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Everything posted by HaTe
Sounds interesting and forces players make a decision. Few questions: what would happen if you lose the silo and choose for + 2 vehicles or + 5 mines? Those extra mines / vehicles dissapear? Or they can't be replaced while they are gone. Also note that f3, f4 and f5 are (team)chat related. I bet a lot off players never usd chat, but those who do will have a issue while voting cause it might also trigger chat and vise versa. I know it's just a concept ofc. Yeah it was just a concept. But I think that the mines and vehicles over the limit should stay, and the limit would just read 35/30, until 5 or more mines are disarmed. Same with vehicle limit. I personally have my chat options reconfigured to normal renegade buttons, so that the vote buttons are screwed up for me. I would love the option to renconfig those.
Are you talking about the specific role rewards of the tech buildings, or the models and design of them? Or both? I agree. I had a suggestion like this a long time ago. It was to basically have a quick 10 second team-vote upon capturing the tech building. The team-vote would ask the team to choose from 3 options, and the team would use the vote buttons (f3, f4, f5) to vote for which reward they wanted. Most votes = reward given until the enemy team recaptures the tech building. Could be something as simple as: f3 +1 credit/second f4 +2 vehicle limit f5 +5 mine limit Things of that nature. Would be cool to see.
They repair the same rate as in the original Renegade, and the only real problem with that in the original was the tech + arty combo being OP. Since Ren X makes the arty behave differently, that is pretty much negated. I think that their repair damage is fine, but just needs to be split so that one unit repairs certain things faster, whilst the other unit repairs the rest of the things faster (and the things they don't repair faster, they repair slightly slower). It gives them a real purpose rather than a character that has the most game-changing versatility in the game at only $350.
You can't connect from "Launch Game" neither?
Building occupants damage inside buildings
HaTe replied to Handepsilon's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Flame tank shooting through solid objects because the turrets extend into them is not by design. -
Just for the record, the obelisk and AGT worked differently depending on which scripts version the server was running in Renegade. The auto-charge was a big controversy for a while, so they eventually fixed it (since it was a glitch). I'm not entirely sure if ren x works this way, but the obelisk and AGT in Renegade prioritized infantry first. If there was a tank and an infantry in view, the agt cannon would shoot the infantry first, and the same goes for the obelisk (i believe turrets and guard towers too). I'm sure Stealtheye would be able to go deep into detail about this sort of thing if he still visits the forums. He knows renegade in and out
Image doesn't work for me. Try uploading to Imgur http://imgur.com/VMy3Aj7 It's a pretty basic design. My original idea was to have fountains and walkways and whatnot to make it look like a park inside of a city. I imagine that would be difficult to make though, so the theme can be whatever. That's just how I imagined it.
http://postimg.org/image/v8bwnzehp/full/ Again, it is a poorly made mspaint drawing with little description, but I can go into detail more if anyone would like to take it on. The idea was to make it a Central Park theme, but since I am not the creator of the map, and merely the original designer, anyone can do with the theme as they like. All that I ask is that it is not a nighttime map (daytime or dusk is fine though). Green dots = tib field path (this was made as a request for someone back in Renegade, but the actual map was never made). It is a flying map, and there are elevations that I can go further into detail about as well. Please let me know if you would like more details or explanations.
I know there are differences, so you may have to proofread and edit where necessary, but you can use this for a lot of the information: http://www.renegadewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page Spoony was the main contributor to that wiki, and he certainly knew his stuff.
If you are, I have a very quick and badly written out mspaint drawing of one that I designed for the original Renegade that I think would play nicely in Renegade X. I can of course elaborate and give details further, but my artistic skills simply aren't that great. But if anyone is looking for a new project, let me know.
I was thinking of making one detailed tutorial video for new players (kind of like the other ones already out there, but my own version). I can make the visuals and write a script for it and finalize the video, but I would need someone to do a voiceover for me.
