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Everything posted by RoundShades
Try another mirror. Also, consider using uTorrent or whatever, the game is free so using the torrent is just downloading it legitimately with a download manager to prevent corruption...
Appreciated. Otherwise, just show up around the usual PUG time, and you can either join a server as a group, or if there is 24 then Agent can start a passworded server but you are likely going to need to moderate yourself, I am not going to balance teams but may be there and watch TS to make sure teams are in their chat channels so players aren't listening into enemy chat.
Oh, me too. Been excited for weeks now myself. Just wasn't confident it could be fixed for Christmas, it was a relatively small fix to move the invisible death-counter plane, and to double-insure that you get a countdown every time you cross it even after death, but to package it seems to take a day and a half so if Yosh isn't packaging a fixed build then it would be safer to let them know it may be post-christmas. It may still be before the next PUG in the New Year.
It isn't like this. I think B0ng was pretty clear. What "Canyon" has, is being added to all maps that can have it, such as Walls and Whiteout. Canyon can only do it with infantry walking out the map, now you can drive vehicles out the map. If you get out and abandon them, they should be destroyed as their own entity iirc. The only problem, is the countdown itself doesn't reset on death, meaning a second attempt will not lead to countdown timer. There are other.... oddities, but those are just oddities. Also something surprising and special. But mainly it's just an infantry usage specialization patch where your engineers both have purpose yet cannot be every character on a team any longer, and your riflemen both have to be included to raid structures and control field, and in fact can almost run the show without engineers rather than exclusively with engineers. Good stuff once the volumes get moved and some balance numbers re-evaluated. The way Mendoza was going to be put in, he was literally going to be the mammoth tank of men (and most servers would have set his price tag as such).
Well remember how I was hesitant to comment on whether or not a patch would come? Well, severe issues were found with playing it, that it will either come after Christmas sometime shortly, or if it were released for Christmas you wouldn't like it...
I am not sure what the exact changelist is until Yosh posts it (should be any moment unless he caught something to delay it), and am not sure what map changes or whatnot made it, but I am not certain that TrainingYard made it in this time. It also looks very possible that it could be out by the 23rd assuming Yosh didn't catch something, but 2 days shouldn't leave you out of the loop, and the changes should be significant for everyone to have to toy around with longer than that.
From what Rypel has said, he has always wanted to patch around Christmas himself, pre-Yosh, many a time, but never was it truly ready so it usually fell to jan/feb. But, from preliminary speculation, the answer to this thread is... yes. Fingers crossed, that the tides in motion, take their course within the next 4 days.
Oh. Well, technically, Westwood went under long ago, it was more or less connections with "EALA" which handled the last C&C games. And yes, an indie platform, is self sustaining. Getting aboard Steam, is sort of implied licensing it to Steam (check their EULA and developer's license agreement). EA may not want a name derived from them, to be permitted use by Steam. Origin is always an option too. But that requires EA to actually put forth the effort that Steam is willing to, to host a storepage for it. Like steam, it could be free, but there has to be a store page, with a download link, and all that jazz, and Origin is mostly for EA so there aren't any "applications for open developers to apply".
It was the short path, and only 3 of us actually were on the short path to intercept. I headshot-spammed but dropped 4 of them to low health without killing any 1 in the first clip.
You can run the old map yourself to look. At least, I do. Also, it can't look exactly like the old, because the old map looked "artificial" and not realistic city. Really, it needs to be reminiscent and true to the gameplay of the old map, not identical. Silos muddy the waters, I like avoiding it in classic maps. Paths, as Canyon has shown, could need adjustment, as I doubt identical-tunnels from Original City is a good idea. The actual "layout" of the map can be the same, but the road can for obvious reasons not be a figure-8, which is why I figured a "City-Block" would work alright and just blockade 2 roads. But the general over-pass/under-pass with flying and a central walking path would be nice. He does have real issues with lighting I never seen occur with Kenz Canyon videos though, I am beginning to think this map is cursed, but the map is "layed out" proportionally to the old map and I think it can evolve into something. I am many things, but modelling is only a necessity-skill I have, I am no modeller so we could use a more dedicated modeller. I also know of sites that have free/cheap models and textures. I was also looking into pulling models and textures from the map with GMax (unless I decide to get 3dsmax for Christmas, because I currently use Blender and it doesn't have any custom scripts for it yet to convert W3D to FBX or anything). They both need touchups, the models are N64 and textures arent materials with dynamic tiling.
It also gives more visibility. Put it on steam, anyone that searches "Steam" for "free games" will grab a copy, getting us no less than 200 players always (hopefully).
