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Everything posted by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr

  1. Imagine the chinook being able to airlift a vehicle? Is it possible with the engine? You hover down close to a tank, then press a key to start the hitching process. Press the same key again to release the cargo. It sounds so fucking awesome I want this now.
  2. Very nice this is awesome.
  3. What the fuck did you just fucking send to my base, you fascist scum? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Officer Corp, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on small outposts, and I have over 300 confirmed bases destroyed. I am trained in micromanagement and I'm the top commander in the entire 17th regiment. You are nothing to me but just another GDI commander. I will wipe your base the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with sending those Titans to blow up my power plants? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of bases across the world and your transmission is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your base. You're fucking dead, commander. My forces can be anywhere, anytime, and they can destroy your base in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with a commando. Not only am I extensively trained in base building, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Brotherhood of Nod and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your fascist ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little attack was about to bring down upon your base, maybe you would have held your forces back. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. My forces will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. PEACE THROUGH POWER! Bitch plz, I am Nod. I'm also your real dad. @Br0Tranquility: The flamethrower being anti armor only, I don't like that. I wanna see a flamethrower be a menace to infantry like the grenadier and shotgunner is. Although the shotgunner has its up close precision kills, and the grenadier has its longer range bombardment, the flamethrower should kinda be inbetween. Actually setting surfaces on fire for a bit sounds cool. Lingering chemical clouds from the Chem Warrior would be cool as FUCK, y0!
  4. I like a all o' dis. Also, better asses.
  5. You muthafuckahs serious? No one thinks the Flamethrower sucks ass and needs help? In real life I should kill you.
  6. 127 rules. Stop being a bird and accept said fact.
  7. lol. Seriously though, I have an nvidia GT 640. The game runs pretty good, and except on maps with alot of detail and bots, the FPS is solid. Its really blurry on Goldrush though. I had this exact same problem with GTA4, it was grainy, fuzzy, blurry, whatever as FUCK. Turns out, the solution was to turn the water GFX to Ultra High. Then I got crystal clear picture. This game's specific map is the only other instance of this issue. When I look really closely on other maps, I can see individual pixels, as anyone can, and I guess you can say the effect is, well, grainy, fuzzy was my first pic, but when I googled that, grainy came up. But for some reason, this grain effect is very apparent on Goldrush to the point that it is noticeable and pisses me off. It is grainy as fuck on goldrush, just sayin. I have an HDMI 56 inch LCD TV. When playing RenX, everything looks fine - sept for that one map. The problem has got to be specifically with that map. That map's graininess, and walls is fucking BRIGHT. The only two "issues" I've furrowed my brow over. Oh, and the flame thrower, he sucks ass, please help him. EDIT: YES! I fixed it. Post Processing effects. I disabled that, and now Gold rush is just fine. Halle-fucking-lujah, FUCK YOU grainy bitch, you die now.
  8. I called it fuzzy, but I think the correct term is grainy. I have medium gfx preset. On the map Goldrush, the whole screen, all the textures, everything is grainy. But for other maps, it is fine. Also, Walls is FUCKING. BRIGHT!! It was way too dark on dark maps, so I upped brightness to 75 from 50. But DAYUM, is it ever fucking bright on walls. No big deal, but I figure you guys are all technological GENIUSES, wheres as I am an asshole. Can you help me with my small problems?
  9. The flamethrower is not very effective against other soldiers. To make the flamethrower more effective I was thinking, upping it's body damage. Headshot damage seems fine. More ideas: -Increasing the speed of the projectile, so that it is at least as fast as bullets (like the chaingun's bullets speed) - - - - Since the chemical sprayer is basically a flamethrower but with twice the fire power, changes made to teh flamethrower should also apply to the chem sprayer. But if yah wanna get REALLY fancy, why not make the chemsprayer's projectile leave gas residue that lingers in the air for a little bit, damaging hostiles that wander through. Just something to differentiate it from the flamethrower.
  10. Shit br0, awesome mod, but please fix your links ASAP. I tried the first mirror, USA Colorado and it was corrupted file download.
  11. Just google Renlist, if you don't have the CD, and you can play the original Renegade. My CDs got scratched to shit, so I just got that.
  12. WTF GatsuFox That is so lame. The thread is dead though isn't it? Also, state your thoughts on Flamethrower, and/or flamethrower DPS.
  13. WEll, the shotty could be fun for tunnel matches. Its pretty satisfying headshotting a havoc or two be fore going down. I'm talking marathon matches. But the Assault Rifle had a cone of fire. It had spread. The Chaingun, and I think Laser Chaingun also had a slight spread. There must have been a couple other weapons that had a slight spread too.
  14. Oh fuck THATS what I've been missing. I've been landing bodyshots because I wasn't taking the arc into consideration. Still... all for dps buff for flamer? Show of hands please.
  15. Alright so basically, the beacon thing needs to be better represented. After the 45 seconds, if you fail to disarm it, how about 3 seconds of animation plays, then boom? Instead of 10? Definitely change the countdown timer to imminent. You can't "abort" a nuke that's about to land on your head nor a laser beam. So thats what need to be shown to players. If you don't disarm the beacon in time, it is going to get a lock down on the area, and you're gunna be fucked unless you run.
