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Renegade X — Community Opinion Poll: Game Modes

Game Modes  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the current game modes do you prefer?

    • I play NvN only
    • Prefer NvN
    • I enjoy NvN and NvG equally
    • I prefer NvG
    • I play NvG only
  2. 2. Would you like more game modes?

    • I only want NvG
    • I enjoy non-standard game modes like NvN
    • I would like to see more game modes, like GvG
    • I would like to see non CNC gamemodes, like TDM, KOTH or CTF

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  • Poll closed on 10/01/20 at 01:31 AM

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  • Totem Arts Staff



Greetings community,

The Renegade X Team values your feedback when making decisions about additions and balance changes. We love gathering feedback by seeing opinions ingame, reading posts on the forums, reading Discord and interacting on voice chat, and seeing how players make the meta and come up with counters to metas. We hope to further increase the input from the community in the changes you guys see in patch notes.

While we are dedicating most resources to Firestorm currently, nobody wants Renegade X development to be left entirely, so to keep things moving efficiently, we need to know what best ways to direct our resources with the following poll.

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I like those additional game modes, it makes the game more interesting because you don't always play the same.

but we have a huge problem with those gamemodes, our playerbase is small and playing alone (with bots) is not the same...

for example, we have (or had) a survival, sniper, TDM servers... unfortunately these are empty most of the time, even I enjoy those mods...

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  • Totem Arts Staff

i LIKE the variety and creativity of other game modes. The IDEA behind NvN is very interesting, however I think it needs further development [if the goal is both teams are the same, cool. keep them the same; so then map design and layout needs to be overhauled to match that teams playstyle =)]


And other modes like CTF, deathmatch, survival etc. are awesome! However with the current player base and coder/developer base, I think it is best to remain disciplined and focus on core game play development.

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i like the idea of nvn but they need upgraded or different typ of vehicles and character. to be pickt . for example

black hand vehicles 

black hand flame tank there most powerfull vehicle 2000 credits it hase twice the health of flame tank deals 50% more damage then a normal flame tank

black hand dont have artilery's just upgraded recon bikes 450 cost it hase more health then the nod recon bike

tick tank replaces the light tank for them with a 800-1000 credit costing vehicle .

black hand characters

black hand flamethrower replaces the black hand laser chaingunner this guy deals very high damage to vehicle's and infantry very forgiving on no accurate aim due to there flamethrower being a decent cone size 

black hand shadow team replaces sbh with 500 more credit cost they wont decloak when there shooting they will only decloak when there using there c4 or other explosives. including the nuke beacon.

nod vehicles

upgraded bradley's nods most powerfull  vehicle in this mode   costing also 2000 credits hase 50% more hp and deals 25% more overall dps can be with faster reload or raw damage

nods light tank gets an upgrade in this mode giving it 200 more armor(health) also increasing it to the medium tank price of 800 credits for this mode.

nods heavy stealth tank.  1500 credits drops a stealth tank with 200 more armor and instead of 2 ya get 3 missile's per volley. the heavy stealth tank also hase better cloaking tech meaning it can stay cloaked when taking more heavier damage only being decloacked when on less then 20% armor(health)

nods specific mode characters.

expert stealth black hand 200-300 more credit cost they have more health and upgraded weapon to deal more damage to inf/tank

mutant mendoza costing 2000 credits ofcourse nods own epic unit


If you plan on having both Firestorm and Renegade x gamemode intertwined within the same launcher and game, i don't see why you need to focus on more gamemodes atm, its gonna be there right next NvN when its done. you are already making more gamemodes for renegade x.

I dare say TDM and KOTH already exists as smaller components within the Renegade x gamemode in the form map control, i don't think you can extract and improve them in a way that outshines the full experience. CTF... ehm, idk, i have doubts.

Keep focusing on Firestorm i say, if you feel like Renegade X needs some love in the form of new gamemodes then consider making a tiberium dawn version of Firestorms domination style gamemode, when there is time ofc.
No rush, game is still good, don't worry.

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I can say for sure that, given the peculiarity of the gameplay, it is better to implement a mode similar to Star Wars Battlefront 2 from DICE, where the Galactic Conquest mode was implemented. In it, it was necessary to perform certain tasks in order to achieve victory, having certain opportunities and limitations. As far as I remember, I discussed a similar regime with other people here on the forum about a year ago.

Deathmatch problem. is that this is a waste of resources + you need to create a separate balance for weapons and infantry.