There's only a few slopes that really highlight the issue anyway. Field tunnels being probably the most noticeable. Small issue anyway. Is there any plan to work further on the vehicle physics? I understand that it isn't easy, but I just feel like the gameplay is so smooth now that it really does deserve vehicle play that at least doesn't feel like matchbox cars ramming into each other
I like havocs and sakuras where they are now (after the ramjet reload bug fix), actually. Having health/armor/weapon pickups was something most public Renegade servers had. If statistics were kept on advanced character class choice, I'd still be willing to bet that the hotwire/technician control the highest usage by quite a bit. I just think that this concept would split them effectively into 2 speciality classes, rather than 1 class that has so many effective roles.
I do seem to remember an older version making the infantry sprint go up slopes incredibly slow, though? Was that just some sort of glitch, then? P.S: Thanks for drawing it out, but I understood after your first line of explanation lol And it's Pythagorean, for the record Couldn't you assign a volume to slopes to determine speeds, or is that not possible in UE3? Edit: I suppose that would get complicated, since movement has to be calculated from all angles if that were the case, so nevermind.
The game did have the momentum thing for a patch or 2 back in the day, but it favored snipers too much. Now that snipers are nerfed by a lot, it wouldn't be terrible to relook into (as long as that was the only real issue with it?). Anyone else get confused as to why infantry sprint up slopes faster than a flat ground (i.e. Field tunnels)? At least it certainly appears that way
That's true, but they are still the most bought character by quite an extreme amount it seems. Only unit that can place proximity mines. Fastest repairer of everything in the game (infantry, beacons, mines, c4s, vehicles, buildings). Only unit that can quickly and stealthily individually destroy a building via infiltration. All for 350. It still needs the split, and I think the way I mentioned is a reasonable way to do it
https://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic ... ilit=split Class is overused relative to everything else. Was in the original, and is in Renegade X now as well. That's primarily because of it's versatility. Should be split up into 2 different units that have specific specialties. GDI Medicus / Nod Specialist : Repairs infantry, mines & c4s, and beacons slightly faster than the Hotwire / Technician (and does slightly less than the current amount to everything else). Equipped with: 1 timed c4s, 2 remote c4s, 3 proximity mines, and a silenced machine pistol. Special feature: can pick up 1 remote c4 from any dead enemy engineer, specialist, or medicus (so long as their body is still there). GDI Hotwire / Nod Technician : Repairs vehicles and buildings slightly faster than the Medicus / Specialist (and does slightly less than the current amount to everything else). Equipped with: 2 Timed c4s, an Incineration c4*, 2 anti-tank mines, and a heavy pistol. *Incineration c4 (ic4) = c4 that does damage over time to any (enemy) unit it is attached to. 10 damage per second to any vehicle or infantry. 2 damage per second to a MCT. 0.33 damage per second to buildings (non-MCT). Lasts 45 seconds if not disarmed. Special feature: This c4's damage does not set off any building alarm (no "Building is under attack" announcement). Can literally just re-skin the current class to make the 2 new ones visually. It would take some work, but it is something that has been needed for a long time. I did all the calculations to make sure that the damage outputs were relatively balanced.
I think McFarland's AOE and splash damage capabilities more than make up for the lack of building damage. He's better vs infantry than chemtroopers normally.
Personally, I think that the chem, flametrooper, and mcfarland all do a bit too much right now vs infantry. I get their role is CQC and all, but the spray-and-pray kills come too easy right now. At least with the shotgun you have to wait for the fire rate which means you have to actually aim. I just think the damage is slightly too high to infantry, relative to the other weapon damages in the game. Only slightly though.
Patch and mcfarland both are too fast right now. Especially mcfarland, considering that his weapon is an AOE instant shot, so he can just sprint and fire non-stop. I like LCG where he is at. Patch and mcfarland speed advantages just seem too much right now.
