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Everything posted by Canucck

  1. Then the RoF should be increased to compensate. Officer DPS wasn't the problem, it was the balance between rof/base-dmg/DoT, combined with it being difficult to strafe/move properly because of the acceleration issue. atm the officer is in a sweet spot where it does good damage, the damage remains high over time, and missing shots is not punishing at all. If you're going to reduce base damage then increase the RoF, people will burn through their clips faster and spend more time reloading (less DoT) and targets at longer ranges will be less attractive because you'll end up missing more shots overall. Missing shots at close range becomes less punishing for the first target but you'll need to reload sooner making it less effective against groups or over extended periods, without decreasing clip size.
  2. Yes. (lol @ #1 issue) If someone runs blind into a corner they deserve to die. You can approach corners in ways that fuck with corner campers, or sometimes you just shouldn't try to go around that corner. If you have a medium or long range weapon, you either kill them before they get in range or you run the fuck away. It doesn't matter how expensive your character is, if you let a short range high damage character get into a comfortable position on you, only you are to blame. Even if you know they're bad and you can beat them, if you don't realize that they still have the advantage in that situation then you deserve to die still. The only other way should be to kite them, which is hindered atm by character acceleration issues.
  3. I hope not. The only 2 things that should change are 1) Fix character acceleration; and 2) If ADS has any kind of benefit for shotguns it needs to be removed. ADS/slow are completely contrary to how a shotgunner should be played (same for anything in ren tbh)
  4. If someone gets close enough to 1shot you with a shotgun from full hp you're either not paying attention or positioning yourself very poorly. 1shots are never medium range... you have to basically have your shotgun inside their head
  5. It's the movement changes in b4 that make this harder atm. The sluggish character acceleration and having to re-accelerate anytime you change direction too fast made kiting less viable. Those changes should go away (I think Rypel was looking at it) Backwards sprinting would be really really bad though
  6. imo carbine is still better on sbh because it's quiet. Get behind a group/rush and you can usually just 1by1 them from the back and no one notices until half or more are dead also ya completely broken and hilarious
  7. 3 mcfarland shots take ~10% off a med, in less time. A full clip (12) is 38%, it's 3 clips to do the same with a heavy pistol and several seconds slower. Mcfarland has higher burst, higher dps, and more damage over time compared to the heavy pistol
  8. McFarland makes the officer look like garbage, nerfing it without significant changes to the mcfarland gun would really kill Nod infantry fights. CG doesn't even really need a nerf, just need to be rebalanced to fill a more specific role. Something like doubling the RoF and halving the bullet damage, or the reverse, would keep dps the same but significantly change how the gun is used.
  9. So this is how it (roughly) works... -You show up on TS and gather in the channel with everyone else. Depending on how many people there are we decide on teamsizes, if there will be 1 or 2 servers, etc. -Captains are picked, they take turns picking players, picked players move into a separate team channel. -One captain will pick first, the other picks map/side (just 1st map if bo3) -Anyone not picked in a previous game must be picked for the next game. You don't have to be super pro or anything, you just have to show up on TS and want to play games that are more fun because everyone on the team is on the same page. Ragers will be told to fuck off
  10. Yes, that's UE3. W3D was entirely CSHD, serverside checks didn't begin until BIATCH
  11. it works like ue3 because it's ue3
  12. Looks like hitboxes might be static on the x/y axis, making some animations misleading. And the character/hitbox displacement doesn't really scale with speed, there are plenty of UE3 shooters faster than renx with the same or less hitbox lag. It's not something that can be made perfect here
  13. "minecraft"
  14. "OneFrameThreadLag=True" This should always be set to false. Setting it false will lower your fps, but you'll actually be able to aim properly, if set true your crosshair will skip pixels. All of the TEXTUREGROUP settings can be edited to lower quality below "low" too.
  15. Canucck


    Just increase the default frequency of refill crates and make the repair beam wider so it's easier to track infantry with it. Make it so an icon appears over the head of damaged infantry for eng/hw/tech.
  16. More game info in the console would be nice. PMs showing in there, damage taken, etc Option to set custom crosshair, universal or per weapon group Let the FOV slider go up to 130. Having to "fov 110" every map is annoying
  17. movement was 8000x times more important in tribes than in renegade and it still wasn't an issue there. The point is you should be typing out the voice combos in a split second. It doesn't take long to spam 2-4 keys, and even if they're normally a movement key it's still way more convenient than reaching across your keyboard to hit the 6-0 keys. All of the tribes keys were directly around wasd
  18. It's pretty much the same thing except instead of a huge overlay it's just a menu that appear off to the side. 'V' opened the menu another key opened a submenu... A for attack, D for defense, G for general, etc, numbers work all the same another key to play a voice command/taunt or open another submenu. ie "VGS" would be voicemenu -> general -> S to yell "Shazbot!" in all chat (tribes version of Fuck!) All of the tribes games are free, should just download one and play around with it for a minute.
  19. I'd rather have something like a comms center replace the silos
  20. If you reverse+left in original ren... tracked things would go back+right, wheeled things would go back+left. They were definitely reversed
  21. I think not having deaths/kd in-match is a good idea, but there should still be very detailed out of game stats. There's not enough out of game stats atm, it'd be really nice to see stats broken down by map, accuracy per weapon, time spent using each class/weapon/vehicle, etc (in addition to overall stats)
  22. Use the Tribes system, basically the same but you'll leave the screen a lot less cluttered. (please no mouse selecting)
  23. It feels like someone is holding pillows over everyone's faces when this map comes up now. If it doesn't end in the first 5min, it's just really stale and slow for the whole game. The new silo is even more campable, vehicle paths are too narrow, infantry paths and the whole map in general is too clustered... it just never really feels like the map gives you any opportunities to make something interesting happen. Too much fashion over function going on with the maps imo. Kenz your maps look great but deadstoping on the edges of bumpy floors constantly, getting stuck on friendlies because tunnels are too narrow, having fireflies in my face all the time, etc just ends up being really annoying imo. Keep shit simple please, things like visual clarity and being able to move around the map smoothly should be higher priorities than how pretty it's going to look in screenshots
  24. 3D sounds should just be louder in general
  25. Changing the rof is absolutely changing the damage lol
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