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Everything posted by DenWellingston

  1. I was right! A year ago, they laughed at me and thought that I was crazy all this is just scenery, but all this time I was right! Tiberium Sun, in the guise of "Renegade X: Fierstorm" is coming to visit us!
  2. Wolwerine Online! Yeaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!
  3. Does a tactical map mean? Hm. There are few options: * Tactical map for the commander? * New building Communication Center for GDI and NOD? * New map, possibly with a new building? * Hint of an update to Renegade X: Fierstorm. * Or ..... I do not know what it is, but ....
  4. Little news, but short. Updates for the Renegade X, which will be released in the fourth quarter. I do not know who he is, but remember: Kane is alive forever! Based on the information received from the image, we now know for sure that the update will definitely include: * New infantry units: GDI and NOD era of Tiberium Sun * Cyborgs will also appear among them, and given this there is a high probability of including the Forgotten mutants in both fractions. * New weapons of the Tiberium Sun era. It also became known that the name of the update will be called "RenegadeX: Fierstorm". The name is hidden at the bottom left in the corner. We will continue to publish news on this update, as well as its details, as soon as it is known that something else, but are confident that this will be continued very soon ...
  5. Are you ready pick up? Good!
  6. I will add my own word. For many reasons: from getting "losers" to the team to stupid snipers who literally jump out and immediately leave with impunity. Either near artillery kills you close, then on MRLS you can’t destroy infantry near, but NOD art has no problems with this. I won’t describe the problems: they did it already for me, but I’ll try to offer my ideas, which I kept in mind for a long time: -Adjustment of the movement animation so that the fighter moves more smoothly. -Sniper weapons, like all other firearms (non-energy), introduce features, such as the impossibility of reloading during sprints, an increased level of dispersion of bullets when shooting on the run, but without moving and sitting, the level of dispersion is close to zero. -Also heavy weapons (Officer's Machine Gun Bullets and Humvee from Buggy, miniguns on an APC will have a “suppression” effect. When hit by infantry, the movement speed will be reduced by 40-35% for two seconds every time a bullet hits (the effect is not cumulative). That the same has the effect of a grenade launcher, flamethrower, chemical gun and Flack Canon, but for three seconds, the laser machine gun does not give the effect of suppression. -Stealth. Stealth Infantry and Stealth Tank have a feature: in stealth mode, the first shot deals 50% more damage. - The effect of EMP. If the equipment is affected by it, then the gun also does not work. Also, in the case of a fighter’s defeat in the impulse’s defeat zone, he is not able to use energy weapons (Railgun, Volt Rifle and the like for 10-20 seconds. The same applies to repair guns. ) Personal Ion Cannon also gives a slowing effect to tanks by 30% (not cumulative). - Grenades Chem Soldier and McFlaera. For a chemical soldier, a tiberium grenade creates a cloud, slowing down the slightly disorienting infantry and making any unit more susceptible to damage. At McFlaera, an ordinary grenade is replaced with a stun grenade, blinding and depriving the sprint for 5-6 seconds (Some materials on the light noise grenade are in the SDK.) -Sight of a sniper weapon using the scope now requires a few seconds to prepare. Also, if a sniper is aiming, his sight creates a glare, giving a little position to the shooter. -Frontal armor. Armor now has its weak points. The rear is more susceptible to damage, in contrast to the frontal and side armor. -Reset veteran status. Change ranks to ordinary, elite, hero. The maximum rank is a hero. When a soldier dies, the rank is reduced to ordinary, but it can be quickly replenished, gaining experience, as was the case in the classic version. -Burner mode. Orca and Apache Helicopter will have another type of acceleration called Fast and Furious. The vehicle will travel three times faster, but in a collision with another object it will be possible to damage the vehicle or destroy it (warning for the most inexperienced pilots), and it will also be impossible to use weapons. Weapon reload time increased. - The probability of death of the fighter in the equipment, if it is destroyed. Depending. from a rank, there is a chance to die in transport. -Radovoy-70% -Elite- 80% -Hero-90% -And most importantly (as a cherry on the cake) - balancing the team based on the last 10-20 fights. On it, the average score is calculated and on its basis it is determined under a more suitable command. Also, when creating a game / server, add the ability for players to choose the fraction for which they want to play if there is such a function) I think that's all. While I have no other ideas or others have already expressed.
