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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. Try compatiblity mode. Else, try searching this forum, there have been a lot of people with a lot of troubles and fixes already!
  2. I'm sorry, what you mean? I went to investigate if indeed the collision spawned by the CollisionVolume was not able to cull out of the game and yes indeed, they always stayed there (as you said). (checked by opening console: show collision) So I thought that, if we apply a cull to it by the volume, the collision with the actor should dis appear. Because what I'm actually doing in code is I'm spawning a blockingmesh. However, if the cull volume does not even work on normal static mesh actors, I can't rely on it being able to cull out other stuff as well. Culling by the volume is enabled on default on all actors so we'll see. I'm crossing my fingers to get this right, else I also might add a lot of static mesh actors manually. I'm not fond of this so I 'd like to sort out those cull volumes first.
  3. Yes you also need Renegade-X installed. You also need to install RenX if you wish to use SWARM agent's to build lights (mapping thing) due to missing .dll files! Please install Beta4 and try again.
  4. Seems like your microphone is broken in the last episode. You're a robot from 11 mins on to 15 mins.. Interesting to see though. Personally I fear for severe FPS drops due to the dynamic light thing. But we'll see. I got a question for you, while I was watching your video, it came to my mind that light functions are also possible to use. However, as I have also experienced already, they have quite a performance impact. How come they have ? I can't figure out why or do a Matinee vs light function comparison.. I had a +- 20 FPS drop (for me) at my airstrip tower with toggleable lights, since I removed those the FPS drop was gone. I had a light function @ the destroyed WF, caused a performance drop of +- 10 FPS (for me) but for some FPS went down to 5, unbelievable. I don't see the connection here, is matinee more GPU based and light functions more CPU based? I've googled my ass off but can't find any relevant topic on this. Good to see you making progress still Keep up the good work! We really appreciate it. Edit: Oh yeah, another thing, I was trying to get cull distance volumes to work, however I can't get all the meshes to override the maximum cached draw distance.. Some of them do occasionally.. but not all. Is this a bug in my UDK or can you reproduce this? (and yes I have ticked the checkbox and everything)
  5. Nice to see that you're trying to create a tib sun story! I'm really fond of these old school stories (recreating one myself). I do think that it's a bit complicated for a multiplayer match though. The game play might be a bit off I think..
  6. Seems like a connection time out to me, I think its most likely that you're having issues with port forwarding (try enabling UPNP if you have not done that already) or you're having a huge ping.
  7. Ruud033

    Harvester Spawn

    Nice to see you experimenting in this field. First of, if you really want to spawn a secondary harvester and re-spawn it when the secondary is destroyed, you can use the 'destroyed' event, set the instigator to an object variable which is also hooked up to the actor factory. Me personally would make a platform at 0,0,0 and have a trigger volume there. I'd teleport the harvesters to a specific location if they touch the trigger volume (if you want to have them in the map). That way you get around the issues you have due to the hard coded stuff. You can seperate the harvesters by team by doing a team check and sending them to specific coordinates. The 2nd method I mentioned should be rather easy to work out.
  8. Just noticed this, Great initiative! Keep track of the amount of polygons in that hand though. Don't push it there. The scale of the picture seems to be a bit bigger (2x the size?) than your model though.. At least it does to me.
  9. It's okay haha. Seems like we don't need that one after all..
  10. Yep, I think it's not so easy to give a 5 minute summary of how to make a map.. I can give you 1 hint though: It all starts with a good idea and a lot of paper sketches. After that, a LOT of discipline and persistence comes into play.
  11. Awesome dude!!! WIll you include the titan vehicle in the new update as well?
  12. Dude, having a minecraft looking game should really give you ATLEAST 30 FPS. Are you sure you can't gain any performance outside of the game? Clean up background processes.. I dunno what antivirus you use, but try n shut it down once and check for lags. Check other background RAM eating processes.. Try running the game in compatibility mode? I can't believe that you're still not getting decent FPS with the minecraft settings which have been linked earlier. That either means you have a really shitty PC / laptop or there's something else going on, beyond the game itself.
  13. I think we all understand (atleast I do) that you don't have that many time or motivation to do stuff at the moment. Still it is great to see you still support players like this by facilitating them and handing them out tools. Great! Thanks for this.
  14. Nice initiative! where do you get the time from? I really don't have that many time as you have haha I'd suggest you improve the way the bots handle objective area's, do an analysis of this process as it currently is, then make improvements in it. Maybe bot improvement also means that mappers need to include more area objectives into their map. It might not only be the bot. If they rely on instructions that are (partially) missing than it's up to the mappers to fix that. I'd also suggest looking at the UT3 way of doing paths and setting up area objectives.
