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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. I can get you the demo files if you like.
  2. Yo Thommy, I really suggest you rename your map to something else than CNC-Tutorial, along with your map package Rx_Custom_Tut. Kenz might use these names but that does not mean you have to use them. I can only imagine that your current name policy will result in future confusion among server owners.. It's a great looking map and to me it seems to have nice gameplay but, please rename it.
  3. Ruud033

    Harvester Spawn

    Harvester spawning is done trough code. If no weapons factory exist, they spawn at 0,0,0. I don't know how to turn this off. Might wanna ask RypeL for this
  4. I'm aware of this. I didnt put a blocking volume there just yet because I don't really know where to block off them orca's. I'm still considering the location of these things. Thanks for the heads up anyways! It's quite a view you have there (the last screenie) I'm glad the performance fix worked out for you. How are you doing in terms of FPS when looking at the background (rocks and fog) As for the map opening.. I don't really want people to get on top of the ship, thats why I blocked it. The ceiling contributes to that. As you hover over the field in the middle, I think that, with these current settings, your air vehicle becomes a bit more vulnerable to AA.. I might just up it a little bit, but I don't want the air vehicles to climb too high.
  5. I've got more of a CNC3 Tiberium Wars interpretation of the Scrin faction. I don't mind the Arab / Renegade setting all to much. Also notice that the ship is a Scrin/Nod hybrid. Since it's re-made from salvaged technology. I'm still experimenting with the layout and looks though. If any of you fellow forum members wanna advise me on this, PLEASE DO! I only like feedback! And hey, if you have a really good layout, your name will be added to the credit list. There's 1 condition, it has to be fully made in the SDK with available assets in the SDK. I was thinking about something like this: I updated my map today. I've added the (at the moment, horrible looking) texture of the ship. I've also fixed the performance issues @ the destroyed WF (I hope). I've removed the light function there. My first personal tests are positive though. +- 60 fps with a few drops to 58 FPS. I have to further optimize the map in the future, cull more stuff out and what not. For now, it'll do. Go grab that download from the official link in the "Releases" thread! + Added more rocks + Tweaked the ambience a bit + Replaced the rocks @ Nod base (not all just yet) + First tryout of the tunnel layout is in place.. lemme know what you think of it (especially the space dimensions) + Placed the (crappy) texture on the ship for now. Still have to upgrade this texture (no worries) + Placed some wind gusts and culled several of them. + Fixed the light function @ the destroyed WF + Several other stuff I can't remember
  6. Ruud033

    Missing Textures?

