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Everything posted by Canucck

  1. words but no moving pictures wtf
  2. literally unplayable
  3. Gunner now has jetpack, renamed to Pharah
  4. Glad you are taking notes, here is more example
  5. +20 speed to all inf, game literally saved
  6. I hate using Nod inf, they're all so slow, it's boring as fuck. I dunno how "change inf speed" suggestion turned into "make everything move like a 90yo cottontop driver." You can be invisible for 10min then throw C4 on a building, that's the high point for Nod inf. Mendoza not having an LG anymore is some serious blasphemy too. Yosh has much to answer for, that fiend
  7. Field doesn't work with 60 players. It barely works with 40. The "field formula" was to clear the tunnels enough to get ~30s (probably less) of free sniping time from the waterfall, kill engis and push one side out of the field. Even with 0 communication, your vehicles stuck in your base entrance would naturally push out if a sniper got that time to kill a few field engis on the other team. With 40 players whichever side takes the tunnels first just keeps them, and unless that side abandons the tunnels the other team will never take them back unless they commit so many infantry that they'll be short on tanks+reps, negating the point of taking the tunnels in the first place. With 60 players it's just a clusterfuck with 30 people in the tunnels at all times, shit happens, and none of it makes any sense. Adding a PP and more tunnels didn't really change any of that imo Also fuck the silo, RIP barn
  8. Problem is more because of the increased vehicle limit and the entrances to each base being less of a choke. With 3-4 extra vehicles and extra room on the sides of each base it's really easy for a team to snowball into your base. The rocks that were added help attackers more than defenders too
  9. I have the orignal renalert pkg, and reborn 0.40/0.45 + some other unknown pkg version. Setup 1.037 vanilla ren server and let's do it
  10. looks like oldren
  11. The best part was your team coming together on the conciliatory Yosh kill
  12. >40 is ridiculously boring, there's no room to actually play the game. Watching the irc feed you can see the same people asking for high player count complain about how stale the gameplay is, "omg there's always 12 defenders roaming the base" etc...
  13. Around ~10-18EST
  14. Marathon is skewing people's view of C&C mode. It was made to end in 25-40min. I think ~40min is about the limit for the majority of players on marathon servers anyway, if a map shows no sign of ending you can easily see a huge turnover in players after that point. Rebuilding shit is the worst thing that could happen to C&C mode. Games need to end. Go next
  15. The current ~20 supermine limit is just as bad if not worse than the old 50-100 limit servers used. I don't think removing the limit could ever help no matter how you balanced things
  16. There should probably be visual aids for mining. Something simple liked painted squares inside doors, tunnel entrances, etc. Have a hologram/transparent shell appear before you lay them down instead of the mines just being shit out of your ass after a timer, the mine goes where you aim the shell. The shell is green in places mappers/server owners think are good mine spots, yellow everywhere else, red after the mine limit is reached. Kicking/banning/minebaning people for mining is definitely one of the most retarded things I've ever seen. Even if they're fucking up the game, 99% of the time their intentions are right. Actual abuse is pretty rare, and getting fucked over for trying to help your team is very off putting. It's probably a lot of work but mining could be presented in a much better way
  17. It's nice that suicide to reposition is catching on. Tribes ftw setbind k suicide
  18. Aren't you the guy that just spams for orca/apache rushes all game instead of doing literally anything else? Removing helis will make the map kind of decent, or at least a lot better than it is now, but the double silos (that are in terrible positions) will still keep the map pretty bad
  19. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tribes/comment ... rosshairs/
  20. RIP 1.037 Killing people quickly from distance = fine, killing people quickly when they can fight back = OP Unless it's aoe of course, killing people quickly by shooting the ground is also fine
  21. Everything always needs more splash damage. The ground is the enemy
  22. Canucck


    I think every server should have a mandatory surrender after a specified amount of time, say 30-40min. Determining who surrenders should be based on points imo, the team with the least amount of points after this time period will automatically surrender.
  23. Because it is a pub. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people mute their teammates, not everyone wants to listen to kenz+others whine and moan for 2+ hours These things are probably still good for the game anyway
  24. I think they died shortly after their founder got caught cheating, in like ~2008 http://i.imgur.com/FIQ5YUe.jpg
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