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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Number 1 would be the best easter egg ever. Even if typing that in command line would bring up an easter egg message. But yeah, number 1 would take modeling it into the game for no purpose in the game whatsoever. Number 2 would require vehicle shells, which were in vanilla as single player assets, but is a viable decision so possibly. Number 3 will be limited but options will be added over time. Number 4 is a possible gameplay addition, may or may not happen.
  2. They said in one of their streams, that 300,000 people downloaded Black Dawn the first few months, like 1,000,000 did eventually. Assuming they all heard about multiplayer release, they all heard that it fixes a lot of Black Dawn so they aren't skeptical, and they are willing to download it... There is a slim chance this game will have hundreds of thousands.
  3. It got different. Then again, if it were exactly the same, it would basically be a retextured remodeled Renegade. When they do add new features, they then need to add new balance. Give here, take there. Then, in some opinions, there were legitimate balance adjustments to be made to the original. Mammoth tanks moved under half med tank speed and had under double health, so obviously it looses gunfights in anything but open ground and can't even make use of cover like any tank could and would beat it with. Also, sometimes vehicles could just kite and always beat infantry, effortlessly, no danger involved, just killfarm infantry. Same with default infantry and snipers, snipers just farmed base infantry. So buffing the mammoth tank, nerfing snipers a bit (though they could buff a bit from what I seen), adding a marksman class to at least make base infantry not totally screwed, and adding sprint and aim down site and kick and interesting fire rates, was generally good decisions. At least they removed the "rolling" dives feature. They also didn't put in leaning, they kept some things well enough alone.
  4. For most tanks yes it just stops you from shooting, but I remember from experience that if you position a flame tank close enough to a building, you'd shoot inside the building and do no damage. If this is indeed the problem, perhaps a simple solution would be to move the actual tip of the barrel closer to the tank, but visually, the length of the barrel stays the same. You know, that actually solves both problems, and that is really cool. And just to specify, that just means the orgin of the tank shell starts at the base of the barrel (sort of) so if your barrel is stuffed it will still damage just wherever it hits mid-barrel. Still not realistic, but straightforward nonetheless. If your barrel is stuffed, you hit whatever your barrel is stuffed in, not what is inside it. Just make sure to make the tank immune to it's own splash damage.
  5. Yes. And Hate is right if I recall correctly. In Renegade, anytime your tank barrel was stuffed inside of a structure, it would not fire (obviously because if it were allowed, you would stick it inside walls and kill people inside buildings with it. Same with tanks, although in high tension moments like that it might only just barely be, in which case you would get the firing animation on your screen but wouldn't actually fire because the ammo won't go down (because the game will shutter badly delayed lag and teleport you back in time a few seconds and shtuff) In that video, it is probably different though. Probably. Have no clue what causes that kind of thing.
  6. Recs were awesome. Just sort of inspired the best teamwork for everyone. Men will work long and hard for a piece of colored ribbon. Or in this case, repair diligently all his allies for a Recommendation every few minutes. I loved farming Recs from repairing, as well as recieving one for a job well done by teammates. As far as veterancy, I never minded the veterancy perks like very slow reheal, though the commands actually didn't come with veterancy or at least don't at this very moment in RenCorner. It could come or go. I really do like "lack of snowball mechanics", but it isn't a big one. I would really be more against "persistent unlocks", like starting a game with an advantage as an experienced player. Starting off same for everyone and having to build up each game, is basically tiberium, so less sweat there. But don't mistake it, RenCorner doesn't allow commands with it, commands are allowed for everyone, it is just the 2 point every 5 seconds reheal you get, and that is very cosmetic if anything.
  7. Nah, I am insturmental. I see Windows as a user friendly omnidevice. But just like swiss knives, cutting down a tree with it is fucking hard. Really, any task is easier with a real tool instead of it, but it is capable of doing all those tools with increased effort and time. You are right about every one of those points though. Linux users will spend a lot of time just installing something when Windows saves time and just simply runs it. Mac users will spend a lot of time finding things Mac can even run. Windows will sometimes take the speed out of the launched item. Each do have flaws, and each are more balanced as ever because neither have as fatal flaws as before. Albeit Windows still releases a trash build every other build and drains system resource, Mac still often intentionally segretages its programs to itself and others out of it, and Linux often still requires intermediate computer skill just to obtain programs. At the end of the day, I would use anything other than windows on single processes that slow down when ran, because Linux would really run them with a noticable framerate advantage should it run it. Yet, I still run most things on Windows due to ease of access and that most things simply do not strain the computer that much besides high end games. Back to my question up there. If DirectX is a Windows liscense and rendering type, then how does Mac run Unreal 3 when DirectX9 is used to run it? Does it backup-option render in opengl or d3d? Unreal says perfectly clear Unreal runs in Mac, I just wondering how.
