They were in Renegade, and they were definitely in C&C 1. Any plans for these Nod units to make an appearance?
Heres my ideas for them and their stats. Lots of shit to spew here, grab a drink:
The bike for $500, faster than buggy/Humvee with less health, only for Nod. I see it having basically the same weapon as the stealth tank, fast dual rockets maybe with a lower Rate of Fire, but around the same damage, same missile speed. Honestly I just want to ride a fucking bike with missile launchers on the side.
Definitely get the bike rockets to have lock on just like the stank, since instead of a turret the bike has two missile launchers fixed on both sides of it. The launchers can aim up and down, but have the rockets themselves able turn with your reticule, but of course you can't aim behind you, you might be able to angle off shots a little under 90 degrees left and right and up, but can't aim backwards.
The Surface to Surface Missile launcher, only for Nod, $800, this thing was only in tiberian dawn multiplay for the most part. There was a representation of it in Renegade, it was in singleplayer, like the bike.
Its like the V2 truck from RA1, but with two missiles, although in Renegade it was modeled to only have one missile. Fucking Renegade.
Anyways, in tiberian dawn multiplay, the SSM's two missiles were about the same damage as the RA1 v2's one missile. It was kinda the same unit role. Slow moving, little health, but awesome firepower siege unit, as it could take out clumps of infantry, and smack around buildings. In TD, the SSM could out range obelisks and adv. guard towers. For Renegade X you might wanna lower that range.
So the SSM's got two powerful siege missiles, which have a longer range than arty/HRLS, but a much longer reload time. It is slow moving, slower than arty, its effective against infantry, structures, and ok against tanks. Easiest to use to crack open structures. Since the missiles are so powerful, making the reload time as long as possible would help balance, and the speed of the missiles themselves would be slow enough for players to dodge them at range.
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In game - go to the front line. Roll up with the SSM, behind all the tanks and arties, with a couple bikes zipping around at all corners of the map. Good times, no?
Or is it just too much stuff for nod? I don't think it would unbalance anything. With the bike you basically have a more expensive version of the buggy, and with the SSM a more expensive, more unwieldy version of the arty.
Wheres as GDI has the medium and the mammoth, and MLRS. And those things just about destroy everything. GDI just has the solid all in one units, wheres Nod has a spread out arsenal of funny weapons.
I really miss the bike. Its in Tiberian Sun Reborn and its fun.