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Everything posted by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr

  1. Damn, more Russian collusion. Those guys just don't quit.
  2. Mess Effect Andromeda:
  3. It's Nod, not NOD. Nod is not an acronym. You got it right the first time. What happened?
  5. Hey bubs it's Nod, as in the Brotherhood of Nod. Nod is not an acronym, unlike GDI, which stands for Global Defense Initiative. So you don't capitalize each letter in Nod. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB!!! Just kiddin, you good. EDIT: lol rowboat quit pretending to be confused and vandal wipe those tears, have no fears, leave no beers, and do a cheers.
  6. I wasn't being sarcastic. When I said morphing blob animation, I meant it - that's a hell of an animation to create, to make it look natural, and then there's the AI, I wasn't even considering that.
  7. @slashes We're talking about the Recon Bike, not the tiberium sun attack cycle. The Recon Bike is hard to hit but they're also hard to drive. Lead your shots when trying to hit them. I assume the devs made them more powerful than they are supposed to be because it's mostly a crate-only unit; the trouble to get one should be worth it. Their damage output is too much for their cost, so obviously adjustments need to be made before bringing them back into the fold. Raise their price and lower their damage so players won't forgo stealth tanks in favor of them. For more details check my thread out: Re-implementing the bike in Renegade has been done before. No reason not to do it in Renegade X, aside from emotional issues and/or lack of resources; that new tiberium sun mod is proly hoggin all the team's time and resources. That new mod looks fantastic.
  8. yeah making an accurate visceroid model, the morphing blob abomination. That would be intense.
  9. Give Nod SSM launcher. It's like super artillery. Massive splash damage to bust open any blockades. And yah buff flame tank. Give it wider area of effect.
  10. YES. THIS. Bring on the player versus environment gameplay. I'd love to have to clear a tiberium field because it's infested with a bunch of asshole mutants. The devs could take this to a whole other level in their Tiberium Sun Firestorm mod, with veins and veinhole monsters and tiberium floaters and those vicious attack dog/boar tiberium fiends.
  11. I see your point. How about putting some faction owned indestructible uncapturable silos on the maps which have a shared tiberium field? At least 1 tiberium silo for each team, tucked away in the back of their bases. Maybe also introduce smaller capturable silo-like structures, small enough to fit into the infantry tunnels? The idea of manually mining tiberium on foot could be feasible. Have a purchasable tiberium proof suit with mining equipment, a handheld collection device combined with a backpack for storage. $250. It'd be cool to play as Nod 'cause they have Chem Warriors to back them up. But should those players harvesting tiberium on foot have to return to the refinery to generate a bigger lump sum of credits rather than stand in a spot mining indefinitely for a smaller but steady trickle of credits? There's more risk/reward involved with lump sum, compared to just standing there. Perhaps instead of a suit with mining equipment, have the purchasable equipment be a deployable drone that automatically goes to and harvests the closest tiberium patch quickly and returns to the refinery. The drone lasts as long as it survives, but it doesn't take in nearly the amount of cash the real harvester does. You're right in thinking that harvesters are big targets and more of them could simply mean more of them dying. But you're wrong in thinking that infantry harvesters would not just as easily die. Infantry harvesters would be a sniper's dream. On a map like Under, infantry harvesters might be able to hide in the center area for a bit, taking cover but still being within reach of the tiberium crystals. This is why you think on-the-spot mining to generate income would be the best course of action, because even when the guys dies, he's at least had some time to generate more income for his team. Where as if he'd have to go back to the refinery but got killed along the way, he'd be fucked, having wasted time and money for nothing. Unless you could somehow recover the suit's back pack? Like it stays on the battlefield as a power-up for a little while after the guy dies? Allowing his teammates to recover it.
  12. @Mystic~ Aye, tis more useful as an ambush unit for sure, lad. When your team has the front line, creep up to the enemy base and force the defenders to focus on you, allowing your team to push into their base. If your team doesn't have the field you use the map's terrain like big rocks or hills to hide behind waiting for target of opportunity and/or your team's tanks to join you for a push further out into the field. If you're holed up in your base, on certain maps the flame tank can be useful for a front line defense. For example, in the map Under - the light tanks have a smaller profile than the flame tank, so the flame tanks stay behind the light tanks as they both pop in and out from cover at the base entrance corner, their combined firepower helping to stave off camping mammoths, etc.
  13. Grenadiers should get a damage buff. Increase the damage they do to everything, maybe also increase splash damage so more damage is done further out.
  14. @Mystic~ Naw fuck all that. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS, but naw I aint gay) Just get driveable and buyable Harvesters. They cost 1400 bucks in the original C&C, but that's pretty steep. So cut it in half - $700. Add it to the vehicle purchase menu. With the vehicle cap you'd have to choose wisely - should I double our teams money? Or is every tank needed? Or maybe have player bought Harvesters separate from the vehicle build limit. Instead, have it's own build limit. It might be necessary, 'cause in 64 player matches on maps where the tiberium is tucked away behind your base, lets say both teams have like 7 guys in harvesters covering their entire fucking tiberium field, meaning shitloads of cash all the time. My god, now we're rich. Now we can buy whatever the fuck we want yeeeah boooi Speaking of buying shit, I miss buying desert eagles. And Bieks #NeverForget
  15. Put their "magazine" size from 50 back up to 100 like it was in OG Renegade. Same with Chem sprayer. These guys are supposed to douse an area but they have to cut it too short with constant reloading. It's ineffective.
  16. You know what would help with Nod's win/loss ratio? Mainline Recon Bikes in all maps for at least $500 bucks a piece. $250 seems too cheap. I mean if they're as overpowered as some devs allude to then obviously the price needs to be higher. Yoshi, any thoughts?
  17. @Mr. Stagger Lee Fuck yah, train 'em up @yosh56 Lee's got a good idea
  18. I don't. That's a great idea. And great ideas is what we all about, yo.
  19. @EnkerZan People can't abuse it. You can only use it once per match. Playercount isn't affected by it.
  20. How many times did you use the word toxic in your post? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... 6 times. Jesus Christ man, lol. You need to upgrade your vocabulary. The word "toxic" is soooo overused it's getting pathetic. Here's a reminder to any brittle spirited forumites (I count 7 so far; remove votes): you do not represent the vast silent majority of players who have no forum account and who couldn't care less about someone raging in chat because he's butthurt. As for the !noob command? That's been in the original Renegade servers for quite some time. I've been marked with it before. And I deserved it. I've also witnessed some hilarious altercations between players because of it, some classic lulz. I use the !rec and !noob all the time So leave it in; no need to fix what isn't broken.
  21. Looks like certain areas are not considered by some people to be out of bounds. OP wants you to extend a particular area. I'm in favor.
  22. A rifle right up the dickhole? Ouch.
  23. That's a neat idea; further distinguish the blue balled and black handed into an actual Nod subfaction that plays differently from the normal Red nod. But then we're back to asymmetrical game-play between factions, and while playing as Nod, I'd rather wipe out GDI scum than have to kill my fellow brothers.
  24. I have no interest in mirror matches but the developers do so I'd say leave it in, and if enough players vote for those maps during rotation then it's only fair they get to play them. Plus those maps are an excuse to use the MIGHTY RECON BIKE OF YONDER, except the whole point of using the Recon Bike is to fight GDI..... To the devs: We're looking for asymmetrical gameplay.
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