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Everything posted by Daedhart

  1. Yeah, I think Id prefer the point split up system more...though that may change if/when I get a clan.
  2. Daedhart

    HeLp ??

    The multiplayer will be a separate download, too, and wont require Black Dawn to run.
  3. "will be" as in clans have been announced in the game but are not active yet? What are communities? And why are there only 3 left? By communities, he meant currently operating servers from the original Renegade and the forums/players that use them.
  4. My suggestions were made under the assumption that everybody would get one hit kills and would be auto Rav/Syd. I think doing it this way would justify the 3-5 minute time, especially if the base defenses are disabled. This would also justify the need to be teleported back to base, since somebody might hide inside an enemy building until SD started and then get a really quick one-hit-kill on the MCT. However, if SD is just going to involve more minor changes like base defenses being down, no repair and double damage, then yes 3-5 minutes seems a little short. In that case, 10 minutes would probably be appropriate. If we are going to go this route, though, Id like to look at some of the ideas critically. 1st, I am completely against any change to the spawn rate (eliminating spawns or just slowing them down). I dont think doing this would be in the spirit of what SD is supposed to be: a way to quickly destroy the enemy base. Slowing down spawns to 7 seconds feels like too minor a change, while slowing the spawns to any degree that would actually affect gameplay would break flow. 2nd, shutting down power also seems counter-productive when the idea of SD is to quickly destroy the enemy base. If everything takes double credits, it would take twice as long to buy an arty to rush with. This would also greatly encourage people to horde credits before SD goes into effect. Base defenses going down would be a good idea, though. Also, doubling the price of all items would kind of screw new players jumping in after SD. (Statistically speaking, this would be pointless to enable along with double damage since it would take twice as long to get a vehicle that you can kill a building with twice as fast, essentially cancelling each other out) 3rd, as said before, this type of SD would need to last somewhere between 10-15 minutes. If it was any shorter, it would not be enough time to accomplish the goal. It is for this reason that, IMO, the one hit kill would trump this because stapling on an extra 10-15 minutes to each match feels like going against the spirit of SD. So, the two (mutually-exclusive) acceptable ideas to me would be... Quick SD: -Everyone is a Rav/Syd -One hit kills (except on outside of buildings) -Everybody is teleported to spawn when it starts -3 to 5 minutes at the end of a match -Disabled base defenses Traditional SD: -Double damage -No mines -No repairs -Disabled base defenses -10 to 15 minutes at the end of a match -No teleports
  5. This is basically my opinion, as well. As far as Im concerned, adding something to vanilla should only be done if it really improves the game in a way that isnt too arbitrary. In other words, I want to enjoy my tasty pasta meal without some lone cook thinking it would be a good idea to tape a Snickers bar to it.
  6. I dunno, Im not as interested in such a feature. Part of the fun with random play is the fact that the teams are random. I guess Id need to see the system in action before Id say I liked it or not.
  7. Heheh Id go a step further and donate a personal engi to follow them around everywhere. I can see the initial running through the field with a normal soldier and an engi repairing him.
  8. Oh yeah, I remember that map; it was fun. I still dont see the point of adding the recon bike to RenX, though. If it is added, something should be added to GDI to counterbalance, but I really cant think of anything.
  9. Considering it wasnt in the original Renegade and is kind of moot as long as the buggy exists, I doubt it.
  10. Also just thought of this: in one-hit-kill SD, pistols would need to be disabled, too. Im basically pulling this thought from Unreal Tournament. Fitting when you think about it.
  11. Thats about 3 CST. I may join in, but I might end up needing to do something else.
  12. What time frame would it be? I dont know when you guys do your tests.
  13. Just find a bunch of guys (people) you like and play with them. Normally a clan will emerge out of this. Normally you have a lot of more fun if you play in a clan with people you like. Yeah, would be nice if I could get a group of people I know personally. My friends are a bunch of losers though, so Im not expecting them to appreciate the awesome of this game lol
  14. Im probably going to want to grab a clan. I missed out on the whole clan mechanic in the original, dont want to miss out again.
  15. Daedhart


    Word up!
  16. Sorry bra, wasnt my intention. lol
  17. Yeah, the clan is the same basic concept of a guild, just slightly different terminology.
  18. Sweet; didnt think the idea would garner much attention. I like most of the ideas. I certainly wasnt thinking of it as a way to end a match, but that is an awesome way to implement it. The ion storm idea is pretty cool, too. Maybe just to be safe, make sudden death the 3-5 minutes before the ion storm hits, at which point the game would end (everybody is destroyed, thus ending the game). Also, Im not so sure about the saving up situation. Thats kinda the reason I specifically said everybody would be a Rav/Syd. Think about it, if sudden death would give everybody one hit kills, a basic soldier would decimate everybody. And sudden death without one-hit-kills sounds kinda boring. Saving up would be pointless since youre going to be a Rav/Syd anyway; and buying vehicles would just give the enemy free points. So after the game timer runs out, all players are warped back to their base spawns and turned into Ravs/Syds. Then there are one-hit-kills on everything except the outside of the buildings (only on MCTs). Possibly disable base defenses. And if nothing is accomplished after the 3-5 minute limit, the ion storm destroys everything and ends the game, causing a points victory.
  19. Meh, stuff like this would just break the balance, regardless of how its implemented. Now, a sudden death match would be interesting. Everybody is automatically upgraded to a Rav/Syd with instant one hit kills, and buildings are one hit kills if you hit the MCT. Tanks would be worthless in this mode. I can see 10 Ravs rushing the DT with 9 of them dying on the way lol.
  20. Try updating your graphics driver. It sounds like an issue with your graphics card. Its also very possibly due to overheating; try cleaning out your card. Freezing without errors is usually a graphics card problem.
  21. Perhaps. We could also marry one of them and then divorce them the same day. Divvying up our assets that way couldnt possibly be suspicious.
  22. BLUE! Windows 7 is Vista... Make sure you have free RAM as well, in case you are running any other background processes like VMs or multiple random programs. Its also possible that you are using a 32 bit OS, in which case you could only utilize 4 Gb of RAM.
  23. Renegade was a pretty weak game graphically. I remember running it above 30fps back on my sad little 7800 GT. I dont think you need to worry. The Unreal engine has always been pretty tight. It may not be as efficient as Source, but its close.
  24. Pfft, they would probably claim the klondike bar caused millions of dollars worth of damages in some way I would love for that to end up in a court, just so I could see the judge do a facepalm. Im tempted to mail the devs a box of Klondike Bars (no, refrigeration costs too much) to initiate that.
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