Today's Tom Sawyer mentioned in RenX explained
RoundShades replied to Chrisjh0223's topic in Off Topic
It is. That is where Rush references Tom Sawyer from, in their song "Tom Sawyer". It is about a little southern boy in the 1820-40s ish era. Written by Mark Twain around 1850-1880. No clue exact dates or details or such. -
Wait? Really? GDI DID LOSE MESA! Haha, I was just bantering to Bananas when B0ng bitched me out about "gloating" when I wasn't, so I left and the teams were a little uneven. That was when GDI lost Ref. So since me opting out left the player gap, I feel that the real winner of Mesa wasn't Nod, it was Me But enough busting chops, because practically the same and opposite thing happened to me in the CT AOW while I was waiting to first get in, since I got in on Islands End. I was in CT AOW, on Canyon, and there was a player gap, so I switched to fill it, just for everyone else to switch suddenly to Nod and slam us despite a dead Airstrip. Anyway, the REAL winner, was all of us, because we got to play MesaII and it turned out to be the most fun match of the week's PUG all despite Yosh's usual hesitation to give the map a try. What did everyone else think of playing Mesa for a change? It was my favorite of the first open beta TBH, watching TheGunRunn play it on stream with the Devs.
So everyone is coming tomorrow, right?
Actually, that is HALF a decent idea, if burn/chem lasted 2.5x longer, but did the same damage in that timeframe. Burns only last 2 seconds, if it lasted 5 it would be idea against stealth. Chem, now that isn't something that often comes across "stealth", but if it lasted 10 seconds, it would be the premier counter to stealth because it would essentially be a death sentence. Actually, while we are talking abilities of characters, it WAS discussed to be a GOOD idea, to make "burn damage" as well as certain weapons themselves, damage health and bypass armor. Would require a nerf to their "effectual" damage, and would not work well as a team with weapons that do armor damage (burning from both ends of the candle), but would stack with fall damage and other such things.
Give patch goggles or a binocular to see stealth If added, it would have to be very controlled. It wouldn't be able to give "total stealth vision at all ranges", it would have to give double the current range or something, Also, it would have to be a character that couldn't abuse it, patch would barely be able to use it since he isn't the character to walk around base patrolling unless you change the whole character. Also, right now stealth is in a GOOD place as far as visibility, only blind people who aren't attuned to the game miss it. I know when I am close enough to get caught and I always get caught at that range by 99% of players. If increased vision is granted to a certain character, a reduction to other characters might be necessary. Since stealth is a very situational ability. It would be LESS gamebreaking, to give a character a way to turn off stealth, like a bullet or beam that renders visible on contact, because at least then the stealth still works same as before. Then again, usually if you do find a sbh, you have other methods to track them until you kill them, rarely do they get away.
Not even sure if we are playing same game sometimes. I mean, maybe if you are calculating near-100% accuracy with the LCG, but it probably won't balance well if you calculate it like that, these 5 people who can do it will never be on the same plane of existence as pubs and matches require ~32 people so we need to balance the game accordingly. Same reason i'd support mild sniper nerfs and sidearm nerfs, because those things are too good if you are good and fairly good even if you aren't, they need to stay fairly good but lose some of their max-performance. But none of that is even important because you are literally discussing game mechanics and not balance. LCG is not just "better chaingun", and neither was old Patch's flichette in old Ren. Aside from being infantry-focused while GDI is vehicle-focused, Nod has SBH which eliminates a role-variation (because SBH consumes a spot on the roster and doesn't do a GDI-equivalent). Therefore, both teams have that sniper, and Nod gets the LCG which converges universal killing-power with anti-armor, while GDI gets 2 flavors, a very powerful anti-armor structure-threatening Gunner, and an adequate AT and AP suppression Patch, though slightly weaker against personell than LCG. Ask for Chem, Chem is already stronger than need be if you can predict enemy movement, and McFarland is really a great supplement for GDI infantry, not for strength, but for cheap cost and utility, as he can kite corners and suppress crowds and snipers. McFarland is fine as is, maybe too strong if anything, and Chem is significantly too strong but not game-breaking. Which brings me to my last point. Old-Sydney was total shit too. Patch lacked vehicle damage, but Sydney lacked any damage. The current tib-rifle is fairly too far on the strong side, but it is 5x stronger than old tib-rifle, and Sydney would never do the same crowd-control and corner-spam job as McFarland. Assuming you gave her the current tib-rifle, she still would be more flat and unequivalent to chem, not to mention more overpowered. McFarland actually does some light armor damage, has decent range and single-hit impact, and is still not entirely OP due to clip size, rate of fire, clip max-damage, and max range.