I want to add. that the addition of modes should also be promoted so that people PLAY IT. And I'm not talking about what modders create, but the developers who work on Firestorm. It is better to focus on one thing, and then discuss the modes as post-release content: we will have new resources and details from which modders can make new modes, like an analogue of Galactic Conquest.

Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, bred said:

needs more attack cycles 

Agreed, no more Black Hand exclusivity, and buff it, i hate that rockets go where the bike is facing, not where youre targeting.


9 hours ago, DenWellingston said:

I can say for sure that, given the peculiarity of the gameplay, it is better to implement a mode similar to Star Wars Battlefront 2 from DICE, where the Galactic Conquest mode was implemented. In it, it was necessary to perform certain tasks in order to achieve victory, having certain opportunities and limitations. As far as I remember, I discussed a similar regime with other people here on the forum about a year ago.

Deathmatch problem. is that this is a waste of resources + you need to create a separate balance for weapons and infantry.

I want to add. that the addition of modes should also be promoted so that people PLAY IT. And I'm not talking about what modders create, but the developers who work on Firestorm. It is better to focus on one thing, and then discuss the modes as post-release content: we will have new resources and details from which modders can make new modes, like an analogue of Galactic Conquest.

Theres no need for a rebalance, you kill people in standart mode, you kill people in kill people mode.


21 hours ago, roweboat said:

i LIKE the variety and creativity of other game modes. The IDEA behind NvN is very interesting, however I think it needs further development [if the goal is both teams are the same, cool. keep them the same; so then map design and layout needs to be overhauled to match that teams playstyle =)]


And other modes like CTF, deathmatch, survival etc. are awesome! However with the current player base and coder/developer base, I think it is best to remain disciplined and focus on core game play development.

Mirror matches are not interesting, their boring.... but maybe its debatable if their better than the different side... no, no it doesnt need further development, maps are fine and we dont need more exclusive vehicles like SSM Launchers, thank you very much... id rather those vehicles get added to standart mode. And yes, if you look right now at server populations, people only play the standart mode, so, any new modes are either pointless or very risky to spend time on, only for them to be a waste of time, and many people arent even aware of these polls and discussions and what not. 


16 hours ago, slashes said:

i like the idea of nvn but they need upgraded or different typ of vehicles and character. to be pickt . for example

black hand vehicles 

black hand flame tank there most powerfull vehicle 2000 credits it hase twice the health of flame tank deals 50% more damage then a normal flame tank

black hand dont have artilery's just upgraded recon bikes 450 cost it hase more health then the nod recon bike

tick tank replaces the light tank for them with a 800-1000 credit costing vehicle .

black hand characters

black hand flamethrower replaces the black hand laser chaingunner this guy deals very high damage to vehicle's and infantry very forgiving on no accurate aim due to there flamethrower being a decent cone size 

black hand shadow team replaces sbh with 500 more credit cost they wont decloak when there shooting they will only decloak when there using there c4 or other explosives. including the nuke beacon.

nod vehicles

upgraded bradley's nods most powerfull  vehicle in this mode   costing also 2000 credits hase 50% more hp and deals 25% more overall dps can be with faster reload or raw damage

nods light tank gets an upgrade in this mode giving it 200 more armor(health) also increasing it to the medium tank price of 800 credits for this mode.

nods heavy stealth tank.  1500 credits drops a stealth tank with 200 more armor and instead of 2 ya get 3 missile's per volley. the heavy stealth tank also hase better cloaking tech meaning it can stay cloaked when taking more heavier damage only being decloacked when on less then 20% armor(health)

nods specific mode characters.

expert stealth black hand 200-300 more credit cost they have more health and upgraded weapon to deal more damage to inf/tank

mutant mendoza costing 2000 credits ofcourse nods own epic unit

The recon bike needs a buff, it needs to work the same way the Attack Cycle does, able to fire rockets only where youre facing SUCKS. Makes the bike incredibly skill depended or good reaction dependant, if you stop in place, youre a easy target, so what do you do? Do what you do with the buggy, you drive in a circle and shoot and just... pray youre good enough to shoot the milisecond the bike turns to face your enemy, not early, not late, JUST RIGHT... but then is the ground flat and without rocks where you do the circle? Or am i thinking wrong and bikes are litearly only good for harvester shooting? If only bikes could go where only infantry can for backdooring like... it needs a buff, it barely has any use, it is HORRIFIC against infantry and stands no chance against tanks... it needs buffs man, either the way it works or just stats, honestly i just it to work better because its not comfortable or satisfying... but yeah, i agree man, make the factions different from eachother...but... then... you might aswell just play GvN... i dont know man... 


