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Everything posted by Canucck

  1. I played on their mara server quite a bit as Espion, probably the server I played on the most after n00bstories/thepitts
  2. Are you guys complaining about all the people that were complaining about the guy complaining?
  3. So that there is at least some possibility of being punished for making stupid decisions. People complain about snipers/etc "playing cod", yet this kind of hand-holding is the exact same thing, worse even. Locking it so friendlies can't steal your vehicle when it spawns is a good idea, that actually was a problem in ren. If you buy a med tank on Walls from the Ref, then decide to go mine the PP while your vehicle sits infront of the WF, that is stupid. You should feel stupid for doing that, especially if you die at the PP or on your way from the PP to WF. Getting your vehicle stolen is a great way to go about that. If that happened to you, would you honestly make the same mistake again, or next time would you do things differently? Vehicles probably shouldn't park on the GDI side of the strip to begin with, that's a map design issue. If GDI has tanks sitting on your strip, your vehicle is going to die before you can get to it anyway, and you shouldn't have wasted money on that tank
  4. You act like it's giving away tanks... this was a complete non-issue in ren, people didn't run into the enemy base to form a nice british queue next to the strip. Not sure what game you're fantasizing about
  5. Do you go on a coffee run after you buy your tanks or something?
  6. Can this be reduced to like 5s? If people want to buy a tank from the PP on Walls and get sniped 6 times trying to run to the WF, the game shouldn't protect their vehicle the whole time. 5s is more than long enough to get to your vehicle before an enemy steals it. I'd rather it be 0s because if an enemy can chill by the WF/strip without being noticed and get to your vehicle before you, you deserve to lose it imo whether they were invisible or not, but I think too many people would whine about that.
  7. Like 95% of players run in straight lines or jump against snipers. Jumping is worse than running in a straight line Also there are a few classes that are just outright better than either snipers now anyway
  8. Being able to tell where map boundaries are seems like kind of a big deal
  9. rofl, no
  10. Just go back to hard boundaries. Games are better when shit is clearly defined. There's enough other work that could be done to maps besides trying to jig them to work with soft boundaries properly, that's just a mess that will take forever to get right.
  11. You don't want that oldren feel?
  12. Rotation, then after a ~week ditch the maps people leave on. Maybe bananify those maps afterwards
  13. The inner radius is too big on pretty much every splash weapon in the game. Panic throwing remotes might be better if it was smaller. Outer radius being big is fine as long as there is a significant dmg dropoff, even if it's not linear
  14. Not screwing around with my settings sounds like a much better idea
  15. A building dying is just a good excuse for someone who already wasn't having fun and was thinking about leaving the game. Leaderboard punishments will do literally nothing to prevent these people from leaving, and if you try too hard to punish these people with such a small playerbase you'll just end up discouraging people from playing the game altogether.
  16. Would be nice if the tunnels were just made into somewhat normal hallways on all maps like in ren, would really help with this too. There's nothing beneficial about having tunnels that look like they were dug by a 3 year old into the side of a snowbank, or arches that only dwarves can pass under
  17. 3d backgrounds in main menu are poison
  18. Like half of the playerbase isn't even on the leaderboards, and most games are on marathon servers. You don't punish people for leaving marathon games. If you want a meaningful leaderboard you need to stop playing marathon to begin with, it's a joke game mode.
  19. I think you should unslow anything you slowed in the last patch. Having some characters be faster is all fine and good, but nothing should have been slowed down.
  20. There's so many people, we could make several teams (captains or random) and have an 8v8 round robin or something
  21. Having to run back to base frequently was a pretty important weakness for infantry. Retaking tunnels on a map like Field usually happens when you can force a few of the main inf (mobius, sak, etc) back to base. Now with everyone having a ton of ammo and being able to circlejerk repair each other you can just stay in the field/tunnels all day
  22. Any chance of getting the 2nd F8-filter added as a checkbox option? Game is so much cleaner with it on, and there doesn't seem to be a way to get there with normal settings (Left= normal, mostly low settings. Right= same settings with filter on) http://i.imgur.com/5P9fWYY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/29rnvi4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EZlbWAo.jpg
  23. Can also leave steam open and set bEnableSteam=false in UDKEngine.ini to disable any steam features
  24. ? You're both talking about chem/fire burns, and one of the main roles for old sydney. Fletcher's dot isn't nearly as spammable. Both patch guns apply burns...
  25. That's part of the problem, but not something Patch should be trying to make up for
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