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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. You know at least half the people are going to show up with Tomb downloaded instead?
  2. *Constructively Tyrannical You guys aren't told enough how excellent you are for taking the initiative to organize these. Also, update main post so we DO know what we are doing without digging to last 2 pages and skimming?
  3. My date may have flaked, and you may make fun of me for that, but we may reschedule next week, and I may show up for the PUG with free booze and pizza Disclaimer: the booze and pizza are free to me and non-transferable.
  4. I am glad so many others like this too. It would be nice to have just 1 other base defense map besides C&C_OneLaneStalemate Copyright: Yosh
  5. There are a few people to ask, but I know HappyConscript made maps using it. It is definitely possible, just like harvester dump amount is. I can't find documentation myself right this moment however...
  6. I have yet to see a GOOD reason why it should be removed. Only whining. That argument goes both ways. I respect that Bananas gave a good reason why it should stay: Adds structure death. I respect why it's OP for 900, it's a travel-anywhere near-instant sort of vehicle. Really, it boils down to "breaking stalemates", and air-maps are the least prone to stalemates, so apparently they are doing something right. If they are too strong, they aren't gamebreaking, and I think structure kills obtained with apache/orca are legit enough, especially for how squishy it is for 900. So B0ng is right, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Besides, usually it helps GDI more than Nod and God knows GDI NEEDS the help on just about every flying map...
  7. The desert looks alright with soft boundaries. Canyon was alright with them. Just make sure, rocks you shouldn't be able to stand upon, are literally within the soft-boundaries so you can't. That, or make it a groundwar map (no air), and then put tank blockers on edge (probably not even that necessary anymore), and then put blocking volumes straight up from atop of rocks so they aren't climbable. Solved. Dw about humvees, by time these maps make it in, a 7 second timer shouldn't allow what a 10 second time used to.
  8. If I find a way to replicate it, I'll damn sure try. I just know it has something to do with blue tiberium, and I think green used to do this but then it stopped (I think), so possibly differences between the two's damage if they aren't copy-paste should be explored, but if reproducable then I will try my best to discover and explain. Field has only green, so this has to be possible with mendoza burn too.
  9. I see no problem with soft boundaries, but this wasn't possible with hard boundaries. I see no reason why anything, that was impossibru with hard boundaries, would be difficult to "induce death upon" with soft boundaries. The only problem, is where the soft boundaries aren't protecting, and they can continue to improve until this nonsense is impossibru again.
  10. Thanks for the Videos! Now, may not be here Satuday for PUG. Going on a date Friday. May last until Saturday, unsure.
  11. You've done quite a neat job here from the looks of things, I can definitely see this becoming an included map, and love when people help make nice things for us. Just make sure it's balanced, roomy on vehicle fronts, complex enough in corridors and enough openings on infantry paths, and all that good stuff. Especially Nod to GDI gameplay-wise in equal advantages, and just overall a map that neither implodes instantly for either team nor stalemates for hours. For instance, I know these are sort of big changes, but if it doesn't work as-is, tweaks to balance could include: -Moving Oblesk and AGT more center of the base to cover middle and side paths. -Widening the central vehicle path for side-by-side tank action. -Adjusting sharpness of terrain hilly height, because you underestimate just how much arc Artillery have, they can prob hit WF or Ref from their own wide/narrow vehicle path entrances. -Swapping the HON and AirTower, or alternatively flip the Tarmac, to reduce jeopardy for just-purchased Nod vehicles. -Adding LOTS of webby rocks to infantry path, so 1 guard can't take down anyone traversing it in a defensive stance, rather it takes dividing up mines between two openings that converge, or it takes more manpower to cover two forked infantry entrances. -Flipping the direction of the PP, so the doors are on the blind-side of the Obby/AGT, or even 90 degree rotate so the doors are reachable from the infantry path even if you can't dilly dolly, whichever one makes more sense after a test-play -Another reason to flip HoN, is it looks like GDI at wide-path has LOS of HoN, Strip, AND Ref (could be mistaken). Swapping HoN and AirTower, puts HoN only in LoS of narrow path, and only places 2 structures in LoS of wide path without taking Obby-Fire. This would make it equal to GDI, which only have WF and Ref on wide-path LOS, and Bar and Ref on narrow-path. (Don't get me wrong though, this is already so much better than Under, where only 1 vehicle opening per team, GDI has LOS on Air and Ref, while Nod has ONLY WF and a much narrower opening to work with)
  12. I agree that we should wait for whatever tweaks are added to make games more reliably 12-48m long and naturally-ending, as well as maybe a big-hype type of map. After that, we should plan to do something to promote this. Consider Steam. Make promotional videos, possibly the PUG gameplay. Invite some medium-level Youtuber who's gig is multiplayer shooter, maybe preferably a Planetside 2 enthusiast.
