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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. So, it's been a while since I updated this, my personal life has been busy lately, and I expect it not to be less busy within 1-2 months.. So I don't have that many time for mapping. The remaining time I've got I'd also like to spend on having fun with you guys on the actual game. Quick roundup: the last 2 weeks I haven't done much to the map really. There's still a lot of work to do in the map, I also had alot of thinking to do, like, decision making, thinking about game play etc.. One huge pain in my ass from the beginning was the rock texture. I really do not like the current textures, so I will replace them. Still have a huge dilemma picking a proper texture.. At first i was thinking of the one from field: I think this looks great, on a small map, but when i apply this texture to all the mountains and stuff.. everything does not look so nice anymore. I'm thinking of this one: I like the texture of it, and when applied to mountains in the far distance, they still look nice ( I might have to scale that and make those a bit darker in a different layer but OK) Obviously i also have to replace those rock textures sticking out. But then again, i really really do not know what texture i should use.. What i do like are these rocks, all though it seems they might need to blend in the landscape a bit more.. I tell you what, Materialising is a butt pain. edit: oh yeah, not to forget, normal maps are fucked at the moment. Have to ask kenz to come and take a look anytime soon..
  2. Great idea, like what i'm seeing so far! I can hardly judge the map size though. Can you post a top-down view of it? What are the base-to-base timings? How long do you expect people to walk (not drive) from base to base WITH obstruction that is from enemy's The overall idea is really cool I think
  3. Cool! really like the prism tower, allthough I expected it to be taller near the middle frame. Pillbox textures look O.K.. I still see the tiles so to say. You might wanna create a diffuse map and edit that somehow in photo shop, to give it that weathered look.
  4. You guys are doing an amazing job! Stuff is really looking nice here. Out of curiosity: how much polygons do you models have on average?. For texturing, you might wanna ask Action Hank on this forum.
  5. Awesome! looking good. You might wanna group some of those S bends and copy pasta those all over. At the beginning, when i started making my map, you told me that i shouldnt go mad with the decals. That made me wonder like, what's the actual limit? Or does a good cull make miracles happen
  6. Still, after all those years, brings back memories. Not advertising or anything.. it's just, childhood http://www.n00bstories.com/home/radio/ Awesomeness.
  7. Man that tree replacement really looks like it's a pain! To bad there isn't a way to convert instances to static meshes.. All is looking really good though. I'd suggest you show off the visibility tool (for tunnel making) a little, or at least mention it so people can figure tunnelling out themselves.
  8. Problem solved. I've heard devs talking about this as well.
  9. Looking really awesome!!Keep up the good work, looking forward to this!
  10. This is because windows break client-side only I think
  11. Yosh you are being awesome right now! Keep up the good work, I would love to see this on the wiki too! If you need any support, I'm there if you need me.
  12. Nice system. You can also try setting it to Q by default (like battlefield) Have a new spot 'button' in the middle that says 'spotted' just like battlefield.. this way, when you quickly press Q, you automagicly spot because you didnt select anything else. If you wanna do/say something else, attack ref or whatever you can navigate to it. At the moment the center of your spotting UI is blanc.
  13. Keep the dynamic sun!! I think it's a cool custom feature that really shows off the possibilities of UDK
  14. So finally got it to work.. its a lot of work if you have multiple meshes.. here are the screenshots and here's the story for who ever want to recreate this him/herself: First off, I placed the meteor where I wanted it to hit the level, so for me that'd be here: Next off, I took all of the location's of all the actors in that particular landing place, made a list in notepad++ (cuz excel freaked out on me) I needed these coordinates for the matinee sequence. Next up, I moved the asteroid back up in the sky, somewhere I wanted it to start from (this can be anywhere) Once that was done, I made sure I could see it, and select each component individually (because you need to animate each component one at a time) Since I had my destination coordinates, it didnt really matter in what order i started animating. I did these steps first: 1. Set my total animation time 2. Slide the green slider to match the red one 3. Slide the black time-bar-regulator to the far right, so you're at the end of your sequence Then, once i got that setup, i did this repetitively: 1. Select the component i wanted to animate 2. Pressed F4, and slided the new window to somewhere i could reach it 3. Clicked Matinee again (selected the window, so it becomes active) 4. Create new empty group (enter a name) 5. Create movement track (should add the first keyframe already for you) 6. Clicked on the object properties window (the window that appears once you press F4) 7. Set the coordinates (copy-pasted from notepad++) to the destination coordinates 8. Clicked on the movement-track of the specific object in Matinee once again 9. Hit enter to add the last keyframe. 