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Everything posted by Henk

  1. Doesn't the EU have something similar (but not as good as the US)? I think at least The Netherlands do if I recall correctly, and that's where Skeeze lives, maybe he can take it to the police? But I'm afraid they only care if it's big, like universities, large companies, banks etc.
  2. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    Got Version 1.1 ready for whenever you need it Yosh. - silo gives 2 credits per second - fixed vehicle collision on some rocks - added materials to 2 rocks that didn't have materials. - removed scale model Mammoth MKII, because the material uv's didn't do what they were supposed to do (same as vehicles in back of GDI base on Mesa) - Re-added blocking volume by the GDI containers. - A bunch of culling
  3. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    Thx Ruud Credit gain rate is now set to 2 per second, can be changed in the future, we'll have to see where the "sweet spot" lies for this map.
  4. With the edited post I don't see a single downside to anyone in this. Hope this will be a thing next update.
  5. Do you think they should also close down their sniper server? I don't think that one really fragments the player count. Or will there be an official sniper server? (I'm guessing no?)
  6. I don't fully understand the udk code and the possibilities, but I see this: simulated function StartCreditTick() { SetTimer(0.5f,true,'CreditTick'); } Does this mean it's possible to edit the credit tick rate via Kismet? Because I need a silo that gives more money per second than it gives now. Or start a second credit ticker?
  7. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    Nice I too want to boost the economy, maybe there's something I've overlooked but I haven't been able to do it in Kismet.. I cant PM you Yosh, but I also have to fix some missing materials and vehicle collision on some rocks.
  8. Maybe you can model some meshes (lot of work usually), or try flipping a landscape 180 degrees, so your tunnel/cave has ceiling that looks like a landscape, could work.
  9. I was trying to see if those 3 maps have the same settings for their skyboxes, and maybe that would cause it, but Eyes is different from Goldrush and mesa. Dakuja, for the skybox mesh you should turn off: Cast Shadow Cast Dynamic Shadow Accepts Dynamic Dominant Light Shadows Accepts Lights Accepts Dynamic Lights This won't fix the crashing (because all maps have these boxes ticked off) but it will probably increase performance.
  10. I'll post some ones that are worth posting as well: That "Oh shit" moment. When there's a mammoth tank on a Hovercraft approaching your base Botfight frontline. (this looked pretty intense with all the bullets flying) This is what failure looks like Say Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine!
  11. Looks nice on the screenshots! I'll check it in game soon.
  12. pretty cool, here's some pics I took in skirmish mode: http://imgur.com/a/YG0at There's a bit too much bloom btw (in my opinion)
  13. Thanks. I've got a list of things I need to adjust per map, and once there's a bunch of things I find to improve or fix, I'll update all my maps at once. Instead of minor fixes every week
  14. No offense, but the ideas I see you pitch all the time are mostly ridiculous.
  15. There's just a last couple of things that -in my opinion- just have to be made/fixed before the release should be called the "Full Release".
  16. What does the repair tool do?
  17. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/seqwvodgol04rdr/CNC-Sniper-Park.zip?dl=0 Screenshots: WIP Topic: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75606 Please continue discussion in this topic.
  18. Looks really nice! For those details (especially the ones in the top middle thing), it might be better/faster to use a texture.
  19. After VantagePoints(http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75605), I decided to make another sniper map, this one is more long ranged instead. I will add some trees and a lot of foliage, and maybe i'll replace those barbed wire fences with a more park-like fence. First screenshots, it's still in early development: This is the layout, as you might be able to see, it used to be bigger, but if you look at the Humvee which I put in for scale reference, it's still quite big. It will feel even bigger when there's more trees and cover meshes. That BSP house will be a public toilet, in a park, and no I will not be adding holes in the walls. For the bunkers and sniper towers, I've used green as a neutral color, because unlike in C&C mode, there isn't really a team's side or base. First I made that R logo, then I made up my mind and decided to make a scope logo, but when I put them together I thought it looked pretty cool, what do you think?
  20. Hi, I wanted to make a simple map, and to focus almost only on the gameplay/design, and not so much on the visuals and the amount of detail. This map also helps to bring some more variation to the TmX Sniper servers' map rotation. With this one it now has 3 maps in total, and I'm working on a 4th one at the moment. This is a close to mid-range sniper map, I've kept a low player count in mind with the design (although we also had a nice game of 3 people and 37 bots yesterday evening, it was a bit chaotic, but fun). So again, it's not made to look very realistic, let's just call it minimalistic, pure, and without distractions . I'm interested to hear your opinions on the level's design/layout. Download link (only 2.5MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/36lz386gt75ehdh/CNC-Sniper-VantagePoints%20v1.0.zip?dl=0 Some preview screenshots:
  21. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    Yeah it was down for a couple of minutes, there's a new download link now, there was still a reference somewhere to a package that I didn't use anymore and did not include. It could be played in Skirmish but not uploaded to server, should be fixed now.
  22. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    That would be awesome. Or imagine having a dropdown selection in the world info where you can choose themese like Desert, forest/field, or snow, and it would then swap out the character-, building- and vehicle materials
  23. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    The fog has a medium density, and it's quite dark. Having a dense and white fog didn't seem very realistic for an extremely cold night setting.
  24. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    The reasons i've made it dark are because there's already 2 snow maps at daytime, and I wanted to do something different and give a different feel to it than those maps have. And because with a dark map you can do some cool stuff with lighting, and with the white snow even more so. By this I mean you get lots of control of the lighting (colors and where you want it to brighter or darker) on the map because there's not a sun lighting everything, but you need to place lamps instead. It looks a bit dark, but it's still light enough to see everyone, especially in the high action area's. It's mostly the sky and the huge rocks in the background that look really dark. So, it's a night map, but it's not that dark, because there's lots of lights, and white snow. Here's another pic by the way I didn't include in the first post: http://i.imgur.com/IfgvbZj.jpg
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