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Everything posted by Canucck

  1. This makes you kill yourself if there is C4 on any position that you can mouse over in 3rd person, or blocking the face in 1st person
  2. Neither did you? That's not my post, or copied from a post of mine, as the headshot multiplier for the 75 damage variant wasn1.75. Not my post, and not my.words. Disowning this bad idea already...
  3. Babies? It takes barely any skill to be an efficient sniper. Sit in the back and use your histcan insta-gib weapon to kill dudes that can only win by running away. Yeah, because all but a handful of people left playing this game run around like idiots... straight lines, standing still, jumping during 1v1's, scoping on anything but sniper, pay no attention to anything around them, and just really weird shit in general. Problem is never the players, always the game
  4. Lowering settings will force a higher frame rate and that's part of the problem. Even on a desktop that has decent cooling if you let the main menu idle too long and it's hitting 300+ you might end up damaging your card (happened to people in tribes ascend). Smoothframerate fixes that If smoothframerate actually works for someone here since B4, can they post their UDKEngine.ini [iniVersion] lines? (near the bottom)
  5. Pretty sure smoothframerate has been broken since beta4, at least it doesn't work for me anymore.
  6. I don't think anyone should even consider trying to balance this game around marathon
  7. Dedicating 1/12 tanks to do this is not a big deal, but dedicating 1/8 tanks would be. It's a server issue.
  8. You can get repairs from an eng, but you need to go back to base for ammo. Ammo is more limiting, and if someone is spending more time running between a PT and the fight than they are actually fighting, whatever they're trying to do is probably not a very good idea.
  9. I run out of ammo so often on just about every class that sometimes I suicide to get back to base faster, and I'd still rather keep it that way over unlimited ammo.
  10. The thread is about ammo for infantry, isn't it? Yeah it is. If infantry want to have similar utility to tanks, why do they finite ammo while tanks don't? Because they have 10x the impact on gameplay that tanks do. Credits and ammo the only two minor resource management aspects of the game, and credits finally just got a little more important again, so don't go and fuck with the other side of that now with such an extreme change to ammo... If you change anything with ammo it should just be evaluating how many kills or how much tank/building damage each class should reasonably be able to do per clip and overall, then adjust the amounts accordingly Sounds like a great way to make the game more tedious and boring.
  11. atm you can tell if you have the silo or not by how fast you're earning credits. If it's more than 2/tick you have a silo
  12. Canucck

    Player Limit

    40 is already too much
  13. That's pretty short-sighted considering refill crates are few and far between; would be in the way of getting useful things like vehicle crates/spy-crates, and they only help one person in anyway. Giving them a higher spawn chance directly suggests making them not "few and far between" lol. If I'm almost dead or out of ammo then there's nothing more useful than a refill crate imo. Running back to base to refill only helps one person, being able to stay in the fight helps your entire team. You're all backwards
  14. no. servers should just have refill crates be slightly higher %
  15. The old way was more fun. Keep cursor on the target 100% of the time and it'll track, or juke around (actually dogfight) to get in a dominant position to cg them. Give unlimited clip to make up for how much you'll miss, reduced dmg/hp to make up for unlimited ammo. They were much better as glass cannons, and also when they weren't forced onto maps where they don't belong (lakeside) Also is there a way to get legacy controls for aircraft atm? I miss the unlocked camera/gun + shift-strafing
  16. Hope this is joke, they are beasts
  17. Was good but maybe next time we shouldn't pick field and walls as the first two maps D:
  18. That's actually a really solid solution that I think would work well. Actually, limiting it to where it "doesn't kill in 1 clip" was a suggestion I made in Beta 1. That doesn't matter though, you shouldn't be trying to kill people with secondary alone to begin with. Use it every 2nd or 3rd shot to supplement primary damage with the burn, and to check corners. 2x ammo usage should promote that. It's fine that secondary is effective for killing people, it just needs to be punishable in some way
  19. Would love it if primary bounced lol
  20. I don't think they change speed. They're already really easy for infantry to dodge
  21. Secondary should use 2ammo per shot
  22. Why not leave it alone and reduce the PIC/rail rearm time instead
  23. "It killed me too fast make it do less dmg" is a very reactionary/shit way of balancing. Changing attributes is pointless if you don't know what role you want the char to fill, what skillset should compliment it, what point(s) in the game it should peak, etc
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