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Everything posted by HaTe
Shame. Shame. Shame.
Yes but often times you won't even realize you've been donated to for several minutes. I tend to not focus on my credits while i'm mid-battle, and won't notice the donation text if it is only there for a few seconds. By the time I look and realize i've been donated to, it would take a minute or 2 to even scroll through that and find out who donated me...making it not really worth the effort of a thanks. Even a PM would be better than what it is now
orrrr you can just have it so that if a player's points don't increase at all in 7 minutes, send them a PM that they need to respond with !here every 20 seconds for a minute. If no response comes, it kicks them out of the game. I really just think that's the best way to avoid false positives and yet still work effectively. I really think Ryz's suggestion is something that desperately needs to be considered too though. So many games are decided off the start simply because of afkers on one team at game start.
Yes but if someone happens to get a crate or something right afterwards, that message goes away. I'd personally like to see the donation message appear in a similar fashion as nukes/ions laid, so as it make it more apparent. Or at least in the team chat
This and q-spotting mines in a dead building that need to be removed and q-spotting crate locations
It was enabled a couple of weeks ago (confirmed working), but then as of about a week or so ago, it hasn't been kicking afk players at all. Something went wrong.
I like this suggestion. Just make it so that a player has to press a button in order to be assigned to a team, rather than assigning them to a team automatically. The AFK bot also desperately needs to be reactivated. Not sure why it was deactivated in the first place as it seems to have been working just fine.
As of right now, the refinery is quite substantially the most important structure in the game. Since even without a vehicle or infantry purchasing building, you can still buy 3 advanced infantry, have airdrops available, and can buy nukes/ions/airstrikes, it makes the refinery the most important structure in the game (95% of the time at least). Because of that, I actually can see this being useful since the team without the refinery can still gain more credits/points by killing enemy units with airstrikes or ions if need be. In the original, each kill of an enemy unit equaled 9.99% the cost of that unit (exception = basic infantry that were 3 points for a full health kill). But since so many mechanics are changed from the original, I really actually wouldn't mind seeing this implemented. My original reaction was much the same of Cudaker's, but after playing some more and reconsidering; it really wouldn't be a bad addition.
Almost all of the tanks are based off of real life models. Medium tank is an M1 Abrams Tank (though it also highly resembles a Challenger 2 Tank). The Light Tank was originally based off of the M2 Bradley tank, but was remodeled for Renegade for FPS reasons. The flame tank mostly resembles a KhT-133 (OT-133), but with 2 flame extruding barrels rather than 1. Chinook and apache are obvious. Orca seems like a mostly unique sci-fi-esque model from what I've see, along with the stealth tank. Interestingly enough, the MLRS in real life had guided missiles added to it in 2006, 4 years after Renegade was released. The guided missiles made it into Renegade X though.
Islands too viewtopic.php?f=124&t=76304
If a 500 sniper is supposed to literally be 1/2 of a 1000 sniper, then I'd like to see how you consider the chaingunner compared to the mobius/Mendoza lol. 500 snipers in Renegade had a faster RoF than a ramjet and 1 shot killed on headshot against any unit. Less damage, higher fire rate, same cost for benefit per skill as the ramjet. That's how they should be. Snipers in Renegade were op...Lets not pretend they weren't. Snipers in ren x are drastically underwhelming right now though. Lower damage. Half fire rate. Longer reload. Faster movement speed. Oh...and a 500 sniper doesn't even headshot kill all units. Over-compensation at its finest...which is fine as long as everything else is relatively the same...which most things are...but not all things (which I already went over)
Well it took 61 pages to finally come to the conclusion that having competitive public games is a complete oxymoron and is rarely ever going to be accomplished. That's the problem when you can't handpick players. I would suggest a doing a Teamspeak "Draft" before the game starts and reorganizing before the game starts, but I have a feeling that certain people would get way too sensitive over it. In Renegade, there was a script set up on competitive servers that made it so that all players had to to type !r (ready) before the game could start (time, harvester, and credits were all stalled prior to this, along with movement being impossible too). That gives time for reorganization and helps kick any potential afkers at the start of a game as well. Food for thought
I don't think it's derailing when we're talking about the power of units. Since it's all going to be relevant to the power of the other units in play, they all should be considered. Snipers are in a decent spot as far as rate of fire I believe, but they feel entirely underwhelming against any spray and pray weapon because of the bodyshot and headshot multiplier rewarding lag more than skill right now. A sniper should be able to one shot headshot kill any unit. Period. That's their usage. For them to not have that functionality makes them utterly worthless (hence why I see 500 snipers used far less than any other infantry unit in the game). Schott is clearly being sarcastic and I find it entirely shocking that no one has realized that yet. He's not great with his English, but it can be interpreted pretty easily by me still at least..
