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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Akbaro

  1. You dont. Damaging and repairing buildings gives the most VP iirc.
  2. It isnt. You've massively simplified it. There are far more sources of VP than just kills and assists, thats for damn sure.
  3. Veterancy should lean more toward personal achievement in-game as opposed to team effort(Average(?)). That being said though, people who join mid-way through still often get upranked while players who have been in since the start can still be at a rank beneath, which doesn't even make sense. - An AFK on the winning team can be at a higher rank than someone who has been working at it the whole game on the losing team. Not to mention that veterancy massively rewards certain playstyles and because of this, punishes others, making a rank-up dependant on your teams success if you arent doing the 'right thing'. The team that is winning is likely to continue winning because everyone has superior armor, damage and speed to most of the opposition. Having to fight players two ranks above you, who have been doing the same as you have for the entire game is an absolute slog and makes me want to play a better balanced game where players arent massively rewarded just for existing on the winning team. Veterancy should be counted depending on the efficiency of whatever role you are filling and if that isnt possible, then the effects of veterancy should be reduced. The game was fine before it was added a year or so ago.
  4. Very Cool!
  5. If he heals in Tiberium then Sydney needs a buff, maybe more armor considering she clearly has more armor.
  6. You caught me, this was a sock of mine all along. (Its not, just for clarification.)
  7. No point. Root beer is boring asf.
  8. I think it looks cool
  9. I got a HMRLS on storm and trying to dodge stuff with that thing sets it all over the shop, bouncing around like its an air hockey puck. I think if the MRLS and tuck itself away and fire above and around stuff, its more advanced counterpart should be able to aswell.
  10. Im glad I am on a defender list cos I think there are alot of times where if I wasnt there the building wouldnt have survived.
  11. I dont think I have ever really infiltrated before.
  12. Thanks!
  13. I want the disc thrower to be able to T-Pose like in the preview.
  14. Akbaro


    If you are close enough to an enemy you can see their username in red. Bounties should be a different color.
  15. Devs prob have hands full. Lots of new features create more bugs and exploits.
  16. I was going to say that alot of english towns end with -worth, -ing, -ton, (those 3 combined are probably a town) -ford, -pool, excetera. Having berg everywhere could be the dutch equivilent of one of those.
  17. I thought 825 dollars was too much to spend on one device.
  18. There isnt a premium, the 8600k, which is the most ideal middish range CPU costs like 30 dollars more than the 2600X and provides quite alot more gaming performance.
  19. I heard the guy who made it used it as assets for his indie game.
  20. If you spend 170 dollars on a CPU and 600 on a card, theres bound to be a bottleneck, its better to get a strong CPU first, to skip the faff of having to replace half the motherbits after setting up everything, later. A 2600X might even bottleneck a 1070Ti, just dont pair a 1080Ti with a mid range CPU, at least get a 2700X or preferably am 8700K (9th gen intel looks crap imo). Ryzen rn has bad IPC and low usage on most games. Youll be missing out on a lot of FPSes with a CPU and Card sitting around alot. Ryzen 3rd gen is around the corner, maybe wait for that.
  21. Shouldnt be pairing a 1080 with a 2600X, thats quite a bottleneck.
  22. It would be cool to put in a map that has a focus on air combat, with GDI and Nod AA having a role
  23. Ive never played Dune, but why was Emperor Battle for Dune such a flop? Have you played that? I havent played a match online either.
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