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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. As they said earlier, it probably isn't going to be a morning release. Expect it around the evening in wherever, and you will never be dissapointed
  2. I have a question about recoil. Renegade was rather arcadey, the high amount of hits needed to kill one person are a result of that. A ramjet, however, still needs only two shots max to kill someone. A basic soldier had it hard enough vs a ramjet as it was, but if recoil would mean a much wider spread if you keep firing, I think it might become entirely impossible to kill a ramjet from any range but point blank. Same counts for characters like patch, SBH and laser chain gunner. Snipers already were the most used character of the game, with a recoil, I fear it will be so dominant that picking another character would be suicide. As for the flamethrower, here are some idea's for a secondary fire: A much thinner beam is fired, which reaches further then the ordinary beam. This at the cost of the rate of fire, less ammo is used each second. When pulling the secondary trigger, a large glob of un-ignited fuel is lobbed, which can then be set fire to as a weak AOE device, if ignited while still airborn, the glob will deal more damage. If the glob hits the ground first, the fuel will be more spread out but deal less damage. Handy for large groups and to hit people around a corner. Compared to the grenade launcher, who has a similar option to fire around corners, this would be my favourite. upon firing, it will spray un-ignited fuel on the area. The fuel will either ignite after several seconds, or when it is ignited by someone else. Spraying a lot on one spot so you can ignite it when a tank rolls over would be a good tactic if you know a rush is comming. Another idea, you will take some fuel out of the tank and into a small container, which will be placed on the ground, working as an incendary device. Although I would prefer the 'launch a glob method'. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. my graphic card was fried weeks ago (tasted rather nice though), and I do not have the money, nor the will to buy a new one for this old computer (more then 5 years old now). So I'm going to have to miss the entire experience... Hope you guys post enough walkthroughs on youtube
  4. I haven't seen anyone else who could hold that rifle in the trailers. My only guess now, is that it's a new weapon for Patch to make him more distinctive from the chaingun. Would be a shame about the tib flachette rifle
  5. very RA2, what's next? Nod wielding octopuses?
  6. My guess is that he's going to be char holding the new tactical combat rifle I hadn't seen the fifth page, holding the tib rifle, ok
  7. The best games were when both teams lost their refinery and base defences (either by destruction or loss of power), and you had to battle for each credit you wanted to use. The sheer exhilaration of killing off costly characters with a basic infantry, or out-sniping sakura's and deadeyes with a basic soldier holding a pickup-sniper, and finally rolling out the tank that might win the game. The more frequent excitement I had was looping around some hotshot sniper and planting a remote or a shotgun on the back of his head before pulling the trigger, and all the reactions that 'it wasn't fair to loop around' while minutes before they were boasting their high K/D ratio earned by killing basic soldiers. But, one memory everyone can probably share, the moment you plant all your remote and timed on an MCT, and you have 30 seconds of nerves trying not to be found out and protecting your explosives till your death. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  8. I wouldn't mind a gritty one
  9. looking GOOD! And you gave me the sudden hope that there will be a mammoth mark II, although it's going to be a far, far stretch to get that one in . I was also thinking that you missed an opportunity here, what if you had made the single player based on the renegade-multiplayer experience? So as you travel, you can keep upgrading yourself with money, depending on what you destroy, secrets you found etc. Ofcourse, the actual details would be hard to implement. I also thought that it would be possible (this is wishful thinking ofcourse) to make a single player that has multiple Tiberium aspects. Think a co-op mission like black dawn. The AI has a steady spawn rate of various infantry and tanks. They just keep attacking, sometimes an 'event' where a major assault team is assembled and attacks the co-op team. The co-op team can buy equipment for themselves, but also buy AI units that will form a team, with a max value of whatever credits. These teams can then defend the base and launch strikes vs the enemy base, similar to C&C multiplayer. But with the added component of small divisions and groups instead of two or three people working together. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  10. I have a question: Since the single player is going to be 1-2 hours, will you have different difficulty modes? And one problem I have with most single players is that even the highest difficulty doesn't offer a lot of challenge, maybe having a difficulty mode where the amount of enemies is doubled or tripled? yours sincerely, Demigan.
