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Everything posted by DenWellingston

  1. You just need to extract the mod archive into the game folder. The package contains two launchers. One for the server and the other for Skyrmish.
  2. ReSound Project is a mod for Renegade X from DenWellingstona and HIHIHI, designed to replace all sound effects with more authentic ones for more comfortable gameplay instead of the old ones, they took and slightly edited them as a basis, with various games like Crysis, Battlefield, Halo, etc. At the moment, all the resources of the project for infantry weapons are already ready for more than 25 types of various weapons. In the ReSound 0.7 update, the sound effects of shooting were completely reworked for almost the entire arsenal of small and heavy infantry weapons, dividing them into sound fragments, such as a shot and a bolt / projectile delivery. This makes the weapon more alive, which will give a great listening experience. Although many of the sounds for the weapon are ready, work on it will still continue. In the future, work will be done on the sounds for the animation of the interaction of weapons, the addition of sounds for the incident of a projectile hit, the interaction of projectiles with various materials.In addition to the effects of explosions, some sound elements have also been added for more effective gameplay. Major changes and fixes: Weapon ** Secondary weapon. * Pistol with and without silencer. -Replaced the sounds of shooting. * Heavy pistol. -Changed the sound of shooting. * Submachine gun with and without a silencer. -Replaced the sounds of shooting * Carabiner with and without silencer -Replaced the sounds of shooting. * Tiberium PP. -Changed the sound of shooting. ** Basic weapon * Automatic -Updated firing sound. * Shotgun -Updated firing sound. -Updated pump and recharge sound. * Flamethrower -Updated firing sound and added pre-firing ignition sound. * Grenade launcher. -Updated firing sound -Added sound for drum shop animation * DMR -Updated firing sound. ** Equipment and non-combat weapons * Variations of repair guns. —Completely corrected the difference in the volume of the devices from the beginning to the end of the work. * Air strike —Changed the sound of airstrike guidance, and also finally fixed the problem with the playback of the guidance sound. For both factions, the sound is individual. ** Class * Machine gun -Updated firing sound. * Launcher -Updated firing sound. - Improved guidance system and guidance sound when capturing, holding and targeting. * Fragment Cannon - Updated firing sound for each fire mode —Updated pump sound to match animation. * Chemical atomizer -Updated firing sound and added pre-firing ignition sound. * Sniper rifle -Updated firing sound. * Laser rifle -Updated firing sound * Tactical rifle -Updated the firing sound of the main firing mode and the grenade launcher. * Laser machine gun. -Updated firing sound. -Added a new sound for the rotor spin. * Rocket launcher -Updated the sound of the missiles, in accordance with the animation of the weapon. -Updated firing sound. * Personal ion cannon -Replaced the sound of shooting - Added new charging sound * Railgun -Changed the sound of shooting. —Finally resolved the issue with the interruption of the firing sound. -Updated firing sound. * Ramjet -Changed the sound of shooting. * Volt rifle - Complete replacement of shooting sounds for all fire modes has been carried out. ** Technical changes. —Optimized DenPack root file and removed unnecessary audio files. - Some types of weapons have been renamed. ReSound 0.7.zip
  3. I also want to supplement with a proposal to add a polygon where it will be possible to try out almost all weapons, classes and techniques in order to understand how and what works. She's missing in Renegade X.
  4. There are no major questions about the soundtrack yet, but I believe that some parts of the soundtrack are lacking in "meatiness" in sound. So far, the only thing I'm counting on is that they will add a soundtrack from the trailer for the map loading screen and / or before the start of the battle. Maybe even with cutscenes, where we land on the battlefield and the MSC is deployed.
  5. I would add that rather with some uncertainty, Frank did it. This was evident in the first trailer for the game. The soundtrack of Tiberian Dawn was something fun and driving (there was more of an action soundtrack), Tiberian Sun had some elements, but tried to stand out differently, which was nice, but did not always emphasize the universe. This is almost achieved in Firestorm. In 3 Tiberium Wars there was an emphasized style, but there was already a problem with the memorability of the music. Nice, non-irritating, but not memorable either.
  6. The perfect theme for Renegade X Firestorm by GDI!
  7. I think. what else is worth saying about the building. Considering that construction will now be limited, I hope. that in the fourth iteration there will be not only production buildings, but also support buildings. For example, a radar, an EMP gun, a Nod missile silo with a tiberium vein processor, etc. Maybe add something of your own that was not in the Tiberian Sun, but corresponded to the faction itself.
  8. This is very sad! (((The commander function was good in RenegadeS and abandoning it in Firestorm will create some emptiness: teamwork does wonders.
  9. But the construction in the fourth iteration pleases on the maps in the conquest mode: the players have a limited choice of what and for what to build. A defensive outpot with an EMP weapon? Or maybe an observation post with a radar? I really hope that at least FPS will be more than RTS, but it will be more interconnected: as I wrote above, the commander function has shown itself almost from the best side. It is necessary to continue in this direction.
  10. I very much hope that the fourth integration will include an even deeper connection with the "commander", who will have a wider range of possibilities, since this implementation in Renegade X has shown its best side. For example, the commander, in the GDI / Nod radar building, carry out the construction of structures, control each fighter and even, for example, draw up an action plan. Although he will not be able to buff the fighters next to them, the ability to remotely give orders to each player-fighter and draw up an action plan with just a couple of clicks, while it is possible to carry out orders through the radar with a couple of clicks will deepen the strategic part of the game and preserve the balance of FPS and RTS.
