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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Syntharn

  1. Syntharn


    I will miss you poi, I dont think ive ever seen you whine or start a surrender vote, respect. You are one of the few players that can manage to get under my skin. Dont worry about haters, their inflated egos just won't let them hate themselfes for being outclassed, they are in all online games and IRL. If anything you should take pride in it, im actually jealous because no one has flamed me for being too good in ages. Some jokingly say that balance is an illusion and I think thats true to some degree. Its balanced right up until the point where it isnt, which can happen in under a minute. players join and leave while a building can get destroyed seemingly out of nowhere. Even with a MMR system i think it will do less than expected due to the many roles there are to fill in RenX, MMR just measures win/loss ratio (far as i know). Players tend to stick or at least lean towards certain ingame occupations wether they are needed atm or not, would need like a "flexibility" and "prefered class" value in the MMR (also penalizing disgraceful WTJ players) for it to make a balanced team. and some maps are just... when you get stuck in a choke point with that many players YOU ARE STUCK. Idk any players well enough to actually change team just to play with them, i mean they are in the same game already lol. So i can't utter myself about the mentality behind that. Anyway, sad to see you go. Come back anytime.
  2. The most important units that comes out of barracks and hon are hottys and techs, no doubt about it. All characters can shoot, only those two have the infantry mines, not to mention the repairs. If it was one weapon i would like to have a backup of it would be the those mines ez pick, AT mines just isn't an efficient substitute even if it does trigger on infantry nowadays. Considering how versatile a rocket soldier otherwise is i dont think losing bar/hon is as dreadfully crippling as some make it out to be. Giving an engineer any sort additional weaponry other than mines sounds like it could become OP though, would be more like multi classing in a D&D. Maybe better if they did just become the stored character rather than taking its gun if so.
  3. Im up for being an actor if you want to stage a scene and record it. Can't really offer much else though. Wessmania#8378 in discord (had to make new forums acc cuz reasons)
  4. A Diablo 2 mod i played long ago had a ladder reset recently and i got stuck mindlessly grinding it for a week straight. Now i feel ashamed because i have neglected to play Renegade X... and UT4. I deserve to be roasted in that eternal fire pit.
  5. can we like... send you a bottle of booze as a sign of appreciation? or will EA get jelly about that to.
  6. I would argue that vehicle combat demand a higher situational awareness than infantry combat due to the TTK being much slower, you can't headshot a tank. You are much more dependent on your teammates to back you up with firepower so you can get through those tank lines and their repairs. Not saying that vehicle combat is harder but it does require much more coordination from your team than infantry combat does.
  7. first time i even notice this thread, awesome stuff!!! so cool!!!
  8. The only GT that bugs me is the one beside Airstrip on Flakeside, because it always gets me while GDI can't seem to get it. Its the most well positioned GT in the entire game if you ask me. Turrets and Guard towers haven't been high tech for a century, i dont find it that weird that both factions have access to them even if it isn't cannon. It does make more sense for Nod to have Turrets, since GDI have the tank armor advantage. I think they are pretty good as they are, airstrikes and cruise missiles should bring them down to red HP. Do we need more? eeeeh... if they are in a position where they can be somewhat easily dealt with i dont mind.
  9. I have only called myself Syntharn in old Renegade and Renegade X, in all other games ive been Wessmania for over a decade, old drinking nickname. Used to play the original Medal of Honor on playstation and the PC sequel with all its expansions released in 2002, after that i completely lost track of the series. I remember the PC version having a super hard campaign, could get instakilled by a sniper on almost all maps, loved it.
  10. woaw, my huge ego demands that it be immensely stroked alot more than this. on the other hand my PVP philosophy says that i shouldnt give a crap, xept i do, alot. curse my weakness for its weakness, pls change me to be on top of everything. also snytarn means "person who blows his nose"
  11. Syntharn


    My favorite is buying a chinook and going in solo at max altitude, people freak out. I believe Lavadr4gon has some clip of it working really good on walls.
  12. If GDI has noticed you reparing a stealth tank and tries to target it, fake repair it in the opposite direction to misslead their fire. That is unless the stealth tank decides to open fire instead, i mean if it got repairs why not.
  13. I was pleasantly suprised to see so many players online during the middle of the night yesterday/super early today. Around 02:30 03:00 CET there was around 20 players online playing Eyes. Played on the Fairplay INC server, based on players ping only 2 players were in the EU (or maybe a few just had shitty internet) Again, I dont mind playing on a NA or east server at all, but I guess its a hassle to get everyone to migrate from an active server to an unpopulated one.
  14. Welcome! This game is amazing indeed, you will like it. Awesome community, awesome devs, only drawback is that the game more or less goes to bed when the players do.
  15. Commanders is a great addition as it is! but yes I would like that, just for that extra coordination in field. Maybe its just me but I often feel like the commanders get stuck in base organizing rushes for several minutes, spamming "DOZAS MEET HON 2/10" or something. The few times I willingly become commander I dont have time to organize something like that and be effective in the field at the same time, it becomes a choice/preference. Much of it has to do with limited information, i got my FOV, radiochat and map but it doesnt come close to a RTS birds eye view. On small maps or in low population games it might be overkill, but on maps such as Outposts or Lakeside I would love to have a sub-commander in field. I would be an awesome sub-commander
  16. I like the commanders ability to mark targets, but it requires the commander being on the front lines for it to be usefull which isn't always the case. If the commander could promote someone to also have that abillity to mark targets i think that would be pretty neat, something like a field officer or whatever millitary term might be appropriate, let the commander worry about other things.
  17. Joe sounds really young in that game, he doesnt have that commanding presence in his voice, sounds more like a naive boy in his late teens. still it does sound like Kane, a very friendly and nice Kane If they were to make an action/RPG/civilization game telling Kanes whole backstory with him as the main protagonist i would be all over that. Spreading the seeds of world domination over the course of 20000 something years, awwyessss fresh game idea. I burned my hand today when tipping out the boiling water out of a saucepan filled with potatoes, feels like someone shaved my skin of with a razor.
  18. Why has this thread been dead for like 2 weeks? dont tell me you all ran out of rants because i know you didn't unless you suck. As a warmup for christmas me, my father + spouse and younger sister all bought lottery tickets for "BingoLotto", the biggest swedish lottery there is on TV. it sucked ass because 80% of it is just seniors drinking coffee and listening to crapy music while a bunch of "swedish TV stars" try to make their lives sound interesting, they aren't. Luckily dad had loaded up with booze so we survived even if we didn't win anything. then i played super castlevania with my sister and got rekt on like level 3 because i suck. Merry christmas, i love you guys.
  19. so is it just me or is indiedb a broken confusing mess when it comes to giving a straight answer regarding the actuall score list? im curious about the score but i can't find it, is it not yet decided or what?
  20. i would like to see most of this but i want something else more. 17)
  21. Berg also means mountain in swedish, we have alot of towns named "berg something" or "something berg" without them being near any actuall mountains. idk why either.
  22. Like, who is the most poor? anyone with a very low or zero score would assume. If I notice a new player joining and I know that player is good I always give him/HER credits if I can spare it, its a good investment. When I join an ongoing match I tend to get a juicy donation out of nowhere, sharing is caring❤️
  23. I am one of the residual EU players, im usually up until 06:00 in the morning playing. I dont mind playing with ping above 100, Renegade X is very forgiving for a FPS when it comes to ping difference. However the NA are so rarely populated ive only been there like twice, would very much like to see a more active NA servers and players so this game can be played 24/7. Im very much guilty of not joining empty servers, or even below 10 in population depending on the map.
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