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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Was it MesaII? I'd swear it happened to me one time when I touched the top of a bridge-pillar that you can stand off the edge of. When I dropped, escaped the tiberium field, and was entering HoN front door, I burned away from full life as I tried making it to the PT.
  2. The same argument can defend literally any topic. SBH that can insta-diffuse mines isn't OP because an aggressive team can force enemies to defend base instead of being SBH. Hotwires with top-tier AP weaponry aren't OP because they can't infiltrate if they are stuck at base repairing, you just have to be aggressive. Stuff can still be clearly OP without it just being "with or without teamwork". Apaches and Orcas having a passenger, are much more abusive than people give credit for, but so are AT mines, around-corners proxy-c4, an officer with smoke in a tank rush, mass chinooks, and a lot of other things people don't normally do but are way strong.
  3. You can also do that on X-Mountain brick-wall on Nod and GDI openings to the silo-path. Get stuck between that brick wall and the rocks, and there is no jumping out of that gap, you suicide or get incredibly lucky if you can get in a vehicle that crashes into the wall hard enough to ramp up it a bit so you can reach the vehicle entry.
  4. During the apache/orca firefight, people tend to lose track of it's flight path, and it's missing passenger, which ends up infiltrating airstrip tower persay, and boom, dead airstrip. Also, with 3 orcas, 3 passengers, lets say all 6 have volt rifles, and 3 get out to reap unto the ref mct/repairmen while orcas reap unto the walls, until the orcas die and then they too reap unto the repairmen and mct. Also, with 3 orcas, just 1 passenger needs an Ion/Nuke, and doesn't even need to leave a vehicle empty to plant it, and then you have wiggle-waggling air-support defending the beacon, with more air support likely on standby to swoop in on 8 second's notice... Basically, OP for the same reasons a STank passenger would be. Except, the stank is slightly less aggro but slightly more dangerous at not drawing attention or defending a beacon.
  5. I believe on both teams, you can milk some damage and some score on either team's refinery, by shimmying up through gaps atop rocks that divide the forest and the refinery smokestacks. I got a picture on GDI side.
  6. Actually, that was what I meant with the first sentence. I just think 110% is reasonable for anti-personell classes compared to the original speeds of all infantry. Little slowness for AT specialized classes are alright, but the original speed was fine and higher speeds are alright as long as they are limited to bullets. Also question the mandatory 10% difference in GDI and Nod, but not as much given GDI's Med Tanks. Still don't find it bad at the moment though, as you said, most infantry is close to or well above the original infantry speed, and the ones that aren't needed it to put them in their role. The point is, his claim that infantry overall have slowed down is incorrect, infantry either stayed the same, got even faster, or aren't made for fast-paced gunfights anyway. Engis were way slower, but were brought all the way back to 100% last patch weren't they? So they aren't even any slower anymore than before.
  7. Edited Yosh's main post, with the relevant information above. Wanted what I changed to be transparent. First time trying this self-updating clock, so let's hope it works.
  8. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=76013&p=158241#p158241 EDIT: Make sure to confirm here, if you can, whether or not this works. If not, we can help, if so we can make note of it.
  9. I can show you how to do it if you want to. I just always have trouble doing it myself. I can also just look for a self-updating one, that would be terrific.... EDIT: I did it. Bam. Link Below. I even took a mild risk editing Yosh's PUG post without direct permission, leaving a note that I did so. Your request has been fulfilled, now you can't say we don't listen to request and do what we can. EDIT: This link is timezone dependent, different link in the actual topic, but don't use this one. Ren-X PUG Weekly Countdown Link
  10. I sort of agree with this, just not all the way. Speeds should have been handled by simply removing just a little speed from AT-specialized classes, not removing speeds from engis and hybrids, and by adding significant speed to AP-specialized classes. It isn't that bad right now though, LCG is a very specialized tanky infantry, and the others have mostly went back to either regular speed of buffed speed from Pre-5.1. The only ones that are slower than their Pre-5.1 speeds, are Gunner, LCG, Snipers, Marksman, and Grenadiers. All of those required it to diversify them from brawling. LCG tore up infantry when it had all that damage at regular speed but only delivered a single minute of field-sustainability against tanks because their splash was just too much to standard infantry. Grenadier is free, and it is in fact better than flamethrower, you get what you pay for. It's DPS is better on vehicles than Flamethrower, and it's still relevant against infantry using terrain. Snipers are not riflemen. If they are, remove riflemen from game, because riflemen have no point and are a "wrong answer". Snipers kill field engis, clean up remaining advanced infantry after Bar/HoN dies, and provide support behind riflemen. That is all snipers need to do, they do not need to kill everything in the game instantly, because then they are banned from Street Fighter tournaments... I mean... you know what I mean... Everything else, either runs at 100%, or 110%, or 117.5%, IIRC. I believe Sydneys/Raveshaws were buffed back to 100% in 5.14...
  11. rofl, no One crashes, the other is relatively nominal for a map except for a very wide out-of-the-way path. The one that crashes, is a huge map with lots of openness for a large PUG and is no less balanced than Lakeside. There is no problem with either of them.