  16. Soooooo... these spots you mention... are they real? Tell me the locations so I can look for them and confirm if they exist or not. Pics or it didn't happen. For WF: as SBH go to the top roof, jump off at the back and onto the 2nd roof. If done properly, a well placed beacon drops through the holes so engineers/hotwires need to do the same difficult jump within 50 seconds. Which is nigh-impossible. For PP: run up to the roof, at the beginning of the roof, walk to the left side of the roof (the yellow colored bit) and around the PP untill you reach the last exhaust vent. Placing a beacon in that vent makes it impossible to reach from the ground AND roof! Unless you walk the same way as the SBH does, which makes you turn around and walk around again. For Ref: Walk up on the roof. There is some sort of pillar at the front part of the roof that lets you stand on it. Placing the beacon there will make it drop behind the fence or through the roof, making it impossible to reach it with a repairgun. If you cannot immagine these situations, you clearly haven't played Renegade X long enough. On TheMatrixRen server, these spots are banned from use. Anyone seen abusing these bugs (either by seeing the actual planting or building destruction by an unreachable beacon) will get a permanent IP ban. Which, in my opinion, is fair. NOTE: for WF, running up the roof and placing it anywhere on top of the roof is not bugabusing and that beacon can be easily reached, yet needs a little time to search for it. Excellent. Well thanks for being the first person ever to post exact information regarding these exploits. Your post should be pinned and displayed at front page news so everyone knows about these exploits. I'm playing on Matrix server as much as possible now. Thank you.
  17. Do you guys know of any mods for the old Renegade that modded the campaign?
  18. They were practically useless, unless you were really, really REALLY far away and the chances of enemies seeing you were slim to buckus. The scope made your character move alot slower, basically walking speed (like when you hold shift in olde renegade) Most of the time though, its tunnel fights. There was no generic zoom. Only the sniper and ramjet had scopes.
  19. April fools? Oh man I gotta see this. lol. You saying I'm trolling or you are? I'm not exactly trolling. I'm just saying if the recoil and aim down sights stays in this game, well, fuck man. It definitely needs some fine tuning. I don't even know if original Unreal Tournament has aim down sights. Don't get me wrong I'd love to see it implemented as well as more new features, but I'm gunna go with SFJake, also known as the Puritan - you might as well just get rid of it. SIXTY NINE POSTS MUTHAFUCKAH. LEZ GET IT ON. (as of this post)
  20. Man, people are fucked. What don't they get about it? The timer has ended, you failed to disarm the beacon. That 5 + time of animation play is not part of the beacon count down. Since you failed to disarm the beacon, the superweapon has a full lock on to the beacon's position. The beacon is not needed anymore, it'd be pointless to disarm it now because the targeting is complete. Ok SO: Original Renegade: 50 second timer (and during the last 5 seconds the projectile appears), then BOOM. Ren X: 50 second timer, after which the projectile appears, the animation of it coming to it's target plays out for 5 seconds, then BOOM. This way you don't see a fucking nuke or god damn giant laser beam disappear right before your eyes. IT'S THE SAME TIMER, and the same intensity as old renegade. It is just more realistic this way.
  21. LOL SFJake you crack me up. Now where did I put that crack pipe.... Ahhh there it is. tl;dr, Currently, this game has a half assed recoil mechanic for some of it's guns, and so the guns have ADS. But if the game wants to go down this route of semi realistic weapon functions, if the game wants to represent how a real soldier handles a weapon, this half assed recoil, ADS, etc wont do. Might as well can all that shit and stick to the original Renegade had. No recoil, no nothing, just figure out how the weapon shoots it's projectiles and aim accordingly. SFJake you need to get some fucking drugs in your system NOW boy. It's time you grew up. Arcade games are way funner when your drunk. Strafing and bunny hoping like a boss was never better on bathsalts and peyote.
  22. Soooooo... these spots you mention... are they real? Tell me the locations so I can look for them and confirm if they exist or not. Pics or it didn't happen.
  23. Bump. So hows all yer thinkinz towards the Flamethrower soldier? Does it suck, or do I suck at aiming? I haven't played as him much, because more tanks are always needed at the front lines! HOLD THE LINE! MAINTAIN FIELD CONTROL. But so far, I have been underwhelmed by the Flamethrower soldier's weapon. What are your thoughts?.
  24. I guess all the weapons need tweaking. But what is this game going for? Is it trying to make Renegade more realistic with more realistic weapon handling? I think it is, thats why theres ADS and actual recoil, unlike original renegade which had simple bullet spread algorithms on some weapons, like the assault rifle. So... think of original renegade. Picture how the weapons worked. Now try adding in ADS. The only ADS renegade had was sniper scopes, which we're pretty useless because the only thing they did was make you move way too slow. If ADS is going to be implemented into this game, well, then all the weapons need to be tweaked so that they "feel" more realistic, in that, hey! Your firing a fucking gun, and since all the character classes seem to resemble normal human beings as soldiers, depending on the weapon itself theres going to be some or alot of kick back after each shot is fired. "SHORT, CONTROLLED, BURSTS". Now, if there was a character class depicted as "stronger" than a normal human, maybe the recoil wouldn't be so prevalent because his arms are stronger. I don't see any character like that in Ren X. All I see are soldiers, normal human soldiers. I like fluff accurately represented in game mutherfucker! Anyways, Theres alot of work to be done on all these added mechanics I guess. I have found ADS to be kind of useful in Ren X. Basically, the only time I use it, I enable toggle ADS, and, when in firefights, strafing around like a mad man on waaaaaaaaay too much cocaine, if I think the enemy isn't aiming directly at me, I'll toggle to ADS and fire off ONE burst, then leave ADS. Like for a split second, I'm in ADS mode. I might fire off two bursts, but honestly, anymore and you're a sitting duck. Like everyone else is saying. Oh, and the weapon I'm using in the aforementioned play through would be the Assault Rifle.
  25. Yah pretty good ideas except for the Ion/Nuke "get rid of" animation. What is it right now, a 30 second timer? And then after that timer, if the beacon ain't disarmed, the animation plays, and after which the structure dies. Isn't that how it's currently set up? I thought that THAT was the coolest idea Renegade X implemented. That's how I always wanted it to be like in original Renegade.
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