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Everything posted by testman

  1. Savage Resurrection is now free to play. Imagine if Warcraft 3 and Renegade X had a baby. And that baby was able to BUILD BASES . http://store.steampowered.com/app/366440 >b-but negative reviews Mostly due to nobody playing it before it was F2P, and people who bought it did not have fun playing with bots. Would anyone want to try it out with me?
  2. Well, that would make sense on Whiteout / Tomb. Purchasable drivable harvesters for extra team credits when? And for harvester rushes of course.
  3. 5.281 is out. Do we have any good videos that present Renegade X in best way possible? Can I start posting TK0104's PUG recordings everywhere around the internet, from Reddit to mongolian imageboards?
  4. I feel you bro. I come play PUGs with hope that I will be able to trust my team. If I can't trust teammates to keep the base alive while I'm in the field doing some damage, or if I can't trust them to provide relevant info from the happenings on the field, I also get salty AF. But that is a problem of perspective: I believe myself to have my priorities in order, to know what is the best thing to do in certain situation. But that's my personal perspective. What if my idea about the best action is not as good as idea from someone else. Should I insist that my idea will work? Should I follow someone's idea even if I am convinced that it has low chance of success? Would it make sense to have teamwork exercises on pre-PUG instead of just dicking around? Would that in any way help resolve the issue with bad mood / morale in PUGs?
  5. Can we make this project thing happen once 5.28 hits?
  6. Horde mode on Crashsite? My ideas: Server with classic UT maps/game modes but RenX weapons as pickups. Mode where you gain veterancy extremely fast but lose it all when you die. Enable friendly fire Enable announcer voice with UT-like killstreaks 3 laps race with Humvees and Buggys around Mesa II Rocket league with Humvees and Buggys Convert RenX into RPG Also rank bot should be expanded, so whenever someone says ".dank" it tells you a dank quote or meme.
  7. Yep, here it shows how we clearly didn't get enough medium tanks fast enough.
  8. Re-watched Battlefield Friends recently. This character was probably a reference to @CampinJeff Click
  9. O, nice, didn't know about that. Thank you.
  10. I think this thing could use some improvements. 1. Add ability to remove "take point" / "defend" marker Many times I accidentally placed it on the ground instead of unit / harverster that I wanted to tag. 2. make /c message appear in the "Mission info" box (the one that people keep asking how to hide it) I could try implementing those changes if I manage to learn UDK quick enough and if I don't accidentally code CABAL. Is the source code for that thing already on my computer or do I have to ask Yosh to share it?
  11. I think this thread is going nowhere productive and should be locked. I already smell Godwin's Law about to happen.
  12. Also, I have some strange Leeroy Jenkins like mentality. I like to sacrifice myself for the greater good and do as much damage as possible. That's why I usually play with free infantry and prefer marathon over AOW. And even with tanks, if I have enough money, I will gladly over-extend with my tank to make some extra damage. Also, I like to buy time for my teammates by acting as a distraction / target for enemy, making them focus fire on me while teammates use that time for something productive. For example in yesterday's PUG, I made a radical decision to buy flame tank on Lakeside-NF, while GDI tanks were in front of our base. I had enough money, so I went for flamer, because I *wanted* GDI to shoot at me instead of at turret which didn't have many repairs. GDI basically had to focus on me, otherwise I could do some serious damage to them if I got close.
  13. Those were some fun games. I was on team @Quincy and we had really good communication going. All the time I had a feeling that I know what's going around on the map, and that's really good feeling for me. I'm sorry for getting a bit loud few times (mostly about getting more tanks), but it really bothers me when team does not use good opportunities for turning the tide of the game. And also sorry for not responding properly to situation in barracks on Fort. I presumed that if there is no yelling in my ear, that situation was taken care of. Gladly I think @Gliven informed me that my presumptions are wrong and that there are still people in Bar. Lakeside and Fort were not so easy as you describe them. You guys (team @CampinJeff) also had a good vehicle play. On Lakeside we exchanged hill quite a few times and one time you managed to push us all the way back into our base. After WF went down, I got in a tank, but from what I understand, you also mad a very good infantry rush. I was happy to hear that even though you got inside the HoN, our team still managed to keep it alive. On the other side of map, all our vehicles used this opportunity to melt your refinery. And on Fort you also had us locked in our base for some time. GGs overall, had fun.
  14. Quick somewhat relevant interjection before serious thread starts. OK, now serious thread can start.
  15. With some effort you could get it working with WINE or in Windows virtual machine by enabling PCI passtrough to get GPU working properly inside it. Or just dual-boot macOS with Windows. From what I understand, Apple has that Boot Camp thingy which makes dual booting work fine.
  16. Wait, how is IRC client not a waiting room? Question is just if you will connect it to cncirc's #renegade-x or will you make new channel called #renegade-x-lobby. If you can, throw launcher code on Github, maybe I can write some spaghetti code that would help make those proposed changes happen.
  17. Since RenX player base is big enough to fill one server at a time, I have had an opportunity to meet all kinds of players, from very polite players who play well and fair, to absolute shitheads who argue in team chat about irrelevant stuff while their base is burning around them. I think that for community to grow in size and quality, players should try giving their best in all aspects of the game. Some time ago, Valve released videos of talks that happened at Steam Dev Days. Among those talks was one that touched on this subject: The interesting part for me is at 36:45. At the end-game survey they asked "did you have good teammates?", not that much for the data but mostly for the purpose of asking the next question: "How good of a teammate was I?" They say that simple addition like this improved the quality of their community quite a bit. I think that adding the end game survey to RenX would probably have similar results. What do you guys think?
