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About Fffreak9999

  • Birthday September 16

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  1. Should still be possible, check if you are using Waypoints or Navmesh
  2. Locked This is meant to be aimed at CT's moderators, not the general game forum, and you have been reached out to by one of the CT mods who has dealt with the issue.
  3. I used to use custom names for bots, but over time just gave up changing them, it's never been a massive benefit.
  4. You should consider uploading it in the Downloads -> Levels category. https://ren-x.com/files/category/4-levels/
  5. Please delete the binaries folder of Renegade X, Then open the launcher and use the option to Verify Files. This will fix the issue.
  6. You can use our SDK which we published to make whatever changes you want to the game and running it as your own server or mutator.
  7. Fffreak9999

    Updated SDK

    For all the modders out there, or people wanting to get involved in modding Renegade X, we have just published an update to the SDK which includes all the recent code changes to the game. Grab it from here:
  8. If you need any advice, then let me know, I can help run you through it. You can also find more info here: https://wiki.ren-x.com/wiki/Server
  9. Wrong thread to post in for this issue. Please follow the instructions in this thread.
  10. Try activating Level 9 bots. I think you will be quite surprised.
  11. You need to allow connections under that port (default: 7777) Windows Firewall - Inbound Connections - UDP 7777 If you are also using the launcher, you also need to ensure that your router is allowing internet traffic to be directed at the server. You can use "open" to join if you have the UDP 7777 done in Windows. But using the launcher to join, will require Port Forwarding/Triggering
  12. To add to what Gex has mentioned: Some of the probabilities and crates have changed since then, but the overall system behind it is still the same.
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