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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. move the brush out the way
  2. you asked so you shall receive
  3. easy tree'sy
  4. slowly getting there
  5. bases and entrances need to be reworked ... the bar and WF will get pounded wile my bet is that air strip isnt even going to be seen and GDI will have nothing to hit but tunnels may tell a different story interesting experiment tho
  6. there is a lot of meshes in a very small area on Canyon and most can be seen with no obstruction when optimizing we used a very aggressive precomputed viability volume this eats away at the cpu a little bit ... wile in a multiplayer game its not much of a problem but when adding bots in a skirmish mode then the map becomes a bit laggy as the bots take up a lot of the CPU's power
  7. duel Vertx pain is very handy
  8. hax ... ok not hax just a cool work around for my LOD problem
  9. its a missing texture ... will try and fix it for an upcoming patch
  10. fixed this for an upcoming patch
  11. easy vertex mat sort of ... maybe ... ok not that easy
  12. lol yer ... getting warmer and kids will be screaming there heads off even more soon well thought i would try something a little fun
  13. be nice if people posted the exploits on maps so i could fix them
  14. yay nod has a place to call home
  15. use the "block for harvester path node" (tut #7 shows it)
  16. looks like a lod switch ... make sure the mat has the shutter effect enabled
  17. Plans change as do settings
  18. if a path node is in sight of another (the closest one) they will connect my bet is that you haven't added any path nodes around your base ... and when i said you have to force paths ... its just for inside the buildings
  19. well no but you will be able to buy air units from the pads im making ... im doing it via kismet to show how powerfull kismet can be but any way new vid
  20. PC specs and may be the logs might help a bit more ... most crashes like this happen because your system dose not have enuff ram
  21. this topic offends me and every renegade player ! but for the sake of it ... if you wish to change stuff ... the server and client have to have the same files ... it probably could be done with a mutator ... but the server would have to run that mutator
  22. something like that lol sorry no making of vid today ... had to post the Renegade-X essential tutorials today
  23. Renegade-X essential tutorials for mappers i put together some essential tutorials about all the Renegade-X assets that you need to use in your maps + some extra stuff you may not need to use Play list PT modify properties for Tutorial #13: bAccessable = false ToolTip = Press [ {GBA_USE} ] to blah blah Get properties for Tutorial 15: BuildingInternals Health hope these help you out .. ill try and get some more done asap
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