  15. Like a true soldier, with his bare hands
  16. So, today i downscaled the map by factor .7, I'm really happy with the result, suddenly the size of the map gave me the feeling that i was looking for at first. Before I tore the map apart obviously I saved stuff and grouped everything, now its a matter of fixing everything and putting it back into place. Base to base is now 20-25 seconds with an apc. I'm gonna redo the Nod base entrance since it's now viable to do so. Maybe open up the GDI base a bit as well.. We'll see. The middle field isn't as large anymore, neither is the ship, that also means shorter tunnels (jeej!) and less walking. As it looks like right now: There's still a lot to do, have to repaint all foliage but that should be rather easy, i've got it all setup already so. Currently i'm moving assets back into place.
  17. Hmm I haven't noticed any performance issues with this? We'll see. It might not even work because of the script it uses (it spawns the collision on level loaded). I might have to fix this, or make this different. If all fails, I'll be forced to get the blocking zones back again.
  18. Thanks thanks, I'm also really fond of the lighting of the map. I haven't posted in a while, but that does not mean i'm not working in the map. I've been tackling a lot of performance issues, removed all dynamic lights etc.. removed all light functions. That really did something. I also thinned the forest out. I've also been researching into adding collision to the foliage, which I've succeeded in so I don't need these huge blocking volumes on top of the forests. I have added a new volume that's called: "FoliageCollisionVolume" . Every foliage thats in it, gets collision. I still need to test this in MP servers however. I'm also rescaling the map, I've done a lot of grouping and layering so i can get to my stuff back easily later on. I'm downscaling everything a bit because it's a bit to large at the moment. I'm thinking of a factor 0,8 - 0,9 I'm also making stuff pretty every now and then so it looks fancy. Culling stuff out and again, have more performance. Smooth sailin' mateys
  19. Just took a quick look at it! Nice dude, really looking good there. I'd suggest to remove the turrets though, with people in front of the base that's gonna be impossible to break through. Also, in both tunnels.. you might want to offset the zbias (check kenz his first decal video) to overcome the textures fighting against eachother. Also, comming from the GDI base, there is this part which really annoyed me, you might want to fix thelandscape a bit here It's looking promising!
  20. Gonna check out your map now! Looks promising
  21. Nice episode! Some quick tips there on how to transform the normal depths using color! Also you've developed a nice specular system. That white jittery is something I had as well. I have replaced the rocks and afterwards it started jittering.. After taking a closer look to your landscape, I'd suggest you apply the pixeldepthshader to the mud layer as well.. it looks a bit tiled from 10 ft away I think As you're nearing completion of the map, I'd suggest you also show the importance of line of sight to the people following this topic.. I personally have a huge problem with it, but I'm aware of it so I'll fix it later or come up with something to take care of it. After talking with several people who are into mapping.. I think they sometimes forget to think of line of sight, baserape, stuff like that.. gameplay related stuff. Maybe it's good to show an example of this? I don't know.. your call. Whats up with the clouds? did you replace them textures too? Creating a stormy environment? I saw a Storm actor in the actor classes (cloud icon with lightning in map when placed) what does this do? Can you explain more about this? Handepsilon created a dynamic cycle in his map with post processing (kudo's for that Hande!) Which to me, looks really cool. Is that storm actor doing something similar? In the tiberium cave; maybe it's a good idea to place some more lights with less brightness because of the shadows they produce to vehicles and chem troopers. If you would drive by right now, I think only most of the top of the vehicle would get lit, to me that would make no sense.. Smooth sailin' matey
  22. If you can program really well.. I'd like to see you creating new game modes as CTF, Gun Game (reference: call of duty), a vehicle version of Gun Game, some new gamemode? You name it! Vehicle tweaks are really easy to do, I don't think you'll have much trouble with this or any developer will have.. It's simply adjusting the script files and optimising them values. I think this is more for the community dev team and Havoc89. Same goes for character balance. You could also help with creating content for the game, which is always good! * Maps * Equipment * Vehicles * Characters? (Visceroid anyone?) * Buildings * Environment stuff.. However, I'd really like to see new gamemodes too! CTF would be a huge huge plus for me personally. Since yer a programmer, I guess you do not wish to model stuff and be an artist in that way but rather write code or something. I think new gamemodes would be perfect for this. In my opinion it also really really adds to the game in terms of functionality and makes up for a broader audience / target group. True. There are a lot of developers inactive. At the moment these are still active (from what I've heard): * Havoc89 * Kenz3001 * RypeL * JeepRubi more or less * Nielsen more or less RypeL is doing most of the coding. Last time I talked to him (about a week or 2 ago?) he told me that he is mainly doing bugfixes right now. I can not really tell for Jeeprubi (or Jeepruby? who knows.) I'd suggest you ask him yourself. The Personal Message service works really well in this forum so. Good luck! I don't think you'll be stepping on anyone's toes if you offer your help / development skills
  23. Nice to see that you're doing this! I'd strongly suggest that you ask kenz who is working on the map internal @dev team as well. As for your own efforts, please use no more than 2 quads for landscape. Kenz uses 4 in his tutorial.. Its overkill, especially for city. If you need help im willing to help you out where I can
  24. Do we always have to animate a vehicle using wheels? I can imagine that characters are animated using a different system. Can't we port this over to a mech vehicle?
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