  11. I've got another question: The tactical rifle, what character will carry it (Angus?), what will it cost, how will it rate? I can imagine it could be on par with the chaingun but with different specs, but it could also be a whole lot more powerful, a flachette-normal sniper combination. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  12. He means that the fact that Renegade was not mainstream in it's execution of the game. Renegade is only played, in my opinion, because of it's unique game mode, that allows for high tactical gameplay. Lonewolfing takes a LOT of skill to pull off, and usually still needs a lot of allies that happen to distract the enemy for you. Just look at how flawed the infantry system is, the money you get comes in so fast, that taking the lesser infantry rarely makes a good difference. Most people end up either as a mechanic, sniper, rail/PIC or SBH. While there is a shitload of extra infantry units you can take. They just aren't good enough for their price compared to the others. They would need only slight changes to be useful for their price, or a slight nerf of the snipers who earn too many points for their tank sniping. It's also in the tanks, the medium tank trumps the light tank so hard, that the 200 more it costs barely matters. People rather take a different vehicle like the artillery, that with backup can rip almost anything apart. The reason why the game is still played is not because it's flaws, it's because of the unique experience it offered. Some games, like crysis and UT3, now have half baked copies in their node-capture idea's and in crysis an incredibly weak spin-off of the economy system of Renegade. We know Renegade was flawed, it was almost BUILD out of flaws and bugs, the totem team is going to recreate Renegade now not as it was, but how it should have been, but with the modern infuences we would expect today. Now before you cry out 'but we don't WANT modern influences'. Who said they were the MAINSTREAM modern influences? The totem arts team knows perfectly what kind of unique game they have in their hands, mucking it up by giving it all the elements games like BF3 and MW#whatever give would only ruin the experience. There are a hundred games out there with influences we are dreaming about already in them! Dungeon keeper already was a stratagy-RPG-FPS hybrid, where you were allowed to be evil. Each element seperately usually scores highely, people always dream about these kind of hybrids, but in the end they lay forgotten. I think Totem arts knows very well that these kinds of unique, incredible idea's exist, and if it fits in the game, if it looks good, if it enhances the game, they will put it in, without ever dumbing the game down where the best shooter, not stratagist, wins the game. Let them update the game how they see fit, it will NEVER be exactly as we expect it, they can't, and even if they did, we would bitch about the flaws we didn't see comming. I'm sure that in the end, they will succeed nicely, so far there have been few people who actually have something really to bitch about. You actually rever them as gods in almost every update, however little they give (although they do throw in big news every time they make an update). Ooh, and for anyone who go tthis far: Bla bla bla, let me whine every now and then Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  13. 'modern' doesn't mean bad, the original Renegade was supposed to have a load more features, and like the C&C mode, some of those features are slowly seeping into current 'modern' games right now. Like an overview map of the current map. All I'm hoping for is that in creating new features for Renegade-x, they create it in a more unique way, like we've never seen before in other games. So far, they seem to succeed. yours sincerely, Demigan.
  14. Well, this game is getting an overhaul, not the least of which bigger maps and more intricate infantry area's. Renegade had in most maps very few roads for both the infantry and the tanks to move from base to base, with bigger maps, more roads towards a base will be likely. So having additional automatic defences might actually be a neccesity, not a commodoty or gamebreaker. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  15. I would rather have a small tech building near each base, each tech building will control some AA defences. You can destroy the AA, but you can also buy them back/they will respawn after a while. A team then has another important thing to defend, if they fail, then the AA might well wipe out their own aircraft, if they don't have any aircraft, then they can make the enemy spend some recources trying to capture it. You could actually do the same for things like ceiling guns or other automatic defences. But like any automatic defence, they should be used sparingly and have some way to circumvent. Only the main defences should be tough as nails. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  16. and the guy IS pink!
