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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Any plans on changing Under to give Nod an actual chance to win?
  2. The vehicle limit also must be limited down to 3 and also have a x3 increase in price. I can imagine a team turtling with 12 APCs, and that will keep things frustrating for the other team.
  3. GDI's APC is the worst. Bump into anything and you lose all control. Nod APC is annoying when you're trying to turn because the angle is so sharp. Trying to go past a corner? Bam into a wall. Sometimes, because it's so floaty, the tires aren't actually on the ground when you make a sudden change in direction making turns impossible. Driving Buggys and Hummers is like driving on ice. They just skid around way too much especially from taking damage, making them so easy to destroy. The Tib Sun Buggy though, is perfect.
  4. Driving these things are such a pain in the ass. Every couple of seconds you'll crash into a wall or rock or bump into teammates (which pisses them off). APC rushes are commonly thwarted by wonky driving. I understand the incentive to try new things, but why is the four wheel steering and APC weight staying around? I'm pretty sure nobody likes the way these vehicles behave as of right now.
  5. This with a vehicle limit of 3 and another price increase.
  6. Out of town, can't make it to this one. Have fun!
  7. This one can go really well with RenX.
  8. Awesome pug! Volcano and Walls were the best. Canyon though, Nod won even when GDI had a full harvy advantage. :>
  9. Add the start launcher as a non-steam game to your steam library. Rename it as Renegade X.
  10. I'm in!
  11. Simple:
  12. That was really fun, can't wait for the next pug! ^^
  13. I'd like to try one out.
  14. boxes


    Nod gets stealth generators and GDI gets auto-repairs and ammo resupplies, all as purchasable items specific to the faction.
  15. What was the reason in the first place to get rid of the 150 credit only crates ~5 minutes at the start of a match? Or was this just completely forgotten when changing the tib sun vehicle drop rate.
  16. The crate farming will be real
  17. Apaches are loud, so I can't see how it can sneak up without the MRLS knowing its presence. And no, its not screwed if it has friendlies around (which in most cases, it does). Orcas and Apaches actually do need a nerf in fact, and I thought its the most prominent one. They're way to versatile: unstoppable rushes, map control, covering beacons, infantry transport, they can do everything very well except sneaking.
  18. Not sure about the part against vehicles. Artys are definitely better at close range, I agree with that. But anything from medium to long, MRLS are just simply way better because you don't need to aim (lock on does everything for you) and the max damage output is almost identical assuming all shots are hit. The Arty projectile speed nerf made it really hard to hit moving targets at longer ranges. You need to adjust how high or low you need to aim in your first couple of shots, and then you need to start predicting how a vehicle moves around. You don't need to do that with an MRLS as of right now. (Artys will often miss a lot.)
  19. I think it should be nerfed the same way as the Rocket Soldier's. MRLS completely shut down apaches from a huge distance and are almost in every way better than Artys.
  20. Flame rushes are easily countered if GDI plays like GDI, aka buy a shit ton of tanks backed up by hotwires. The problem here is team coordination, not imbalance.
  21. I don't see the issue here. There's a start delay to make sure most players are loaded in before the game begins, so that's not the problem. Bar, AGT AND guard towers destroyed in a Chem rush? Must have been Goldrush, and even then the AGT and Bar are on opposite sides of the GDI Base. Hmm.
  22. Flamers are perfectly fine. Just push out with meds/mammoths along with hotwires. Easy.
  23. Recon Bikes or Stealth Generators would be sweet.
  24. For the 500 I was thinking that a hip-fire shot would do x1.5 headshot damage, and a scoped would do x2 headshot damage. (100 base damage)
  25. Decreasing the reload time would make stanks too strong against buildings, unless a nerf on structure damage is also implemented.
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