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Everything posted by Try-Out

  1. Sorry, I not can help Just checked that on my Side and i not get this Problem
  2. Nod is tricky ... Kane told them to do it this Way..
  3. You also can take a Look in the Wiki about Console/Cheat Commands you can use in Skirmish. https://wiki.ren-x.com/wiki/Console
  4. About Nuke and Pedestal ... both should be added by vote. This Way can even 2 Players use Beacons if they wish.
  5. What Roweboat says ...
  6. Check for any input device like Gamepad connectet to your Computer and if you can your Keyboad on an other Computer. Never heard that any other Player had Trouble like this with RenX. Had similar issues a While ago and it turned out that my Mouse caused this Problem. Was a 2 Years old Logitech m500 corded Mouse
  7. I think it is about sprint, tip the sprint Button again and the steering will be back to normale.
  8. Try-Out


    I miss a significant Discount for the Airstrike on this Player Card
  9. No Mutator is needed for the Nukes, Serverowner can set this in the Config
  10. Found a Track in the deeps of Internet Discord Irish_mood_.mp3
  11. Hello WolfBite actually in the Winterpatch the Map CNC-Field did not exist, try it with CNC-Field_Winter instead. Just checked this with your Commandline and it works well.
  12. Isupreme sayd it, you can change that in the Settings.
  13. Welcome robotalian To run the Game with that Mutator you have to start the Game with an .bat File. open an Texteditor and copy this Lines in : UDK.exe CNC-Walls?mutator=RenX_Mutator_Epic_Units.RenX_Mutator_Epic_Units save that text as Ephic_Units.bat then copy that .bat in the ... \Renegade X\Binaries\Win32 or if you want to use the 64-Bit Client in the ... \Renegade X\Binaries\Win64 Folder. Make sure you have the RenX_Mutator_Epic_Units.u in your ... \Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC\ Folder Start the Game with an doubleclick on that Ephic_Units.bat File or create an Desktop-Link to that .bat File and have Fun with it
  14. Hello Hicks, Depends what a Graphic Card you own .. on Nvidia side you can use the Geforce Experience to capture an Video of your Gameplay On AMD Side it is called Radeon ReLive which what you capture the Gameplay
  15. Imagine ... SBH kills Havoc and grab the RamjetRiffle ... sounds like Cancer to me sorry Chrismaster, but i absolute dislike that Idea
  16. For an Screenshot you can use the F9 Key ingame ... that will store the Screenshot in ...\Renegade X\UDKGame\Screenshots\ as an .bmp File like ScreenShot00000.bmp
  17. That is since the Camera Angle is changed on Vehicles and you will always get that when your Camera will clip in the Rock, Wall or whatever .. i noticed that too
  18. Mystic, scroll 4 Posts up and you will find the Download-Link
  19. Hello HYPERION You can try to fix that that Way : Open the Launcher chose on upper right Side Settings ... it opens a little Box in that Box chose Reset Game eventually that will fix Your Issue
  20. In theory the Spectator Slots would be a nice Thing, but unfortunatly they will be missused with an second Client as an Spy ... Imagine some unfair Players spotting everything what the Enemy Team is doing ...
  21. Made it just for the Loolz ... have set up an old Dual Core Athlon at 2.2 GHz and N-Force integrated Chipset Graphics what basically is an G-Force 6100 Graphics on Win 10 Pro 64-Bit ... had on lowest Settings at 1024 x 768 between 1 and 2.75 Fps
  22. Hello Iranian, actually i run the Game on Win 7 ... i let run the 64-Bit UDK.exe in Win Vista Compatibility Mode, that fixed the Soundbug for me.
  23. As far i know it does not longer run under Win XP I have run the Game on an old Intel DualCore CPU 2 GB RAM with an GTX 750 Graphics-Card , with an Resolution of 1024 x 768 and it get max. 40 FpS in best Cases. I think the Game will run .... but pretty slow and laggy not playable.. but i think You can keep an Eye in it. Probably it will not show some Textures because to less Graphic-RAM on Your Videocard. I had run it some Years ago on an Athlon II X2 CPU and the onboard-Graphics of that old N-Force Chipset with max. 1 - max. 3 Fps ... and much missing Textures (no Ground) but it not crashed. That was 2 - 3 Years ago. But Your CPU is only an Single Core CPU ... Do not forget to set Your virtual RAM in Windows to min 6 GB else it will probably crash
  24. KCRITON, Your Issue is worse ... I am out of Ideas
  25. I run the 64-Bit Client in Vista Mode on Win 7 and have no Problems with it and it fixed the Soundbug for me.
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