  13. Sorry for the delay. But, you should download it, and it should require install, then update. What was the name of the file you downloaded and clicked on, the one that didn't do anything? It should be something like "RenegadeX-Open Beta 5F.exe", and it should install a folder, with RenX, a default UDK archetype with one additional folder called "Launcher", which has RenegadeX Launcher.exe. RenegadeX Launcher should open, with server listings, as well as ask you to update to 5.14 which you should. Once successfully updated, you should just be able to open the game, or select a server and click join. Let me know which of these .exe are not responding to you.
  14. I can maybe help suggest a fix for the sprinting part. Just use Beta 3 or prior sprinting animation, and mount it as a standing animation. The current ones blend player-speed to achieve syncronized leg-speed and whether the animation is sprint or walk, but the old one used to be "press button to activate animation" and you need only mount it to idle-animation and not have any animations at all for other forms of movement.
  15. No. Same goes to nod. It's more of a problem for Nod, and less of one as Nod, as Artillery can be reaped by GDI MRLS, Gunner, and Patch, but MRLS can only be pecked at by ramjet as best since Nod lacks that kind of range. Either way, both those rocks, and though unrelated, the stealth tank mct snipes in coop with sbh holding doors open for them, are both cheap and questionable.
  16. All servers are basically "normal" with stat-tracking. And TS3 is anytime you want, but I was talking about Saturday 7pm-UTC 2PM US-Eastern when we do Organized Games, that TS3 channel is where you meet to get the password. There is a Public Server running at the same time, and there are almost always public servers running from 8am to 4pm my time, so basically 2pm-9pm UTC
  17. Are MRLS on top of Bar-side Tiberian-Rocks allowed? I feel it is basically B2B since they are well inside of the "Metal Wall". I really wish the "out of bounds" area was just retracted to "any standable surface on top of those rocks" so being "on those rocks" is out of bounds unless you go so far off them that you stepped off and fell to ground.
  18. Could do all 3, because: -I still think having a commander that fielded first, is 99% of the time better than having no commander at all for that game, especially assuming they would know who they should give commander to. -With the upcoming change in how score is obtained, score should be harder to get the "classic way", basically much like how Ryz suggested "permanent damage should reward more than damage to armor". -I also think that everyone that q-spots something, should use the same code as Yosh's mod, with less visible icons. -Score-based merits, early-game commander if left unvoted, "veterancy", and late-game bonuses, are all fine and we should at least try it, as long as it isn't score-ends-game based.
  19. Logan did it in Renegade, didn't he? McFarland would make sense here then, both are the right character to be associated with training and/or touring a base.
  20. There is technically a way to do some medium-difficulty coding, and integrate the commander mod to a default player prior to a vote. Just have commander default to first player on team with score of 8k. Assuming Agent still is hooking score to events, or even before that by just creating a 1-time event that does the jog of checking score internally. That way, every team has commander. If Sub-Commander's still work, make the first 3 people to reach 8k score get them so odds are 1 of the 3 are interested in using "binoculars or q-spotting or direct-orders" to do commander-like things. Of course, leave in the function "vote commander" and "commander passing power to new commander" (all still in Yosh's code I think and hope). Whoever gets commander first can pass it to someone they know can use it, use it themselves, or a team can vote someone in, but most times 1/4 the community makes a better commander, than the absence of a commander.