  8. Heheh, not saying I dont appreciate quick movements, I just have really bad motion sickness. Im weird though: as long as Im driving, I dont get sick. Once I get in the game and start whipping the camera around, Ill be fine. I love watching him and thegunrunn whip and snap the camera around fast and fluidly flowing it in circles and back-forth tracking. As well as going 3rd person often for sprinting and strafing and 1st person quickly every gunfight encounter and when pecking at tanks constantly going back and forth. I would expect it be how I play, I almost wish there was a setting to auto-3rd-person whenever sprinting in order to save me a lot of keyboard micromanagement. This game will be a fun ferrari for me to drive recklessly in.
  9. Eh, yeah, but winning via points is what AOW is usually about. If it were timed, it would be AOW. Marathon wise, if it were a vote, it would be in favor of whoever owned the field at that moment reguardless of who has been dominating that game. However, destroying a tank without a factory IS an issue... Maybe making everything teleport to their respective team's base is better?
  10. Awesome. I do remember the other use for mammies. It was that vehicle the newbie teammate bought on Under to park in front of Nod base and feed them points until he lost the game for his team. It was like parking a structure up to nod's front door and letting them pointmass from their own base with arty and raves.
  11. Oh, SD developed from a marathon server. Guess why? Because some of the most common maps, were also the maps that lasted longest. Field without either vehicle factory happened a lot. Know how long that game lasted? After 2 days, a moderator got tired of it and force-ended map. Every time field came up, it would be overly lengthy. Complex was fun, but it ended in 20 minutes usually. Under was always overly lengthy. If you got on occasionally, you wouldn't remember playing another map besides those two sometimes. This is why they adopted Sudden Death. Because sometimes, if it is Complex then a 8 hr long game is awesome, but when it is field it gets old after you do it twice. Then you need an option to vote to make it end. AOW probably will always default to 35 minute no SD. "Pro" servers might use SD in AOW, but they are mainly clan ran while community ones will stay without it. Marathon servers will probably always keep it as a vote option by 2/3 vote, because it had to be that way to end games before. (also expensive vehicle spawning without the vehicle factory would help end hopeless games) I would play AOW with SD if a clan server had it just because I play S&D in CoD and hardcore type mechanics appeal to me. If you went to RenCorner today and played a SD, you would know what I mean. Eventually, games need to end preferably without the server admin deciding to turn off and on server just to accomplish it. Yet, SD in those are unfair because if tanks are already at front of base then they win SD reguardless. Both sides in their base when SD starts then it usually is quite fair.
  12. Wait, DirectX only officially runs on Windows. How is it possible to package a mac version then? Unreal states it is a simple 3 step process, and they must be right, but I am confused as to how if it uses DirectX9. ______________________________________________________________ As far as why Windows is best or why Linux is best or what is one supposed to do without big corporate support for software and such... Technically, and I dislike apple, but OS X is also a certified build branching from Unix, which is what Linux is branched off of (but is not certified and is open source so every distro is different). Unix is by core closer to letting programs run straight off of the hardware than windows is, which has more in between and costs each tasks more to run. That is the fundamental flaw with Windows. However, Windows is the most used over the last 20 years. Mac OS sucked, and apple os's were crap until the recent OS X, which steve jobs made long ago while he had left apple (he rejoined after), and apple bought that OS and made it Raphsody before they made it OS X. Basically, Mac is like a build of Linux, and looking or programming for either lets one see that Mac and Linux are more capatable together than either is to Windows. Technically, since Mac has Unix's limitless advantages to Windows, it is like a very well supported version of Linux. Don't get me wrong, Mac isn't based off Linux and both aren't based from the same source of Unix. Also, there are companies that built a special version of Linux like SUSE and crap, that also offer software hardware and user support for them. I believe they are even cheaper than Windows. Really, the only thing that makes Windows so great, is how it caters to the computer unintellegent users with easy to use things, and how almost every software supports Windows and many nothing else because Windows is so popular. This is a lengthy read but its there: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 901AAajOVR
  13. I was always thinking of it like an option in Bomberman. The server sets it up to either do or don't do sudden death. Also, make it an option to allow vote for it (in case "marathons" come back). Also, I played RenCorner just the other day, and twice that sudden death happened it wasn't fair (one team was already at another's doorway when it happened). It would almost be worth it to do a "light reset" of the whole game when sudden death start. By which, I mean all people and vehicles die and everyone respawns in base, then sudden death rules start.
