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Everything posted by Daedhart

  1. You cant understand until you create something similar; maybe not as big as RenX, but something that took time and effort. When whateveritis is finally finished, the feeling of people discovering and enjoying it is something that cannot be explained, its great. Its the same reason artists did what they did before copyright law existed and when being an artist most likely meant being poor. Sure the resume/portfolio reason is there, but I think that was more of an indirect benefit. I think they did it simply to do it.
  2. Red Alert: You build buildings and tanks and kill the enemy who is doing the same. Red Alert 2: You build buildings and tanks and kill the enemy who is doing the same. Red Alert 3: You sniff a bunch of people's butts.
  3. I would eat a Klondike Bar.
  4. Renegade is definitely different from those other games like CC:S. In the game, you dont just buy a weapon, some armor and a pistol; you buy an entire character. When you purchase an advanced class, you get not only the gun but the player skin and any other added stuff (like extra C4 with Hotwire/Technician). You can buy a few extra things that dont come with the advanced class (ion/nuke beacon and airstrikes), but those are expensive and not something you would purchase every time, so custom buying templates would be bad because they would eat up your credits really quickly. Its good that it works like this because it allows the player to instantaneously know what weapons the enemy running towards you has and whether you should fight or run for the hills; a feature completely absent in CC:S. You never know if the dude you see has an insta-kill n00bcannon until hes already shot you.
  5. Im primarily asking for others, I have a kickass windows pc, but some of my co-workers are die-hard mac OS users and refuse to even emulate windows to do anything (so convincing them to try this game isn't working out atm) Thats ridiculous. Some people were boycotting GTA5 because they only had a iOS version of their game-editing app. Why do people do that. It's modern technology, you just use some kind of hooks, it impresses people, yada yada. Why would you sound so dumb for not supporting a game acting like someone personally insulted your religion by not supporting it on your OS? It isn't insult, it is a lot of work to get a game working on one OS, a lot of re-work to get a game working for another one at the same time as the first, and the work is being done for free so it is asking for a lot... Really, I hope the devs can if it is in fact possible for that version of UDK. If not the devs, I hope a Mac user makes some sort of tutorial on a fix to make it work. Wooo, I love tangents! Actually, I cant even pretend debate this time because I absolutely agree on every level. Mac peeps get WAY too defensive about their OS. They forget that a computer is just a tool, its what you use it for that is important. It shouldnt be that big of a deal to slightly modify the tool if there is a task it needs to do which, at present, it cant. I feel people are so defensive about their OS for the same reason they are so defensive with music: its part of their identity. The moment you challenge one's identity, you challenge their very existence. Individuality is overrated.......personalized avatars and signatures notwithstanding... *wink wink*
  6. Probably doesnt want to give EA any ammunition.
  7. I got on here a couple years ago and checked back every now and then when Im rummaging through my game list looking for something to play and see Renegade on there.
  8. True that, though lack of donations does not seem to discourage the devs in the slightest.
  9. UDK 3 supports Mac, but I cant find any indication that UDK 4 works for it. If it doesnt, then a Mac port will be impossible.
  10. Yeah, this will hardly be the bloodiest game ever. If you can stand killing people en masse as is required in the gameplay, youll probably be good. Id compare the graphic-level to Half Life 2.
  11. lol? You get an awesome blast from the past, bro!
  12. Again, what is the matter with this dude? If he wasnt so insistent on shoving his (apparently) minority opinion down everybody's throats of a 12 year old game, then I might be happy with this. Maybe if he was actually professional about it and held his personal opinion of the IP until the end and first talked about RenX itself, I might be a bit more forgiving.
  13. I am in the same boat as you. I work as IT/Maintenance for a charter school (several campuses), and all of my co-workers (save for my boss, who refuses to try it bc he is too much of a starcraft die-hard) are waiting eagerly for the release. did you tell him, if this game peaks other company's interest, that starceaft have designs for their own, sitting on a vaporware shelf, waiting for them to go thru with? I also forgot, a recent stream brings up a good point. It is difficult to explain this game is non monetized in any way. People hear free, they are all well aware of the common f2p model so they are expecting both a small poorly designed game and tons of pressure to buy in game items. That's the biggest talking point in this game, but it is hard to make people understand it is a fully functional game with access to all features out of the box and no purchaseable game content and that it is in fact. Against the rules for the devs to make any form of sales on this game. After I went back through and informed some about it being free, and discussed how it isn't just f2p model either, they were much more shocked at how good it looked. A Starcraft FPS...that just gave me goosebumps. Then again, Renegade was kinda the black sheep as far as genre translation; others wernt so lucky *cough* Syndicate, XCOM, et cetera *cough* *cough* And I can absolutely see people looking at this as a F2P game considering that other private game communities like private WoW servers have irritating "optional" item donation systems.
  14. Actually, this literally cannot happen. Totem Arts has made an agreement with EA: as long as Totem Arts does not accept ANY money (charges, donations, et cetera), then EA will allow the project to continue. If you ask any of the developers how to donate money, they will say "nope".
  15. True that. I suppose we should be happy Westwood dropped the three faction mechanic. Never made sense in Dune either, since Ordos was some nobody-house.
  16. Ive read on here that the AI in RenX is significantly more competent than in the original Ren, so Im definitely anxious to see if that truly holds up. Though, Id have sooner teamed up with a paper cutout of a soldier before picking the original AI...
  17. The hell is the matter with that guy? Opening up all his articles with an entire paragraph calling Renegade a horrible game all around sure as hell isnt going to foster a lot of love for Renegade X...
  18. So you think every game would turn to a free-for-all. I admit that aside from maybe clan battles, this is probably true.
  19. And the crowd goes wild! HHAAAAAA!
  20. I was just thinking about the original Westwood classics and thought of the Dune franchise. Then I thought, what if C&C had followed suit and introduced a third faction; like Atreides, Harkonen and Ordos. Thinking even further, I started thinking of translation of such a concept to Renegade and its multiplayer. So my challenge to you would be this... If Renegade X had three factions each with their own base, what would the gameplay be like? Would two of the teams join up to take out the third and then focus on each other? Would it just be a free-for-all? Would one team attack another until they were crippled and then leave them alone to try and farm enough credits to make a final defense? And what would happen if one team was taken out; where would their players go? They couldnt just be out, since the remaining two teams may take a while to kill each other. Surely, they would be absorbed into the remaining teams. Perhaps that would also create incentive to finish one faction off, hoping that their best players would then be forced to join you. Just a thought provoker...
  21. Ive got all my friends I work with ready to play. I work tech support, so my coworkers are all nerds and are into this sort of thing. Hopefully, I can keep them playing.
  22. Heh, no doubt. Maybe its because I never did anything clan related, but I never saw coordination like that. It was always about getting your name to the top of the points list. Maybe this will motivate me to get a clan this time round.
  23. Sweeeeet. The Juggernaut always was one of my absolute favorites. I dont remember the Avatar, though. Was that in Firestorm? In any case, looks amazing.
  24. Flew right over my head when I was reading that article. Fucking facepalm lol. Worse part is, this game's legacy predates battlefield if I am not mistaken. In other words, battlefield is nothing but a cheap knockoff of this, not the other way around. Also, the objective is quite different. How even... I just don't know. It is hard to resonate with "common gamers" when you "know your stuff". Actually, both C&C Renegade and Battlefield 1942 came out in 2002, though Renegade was in February and BF1942 was in September. Though this means they were both in development at the same time. Aside from the base aspect, they are very similar...though the base mechanic is the reason Renegade was so great. I dont necessarily blame people for making this connection, though.
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