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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. you sure there not stolen stanks or gdi players that have picked up a crate ? gotta make sure
  2. ummm i dont think you get the .u file if i remember the file gets stored in your cache folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Cache) under a generated name but the cache.ini will show the "generated file name=mutatorname i.e... DC8B69124DD5F87DED48568120ECA7C2=RxHarvMod
  3. well its not may favourite map but i have alot of fun playing it in the past but anyway ... new vid
  4. kenz3001

    oh hi there

    i have that match on vid ... was on GDI tho ... getting messed up buy snipers
  5. did you get the beta 3a download (as you are a tester you had access to many different versions) also delete the renx root folder to get rid of all the game generated files
  6. good to see some ideas and discussions about this new vid
  7. slapping stuff on a terrain is the easy part ... wait for material making and emitters (partials) then it gets a bit complicated but glad i can inspire people
  8. cool vid 2
  9. the file size is not affected in windows 8, 8.1 and 10 (windows 10 is still in beta so i dont recommend using it as a day to day OS)
  10. its all good ... love shadow play ... just wish youtube would use h.265 and not just h.264
  11. 660 should have shadowplay capability's look in your nvidia experience
  12. well i record all the time ... but i have a GTX760 that has shadowplay (records with a built in h.265 encoder) as i dont know what set up you have i cant say if you can use the same (Nvidia's or AMD's built in recording systems) ... but before i had this card i used fraps or action ... action is a bit better can record with encoding h.264 or raw and its pretty light on the FPS
  13. no point ... most assets in Renx dont use directx 11 so using it is a wast of time ... it will even preform badly with dx11 enabled ... but if you wish to try just make a shortcut of UDK.exe and add this to the end of the shortcut location (in properties) -dx11 so it looks like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe" -dx11 (you can not launch the game with dx11 enabled via the launcher you will have to us the in game server list)
  14. yes we know about this glitch / bug ... and has been fixed but we cant patch it in as of right now
  15. Glacier ? phhh no
  16. yes im making another map, a remake of the CNC-Renegade map Canyon. and again i thought i would share with you the horrors of mapping well not the horrors but my struggles in making this complicated map and maybe get some people interested in making maps for games them selves well any way here are the Play list again vids will go up ever 2 days or so (might do more live streams this time) most of the vids are recorded well ahead of time but any comments would be appreciated i can always modify things again i dont care if you sub to my youtube channel or not ... the channel is not monetized so subbing has no impact on it or me but it is a good way to find out if i uploaded a new vid, and if your are interested in anything i put on it Thanks, hope you enjoy my mutterings and the making of CNC_Canyon
  17. i think it might be because our server list runs a googl server ... and there is not much we can do about that vps or direct connect might be your only option for now sorry to say
  18. are you using beta 3 ? and if you are did you remember to delete the root renegadex folder in you program files ? as some files are left behind on the uninstall that will make the game think its still beta 2
  19. use the torrent it will; check itself ... some times large downloads via html downlands get corrupted ... torrent is the best option (its not evil )
  20. ahh its ok ... i know what tree that is ... and i fixed that too thanks
  21. could not tell you at this point ! sorry
  22. fixed thank you too bad gotta wait for next build
  23. oddd there is a blocking volume around the airtower to stop that from happening ... will look in to that ... thanks for the heads up
  24. i fixed all the rocks on the outer bounds (still may be some "jump spots" but i need to go around looking for all of them again) ill keep fixing all this any way .. thank you for your help and i got no clue when a new version will be made .. im fixed every thing now so i know there all done and dont forget
  25. all fixed now ... thank you for the post fix will be in the next version
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