  17. I found episode #9 on youtube, bedankt Jam, ik heb veel lol gehad met sinterklaas Also, this has been asked before but not since black dawn was announced I believe: Will vehicles have a first person view? I think this will become a lot more important in the game. Explosions will now be stopped by walls, so shooting with tanks at the wall near the MCT will NOT damage the engineering crew anymore. First person in a tank will allow you to actually look into the building even when you are almost against it. Imagine being able to shoot at the MCT of the WF when you are nearly against it, damaging the engineering crew. You used to be able to make a big push with tanks, simply shooting near the MCT to damage the engi crew and slowly kill them, forcing them to take their time and heal, with first person, you can actually try and kill the engi crew during a big rush by shooting through the door. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  18. If this bill get's passed, I really hope they DO shut down major parts of youtube and facebook. Why? Because they will probably make the mistake in removing and/or blocking something that is within the laws of another country. While they apparently can do this without consequence because of their own laws and the agreements they have made with youtube and other sites, this will set off other countries, maybe even the entirety of Europe. Recently, although it has died down, massive attacks were performed by simply the public in europe, if you were against a certain group, like a bank, corporation or against a certain bill, you formed a group, had them download some software and performed a combined attack against the sites of those corporations. A large variety of different attacks were sighted. Should America succeed in this moronic idea which is simply a path towards suppression of the populace, they will at some point make a misstep that will cause something far more effective then people demonstrating in the streets, people could, and hopefully will, take to the very thing America wants to censor, and hack, crack, DDos or whatever else you can think off to get the point across: we AIN'T happy about this! Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  19. My graphix card gave out a few weeks ago... I won't be able to play with the old one I'm using. The video is clunky at a few moments, but it conveys the message damn good, sets a good mood for the game. Will that mood stay throughout the campaign, or will it be more of an action mood that quickly overtakes the sad mood you set in the video? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  20. Every page I open from the renegade-x site immidiately sets off my virus scan, that blocks a threat that is on every page. So I should check the site quickly if I were you. This is the site that tries to open itself: (Do NOT open this!) http://kokosina.in/t/go.php?sid (Do NOT open this!) and is blocked immidiately. edit: it is only on the forum pages. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  21. I missed episode #9? anyways, a question... lemme think about it . I would like to know if any 'special events' will take place in the multiplayer. For instance, a map where you can blow up a large amount of rocks to clear a passage. Or the ability to blow up a tower near each of the bases, that allows infantry to easily defend the base. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  22. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Renegade+gun+emplacement&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=905&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=Q4w8V6aKVOKMsM:&imgrefurl=http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Gun_emplacement&docid=6if4N6S4WrztFM&itg=1&imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/cnc/images/e/ee/CNCR_Gun_Emplacement.jpg&w=750&h=536&ei=earUTvWxD8OcOvrExGw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=789&vpy=162&dur=5448&hovh=190&hovw=266&tx=146&ty=74&sig=105312784653011355380&page=1&tbnh=156&tbnw=200&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 I thought you were thinking of the original gun emplacement as seen in the link? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  23. Hmm, in the last trailer you could see a gun emplacement. Unlike the Renegade emplacement, they do not protect you, they are simply a quad gun you sit behind and steer while firing. I would actually like a feature to drop such a gun emplacement. If you place it right, you could make a good defence. In fact, I would love to see a game, not this one, where you could also drop walls and sandbags to aid yourself in defence. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  24. Well, best you pick out the bad stuff before, if you set fire to your house to keep it warm, it's a bitch to find out afterwards that it will break it down. I think the best answer is: the new maps will be tailored more to the standards of today's FPS's, less maps which are simply mirrored bases, more streamlining and pathways and most important: bigger. Especially with the possibility of tanks shells staying in your path, blocking everyone who's behind it, I think that the pathways will be big enough to allow for multiple tanks to join one rush. Even as I mentioned bigger maps... It would be a blessing to duke it out on a nice big map, but the walk-time from one base to another is pretty far in a lot of maps even now... Yours sincerely, Demigan.
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