  11. Yes. Quite an unpleasant thing in vehicles, since when shooting from a camera, especially in tanks, it is quite difficult to move. For me, it would be worth adding landmarks in the scope to minimize such troubles. One more thing, which not everyone can say, I want to note3 that this is the departure of the tank's sight not into the projectile hit zone. Quite unpleasant moments can leave, especially when every shot counts.
  12. I can say for sure that, given the peculiarity of the gameplay, it is better to implement a mode similar to Star Wars Battlefront 2 from DICE, where the Galactic Conquest mode was implemented. In it, it was necessary to perform certain tasks in order to achieve victory, having certain opportunities and limitations. As far as I remember, I discussed a similar regime with other people here on the forum about a year ago. Deathmatch problem. is that this is a waste of resources + you need to create a separate balance for weapons and infantry. I want to add. that the addition of modes should also be promoted so that people PLAY IT. And I'm not talking about what modders create, but the developers who work on Firestorm. It is better to focus on one thing, and then discuss the modes as post-release content: we will have new resources and details from which modders can make new modes, like an analogue of Galactic Conquest.
  13. I want to apply as a sound effects creator. Even though I'm not a full-fledged expert, every day I try to improve my skills and create sound from the most accessible sources available. I'm currently working on a mod for Renegade X called Project ReSound. I am currently working with Reaper, but I also have experience with Adobe Auditor and Sound Wawe Editor. Best regards, sound effects creator Denis Korshak / Denis Wellingston. Discord # 0388
  14. Exactly! Many things in Alpha are impressive and the official gameplay for both fractions should be placed, if not over all, then partially over the main points in questions of mechanics, which will work in the Second Era.
  15. In Firestorm, they certainly will not appear. And if there ever will be content on Tiberium Wars, then certainly not soon. And definitely not on the SDK. In general, Tiberium Wars, although very slightly, but slightly expands the surrounding LORe games, which made the universe livelier.
  16. Well, for now ... We all know how this happens after a couple of years.
  17. Here the music for Firestorm would be very useful. It sets the pace of the game — like a modern Doom — the absence of music for the Second Age will leave an unpleasant moment.
  18. 1. Will special operations mode be added. This is the type of mission, where one faction performs its task, and the other tries to prevent it? 2. According to alpha, as I understand it, redesign of production buildings will be carried out? In your video, I noticed that the defenses were visually and technically revised, but not the production buildings, which bothered me a bit. 3. Will the survival mode be finalized? 4. Although I did not have time to try the Black Hand vs Cabal mode, I am interested in the following: will it be the same with GDI and Forgotten? 6. In your video, I caught a glimpse of the Helipad made about a year ago by the Nexus. What can you say about her? 7. In Tiberium Sun Reborn, although not successfully, the mechanics of ion storms was implemented. Will it be in an update? If so, is it optional for cards or some will be similar?
  19. I’ll put in my five cents. Although I am not a developer, I can confirm that the infantry classes for the Tuberian Sun era have changed significantly. I would even say that there will be no useless class in the game from beginning to end, which pretty much surprised and pleased me. I won’t say anything more, but if you want more information, I advise you to follow the news on the forum here and in Discord.
  20. The prophesy its truth!!!
  21. Tiberian Sun has Rising!!!
  22. Yes. There are pretty well-developed armor mechanics, but it’s worth considering that all units in the APB are based on those that were in Red Alert and its Aftermath add-on.
  23. I’ve been thinking about battles for a long time and very often noticed that they converge on the fact that some tanks with the support of engineers besiege another base with tanks with the support of engineers. Moreover, technical engineers are not very “easy” to destroy, especially if it consists of almost one artillery and a couple of light tanks, which can easily carry light-medium infantry. And if you destroy the equipment, then after another 30 seconds another one comes up. I've been thinking for a long time and decided to offer a couple of ideas what can be done about it. 1. The equipment must now have two types of strength: armor and health. Armor, as well as infantry, and armored vehicles can be repaired by engineers and technicians / Hotvay. Either the equipment pilot can restore health (however, for this he needs to take a safe place in order to begin to restore it, since this process does not allow the equipment to move and shoot) Either repair platforms can restore the equipment. 2.Also reduce the area of projectile damage by tanks and anti-tank missiles, since it turns out that with two or three shots you can easily end the simple infantry Exception is artillery, but for them it will be necessary to increase the blind zone by increasing the minimum level of lowering the gun down. 3. Missile and other firearms now do damage to armor first, and then to health. Railgun, a personal ion cannon, deals damage to both armor and equipment health. 4. Raveshaw / Sidney; Hawok / Sakura; Mobius / Mendoza translate into the status of heroes, which can be acquired one for each team. 4. Anti-tank mines can no longer simply be blown up by weapons. To do this, they need to be neutralized. 5.Sniper weapons do not damage equipment, including helicopters, but anti-tank weapons can pass through the equipment. 6.Can be purchased consumables. such as EMP and smoke grenades, but they will be quite expensive (for example, a regular EMP grenade will cost 500-600 credits) So far these are all the ideas that I have for solving the “eternal siege” syndrome.
  24. Give us the Renegade X: Firestorm trailer now! We've been waiting for this for too long! :(=
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