To be fair, a lot of League of Legends utility character types are quite interesting in design. Like "blocking volume guy" could literally be a guy with an EMP gun that creates a field to repel missiles and bullets. I am not saying that should be in a game, stuff like that is too non-canon and too inconvenient and spins the game atop it's head. McFarland was added though, he was convenient because the game started as a UT2006 mod and Flak Cannon was a UT weapon (?) and was very good utility to give GDI (a corner kiting anti-tunnel-sniper and crowd-control infantry). To add or re-purpose a unit, would require "opportunity" or "necessity". We aren't going to start adding things that weren't in CNC, aren't balance, or "sound cool". It has to at least be 2 of those things, be CNC, be balanced, or sound cool. McFarland was an easy write-in. Tib-Sun vehicles were an easy write-in. If we wanted tiberian weapons like flichette and auto-rifle to make sense to be overpowered by making them shoot/use "blue tiberium", that could honestly be at least 2 of those things, but we aren't going to add a character that is a knock-off of a Jedi or something.
No, it worked a lot better in the pug. It was like 4 transport helis with 4 gunners each, just raining rockets unto the base.
Aww But I do like your pic Kenz3001, I am sort of glad to see you brought it back out this year.
This is a pretty vague request, but I am pretty sure Yosh is working on a patch. Timing is never an exact science with programming and development though. Depending on if the same update is waiting on a lot of the map-tweaks, it could take more or less time, but maybe I should let Yosh reply.
Pros: It's C&C: Renegade, Cons: It's C&C: Renegade
RoundShades replied to Aron Times's topic in Renegade X
To be fair, I thought all classes should have 1 timed, engis should have 2 remote but not 1 timed, and hotwire/tech should have 1 timed and 2 remote. Then, give a beacon-slot 1-timed-c4 purchaseable for any class for 600. Bam. Now any infantry is reasonably capable of doing significant damage to a structure. This is assuming the very likely event that hotwires are nerfed in direct infantry combat so they can't wreck a LCG 1v1. -
To be fair, Planetside 2 also has this, and is also unlimited. I believe it is "easier to stumble upon and see the effects" in PS2 than RenX, but idk why that matters. What would make it more apparent, is to have the "sprint/stamina-bar" pop up when you press shift in a vehicle, so you know it's doing "something". I would imagine the instant solution to this code-wise would be to make a tank use stamina but it either be 0 or a 0.1 amount of it, whatever makes the icon pop up. What might make it more useful, on top of what it already does, is if it made vehicle acceleration/deceleration quicker so you could use it to dodge shells when driving forward-back. Maybe if you add this, make it actually cost stamina (but again, even if it doesn't use stamina, that little icon popping up if you press shift while in-vehicle would at least tell the player that it is "doing something")
I was just thinking it's either the global internet falling in on itself, or that Ren-X just uses some of the most "economical" servers. Either way, me and someone who randomly asked for my help, has found that CT breaks at least the SDK download link. The official denver link for both of us was much better. Not sure if we are "normal" or if Europe would get a different response, but I find it to be the individual's responsibility to select the best mirror. The random guy who asked me, was from Arizona. Denver Official should have been sensible for him, despite CT having a larger download number. I am out of Houston, so idk, it was my second choice, but I kinda figured it was something abnormal. If anything, it just gives me less hope that some users will know how to make the internet function for them, whether in the absence or presence of the Recommended section. It isn't going to be right for everyone, but neither is people's common judgement. Both probably will be wrong 98% of the time. Either case, if all else fails, try the Denver Official? Unless that is the one giving you problem, in which case try the most local to you, or the torrent. Did that torrent link ever get added to the SDK? I distinctly remember it not being added... http://constructivetyranny.com/renx/Rx_ ... ip.torrent
I just had a decent idea. Make arties able to straight-shot, since they ARE important to Nod bread-and-butter much like Meds are to GDI (i'd rather not have to nerf one when we can make the other work better). What you do is, make the Alt-Fire of the arty the arc-shot. You can even possibly make it even SLOWER so it arcs BETTER, as long as the curve isn't sufficient to base-to-base (in that regard, one straight-shot and one current-arc would be night). It would be nice if anti-tank infantry were tougher against explosions, even if they were slower to compensate. This isn't even my idea to claim credit for, but it is a good idea that I support. Solution: Release the Shift Key... Complex is a map that stanks shine on. Rarely does GDI own literally every square inch of the center to not allow stanks by, given the 4 paths stanks can get by. If maps like Field had this, it would be nice, but it might not ever happen with EVERY map.