  14. There is a way to go into computer and properties and such, and changing a paging file, and then add a file to a folder in windows, and that increases total ram allowed on one process to 2.8g on one process. However, all that is "acceptance of window's bulkiness", when it isn't something one requires to accept. You could instead use Linux, and my distro of Lubuntu 12.04 probably idles under 50k ram. It is most lightweight of Ubuntu distros. It is not the most lightweight Linux either, there are ones that still run agile on computers built in 1998. Probably faster than Win98 runs them now.
  15. The only use for the mammy I remember, was for SBH like you said, where you constantly fire 1 missile at a time when you lost your AGT in Hourglass and sweep across the walkway to kill any SBH. That is a pretty lame use for it. This game, mammoth tanks don't have the same firepower as it's med tank counterpart. Mammoth tanks have double-barrel instead of one-barrel-at-a-time and have 4 rockets with their own clip fired in tandem. It isn't as strong as a MRLS maybe barely because it probably have 2x reload speed for 4 rockets, but the double-shells are fairly steady. Even with just the cannon, you can do 2x damage faster where a tank does 1x damage, which gives it "burst damage" and tramples another single unit.
  16. No, what I specifically meant WAS that it was GOOD that it was less strict about what it could run on, because the more machines that can run it, the more players joining into the game who are able to launch the game and run and play it. It is nice it isn't too terribly overboard in how much computer power it takes, because that makes it more available. I would rather not have to streamline my computer to run the game well enough anyway, at the cost of turning every other process in windows off to do so (planetside 2 again). If integrated graphics can run it with only about 3g ram and a dual core, then any random person with a computer will probably find their computer can run it, which is good. You want the odds to be in favor that someone can play it even if they didn't pay attention to what computer they happen to have bought or own.
  17. I would like the game on a console. The game would feel right at home. I honestly do wish somebody would ask to be able to do that for the game, and do it themselves with the blessings of the devs and do it out of pocket and with no monetization from it (somehow) It probably won't happen. Alas, I might find a way to hack it onto the Ouya or something, because my nephew loves games like this but he is only into controllers and not mouse and keyboard because he is so young. Probably wouldn't run well on Ouya... Still, this game would be the best thing on a console ever, bar none. If consoles really were as convinent as they preach, this would be allowed in some way shape or form, even if done by some single person who volunteered to make it for console. This NOT being allowed would be that one reason I give every console gamer why their system is inferior to PC. Consoles are great, their strict policy is not. We can make bootleg Nintendo Cartridges in this day and age, they should let us do the same with the indie game console marketplace.
  18. They were only glitchy in renegade classic. Everything was to a degree. I mean, the oblesk didn't hit targets walking backwards firing at the ground, and the obvious solution wasn't to remove the oblesk of light from the game. Most their glitches are fixed just with the unreal engine alone. It tracks shots with the server, not with the client with really latent server checks (caused the shots not registering and the buggy teleporting facing directions), and the balance numbers made it "cool yet useless" and you can't say the same happened with SBH just because everyone went SBH and nobody repaired tanks and sturctures, but with balance adjustments the recon bike can be a faster single person transport with a bit of end-damage for when it got you to the end of the field. That is a redesigned purpose for it, and it is an obtainable build for it. The only question is will it or not, and if it is worth dev time or not. Really, it might not be. That is fine by me. As long as the idea itself isn't discredited.
  19. It has been discussed, yes, that tank shells were an unexpected side effect in Renegade but did still feel like it had a purpose after one had played the game a long time. I wonder if eventually it might become a feature, that everyone inside the building will take 1 point of damage any time the building takes 1% point of damage, but no more than 5 points of damage at one time. Neat to consider. That is asking for a lot of work from a dev team that has a lot to do elsewhere in the game, but it is always an idea for details and such.