    I've had this too. Keep rotating the dominant light till it's gone. Worked out for me that way.
  7. Thanks people, that did it. I've been playing around with the layout and materials a bit..
  8. Have been trying to make the first tunnel proof of concept today, for in the ship. How do I get the mesh of the tunnel not to be stretched by the BSP? Materials really look ugly when applied (all stretched, along with the BSP)
  9. Looking good! Keep up the good work! Have you thought about down scaling the map?
  10. Hey kenz, just got back from the latest episode. You've asked for a list of things you can do (in the video), here are some of my idea's: - Add landscape to the 'island' on the long route, so the top of the rocks won't be visible anymore - Recolor the trees (I think they need some more blending in) - Redesign the helipad (kismet can be done later) - Add fillers to the long tiberium route, especially at the giant curve near Nod base (more tiberium perhaps?) - Rework the tiberium cave with lights and vertex paint.. also add some spikes to it (this is also the perfect place for an easter egg *hint hint*) - More background filler rocks, especially @ GDI where it spikes - Add a wind actor to your game, since you're at an island, I'd imagine the wind always blows - Add background trees + foliage - Something to hide behind near the silo, it's quite open right now.. I think it would be nice to have some items to hide behind - Rework GDI WF - Add tank blockers to the beach + broken hovercrafts? - Implement InterpActors + animate it using the player variable and do some sort of counter on it? We'll have to figure this out.. Can't find it after 5 mins of googling, it's mostly about singleplayer As for the HON suggestion; I'd go for putting the HON near the helipad, and have the strip tower where the HON is right now due to line of sight and baserape.
  11. More Deathmatch maps!!
  12. Got a new version up and running! Be sure to download dat shit! Changelog: + Removed 2 dynamic lights at the back of the destroyed WF so hopefully performance issues are resolved + Added Rain + Added wind gusts + Did some landscape tweaking + Added lights in the middle of the map in the blue tib field. + Updated the meteor damage, once you get in the blue tib cracked field, you get killed instantly, mammoth tanks get killed instantly. Anywhere outside of the blue tib field, vehicles get damaged. Infantry also gets damaged but since they have lower HP they get killed outside the blue cracked field too.. atleast for the first few meters, after that damage decreases linearly. + Reduced fog + Added rocks + Added fire to destroyed tanks @ destroyed WF + Updated kismet script for buying orca's (still not finished) Go and download that shit! http://doctorb0ng.com/renx/rx_crash_site.zip (original mirror updated)
  13. It's not about big meshes.. Here's the setting to look for: LightmapResolution That's for the foliage. Now for static meshes, you can set them in that same window OR, override them here: The Lightmap resolution has nothing to do with size and scale of your mesh itself.
  14. Allright then, I've just finished rendering lightmass on your map. Note: Please rename your package file called "rx_custom" to something else.. because I really think this is going to interfere with future packages. Now your map is 250 MB non-compressed. I think this is due to the shadows on your map. I don't really know if you've added something to the map that's got a shadow map resolution above 64 or so?
  15. Ok that's weird, will look into it. Meanwhile; I've updated the ambience a bit. Lowered the fog levels in general but added rain and wind and lightning. Will update the map tomorrow so you guys can experience that. It's hard to capture in a screenshot.
  16. Hey thanks for sharing! I'm aware of the performance issues.. It's the red rotating light at the weapons factory backdoor that's causing it. Will be fixed in the next build. I'm not sure on completely removing the fog but I might turn it down a bit and see how that looks.. Meanwhile I've also added rain and lightning so I have to balance the ambience out a bit.. At the moment you can just buy the vehicle at the matrix PT, will add a silo-like MCT later when the SDK updates.. As for base defence.. I'd rather not implement that because it's supposed to be arather quickly deployed base.. Thanks! I'm still working on it, fine tweaking takes a lot of time
  17. 5-10 minutes? Uploading takes longer lol.. 30 mins But if he wants me to build lights I'm ok with that, i'm always on irc.thematrixren.net and on their ts3.
  18. Did some more landscaping on the Nod base today Also did some more things in the map which I didnt take screenshots of I hope to get working on the ship soon, as I expect to have the basic environment in soon
  19. Ruud033

    Player Limit

    Yeah I also wonder what the limits are here.. Maybe we can do a test setup sometime?
  20. Yeah as soon as you get more stuff in the map it becomes more laggy.. If you rebuild lights once in a while it'll get better though. I went from 20 FPS to 60 again after rebuilding lights in the editor (changed a lot of stuff, didnt rebuild) Be sure to uncheck 'real time' next to the P
  21. There's a tutorial about mutator and I posted examples. As renx mutator just work like ut mutator you can find millions of examples for mutator on the web. To change specific renx aspects you have to read through the code a bit there's no way arround that. So the only thing preventing people from doing mutators is their lazyness. True @ this! Same goes for mapping I think.
  22. You can steal my meteor sequence if you like.. make sure to check out mesa_II for the lightnings in the background.. as for lightning strikes in the map, you'd have to use the same particle emitter mesa_II does in the background, but only place it in the field this time.. You can take a look on how I damage and kill vehicles/people near the impact zone by looking at that kismet if you like.
  23. Kenz and RypeL told me Kenz is working on a different map, and RypeL is one of those few guys tinkering with the game mechanics like that difficult to program airdrop system. If it were one of the others, like Neison, I would be just as happy though, CityFlying is one of the biggest things that can benefit this game to come. I think you misunderstood me there, they are not actually designing the map, they TOLD me that it's under development. I honestly do not know who the creator is.
  24. So, Kenz, for the next video episode I think it's best to say that we need to swap out the player variable in Kismet for an Object variable. Just had a conversation with RypeL on this on skype Tested this in the SDK and confirmed it. At the moment, the "Remove Credits" node does work with an object variable, however, the "Get Credits" node does NOT work with an object variable. RypeL changed the code for the "Get Credits" node so it does work with an object variable. Next SDK patch that will come out, but since you have the dev version, you're lucky. Happy kismetting!
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