I think snipers are in a decent spot overall. I don't think that mendoza, mobius, patch, mcfarland, and officer are though. Patch "noobtube" grenade is OP as hell with the splash damage it does, and his speed was buffed a tad bit too much. Mcfarland just needs his speed nerfed back down to a normal amount (the speed increase on slopes in combination with an AOE attack is just too strong on specific maps. He also has too long of a range if you ask me...shooting from the top mid of Walls down onto enemies early game after grabbing both crates with the speed boost is turning out to be quite OP). Mobius, mendoza, and officer (and chem, but he is just very situational) just need their damage reworked a bit. Increase headshot multiplier and decrease bodyshot multiplier. It's too easy to just spray and pray kill right now. I think that snipers are very underwhelming right now because of the units that are relatively too strong right now; not that the sniper units themselves are underpowered. Can we please make it so that a headshot with a 500 sniper kills a 1000 character though? Kind of ridiculous that it doesn't, and is a big part on why almost no one ever uses a 500 sniper.
You must have downloaded the 420 trippy smoke change
It does do that already. I'm not sure it does full damage though. Saw an arty survive with a timed c4 sakura in it the other day (arty ended up with like 20% HP).
Arty alone wasn't OP in original Renegade. It was the tech + arty combo. Glass cannon unit that had constant fast heals was the OP part. I'm talking tank splash damage in general though; not specifically the arty.
This game is based off of a FPS RTS game that is based off of an RTS series, actually. And that FPS RTS had higher splash damage (albeit too high on certain tanks) against infantry than this one has...and it didn't have the sprint function.
I'd actually agree with tanks needing more splash damage. It takes forever to kill an infantry unit with most tanks. With sprint and the small aoe damage they currently possess, sneaking up beside a tank and taking its attention off of other tanks is really quite too easy if you ask me
I'd rather see faster characters' stamina bar deplete faster, personally. It should be relative to the distance travelled. For example, if a character had 120% speed, they would run out of stamina at 100 meters, and a character that has 100% speed also runs out of stamina at 100 meters (but the faster character just arrives there quicker). Right now I believe (unconfirmed) speed also essentially affects endurance because of this (120% speed character runs out of stamina at 120 meters). It seems like this is the case at least.
Rype said the dot in the reticle should be in next patch I believe. I agree with the health and ammo pop-up point you brought up too. I was just thinking that the other day actually. For those of you who may not fully understand what he means: http://postimg.org/image/gnzo4t429/ Health Count and Ammo count. You can see how they appear on the left side screenshot, with details on the bottom right.
When checking the scoreboard, make it so that dead buildings also have the time in the game at which they were destroyed. It'd be very useful to players joining the game late to know how long a team has been without certain resources. A "Team Donate + Quit" button next to the Quit button. Donates to the team prior to leaving the game. Sometimes I have to leave in a hurry and don't have time to press the additional screen for donating to the team. I've also seen players leave with 10k while all others have only 1k or so. This button would be useful. Showing the building HP on the scoreboard at all times (not just when the armor is gone). Having a separate colored half-bar within the full armor bar to show HP would be nice. Right now a building can be low on HP but full on armor and the scoreboard won't indicate that I believe. Please make the voting buttons changeable within the settings. I have my chat buttons set to the default renegade scheme because I got so used to it, and I have to manually "voteno" now because of it. I still like the Renegade donate and PM functionality better than RenX's. Typing / and !d or !td were just quicker and more efficient (not that the current way is bad, but it just takes more time away from the game to do).
Yeah it's fun cause it's symmetrical and challenging yet rewarding to sneak. Lately it's played so much that people just camp all game because they recognize the sneak potential though.
I just think that you need the ability to hide to when sneaking in. Like behind rocks or elevated terrain. Under's issue is that every entrance is pretty much wide open, making it easy to spot any potential infiltration (that and vehicle rushes aren't highly effective because of poor physics, but that's just a given at this point). XMountain only has 3 real entrances, yet allows for sneaking quite effectively still, which is what makes it fun (and a pain in the ass to defend). As it stands, the game just screams "We're up a building, now let's just camp until they surrender." It's not a fun gameplay style for either team, but is effective for one of them. That's where we're at right now.