  20. The game looks badass and streams show infantry rushing straight into a charge right at tanks and c4ing them and such. Basically, looks like a whole new fast paced game. Strategies carry over, and that is what is mesmerizing and nostalgic, and new strategies are introduced, and that keeps things fresh. I also saw infantry, just base class autoriflemen, just in a team of 5, rush into the field and cooperatively gunfight their targets. That feels neat to watch. I feel one of the biggest sources of fun to come from this game, is all the new players and players from old renegade playing for the first time, and adapting to how the game is played. Most non-lemmings will grasp lots of things playing the game, no insult for the slow ones. I feel once people play it, we will see a lot of strategies, we will probably find and/or use a lot of them without even "databasing" them first, and the people who start to play and want to get better through research can then look up what the large playerbase has discovered in strategy over the while of playing this game. I can't wait to be one of those people to feel around in the dark and get a grasp of a decent strategy from what they watch of others and what they discover of their own.
  21. The explosions, except for occasional bugs or if the doors open and let the splash damage in, do stop at walls. Walls stop explosion damage in the direction of the wall. Therefore, beacons and artillery do not damage through walls anymore. This does prevent repairmen inside structures from slowly dying to shells, as well as tunnel beacons and the walkway beacon on canyon and glacier (though those maps aren't explicitly discussed for RenX adaptation) Turret clipping. That sounds like the kind of thing that happens and is ok in itself. The damage thing is a bug of course, I am not entirely sure if that exists but it would be nice if it didn't and if it did I really think one could aim along the edge of the flame tank to shoot and damage it instead of directly facing into it's chasis (so basically, shoot it's backmost tread edge instead)
  22. Well, technically any one program that runs any one task over 2g of ram requires x64 because of x32tasks limited to 2g ram. technically, that is also by passable, one can patch their os to run 2.8g which might matter. so like I said, this game is very lax in that field. I think any intensive modern game usually requires that. And you would be surprised what windows uses. Usually one can free up a quarter a gig ram, and any processes use CPU as well, so the closer to just the game it runs the faster it runs. maybe that is just because I run a lowly emachine with little more than a 9500gt 1g gpu added. It cheats to run what it does run.
  23. Eh IDK, if it really does run dx9 like they say, that changes the whole ball game. It probably runs okay for integrated graphics, and if you have any graphics card whatsoever then it probably runs mid graphics fluidly. Which is lucky for me. I was expecting to have to run it low settings and still have choppy framerate. I am a pessimist, I supposed I only assumed it would require x64 and newest libraries as most games these days do. That's good that it theoretically should run on XP x32 though, as well as mac, and technically if it runs on Mac then if built a different way then it should run on Ubuntu, maybe some savy tech guy can build a package for it even. You have no clue how much speed you would gain running it without the windows anchoring it down, windows runs so much power just in the background. I can run but not physically play in-game Planetside2, but if I turn all my windows processes off like desktop and non-vital svc's, then I can run it fluently as long as there are less than 40 players rendered at once.
  24. Generally, it and this both were great games. It just takes some responsibility on the player's end. Unlike Battlefield, which requires handholding on the playerbase's behalf, no insult to players of it, but it pretty much did build and advertize itself. Drawback of that, is that locks the whole game down. Planetside 2 is a better example as far as scenery and independence from structure compared to Battlefield, and even it isn't similar. I just started playing it (partially to find players to offer RenX to, like my Planetside2 based clan), and it is good don't get me wrong, but it too takes some player responsibility since it is open world and you really got to find your own way to approach playing the game. Generally, I dislike the extreme depth the metagame has with persistent collectibles and grinding, while one might hate this game for having no metagame and everything is the same from start to end. I generally like it because you don't need to grind to earn things, you simply get better at it without needing to earn things, you simply improve your play with the universal available tools.You have no obligation to grind to get an edge over anyone else, you can enter and be good, you can play a couple of games a week and be no farther back than a daily player, you really have flexibility when you can pick up the game and everything plays like endgame. Really, that is a good publicity point for this game if you want to get your friends to play. They can choose to play anytime and be on par with every other player, whether they play often or play later. It is also one of the only games ATM that doesn't have beta player advantages lol, which is wierd because I think the beta players did a good job
  25. I am a fan of his work, not him. Also, with this great game synergizing, I was hoping maybe Red Alert and Tiberian Sun crossovers would follow into the Unreal Engine.
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