  21. Actually, it is practically mandatory because of that. Exceptions are few and far between, for people who naturally are "good", have "full map awareness at all times", and are exceptionally good at text communication and q-spot. I opt to Teamspeak just because the benefits are huge and I am a chatty douche everyone hates because he is distracting from the game, and I bring a friend occasionally who can't Teamspeak but we use external mics over XBLive believe it or not, but as good as I am, from years of Ren and MOBAs, I'd trust someone equal or better than me to function without TS3 (as low as me, up to Yosh, Vertiso, and Jeff). Otherwise, you actually need Teamspeak3 to get the password to the server. Don't need to talk, but listening is important as verbal communication is instant and much easier to muster up the team to coordinate 12-man attacks simultaneously with an 8 man team to double-jeopardy the enemy base and crack 1 of 2 structures from smorgasboard-distribution of repair. Yeah, fancy tactics basically.
  22. If they kill someone in base, they deserve it. If 2 engis kill all of Nod's team in GDI base, I beg to differ. Defender advantage and all, but not that extreme an advantage, not when the objective is also the spawn. Would be nicer about it, if there was a specific structure everyone spawned from and wasn't the target of onslaught. Might actually pitch an idea for that later in fact. It can be done, but not by any means easily. You have to do it before they press E>R>E>R really quickly when facing a terminal at anything around a 90 degree angle. I have aimed a volt rifle head-level, and someone got out a refill and side-stepped with 1/4 health taken off. It entirely depends on latency and how fast someone pulls off E>R>E>R, which isn't that difficult. This is where Refill Delay is vital to add (tied to free infantry purchase, of course, because otherwise buying endless free engis is basically a refill). Oh, it was broken. It takes 30 seconds, if discovered in 24 seconds, it takes 1 engineer with infinite refill 8 seconds to dispatch of 4 enemies. Then, with q-spot mct c4, 4 others come to assist and their burst-damage of c4 can already do the job, and their total diffuse time becomes way fast. Tunnel engineers were POS too, but to be fair, AP infantry got speed bonuses, and AT infantry got heavier resistances to c4, so this is in fact no longer a problem, a nerf on a nerf if you will (like airdrops cost+timer+deliverydelay+notanks). The last 2 points, is why I agree perhaps delay should either be slightly reduced, yes, to barely anything at all (because instant murder-suicide c4 were stupid), or just removed and allow engis to murder-suicide. Because it was nerfed when infantry were given speeds and armors, I want to see what it looks like with only one nerf or the other. Yosh may be resistant to it, but I still support it just to see if stupid or not. Nonetheless, if Respawn Delay and Refill Delay are implemented, I think for absolutely sure that engis need remote detonation near-instant or instant, as their suicide is a timeout for 8+ seconds while their base gets rekt so they are much more persuaded not to do that shtuff, and their bum-rush is already risky so that also works itself out. Bottom line though, as far as killing a structure, if you kill a structure you kill a structure, if engis are killed by intruders then they were using the wrong class to kill what is essentially infantry (you need enforcers to defend base and not just engis), and stalemates are still common which shows that "base defense" isn't as impossible as made out to be.
  23. It has been reported to occur on Whiteout when you touch certain rocks too. So it's relevant. It was also Blue Tiberium burn damage. So it's relevant.
  24. 1: There wasn't supposed to be an hour difference. 2: The older looking one, trust me, I tested it with 23rd date instead, just to find later, that it resets for year, and not for week. No way to make it do weeks. Still working on this though. The one with multiple clocks, should be fine, unless the unlikely event that it's timezone dependent, which defeats it's purpose anyway, but I'll see... EDIT: Since the clock appears to be dependent on user-clock to generate, meaning it shoots timezones in the foot, I think I found a new link. Still thinking on just hosting a page for it.
  25. Nope, the OTHER link was better I believe. Unless it isn't. In which case tell me, I will host a custom one if I have to, individual webpages for mundane tasks are dirt cheap and I'll commit to one if I must.
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