Why are we having this poll? Im just gonna say that, if you take one quick look right now at the server lists, youl see that only 2 servers are played, standart modes, full 64 and 10 players in the 2nd... im just gonna say it but i dont think additional modes are a good idea... maybe they would be popular, maybe they wouldnt, maybe they would be but how long they last untill everyone is back in standart mode NA server? What I WANT right now, the first thing... is to make the Recon Bike Better by having it function the same way as the Attack Cycle, doesnt matter where the bike is facing, the rockets will land where youre aiming, ATLEAST when you have a lock on if not otherwise, AND have it avaivable in GvN mode and all maps along with the Bradley, i need this the most right now man, i hate exclusivity stuff... so nyeah.. in the end, maybe have full focus on firestorm, if you want to have some focus on renegade x, i dont know what you should do aside from updates to what we already have, vehicles, maps, soundtrack expansion, etc., im sorry, i have no idea what else.

Edited by Sakura
merged posts.
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I don't enjoy Nod versus Nod games, grateful that people are experimenting, but I think it was perhaps under estimated how difficult or how much work would realistically need to go into making this an enjoyable experience. I don't like seeing fights between light tanks and bradley tanks and I don't like finding stealth tanks and stealth black hand infantry colliding into one another and the bikes really do feel almost useless.

I would still have liked a capture the flag game mode as an alternative to building destruction, I think this is simpler than most other things already done or proposed, just grab the flag from the enemy pedestal and return it to your own pedestal 5 times to win a game. I don't feel that team death match is an appropriate mode for the game and there's so much of this already available in other games, I don't see the point of this.

Looking forward to Firestorm the most.

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I like the idea of NvN, but not its implementation. Bikes feel more like a gimmick and a waste of a vehicle slot. The only fun thing about NvN is that i can buy Bradley tanks, but they are so overpowered there is no reason to buy anything else. Small exceptions exists like stanks and arties solely for rushes. Flame trooper vs Flame trooper, chem vs chem, sbh vs sbh. Super boring.

Something I've noticed, is that severs die once a NvN map gets voted in. Change map votes get spammed over and over. I usually leave when its voted in and I definitely hit f1 when its voted to change.

There needs to be a separate server for NvN. If people want to play NvN they should organize people to join them on discord, or wait till the NvN server is full. 


Would like a mod like ET:QW or Dirty Bomb..Objective thing

1 team is defense and the other is Attacker ..

On a timer

Attackers :you have to reach an objective to advance more in the map until you reach the Final objectif to win.

Defenders: Defend the objectifs at all cost ;)

Some kind of mod under these Basic type

9 hours ago, Xtractor said:

Would like a mod like ET:QW or Dirty Bomb..Objective thing

1 team is defense and the other is Attacker ..

On a timer

Attackers :you have to reach an objective to advance more in the map until you reach the Final objectif to win.

Defenders: Defend the objectifs at all cost ;)

Some kind of mod under these Basic type

Oh yes! I second that, and then each objective will be a building that's defended first by small base defenses, and then the final objective will have an Obby/AGT defending it (in addition to the players)


Personally as of right now, I think the online needs to be improved as there is not enough customisation options like to reduce the infantry speed of the game which can put new players off completely and also the fact that there is lack of new playstyles for new players leaves the experience to be desired as they are forced to play the way other people want them if they try to do something else then they end up ruining plans that more experienced players were planning. Also there is no matchmaking either the game just drops new players into the match and they have no control of the game what so ever forcing them to leave or just play a skrimish match against AI. Right now the skrimish mode is looking more appealing then the online itself because players actually have the option to customise how they want the game to play out for example if they want the bots to be smart and own the player cool but if they want the bots to be dumb and idiotic then that's also okay as long as if suits their playstyles then that is what will make the skirmish mode more appealing. 

Honestly before they do anything they need to improve the online first.

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like to reduce the infantry speed of the game which can put new players off completely

If I am correct in my understanding of your comment, I agree.   The speed at which the game makes High end characters available is BLAZINGLY fast.    I think the speed at which top characters are achieved should be slower.    Or do I take your statemnt incorrectly?


there is lack of new playstyles for new players leaves the experience to be desired as they are forced to play the way other people want them if they try to do something else then they end up ruining plans that more experienced players were planning.

