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Everything posted by Ruud033

  1. Indeed, i checked probably every Rock in the Bases and hopefully fixed that Problem, otherwise we have to deal with it until 1.6 Greez. DaKuja Fixable by culling some more! You really need to start culling more rocks if they're not visible. they're about 3000 poly;s / piece
  2. I think it's a bit to dark, especially with the fog, we're shooting shadows there. Maybe its better to use the CNC-Field ambient, a clear night sky.. with a moon inside. If you put a moon in, you can use a bit more dominant directional lighting so it becomes easier to recognise eachother and have a better gameplay!
  3. Yeah stay tuned I guess?,.. Meanwhile, whilst updating my map and fixing the kismet sequence for the purchase terminals, I have found out that the purchase terminal's teamnumber does not get replicated. In other words, when we give a different teamnumber to the PT via kismet it won't update the interface for the client. RypeL already knows this. I hope it'll get into the 5.004 patch. Meanwhile I've developed a mutator to test out this new piece of code. I've tested it and it works perfectly! Proof: The only things is now to get the teamnumbers right, the variable property that's assigned to the team is called: "TEAM", this variable gets a more like a string instead of a number, you'd expect 0 or 1, depending on whether its GDI or Nod, but unfortunately it's going more like this: var TEAM TeamNum TeamNum = Team_GDI TeamNum = Team_Nod So.. I don't really know how to capture those 'Team_GDI and Team_Nod' values in Kismet, so I can do stuff with it. Getting a teamnumber from either the capturable MCT or new PT does not work, so maybe if I use 'Get Property' to get that value, we'll see!
  4. So when's the SDK updating? I can't fix any of my scripts anymore (hint towards foliagecollisionvolume)
  5. After taking a look at your work in progress of 1.5 I've seen that you need to cull a LOT more, and by that I mean loads more! You keep a ton of objects rendered when you can't see them, it's a waste of processing power! If you need any help with this maybe its better if we sit on teamspeak anytime soon and use a screenshare of some sort..
  6. Maybe in the future if we have custom PT UI support.. I have not received a response yet from the developers as I have joined a béta program for this. For now it's a no, I'm sticking with the settings as I have them right now (only orca+titan+wolverine) First I need to get the ship done so we can release the first official 'test' version of the map along with the other map releases! I find it necessary to include the infantry tunnel system first for the most awesome map experience.
  7. K all good, I don't know if it also fires the 'out'' if you empty the list, maybe it does, We'll see! you can set an announcement in between those connecting points and see if the console spams you mad. Then you know it's an infinite loop! If you can't figure out stuffs post them here or send me a PM and we can screenshare on skype or use Teamviewer to get the kismet working.
  8. Yep haha. In the background lots of stuff is being done for the ship which you guys don't really get knowledge of.. I also redesigned the Nod base entrance, this is what it looks like now; http://prntscr.com/8e380h
  9. I think we need some decent promotion material to send to some major websites. Also, getting rid of that 'BETA' in front of the RenX title should give a boost in numbers I think. In the end, I think that the promotional material + the amount of attention some large gaming websites will give you will decide how many people will look at RenX. The game itself on Steam would also give a large player boost I think. It's quite easy to download and manage stuff through steam. Anyways, those are my thoughts.
  10. Looks counterstrike-ish, nice!
  11. You could do that, but the 'players' variable sort of captures it all. What you're trying to do with the 'player spawn' is to create a group out of spawned players.. but that also means that every time a player spawns he will get added to the list. This means you also need to remove a specific player index from the list when he dies by using attach to event>death. This is not doable I think and really difficult to search for the correct player. You could also then delete the whole list and re-add the people, but then you'd still use the 'players' variable. So I think it's better to check upon the group at the moment it's needed and THEN sort out which message goes where.. (rather than having a jar of players set on standby) /ontopic I forgot to add a crucial piece! After every check you need to empty the list again, or else it will get fuller and fuller.. that's not what's supposed to happen. You could also connect the 'out' of the 'modify list' back to 'empty' with a delay of 1 second or so instead of what I did. Just don't do it instantly. http://prntscr.com/8e0yh6
  12. This worked for me: http://prntscr.com/8do5vn
  13. Ah nice, looking good! Sorry to say this but I think the bases look a bit booring.. they're functional but there's no ambient stuff in it (atleast not much), maybe it's an idea to put some more random stuff in it as fillers? Also, I've noticed that you have got several snow gusts in the level, however, at the light posts it all looks quite clear, maybe it's an idea to add a small spherical fog actor at those light poles? with a very low density, to have the illusion of small snow particles gusting by ? Just like your wind gust actors do? To me it only feels natural that when shining a really bright light onto a windy snowy environment you see small particles in the form of fog Can't wait to test this out!
  14. Knowing script hierachy is key if you want to run a script properly since you extend something, therefore you hop in an existing hierarchy tree somewhere.
  15. That's pretty amazing actually. One question though, are you able to make it run the game through eclipse? never tried
  16. https://forums.epicgames.com/threads/95 ... se-UDK-IDE
  17. What?!? I don't know about the default value, but I think it's 64! I use 32 myself. Maybe that's why the shadows act weird or so? Anyways, glad it's fixed.
  18. WE NEED THIS My foliagecollisionvolume is also fucked in 5.003.. go to work you bad boy!
  19. Check the number of light bounces in the world settings, maybe increase that? Default is 3 I think.. You could also try n set a small pointlight at that place and see if it resolves your issues.. does not have to be to bright. Check if the skybox does not drop a shadow / accept decals. Do you have a cloud function somewhere? If you're still in deep shit after that, try n compare the world settings of a night map and your map! Edit: what is your landscape's lightmapresolution?
  20. Yesterday I've tested this new kismet sequence which I've posted 2 posts back. Sadly it does not work. It's being looked into by RypeL and/or Agent (I hope) Meanwhile I'll be looking into an alternative! And also polishing the map of course
  21. Looking really good! Can't wait to try this out!
  22. Yep I checked, nope there's not such option.
  23. That's a good idea. I created a system that checks if the teamnumber is equal to the MCT and PT every time a player walks trough a specific piece of zone, which you can see here: http://i.imgur.com/Ip8xjed.jpg If they enter this zone, this piece of kismet gets triggerd: http://i.imgur.com/HuiDynq.png Don't mind the 'play announcement' things, it's just for debugging. It works in the SDK as you can see here: http://i.imgur.com/dQrvmLY.png Don't forget that I've set the teamnumber of the terminal to 3 at the beginning of the level: http://i.imgur.com/zMUqH2p.png Why number 3? because RypeL designed the capturable MCT to be team 3 when you place it, then, once captured it goes to either GDI/Nod (so 0 or 1) and if neutral it goes to 255.. Really weird but ok. This is still based upon my old principle, the team switch (internally) in the PT. If this fails on the server, I will try and swap out stuff kenz Thanks for the tip. Didnt think of that.
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