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Everything posted by Try-Out

  1. Yep, Inf only Maps exist some .. but they rare got played I runned for some Months an Server with Inf only Maps but only an Handfull People looked in it. Nearly the same with DM-Maps.
  2. Now since Game verify seems to help for a short period of Time, i tend to think anything with your Hardware is inconsitend .. maybe anything like RAM and/or HDD/SSD or SATA-Cable if your HDD/SSD is connected via SATA-Cable.
  3. Riou You sure You are talking about Forest ? this Map not has an Comm Center
  4. You started the Launcher with Compatibility Mode ? that is wrong ... You should set the .... \Renegade X\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe in Compatibility Mode
  5. Same here ... installed the Game on April 1 in 2015
  6. If You order an Vehicle, then it is bound to You. To unbound you have to enter that Vehicle and hold the L Key, if you after unbound the first Vehicle buy a second Vehicle, then the second Vehicle is bound to you. You only can lock/unlock an Vehicle if it is bound to you. So holding a bit longer the L Key it toggles bound /unbound if you tip the L Key it toggles lock/unlock. So in Your Case the first buyed Vehicle was still bound to You and the lock/unlock still was going to the bounded Vehicle. Holding the L Key a bit longer in your second buyed Vehicle will bound that Vehicle to you and the tip on the L Key (lock/unlock) will now work on the Vehicle you actually entered.
  7. Cleaning your Cache-Folder will probably help with that BountyMutator Error. Delete all Content in Your \Renegade X\UDKGame\Cache\ Folder.
  8. Hello BoBNice, If the Launcher crash or you stop it because your Download tends to stop getting to slow or whatever, and you have to restart the Launcher, then the Download did not start from Null ... it checks what is downloaded and what Files are missed and only download the missed Files then. so nothing is wasted. Btw. Developers are working on an new Launcher.
  9. Run Renegade X in Win Vista or Win7 Compatibility Mode, that helped some Guys with the Sound-Bug.
  10. Yes, it is on Page 2
  11. It has to do with timeout/DC, but not with the Soundbug
  12. I see nothing in the Log that your Client is trying to join a Server. It is closing by request instead connecting to an Server ... is it possible that You eventually have Problems with the Firewall ?
  13. Der Server gibt die Spielerdaten nach jedem beendetem Match in das globale Leaderboard aus. Vorausgesetzt das Steam aktiv ist.
  14. Roweboat, the Idea with the Fence is not to protect the Tanks on it, it prevents to camp with Tanks sitting on the RepPad and pounding the Base-Entrance and being nearly undestroyable in that Position. Imagine an ranked Mammy sitting on that Pad and Protecting the Entrance ...
  15. Ja DustOnE das reicht
  16. If You encounter this Problem, then it is the best you join the Renegade X Discord and post it there in the support Channel, then ffffreak or DoctorB0NK can help you.
  17. regards from Silent and special thanks to Murica (2 songs)
  18. Hmmm Fffreak9999 you are sure ? Think Default is 180 That´s what the DefaultRenegadeX.ini says:
  19. I looked in this on my Server, and i not can replicate any Issue with the EMP-Cannon ... all fine here.
  20. The illuminated Globe shows the MRLS where to hit
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