Yep.   A serious problem in the game as it currently exists.    The game allows for much more variety of strategies but we are currently limiting our thinking/strategies/communications  in many ways.  



for example if they want the bots to be smart and own the player cool but if they want the bots to be dumb and idiotic then that's also okay as long as if suits their playstyles

I love this comment.    Bots have been developing and becoming more useful.     It is great to see you enjoy them...

...   but i hope you will always join us for more human vs human .     

Great post. Thanks.

3 hours ago, Kirby550 said:

Also there is no matchmaking either the game just drops new players into the match and they have no control of the game what so ever forcing them to leave or just play a skrimish match against AI.

Can't do matchmaking when there's only 1 pub server alive every day. People's mentality makes them not join empty servers and just wait until free slot will appear on the only alive server.

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, isupreme said:

If I am correct in my understanding of your comment, I agree.   The speed at which the game makes High end characters available is BLAZINGLY fast.    I think the speed at which top characters are achieved should be slower.    Or do I take your statemnt incorrectly?

No that is not what i meabr what I meant was the fact that the game is fast paced and there is no way to reduce the speed of the game which can put new players off

Yep.   A serious problem in the game as it currently exists.    The game allows for much more variety of strategies but we are currently limiting our thinking/strategies/communications  in many ways.  

I feel like they should be a tutorial on explaining what and how the mechanics work. I also feel like experienced players should go easy on new players who are trying out new things.

I love this comment.    Bots have been developing and becoming more useful.     It is great to see you enjoy them...

You see the thing is with skrimish is that it is more appealing then the online because of the fact that the potential is limitless you can create thousands of custom maps and you want have to worry about the AI not playing on your maps because they will always play on your map. The Unreal-like AI adds to the experience they will strafe, dodge, jump and will group for rushes which means number of bots launching an attack all using the same weapon to get more kills quickly, they behave like actual people which only makes the experience appealing and somewhat addictive. Lastly, there are customisation that the online don't have such as amount of credits,mutators, vehicle crate and many more. Right now as it stands the skrimish is more appealing than the online and I just thought that I would point this out to the community.

I hope that this information helps


Edited by Kirby550
7 hours ago, Gex_str said:

Can't do matchmaking when there's only 1 pub server alive every day. People's mentality makes them not join empty servers and just wait until free slot will appear on the only alive server.

Okay I understand. I think advertising this game more on and FPS audience that will help improve and increase the player base

Posted (edited)

If I am correct in my understanding of your comment, I agree.   The speed at which the game makes High end characters available is BLAZINGLY fast.    I think the speed at which top characters are achieved should be slower.    Or do I take your statemnt incorrectly?

The strategy RTS as well as other FPS games have a tech tree system of upgrades, so even if you have personal credits, one can't just purchase a high end character without first upgrading and unlocking the necessary areas, this is the way Earth Breakers have gone down and in the early game everybody is using basic upgraded tiers, but they disguise this well as everyone has he same character model. But maybe upgrades could be a thing for renegade so there's more combat using the free tier infantry for longer.

Compared to other games of a similar genre, I think the characters and units in Renegade move very slowly, but within the short space of a minuet, a team can have their first harvester collection and the enemy team can be purchasing stealth black hands or even artillery and on a map like Walls, the pace of the game rushes ahead very quickly as buildings can come under heavy fire face a strong early threat being a small map.

Edited by Mystic~

Honestly, the game is fun no matter what you/we are doing.

I do really enjoy NvN but something GvG would be interesting to see as well.

I feel like NvG is an excellent contrast between brute force (GDI) and cunning and wit (Nod). Whereas NvN has a nice display of cunning and wit from both sides. GvG I predict would be a huge power show, pounding each other hard with GDI's strong arsenal.

The sniper mode that Sarah brought back is hella fun too.

At the end of the day, I don't think adding new modes could possibly hurt anything, so maybe just take that dive straight into this ocean of potential ;)

Keep up the good work! ❤️



NvN was interesting the first time I played it. Now I generally avoid it.

I would play it if it was more of an "event" rather than a map variant.

The game is more fun when two teams with different units fight. But when everyone has the same thing, it's not as fun.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
12 hours ago, R315r4z0r said:

NvN was interesting the first time I played it. Now I generally avoid it.

I would play it if it was more of an "event" rather than a map variant.

The game is more fun when two teams with different units fight. But when everyone has the same thing, it's not as fun.

I think a huge part of the problem is, most people don't know how to use Nod properly to begin with.


GDI vs GDI wouldn't take as big a brain to play LOL

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