  7. In the next update on April 1, gun shots will be made up of pi-piu, and all that. Korga-Rifle Black Korga, Korgovaya Installation. The entire arsenal of infantry weapons and equipment will make up this. Only April 1st!
  8. @HIHIHI Congratulations on your promotion! I didn’t know that you were already a developer!
  9. Project ReSound has reached a new level !!!
  10. DenWellingston


    I still do not understand how you and many players manage to add and put a flag on the equipment. This is still a mystery to me!
  11. Battle Royale? Really? I’d better play the analogue of Soul Survive + Loot from Call Of Duty for Renegade X, only it will be mixed fractionally, not solo.
  12. I did not check the card, but in my memory this card had three main problems: 1- Narrow road for equipment, especially at the entrances for bases. 2- Narrow distance between the bases. 3- Poor fort construction in the center of the map.
  13. It’s just that we already had a server with equipment from Tiberium Sun (although adjusted for balance), but I also remember that sad experience on the Islands, where the Hover MRLS bent due to the ability to move through water. Not to mention the overall effectiveness of the TS equipment, which virtually ruined the balance anyway due to the "extra" tanks. The server belonged to the Constructive Tyranie, if not mistaken.
  14. Why do we need to supplement the fleet with extra cars that will not only violate the atmosphere of the battle, but also the balance of equipment and maps? I have already discussed similar things with the Recon Bike and many have come to the conclusion that introducing a new technique is a bad idea.
  15. Я был прав! Все это время я был прав с самого начала, даже после 1 апреля! Tiberium Sun подходит к нам! Я буду особенно рад, если трейлер будет выглядеть так, но на игровом движке! И этот трейлер выйдет 1 апреля! Xd.
  16. So in the game you will not find these models. Even in the SDK. It’s just prayer, but created for the game (I’m still silent about the fact that on the model of the technician you still need to write a code, animate, add sound and visual effects, not to mention the test). If these models of equipment come out officially, then you will find out in the official news of the group, and not from me.
  17. If I had gameplay, you would be the first to know about it. Nevertheless, I can reap a link to one of the main modders of military vehicles. https://www.artstation.com/aetebo
  18. Oh yeah baby! Oh yes! No one asked and no one wanted, but he waited! Mobile sensor authorship Yaroslav Baryshev! Soon (More precisely: understand when the hell comes out) in the next update of Renegade X! What?! And it's all?! Not! Hover MRLS, Devil's Trougle and the Banshee 3D model are also on the way. More precisely, its meat part. The skin still has to grow ....
  19. Good evening. I have such a problem. When choosing a game version for 64, when I go to the procurement menu, my game stops working and freezes. I don’t know the reasons, and it has been more than half a year since the update to support 64 bit versions of computers.
  20. I would like to add once again that the departure of Nexus caused serious damage to the community of mod creators for Renegade X. I can count the fingers of people who make maps, models of equipment, etc. Iridesence for example me too (But I do more specific content as opposed to it). I regularly read the Renegade X Modding Comunity, not just for technical issues, but for new content from Nexus. I may require too much, but I still think we should hold it and add Steppe and Desolation cards to this week’s PUG. That’s how the fans of “Classics” and “If only the base was closer to each other” treated him. Sorry for the emotions, but for our community this is really a great loss!
  21. Leaving you, @ Nexus51325 is a serious blow to our community, especially me. Desolation and Steppe cards (which I could play only once and was not disappointed, I think I should leave a review about the map later) If it weren't for @iridesence and you, I would have stopped working on Project ReSound. Oddly enough, of all Renegade, Rebegade X will remain a more cost-effective and attractive game for me thanks to improved mechanics and a more active community. Now the only thing we can do for you is to provide support, so I will forgive the organizers of the PUG this week to add @ Nexus51325 and Desolation maps to the rotation. We must show him that his work was not in vain .... Strength is the way to peace!
  22. I’ll add my words a pretty penny. The work of Nexus, despite the quick development period and insignificant imbalance, is done with the soul and almost completely corresponds to the gameplay, which should be, not to mention the love they are made with! Playing these cards at first is strange, but then you fall in love with them and do not want to let them go. I hope that Nexus will continue to surprise us with new cards, especially when additional content on Tiberium Sun comes out, an article about which I wrote earlier ....
  23. Thank you! Happy New Year to you too. I hope this year we will see Tiberium Sun content: this is what I have been waiting for the most since April 1. I also expect new cards from Nexus and I myself hope to finish my project with a complete replacement for sounds for infantry weapons.
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