  12. It was. Not exact scale, but by mere feet. It was tight, but the mechanics of both camera and of missile trajectory make any amount of tightness interfere to a decent degree with combat. That path is basically Nod's. Tiberium = ChemTroop, Low Ceiling = Light tank, Projectile-Blocking Roof = Flame Tank, that path is just theirs...
  13. CT and it's owner have always been very reliable, but it's the playerbase that attends. I appreciate everyone that used to come together regardless of affiliation, for the sake of play and not for the sake of clantag, and I especially appreciate everyone that still attends even despite the clan affiliations of the past. We all did a good job sticking with this game and showing it love. Can we please, PLEASE, play TrainingYard and Eyes next time for the love of Kane? Heck, we NEED to have the PUBLIC server not offer maps on vote within the last 5 times it was played, so if you played Walls, Field, Volcano, Canyon, and Under, you AREN'T getting those for the next map, you MUST choose from Complex, Islands, Eyes, TrainingYard, Valley, heck, I don't care anymore, let's just get more than 10 functional maps pl0x.
  14. It is always Saturday, 7pm GMT 1pm USCentral. Alas, I will post another one this week. Can't promise to keep up with it again, it was more of a jumpstart for a diverse community of various timezones to make sure we actually had attendance. We have attendance now...
  15. This is actually a bug. Rypel recently specified vehicles in q-spotting last update, but I guess he probably went through the list and didn't remember TS vehicles are a thing that exist.
  16. I am about to start recording again, just to record my grenadier abuse. I even used it today and had no trouble. Someone else was complaining it was getting hit markers against soldiers but not doing any real damage, I don't know if it is server-simulated... ...but I both helped trash a PP on Training Yard as well as a Turret early-game, despite enemy engis and a marksman, and it trashes early harvester every match. It doesn't work as a direct-engagement, no, but neither do flametroops at distant bumrushes or shotgunners across a field. If anything, grenadier is much more effective than a shotgunner, and situationally more effective than a riflemen.
  17. Been quiet. This still happening in 14 hours, as well as the Map Testing Session 1hr prior? Which maps? JW.
  18. Would be easier to add passenger-eject if you are sitting inside of it and press L or something.
  19. Don't point-blank snipe (oxymoron). They still totally dominate anything in the field from their signature perches. Especially LCG and Engis, which are what they were designed for in cost. Otherwise, they need faster rate of fire but they need to lack actual instant-lethality on full-health enemies. They can't have both. Most people prefer map-wide lethality against engis and especially LCGs, and can settle for slower ROF.
  20. Relatively heavy updates/install that can cost people with limited bandwidth additional data. Personally it ain't worth it for me especially since I don't even use Steam that often Heavy? They aren't heavy tbh, but yah if you have shit internet then you could say heavy i guess. Not steam's fault. This game ought to target the softest specs it can. Especially with Hande and similar folk having like 50gb of internet or less at 3g speeds and afterwards like 256kbps... I can list a lot of people who aren't speaking out, but don't use Steam. Hande, Canucck, K.IO, AngryScientist, just try for 1 day and "!rec" people in a server, and you notice a lot don't use steam so you can't "!rec" them. If they literally can't afford the footprint to run both simultaneously, internet or bare-minimum ram, then they are gone when it becomes enforced.
  21. More of the difficult things to do, that I would prefer, is for enemy building armor to become half or a fouth of what it was at around 40k score or so. If score is close, both teams can bring each other's buildings to softer states (battle fatigue?), so vehicles and infantry can both achieve a permanent-damage threshold a lot easier. Of course, before 40k score, you can simply secure a kill on a structure the way you can now, and either secure an early victory or a quicker score lead and more severe score gap, so the early game matters. It is just, even after 30 minutes, the match no longer shows signs of progression, everyone has 8k credits unless early ref loss, and everyone is just as sustained as they will be for hours to come. At that point, something needs to change, and it's best to occur from a score-threshold so the team that "lead' up until now has the first advantage from it. If it were "just at 30 minutes and happens to both teams", then early-game progression would have less consequence in it's end-game, and an early achievement should make a difference in strength later in the game.
  22. Are we testing it this time around? Also, does it have lighting, or does it take 20 minutes to load into the map still?
  23. I was under the assumption, Nod has a flamethrower that is decent on close-ish range infantry and has flak armor, but is inferior so they get a speed advantage... and GDI has a grenadier that has slightly less damage on infantry, the safety from attacking farther and around corners, much superior damage against vehicles, and longer range but less speed. Flamethrower does as much to vehicles, as Grenadier does to infantry. Flamethrower does more to infantry, Grenadier definitely does more to outside of buildings and vehicles. It isn't as hard to hit either, just have to lead the shot a bit, and tanks can't swerve out the way enough to miss a grenade that was actually aimed to hit it.
  24. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=75951
  25. Not sure there are maps that 6 turrets wouldn't cover, that is like 1 per building plus 1 extra. However, some would need 2 and some would need 4, true.
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