to you and it was nowhere close to where I pinpointed my strike.
  18. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  19. I always wanted to see the recon bike in Renegade X too, and I think this method of acquiring it sounds pretty nice. I would set the HP at 175, same price as a buggy, and weapon wise it should function similarly to a stealth tank, but with a 1 rocket per reload. And of course, it should be really fast, and maybe you should be able to see your character in third person mode riding it! I don't think it should get its own vehicle count though. It should stick with the normal team count.
  20. As for the auto heals and ammo regen, the armory should be balanced in a way that acquiring it will only a team a slight advantage in infantry where it won't be game-breaking as you said. Note that destroying hon/bar would make this rather useless, unlike the silo which is always beneficial no matter what the circumstances are. It's maybe possible to even split this in two different tech structures, but I think that would be too much trouble for the cause. I'm just sick of how stalematey the game becomes when it becomes a hon vs bar match. Crates don't really do enough. There should at least be something else that would help cause one team to have some sort of bigger advantage when not camping the base with techs/hotties--such as capturing and maintaining a tech structure that gives benefits to infantry. I honestly don't care that much about any tech structure giving vehicle benefits. I sort of threw that in there. Neutral defenses would probably be placed around the middle of some maps. For example, in lakeside, you know the river in the infantry path that goes into the tiberium tunnel and then out into the open area+hill? Probably around there. They should also be isolated, and put at a place where artys/MRLS can outrange it (or else there would be silly spamming going on). Definitely not anywhere where you can see it from your base. Obviously this should only work somewhat with the large maps. The forgotten stuff you mentioned sounds pretty interesting. I'm just uncertain if the developers are willing to create brand new models, textures, sound, etc for all the characters/vehicles/weapons from a tech structure, knowing their focus right now being bug fixes, map releases, etc. It would be great though seeing a tech structure that only gives access to a bunch of new additional items and weapons, as the UI right now has a lot more space for new stuff in these sections. Actually, in the Renegade X We Did It video, I just noticed that in the 1:42 mark, there are EMP grenades and anti-tank mines along with the message Requires Armory. Darn, why didn't I see it earlier.
  21. I'm not sure if this was officially addressed already, but will there be any new tech buildings in future updates? I was thinking of a couple things, probably not the best ideas, but it's something: Silo as we know increases credit rate and gives infantry access to Tiberium weaponry. Armory: Give all infantry the ability to replenish health and armor when hurt, rate by percentage of total hp. Slowly replenishes infantry ammunition, rate by percentage of total ammo. Probably good to put this at a place where vehicles cannot cover it, so teams without wf/strip can maintain it. I thought of this so infantry stalemates could be broken and comebacks without wf/strip will be easier. Auto-shop: Increases total vehicle hp by 15%. When capped, vehicles need to be repaired instead of instantly regaining health. If lost and your vehicle has the increase in hp already, then extra hp will be decreased to the default. Same idea as the Armory, but vehicle stalemates don't really happen, and vehicle comebacks are already pretty common. Power station: Decreases costs of everything except items by 20%, turns on base defenses if power plant is destroyed. If power plant is still functioning, then it will boost the effectiveness of base defenses (such as higher rate of fire). Mainly so the OB/AGT won't be sitting turds anymore. Gun/Cannon/SAM towers: Same function as the Nod/GDI ones, but not as powerful. Damaging it enough will cause it to go to neutral, and when neutral it doesn't shoot at anything. When up close and it belongs to the opposing team, it will be unable to shoot at you, giving engineers a chance to recap. Pretty dumb idea at first, but capturing these can give your team better map control. Any cool things that you guys can think of? Or comments?
  22. For Beta 3 I'm hoping there's going to be a voteban option in the vote menu, or __ minute delay when rejoining a game after being kicked. Team hamperers are indeed irritating when they get kicked and come back. I've never seen server moderators banning players so I'm not too sure if contacting an admin would be an option right now, but I hope I'm wrong. But, when (if) the game gets to steam one day, the ban system is for sure going to be much more reliable.
  23. AWESOME!
  24. The laser chaingun constantly spooling. Makes you look like a total badass.
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