  18. After PUG ended I noticed that I had some issues with TeamSpeak, but some people said that they heard me during the PUG, so I presume people on my team was able to hear me. I'm not exactly sure about that, since on Volcano someone volunteered to stay in PP after I already volunteered, and me yelling into the microphone about flamers coming to refinery also didn't seem to have desired effect. Apparently, this was exactly the opposite of an issue that someone else on our team had: fucking echo and noises for two rounds straight before I had to Alt-Tab into TS and mute the dude for me. I wonder if anyone on our side was recording so that I can check if I was heard or not. I unironically think that it would not hurt to have few team-building exercises before PUG starts, on fields of both communication and competence. I would very much like to contribute to team morale and effectiveness, but I still don't know what works best in PUGs. Should I yell at you guys about what I think are the priorities in certain situation, since being loud is very important to reach certain audience? Should I insult you to get your attention when pointing out important / critical stuff? Should I sing a nice song about how we need to focus on getting the plateau on Walls or we will get sniped and Apache rushed into oblivion? Also, what would be the right amount of suggestions and feedback? I don't know if I'm providing too much unnecessary info to voice chat, therefore clogging it. And I don't know the best strategies for all situations, so I am not sure at what times my strategical suggestions are welcome.
  19. I agree that H-X 2 is better solution, and if there was any implementation of "Request" option, I would love to see it being the one that functions as described in H-X 2. However, like I pointed out in my above post, there are still specific situations where this is not an optimal solution. Having "Request" option would be great improvement / addition to current donation system, but to have system that would work well even in some unlikely specific situations, we would have to "go overboard and over-complicate @YagiHige's idea". I am not saying that it should be now. I'm not saying that it should be any kind of priority at this moment. Once every other issue in Renegade X has been dealt with, then we can maybe open up this discussion again and ask "Ok, how could credits requesting work better?" For now, having a system that instantly transfers requested amount would be great solution.
  20. TL,DR: Go to "donate partially" While I agree that above idea would be a great improvement over current donation mechanics, it would still have some issues in certain situations. For example: You are part of the glorious Brotherhood of Nod, you are fanatically devoted to the cause and the best way to destroy opposing GDI base is with stank rush. You and Pussydestroyer69 have 1,5k credits each and you both want to get stealth tank (900 credits) Player420balezit wants to also join in, but is broke and therefore he makes a donation request for 900 credits. If any of you donate for dude's stank, you have to wait 300 credits before your own. If you buy your stank, you are left with 600 credits and don't have enough to match dude's request. Here come the options: Either game denies you donation (you can't donate unless you have more than what is in request) or game allows you to donate *all* your credits. You get left with 0 and dude's is partially financed. (somewhat risky to have that option in game IMHO) In second case, both you and Pussydestroyer69 can donate, but then you are both on 0 and Player420balezit is left with 300 credits too much. With my proposed system, there would still be an issue, since timing would have to be correct. if both you and Pussydestroyer69 set your overflow limit to 1k at the start of the match, Player420balezit would still have to be the first to withdraw your overflow credits before you guys buy stank, otherwise you both go below and dude can't withdraw anything. However, with a bit more of code wizardry, there could be third option, which would probably work best for everyone: Donate partially Game would have to keep track of how much was already donated, and keep the donation request going if it's not met or timer runs out. First come, first donate. You donate first, you donate 600, left with 0. Then Pussydestroyer69 donates, but only 300 is taken away from him. That would still require a bit more of donator involvement than my proposal of automated communism, but still way less than in current donation system. Sorry for TL;DR essay
  21. I have noticed that it happened quite few times now that one team (usually the team that I am on) destroys a first building while still having all their buildings alive, but then fails to take advantage of the situation and in the end gets all their buildings destroyed and loses the match. Is there any scientific / psychological / sociological explanation behind this?
  22. bumpus maximus
  23. I chose you guys to be on my team. However, as you might have noticed, I underestimated the skill of some people on the other team, which resulted in in-optimal team composition and therefore somewhat lack of balance. It's not like we got instantly overrun, outgunned, destroyed and humiliated every match. We did stand our ground for quite some time, but things slowly snowballed into our disadvantage. I think that most of the time we had an excellent communication and map awareness going on, and I thank everyone who provided suggestions and feedback. Again, I apologise to everyone who did not have fun today because of my decisions.
  24. testman


    nice devnuke How come Irwe plays a lot of RenX but never joined us in PUGs? I don't even know if he's on forums. Should we invite him?
  25. 4:15 What the fuck, why was there an engie rush? There might have been some chaos on our team, but I do not remember us making any engie rushes at that time. I don't have a problem with the concept of engie rush, but I do have a problem with engie rush PULLING THE WHOLE GDI TEAM TO WF 10 SECONDS BEFORE ARTYS STARTED SHOOTING 10 SECONDS Was there actually planned engie rush and I did not pay enough attention to know about it? Or did someone on our team forgot to mention that GDI is basically fully prepared to outheal everything we throw at WF?
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