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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Goku

    Fair play?!?

    Speaking as Staff for FPI: We have a beacon limit in place. You need at Least 20 Players before you can place beacons. As 3v2 and someone plants a beacon you have very little chance of getting to it. (If this isn't working as intended id like to know) We also tried to limit commander powers but didn't have much luck getting the balance right (caused some other problems too), so i don't really have a strong opinion on this subject. @TomUjainMight be able to give more info as he decides the rules for FPI. Also speaking for playing on all servers. You are right some people wont play by any sort of gentleman agreement when people say "dont attack/kill buildings till its 10v10". Not sure what the devs can do to solve that. Any ideas? Goks
  2. Perhaps some tips messages when you die? Die from tib? above the re spawn timer says bla bla bla tib can kill you Get head shot by a sniper then a message about not standing still and changing direction randomly etc? Since they have to wait for the re spawn timer anyways would be a good place to add that extra info.
  3. I've also been asking for this to be added to the launcher. Would be great if it went yeh server is on under but uses these 3 custom maps download in the background?
  4. Just Do It Up!
  5. Topic hasnt been discussed lately but here are some links: https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/75811-60-player-limit https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/73673-player-limit/ https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/75338-max-player-limit-per-server
  6. VPS unless on good hardware suffer from random lag spikes at higher player counts. At least in my experience.
  7. Its easy to change their names just give me a list. FPI/EKT used to have our own names but i guess after a patch i never edited them again.
  8. Goks saves the day! Glad its sorted.
  9. Have you done some basic hardware tests? You can use HDD Sentinel to check the smart stats on your hdd https://www.hdsentinel.com/download.php Id also run a memtest and run furmark. If these all pass then we can be reasonably sure your pc is working alright. As for the RenX install are you installing it in the default location? Personally I find i have less issues if i install it to a folder with no spaces in it like C:\RenX. Can you try above and if you still get odd errors with the installer give us the launcher log?
  10. Would be good if you are actually repairing damage it marked you as still active. As for the setting for FPI as Tom mentions the complaints about AFK are too damn high and something needed to be done. We started actually policing this manually at peak times but people still kept coming back and idling or giving us abuse for it. So really enabling the auto kick was the logical next step. Im open to other options and/or fixes as im sure the devs are.
  11. Goku

    Banned from FPI

    All sorted. Topic locked.
  12. You could make the request really easy to approve or deny. ctrl + y or ctrl + n
  13. Goku

    what an aim

    We think the joke is this guy said "what an aim" every time he got killed.
  14. Goku

    what an aim

  15. I was surprised at the apology and I'm not saying all is forgiven but I do appreciate it and do hope we can all work towards a better Renegade for everyone and get some more fresh meat to boink. --- On topic, we have taken steps towards helping to fix the AFK problem. Handepsilon has made some changes to the AFK system that if it works as expected it should be in the new patch and also FPI has taken the AFK issue more seriously and will take our own steps to help in this regard (Including logging people who get AFK kicked so serial AFK people can be punished). If you have suggestions for FPI/EKT to improve things or steps we can take etc then please pm me or Jenzuj/SaintPepe.jpg or Tom/Yumi on Discord and we will discuss it internally. In their own way, I think everyone here would like a better renegade for everyone! Goks
  16. Great, please let me know when you think its at a stage that people can play it id love to put it on the FPI server for people to try.
  17. That looks pretty Sexy. Is it in a stable state?
  18. No idea although I have put the eBay listing on my watch list haha
  19. In my experience as long as the redist is installed you can freely copy the installed game to other computers with no trouble.
  20. Found the orca one but the flame tank and mammy are probably in the loft somewhere.
  21. That much? I better go dig out the ones my x got me haha!
  22. The maps could be fixed reasonably easily. I will increase the excluded map size on the FPI server. But I'm against taking too much choice away from players. If the majority of players vote for those maps they must like them. Personally, I like Volcano but it hardly gets voted for. Point 1 and 6, you code a mutator for it ill be happy to trial it on the Test server for peoples opinions. I don't really have a strong opinion either way about the other points. Goks
  23. Haha those were the days. Going to bed and waking up and the same match of field or under still going on.
  24. Eh? 4K Plays fine for my 1080ti, make sure you use the 64bit client or you will get memory issues. Glad you are having fun.
  25. There was talk of a way we could offload the players at a certain time or via command using rcon but nothing really happened. It's something I would have to speak to our admin staff about. You can always message me or Tom (Yumi) via RenX discord or pop on the FPI discord and chat to us there -> http://fairplayinc.uk/discord/ Goks
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