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Everything posted by Henk

  1. Henk


    Finished, download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9dp0v9vmcm09q1c/CNC-Snow%20v1.0.zip?dl=0 Release topic, continue discussion there please: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75599
  2. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    Hi, This is a remake of one of the many custom/fan made maps from original Renegade, C&C-Snow, I remember playing a custom map server about 8 years ago and I particularly liked this one, that's why I decided to make a remake. I'm also very curious how it plays in Renegade-X. Keep in mind that there's only 1 silo per team so credit gain will be really slow, I hope there'll be a way to increase the silo credit amount on the mapping side in the future. But I do think that the fact that it's a very small and close quarters map will compensate for the slow credit gain. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yfyxcfs0zhckvzn/CNC-Snow%20v1.2.zip?dl=0 Some final pictures: Overview: Nod: GDI: Imgur album with more pictures: http://imgur.com/a/GJsse Backstory: "During operation Scorpion Hunters, GDI found intel on another secret Nod base, located in the Caucasus mountains, it is believed to be the hideout of one of the highest ranking Nod Officers. A small force has been dispatched in the area to set up a forward operating base, in order to eliminate any Nod activity in the area." (That Nod Officer even has a place in the map somewhere/sometime ) Enjoy!
  3. Henk


    Good point, added some containers & barrels to the back of GDI base, and also added cover (those folding table things), so there's more ways to countersnipe people on the balcony. Also added spherical fog to the lightposts. Now it's time to make the mini-map
  4. I only see this small part of code and don't know anything about u script, but shouldn't the classname in your first line of code have "Rx_Weapon_" in front of it? Just ignore this if that's not the problem, sometimes it can be these small things you overlook.
  5. Henk