10. Checked if it worked well by sliding the time-bar a little and checked if it moved 11. Set the time to the far right again, so i was at the end of the sequence. 12. -repeat- NOTICE!: All the keynotes are 'lineair' instead of curve/clamped Result in matinee: Trajectory as it looks like in the SDK: And last, what it looks like in Kismet. Will post a video soon.. still have to add more particles and sounds etc.. Kismet is getting more complicated as round up the impact sequence. Have added alot of particles and sounds.. but it really looks nice. Edit: video NWeGISxeiAE
  15. Jep. Totally agree (check out kenz his custom_tut map, he also did it there, near the GDI base) I would not use the rocks as ramps themselves, because collision on the rocks can really fuck things up. (invisible walls etc)
  16. So I thought I'd just post this for other mappers.. I learned this today. - Animating multiple meshes at once using the same pivot point in Matinee Example (11 meshes) So, what I first tried was the following: - Created 1 group in Matinee -- Created 11 movement tracks -- Tried to animate all meshes seperate This failed. What I tried secondly was: - Created 1 group in Matinee -- Added 1 movement track to the new group -- Animated 1 path and therefore had the correct trail set -- Copy-pasted the group so I had 11 groups, each group had 1 movement track (already set) -- Changed the object variable, hooked it up to a different one (the tiberiums and the trail) This also failed, all paths scattered. Instead of all going to the same point, they went haywire and scattered around the map. When googeling (google is your friend) I came across this: https://forums.epicgames.com/threads/92 ... in-matinee This works as a charm! Here you can see the object list with it's properties. Notice that I left the object variables there so you can check the names. I'll remove the object variables later, but keep the list. Edit: UDK crashed sadly Once i got it back up, i tried creating this once again, but this time it also scattered.. will have to set each static mesh's movement individually then.. that sucks.
  17. Looks really promising!! Really looking forward to it! Am I assuming correctly that you'll have a mix of urban warfare? Your idea really reminds me of my time in Battlefield 2142.. there was a map called Camp Gibraltar http://www.tacticalsites.com/~draeh/images/maps/2142/Camp%20Gibraltar%2032%20Players.gif I liked that map a lot, even though it was a stalemate.. lots of vehicles got destroyed by the infantry on the upper levels. I wonder if the bases aren't to far apart though.. if you've got some resistance in the middle, how long do you expect it to take to get from base to base?
  18. I'll drop it in the blue tib field, killing everything inside it's fixed radius.. I'm considering dropping it after 10 minutes or so
  19. Then you haven't done it the right way! Post a screenshot -or- your target path in your shortcut. Back on topic: I believe a good map has got several paths leading to the bases.. Though there has to be an orientation point for every player in the map to hold on to, so they know where they are in the map each time they're there. I really like the horseshoe-design maps (or U-design) because you can set an objective in the middle, and create infantry shortcuts right across that U. Examples of those maps are Islands and Field. I based my own map upon that principle as well, and I think Henk did too. That does not mean that other maps which have more of a H-design are not good, take whiteout, or vulcano for example, both good maps too, just different gameplay. Bottom line is that you need to figure out the routes really well, then you'd be able to get a good gameplay. Because I believe when you're building a map, you're not only making a nice pretty looking landscape with some assets in it, you're also designing a gameplay.
  20. Thanks! Me too - Update; edited the #1 post, added several zones to fix collision on the foliage. /offtopic Jello, if you wish to contact me in persona, I'm always on thematrixren IRC irc.thematrixren.net. I couldn't send you a PM cuz of this;
  21. Allright, well i changed the dominant directional light a bit.. did do a little. Still have to mess with the settings a lot though.
  22. So I've rebuilt lights, added fog, added mountains in the background and added the first boundries.. But, I've also changed the Dominant Directional Light's color... The map seems to be so bright right now, even though the settings are EXACTLY the same as those from Mesa_II.. http://i.gyazo.com/b4108c2c56cd08354147ae31d0c9f4fa.jpg So weird! I really don't know why it's doing this. Nielsen could you please say how you got mesa so dark? This is an exact copy (I mirrored the settings) of your D/S Rest of the map is going on well.. I've done several optimisations, however, after rebuilding lights my mapsize went from 120MB to 588MB.. so still have work to do. Edit: figured that one of the trees I used had a shadowmapres of 256(!!!!), set all the resolutions of the trees to 32. Its at 160 MB now.
  23. Awesome! really like the idea.
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