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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Akbaro

  1. I very rarely play vehicle so I dont know too much but it does look like a bit of a shitshow up there, the silo side of things is too open and makes it easy for snipers to get a click on you imo. I dont know why everyone voted for it over hourglass its better in every way.
  2. I didnt say he was more expensive, I said that Mendoza rushes are expensive. Literally quote me.
  3. Cool idea, I think the commander thing as a whole brings Renegade back to that more CNC style instead of some sort of mutant Battlefield. Waypoints and other cool stuff is a must imo.
  4. I may have missed the 'obvious message' because it was on the screen for a second and has a tendency to red light green light. How come we can hear GDI A-10s flying past quite clearly but not these cruise missiles? https://youtu.be/TmhuQqPcOtY
  5. As established earlier, Mobius doesnt have a reliable infantry counter. I really do just think that Mendozas spread makes him unweildy and RNG asf. As for the ammo capacity, that doesnt make mobius better or worse.
  6. All I think it needs is a spread reduction and an increased ammo capacity is all.
  7. Oh yeah its weird we can hear a woosh from a kilometer away but a missile within arms reach would be quiet.
  8. The speed of sound is what? 350m/s? These cruise missiles rapidly enter the field and into extremely close proximity where there would be no sound delay and in all fairness, being 50m away from you and all, deafiningly loud. Im not deaf. I have a pair of decent speakers and headphones and I swear to god these cruise missiles are literally deathly silent. The woosh, no.
  9. Where did I say Mobius rushes were a viable tactic? Literally quote me.
  10. Im 95% certain that a massive ballistic missile would be deafiningly loud even miles away. We can hear planes 20,000 feet above us ffs, why cant we hear a huge missile literally just above our heads? Theres that lightweight woosh sound and then deafining silence until touchdown. Its ridiculous.
  11. *ahem* I mean, thats an anecdote.
  12. Fake news
  13. My English is fading. I was referring to Mendoza shooting buildings. Even so, Mobius does a far amount of damage to buildings tho.
  14. I mean cmon. He has an advantage against SBHs I mean.
  15. Yes. Mobius is already really good against vehicles and how often do you shoot at buildings? Mendoza rushes are great but they are very expensive.
  16. I phrased it wrong, I meant that Mobius's anti infantry potential far outweighs Mendozas anti building and vehicle bonuses imo.
  17. So really Mobius's only counter is stuff that counters basically everything anyway. A raveshaw headshot? Cmon now. And then snipers, who have no armor bonus to speak of at all. Mendoza is better against buildings and vehicles sure but I think that Mobius far outweighs him in infantry just enough to forge an imbalance.
  18. You'd be drained of all your ammo in a minute. I forgot to mention Mendoza has no ammo at all.
  19. And it would be cool if you could accumulate extra bonuses for territories. Dawn of War style.
  20. I think that Mobius is much stronger than Mendoza in most ways, who are presumably(?) designed to be equally as good as eachother - they fufill the same role and cost the same. I would look into the files where the stats for both characters are defined but I dont know what file that is, so I can only really say the obvious stuff. Mobius has double the magazine size, more armor, faster rate of fire, a bonus against SBH, a minor fire/electricity drain and most importantly imo; much less spread. He does less damage per shot, but that doesnt really matter at all because if you combine together all his bonuses he is much easier to wield than Mendoza. Mobius makes up for his lower damage in fire rate which together correlate to a high DPS anyway. (Not sure if Mendozas is higher tho) And also the 100% larger magazine size which will allow him to shoot at stuff longer without having to reload, obviously. Mendoza probably has higher damage per shot but massively disadvantaged by the abysmal magazine size, shotgun spread and slower rate of fire. I remember shooting at a stationary hottie dead center and within range, but not a single shot hit, I saw each and every shot go around as if the guy was doing some matrix shit. Mendoza does have a mad HS multiplier, if you get consecutive headshots its game over, but its just too damn hard to do, especially with that horrific spread. - Mobius has an advantage at longer range, his spread is really tight, and rarely goes off the crosshairs, if it does, it matters literally half as much, - higher rate of fire and larger mag size as said before. I know this is just an anecdote but ive always had much better luck as Mobius, for whatever reason it just feels alot easier to hit targets and get headshots. Mobius's alt fire was nerfed tfo, instead of being an easy way of slipping out of a lost engagement its more situational and costs more, problem is that Mobius's alt was already a poor choice in a flat 1v1 anyway considering the wind up and wind down. That being said its still good at what it can do, get nuclear bomb range AOE round corners and stuff. Another thing is that Mobius has that progressive armor drain so routing bad guys will often get zucced by thor on the way out. To the average player, Mobius is much more flexible and all round. Mendoza does do better against vehicles but there are already 2 good Nod AT classes that in my opinion are better at it, and its not like Mobius cant deal MAJOR DAMAGE to vehicles himself anyway. I just think that Mendoza needs a pretty large spread buff. If I recall, Sarah showed a line comparing Mobius's spread to Mendozas - something like 0.08 to 0.025/0.028. I think that it was changed to 0.10 but that doesnt change much at all. Mendoza has at least double the spread when he needs as many shots to contact as possible. I think if Dozas was dropped to say 0.18 or somewhere around that he would be alot more viable against Mobius. Just me. I have too much time on my hands. It is sad.
  21. What resolution are you playing at and with what executable? I played RenX with a friend with a 1080Ti and he got that message using the 64bit version at 4K. Going down to 1080p on the 32bit version worked for him I think. I have a 1066 and I never run into that bug, it might just be the resolution.
  22. What does that mean? Does it slow your hardware down a bit if your over it?
  23. Ive heard that Vsync causes some input delay, especially on UE3 so I turned it off, but now I have too many frames per second, high temps, loud and power etc If I try capping it to anything, say 80 it just doesnt work or do anything. If its at a number even if I save and quit when I start up the game its still putting in 100% power on the main menu and the setting will still say 80 while getting like 200fps lol. Anyone know a workaround for this? Help is appreciated thank you.
  24. Well, yes, because most people dont use chat. This is a fact. One might have an opinion of Blonal Blumpf but might not say it out loud. Most people keep stuff to themselves. Considering how many kills these cruise missiles tend to get, often upwards of 6, im sure that alot of people would agree that the warnings arent potent enough. These flares seem to disappear, the message barely exists, the sound is a quiet woosh and people dont tend to look up when they are focusing.
  25. I think if most people think they should be rebalanced then they should be rebalanced.
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