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Everything posted by IllumZar

  1. What's New in Version 1.1.0
  2. Sadness...
  3. Well, we sure had a lot of fun with the ramp you provided us!
  4. The model looks really sweet! Do you remember TCW (TiberiumCrystalWar)? it was a mod for the original renegade with cnc3 units and buildings. Maybe you can contact @zunnie he was one of the developers of that mod. He could give you a hint or two Keep up the good work!
  5. The maps look really good! Great job! I'll try them out once I reinstalled OpenRA
  6. IllumZar


    Version 1.1.0


    Set in a Tiberium infested wasteland where GDI and Nod battle for the remains of an old Nod Refinery and research facility. - DM Map - Recommented for 2-6 Players - Size: Small - Try to combine this with the WeaponDrop mutator! - WIP topic:
  7. View File CNC-Fallen Set in a Tiberium infested wasteland where GDI and Nod battle for the remains of an old Nod Refinery and research facility. - DM Map - Recommented for 2-6 Players - Size: Small - Try to combine this with the WeaponDrop mutator! - WIP topic: Submitter IllumZar Submitted 02/08/2017 Category Levels
  8. I had this problem when RenX first came out and I was still playing on my laptop. What specs does your PC have? Did you try to turn all the settings to low?
  9. ^bump So whats the plan?
  10. Hey guys! sorry for the late reply The idea of an organized gameplay testing session sounds awesome! Hope we get enough players. Write me in for all dates! Let's say I'll be to 90% there (depends on flight school)... I would !suggest Frostbite for the first playtest because it's imo the most advanced and ready2go map currently on the list As for Sand; future versions will still need some server testing (mainly because of the horribly disfigured BuildingInterface) So I don't know if i can squeeze out a new version before this weekend -> maybe test it on another session? Last not least I'd like to !rec @DarkSn4ke & @Try-Out for the awesome work their doing And also to @Ryz for constantly keeping the topic updated.
  11. currently testing the map on Try's minibox. EDIT: found a lot of bugs
  12. but Sand also has a blossom tree
  13. @TK0104 Thanks! No you did not miss anything "Fallen" lacks in the same way as "Dust" did meaning that the community seems to not like DM/Inf only maps. Fallen is actually ready for further testing.. Maybe I'll release it just for the heck of it.
  14. Hey all! I've been working on a new map for quite a while now and I need some community feedback! For those who want to take a closer look at it: CNC-Sand.zip Special thanks to: @Henk for letting me use his RepairPad assets @Ruud033 & @DaKuja for taking a look at the map and finding the first bugs This time it's a map of mine wich features vehicles yay. It's designed to be a fun map and also an attempt to make a map that is actually going to be played on a server. Some of you may remember the good old renegade map "CnC-Sand": It was infantry only, so I descided to remake the rough design and add extra vehicle paths: ^note the blocking volumes on the eges of the map (replace them with soft level boundry?) Got some more screens for you to get the feel of it: RepairPad: I reaaallyyyyyyyy want this "building" to be ingame D: SOOOO EPIC! Right now it repairs about 18hp per 1.5 sec and gives you 1 point per intervall. Please keep in mind that this is still a WIP with lots to do and does not reflect a full release ^^ Now my questions: To expand this map further/balance it a bit more I have thought about a couple scenarios: 1.) Oddly enough advanced base defences do not attack harvesters. With that in mind, what do you think about adding them (red squares) close to the choke point? It would keep it free from other vehicles and the battle focuses more on the long vehicle route. And the Zzzap!!! from the obi would become routine *^* 2.) Expanding the map to the north (pink lines) to open up a new battlefield with more infantry only rocks and a silo at the top. What do you guys think?
  15. Looking good! About your Game Artist career: Be prepared to get disappointed.. a lot... But good luck!
  16. 10/10 Epic! Can't wait to see the dynamic weather
  17. Not quite on-topic but did you ever thought about the SBH laserrifle or the LCG being realistic? http://www.wickedlasers.com/arctic ^Most powerfull handheld laser.. just make this 50x stronger and voila you have your laserrifle
  18. Please say you're joking... But yeah this is a gaming forum after all... So let's talk about games
  19. If you want to take a look at it I can release it. The major design of this map is finished. Well, YES with a lot of imagination^^ It's supposed to be some sort of "root" connecting the riparius.
  20. Hey! Thanks for the suggestion! Yes I know what you mean (I am German^^). But I doubt there would be any use for this "building" to be on a map (to increase Tiberium growth? But there is no growth in RenX) Maybe as deco... But then again, someone has to model it and that's not my speciality.
  21. Well I wouldn't say that 2 or 3 helis per team defeat the objective of non flying. Let's say it's a nice addition that not much maps have (flying). And don't you think adding more AAs would just drag the game longer and make it more stale? I hope you consider the Helipad an option but in any case I'd love to see whatever you make out of this^^
  22. Hey looking really great so far ! keep it up!^^
  23. Ah I see... The reason I hope to see this feature soon is because imo it would drastically increase the number of players online. Example: When I see a server with 39 players, I'll give it one try to join. If it kickes me out because it's full (after watching that intro that feels like half an hour for the 6015th time) I turn around and just play another game leaving RenX behind for the day... And a lot (most) of players think that way... especially the new ones. And of course nobody wants to play on an empty server... Thats why there is often one server with 40ppl, the 2nd one maybe 3ppl and the rest 0. The ppl want to play BUT - they don't want to join an empty server - they don't want to wait 10min to join a full server It is possible to populate multiple servers; like today there was the PUG server and the normal Server and both were very well filled with players. Just my thought sry if I'm overreacting
  24. @Fffreak9999 To bring this topic back to life with a new idea (Don't think this has been mentioned before): How about adding the Helipad from BeachHead to both factions??? - A new building, wich would be very exciting (especially for new Players)! - Lakeside would be set as "nonflying" in the settings -> can't buy Orcas/Apaches from WF/Strip - Aerial units could be only bought through the Helipad - VERY IMPORTANT: You can set the max number of Orcas/Apaches on the map -> for example: only 3 per team -> No Orca/Apache rush possible!!! - Intense tank warfare possible - You can still get the delicate taste of flying these b*tches beautiful, dynamic aerial machines. - The Helipad could be given a MCT and make it an independent "Techbuilding" like the Silo on Snow - Maybe make it possible to buy Orcas/Apaches if the WF/Strip is destroyed?? You guys/girls should consider this option because every time LakesideNF is being played, the server population halves... Regards
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