There is no problem
I think this is an issue with guns, and not with the tech, if I'm not mistaken? Or has it only happened with techs? I had it once with the chaingun myself and assumed I was being dropped from the server, but wasn't. It seemed like client-side and server-side weren't agreeing with something
I agree with much of what has been said so far in this topic. First of all, Rype is pretty much spot on with how he characterized the interactions between renegade "elites," and Renegade X. With the exception of me, Whiskey, goztow, and a couple others, there wasn't really any voice coming from the original Renegade "competitive players" (clanwar or community war championship caliber players) that was shining a positive light on to Renegade X. Everyone didn't want to like it, it seemed. So as soon as they spotted things they didn't agree with, they would go crazy with bashing the game. Call it commitment to the original if you want, but truthfully it was just ignorance and an unwilllingness to move out of their comfort zone and try something new within the same concept. Error explained the turret elevation issue pretty well. Basically, as the vehicle moves up and down elevations, the reticle (and possibly turret - hard to tell) doesn't adjust quite right with it, and so it looks like the turret is shooting entirely where you are not aiming. In Renegade the "dot" inside the reticle solved this, because while you could aim with the reticle, it was the actual dot that showed where the turret was aiming at any given moment. Though I think the issue may be a bit deeper than that too, but that would at least make it much better. I also agree with the skill thing to an extent. A lot of it was just Renegade players not being happy with the availability of noob owning that they were used to. However, I also do see their point every time a spray and pray weapon easily melts me down (i would say that I am well above average at aiming, yet this happens all the time still). I do also agree with the complexity of the game statement that was made. In Renegade they literally had a "multiplayer practice" mode that went through the basics. A tutorial mode like that would be great upon completion of the installation, considering that Ren X is even more complicated in most ways. I do not think that these are the only players we should cater to by any means, but I do think that they are a good audience to take very seriously, considering that ren x uses the same game mode and concepts as Renegade, and these were competitive players within that game. I think it's important to find a "middle-ground," but there are also certain things that need to be addressed in order for a competitive scene to really even ever hit-off (vehicle physics being the number one).
So over the past five days I have been getting in contact with players from the original Renegade, in an attempt to both persuade them to give Ren X a try and to get their thoughts on the game. It turns out that almost all of them have given it a try at some point, but just did not stay for various different reasons. The players that I asked were some of the better Renegade players (cw.cc players, "pro" snipers, top of the ladder pub players, etc.). Some played years and years ago, and some played until the very end. A lot of the people played in the older beta versions and their prime complaints were about glitches, imbalances, or things that don't even exist anymore (cheats, crashes, and OP units existed for a while back in the day). I have excluded those thoughts and am just putting the one's that are still relevant. Here is what the most common reasons are for them deciding to not stay with Renegade X: 1. Vehicle physics. Delayed turning, collisions that seem to ignore momentum, turrets not behaving with elevation how they should, etc. This was the number one complaint by quite a bit. 2. Lack of competitive play(ers). Not enough players to have anything like cw.cc work out, which is in part because of the other thoughts listed. 3. User Interface. Main complaint seemed to be that it lacked organization when in-game. They all liked the original Renegade UI better (Tab to expand scoreboard, Tab again to expand further for K/D; J for Team Info, K for overall game info, etc.). 4. Maps. There were only a couple of people that disliked the map setups as a whole, but the majority just didn't like specific things about them. #1 map complaint was the small tunnel ceilings that made the third person camera behave poorly. #2 was the random spots that would cause a player to get stuck or unable to move. #3 was the soft boundaries (which are less than they used to be, though). #4 was all of the elevation changes that caused the vehicle physics to really "suck." 5. The "skill factor" seemed small. Too much relying on spray-and-pray, and too little reward for simply being more skilled (i.e. Headshot multiplier too small and too much lock-ons). 6. 40 player limit per server. I doubt this is changeable now, as it wasn't in the past, but several of the "pro pub players" that I talked to preferred a 50 player limit. There were several others that are rather irrelevant because they can't really be edited all that much too (FPS and free-aim, for instance). Take it as you will. I'm just passing along the information because my main goal in Renegade X has always been to try to make it successful in the competitive scene.