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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. mb there not necessary but I like them its like side objectives thingy
  2. WOW ! You make Awesome Videos ...Id Starting Sharing this on STEAM now TY
  3. Idk if something can be done in there ----> https://gaming.youtube.com/ New from Google ^^
  4. I just received an statement from someone in the Game industrie that is very encouraging for RenX futur and I wish to dicuss this privatly with Renx Devs .please pm me
  5. All Good Suggestions ^^ Sniper: True its the same in All game ..so ..off topic. I pray the God of Games ,That EA give us a Hand ..(Not an HoN ) I find the player base going up slowly,but it could go expotential at any time I bet 90% of STEAM users dont know how to share a video through Status Activity ..=Bad Dont Put money or prizes for getting players ..its do the contrary effect ..Its like PAY to PLAY =Bad Game is Good ,Fun ,Cool , Addictive ,Devs done a lot Professionaly ,They did a GREAT JOB CODING and stuff They SUPER GOOD Sharing Videos is the best ways (in any forms) Until an EA insider place a Note on the EA CEO's Desk for us ,and we Fall in his Heart By Him falling in Love with RenX So Please evryone Don't give up sharing and doing stuff for RenX ..Devs Did The Biggest Part ..now let return the favor for The Awesome Game ..Renegade X ..we are the Futur and futur is now :0)))
  6. This ^^
  7. what ever is the airdrop the important imo is not to make them often delivery..air drop is kind of reinforcement that take time to come in ..there shouldnt be no back to back delivery
  8. can you nerf recon speed or something ? Also saw an recon bike stuck betwee HoN building wall and the ramp ..they slim and can stuck there
  9. if these vehicules beheaving and flying armes responses (reload and refiring ) could be fixed game would be near perfect..with new TB vehicules the game is so much fun ..who dont want an Titan or wolverine they so cool ps I think recon bike are to fast they realy OP at that speed cant get a shot on them
  10. I find it odd to enter in a server an having an n00b statement related to your nick when in reality you acheive a lot for your team.One great acheiment that may pass under the radar is Building saving ..like timed c4 disarmed on CP or building saved that was damage under 50%. How long have we keept a vehicule without loosing it . How many veh we have steal or been stealed Any Stats is welcome ,itcould show uswhere we can improve our gaming . Great Project Agent, Thanks
  11. There could be 2 type of Lakeside ,Flying and non flying Agree non flying should bring something special.But i like also Flying with a non flying zone (the forest)
  12. I agree with this ,Tiberium is a good way to stop some standing spot, @truxa ,I like lakeside and Whiteout as flying ..mb making the forest an infantry only no flying at all there would be nice
  13. true me also I dislike the invis.walls in lake side that now you have to contour often also in Without ,side mid cliffs close to base .When its obious path going out of map its ok ,but these I don't see the purpose for them .Im often air guy and its frustrating getting stuck in them .Mb because at some places the walls are positiong like a maze where you can enter but can get stuck in it
  14. i thought i fixed this ... ill put a fix in that cant be exploited Youre The Man
  15. some invisible walls should block these paths
  16. Saw GDI sniper at this point yesterday in island ,I dont think it should be allow
  17. This is Good ^^ Fully Agreed
  18. When I publish a SS in STEAM ,it's related to Unreal development .I Have to commented it so ppl know its Renx game. Would be nice to have an setting check box for (when I know I will do SS) puting the RenegadeX name plus logo and maybe also the Website link ..all for Game adverising plus just want to let know I like a lot the new Titan and wolverine ( they so cute the way they walk ) ) Tic tank is ok but looks kind of cheap imo
  19. For those who never saw what was Old Ren ..Just a note ,I prefer RenX Map is City Flying an short :53 sec video
  20. I like maps that have a story your map Looks pretty cool to me but isnt a bit too complicated scenario for regular MP match. I can see this as a Co-op map mode ,is it the case ? Great Work anyway ,Keep up
  21. Wow your Titan are cool Havoc89 ,+ people love them ,Wish( edit not Wish I Want them :=)) ) it could be ingame in some maps
  22. there was a missing = also after GameplayMaps Anyways I gave up .Id double check and still not in the list ..although I did open by the console . My first impression is the Bases are two close from each other ,very easy to infiltrate and path too small for vehicules .Add some space between the 2 Base and that should looks great
  23. That would be good if a Post was made with somes guidelines for maps. like a reminders not to have to rewatched all the Kenz's videos to find some
  24. not replacing but adding the code to the list GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="ing://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial") First it should be GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial") Second... I kinda doubt the image exists... [b]img[/b] So it's the code ^^ that is missing that why it wont show in the map list in skirmish ? And btw i dont see in forum all the complete text of the post .I have to quote the post and read it from there to see all
  25. not replacing but adding the code to the list GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="ing://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial")
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