    Yoo, the map is nearing completion, only have a few things left on my checklist, here's a bunch of screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/GJsse Click the thumbnails for a larger pic + descriptions When it's done there's only 1 more thing it needs, and that is silos that give more money per second.. Hoping that it will be possible in an upcoming patch (or maybe via Kismet but I've tried a lot of things and all failed)
  6. Just scale an Nod Turret bigger? + A little bunker under it, and a different firing sound, and maybe higher resolution textures.
  7. I know it's a really of a specific situation, but we kept killing guys that walked into that bunker, and when they tried to get revenge and come back to kill us, we were already back to full health and also back to stealth. If they would've done their best more they might have got us but it was pretty powerful, and fun (so maybe keep it in?). It would be cool if there was the same weapon scrolling/selecting system as in the Renegade missions.
  8. I liked being an SBH with a repair gun Although there was a moment when we were camping inside the GDI bunker as sbh's both with a repair gun, so we could repair each other, that was a bit unfair i guess. Other than that I don't see why you wouldn't keep the other weapons in, it was fun to collect them all and have a ton of weapons to choose from.
  9. Are we talking about the same thing? The Static Lighting Resolution of the landscapes.. some other maps: Complex: 2 in tunnels & 1 on the surface Under: 6 (both i think) Field: 1 Goldrush: 8
  10. This is true for the sniper maps, the only changes I'd need to make are; Check the Deathmatch box in the world properties, remove the kismet that gives you a sniper rifle instead of usual weapons, and maybe remove the smoke grenade pick-ups or set them to something different. I wouldn't even need to rebuild lights, The only downside is that it's another 110 MB of data, maybe something can be done server side so we can just use the current version? Edit: And don't forget there's also a Deathmatch version of Complex, it's really good if you ask me.
  11. Number of light bounces is 3, I had lots of pointlights (I had about 12 extra in the barracks to try and lighten it and it didn't change a thing), the skybox was set to cast shadows, but when i disabled that it didnt change anything (neither after or before building lights). I've tried Lightmap resolutions of 1, 2 and 6, 6 looked horrible, not much difference between 1 and 2. Then i copied all the world info settings from field, I already copied the DominantDirectional Light, still the same problem. And yes I use lightmass. I have sortof fixed it.. I made a copy of Field, removed everything but the skybox and dominant light, then I copied everything (except skybox and dominant light) from Snow and pasted it in, it looks good now. But I'm still very curious what caused this (and this solution feels a bit wrong to me lol ). One other thing I forgot to note; the shadows change when I zoom out, and they actually look more smooth and less dark, what did I do to cause this? Maybe the problem lies in that..
  12. I've said it before, buildings need to have an interior. You don't need to make a 1-on-1 copy of the RA2 structures, Renegade structures aren't a 1-on-1 remodel of the Tiberian Dawn structures either, they've made them different so you can go inside.. The airstrip had a tower added, for instance. Other than that, the model looks good.
  13. Hi, I've posted this on the tmx forums but I'll post it here too to reach more people who might be able to help: I've been getting really dark shadows in some places somehow, even if i put a lot of lights in, when I build lights, some parts are as dark as a black hole. The barracks are the worst: http://i.imgur.com/6TqQI4f.jpg This is before building lights, and just after placing a couple of extra lights to brighten the path between WF and tunnel up: http://i.imgur.com/6lUJEco.jpg And this is how it looks after building lights: http://i.imgur.com/XJ8S0dJ.jpg Those rocks do seem to accept the light, but the terrain doesn't.. there's both spotlights and pointlights there. Another example, pre-built: http://i.imgur.com/Tw52JtA.jpg and then built: http://i.imgur.com/sMBlLfi.jpg (especially the rocks on the left are way too dark. I've tried a lot of different settings, copied lights from nightmaps where they DID work, but I can't find what's causing this. I'm getting pretty sick of having to build lights for 18 minutes very time just to find out that it didn't work how I wanted to, if anyone can help or has ideas, please help.
  14. Oh please gosh no. I don't want to play with the slowtaku audience. I'm not Kotaku audience but those highlight reels are always quite entertaining. I think there's a lot more like me. I could help design a level, and do some of the mapping. I can't really script/program though.. So if anyone reading this, I can help think of the layout and stuff/events that should happen, and map it. (just a smal proof of concept though, I don't want to make a full campaign or something, no time for that.)
  15. So far I haven't been able to make this in Kismet (tried it a couple of weeks ago, with a hidden silo way out of the playing area), can't seem to set a silo to a specific team via Kismet.
  16. I also think we could use some more income on this map. I wish it was possible with kismet, or in a map's settings to change the amount of cash a silo gives per second. I really need that for C&C-Snow as well.. (especially since that one has only 1 silo per team and vehicles. And more toilets please.
  17. Getting a video with some epic or cool stuff happening on Kotaku highlight reel might be good. (shitty news site, but the highlight reels are funny)
  18. Yoo, I made a sniper version of Under, here is the download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9cp45b9otg5kdfj/CNC-Sniper-Under.zip?dl=0 I've made some portals too, to make for a safe spawning area: http://i.imgur.com/nyHj01E.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9zYy0df.jpg http://i.imgur.com/17QPJoC.jpg
  19. Enemy Team Wins, I guess. maybe now's a good time to update the endagme screen so it tells the proper reason why you've won or lost the game.
  20. I like that surrender option I remember a post from you about maybe changing the vote system, are you still thinking about changing that? It was in the topic about the commander mod.
  21. I like the Reccomendations system on TmX. And: Kills, Vehicle Kills, Building Kills. I wouldn't want to be reminded of how many hours of my life I've spent playing Ren-X all the time. It's ok if it's in the player profile, but don't show it when entering the game please.
  22. Was just gonna post that I got it to work, made a tiny mistake . But that's even better, because this still has the "Harvester Ready" anouncement.
  23. Thx, I didn't think of those settings. I also had to use a Teleporter instead of a touch volume, it works now. Once the Teleporter is touched, it gets destroyed (after teleporting the harvester ofcourse). Edit: Never mind, it works in editor, but doesn't work in-game..
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