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Thank you for reading my thread.

I seem to be having issues when buying things from the purchase terminal, it will randomly crash the whole game out to desktop.

This is exceedinly frustrating as it can be in the middle of the game, so I will lose all score, credits and character.

Is there anyway to stop this from happening?

This is intermittent and not constantly its random, and can happen at anytime when I use a purchase terminal.

Thanks in advance!!


Do you have AMD FX processor? If yes, then the only fix would be changing CPU, UE3/UDK doesn't like this specific family of processors for some reason and devs don't have access to source code to do anything with it.

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Yes, I currently play 64bit, but when the crashes became frequent, I then switched to 32bit, but still had crashes.

However the crashes were of a different type, where the screen would go white then crash out and this could happen during mid game no where near a purchase terminal.

At least with the 64bit one its just around purchase terminals.




Are you running the latest windows version, graphic's card drivers, motherboard's drivers?


And could you please add log file here in the forum, so the mods and developers can check it?


C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs

  • Totem Arts Staff

Also try verify game integrity.


May also need to try completely uninstalling, deleting all Renegade X files and  downloading again.


I've had a simliar issue in the past, the files were so corrupt the game couldn't fix itself so I had to completely start over.

Posted (edited)

I seem to be having a similar issue. Although I do have an FX, the game ran perfectly fine earlier today. Not one issue over the course of two (three?) matches.

Now the game frequently hangs, sometimes locking up entirely. It has occurred in the menu, as well as in game; but primarily at/within the purchase terminal.


GTX 1050TI


But as I said, the problem did not exist earlier today.

Edit: I have not had a crash, just hanging/freezing/locking up/becoming unresponsive.


P.S. I only began playing this today. I did not know it existed until the other day, when someone dropped a Tiberian Sun bomb on me - quite literally my favourite RTS of all time, followed by *cough* C&C 95. Finally downloaded this, and I'm blown away, not only by the nostalgia, but also by the fact that it exists at all. I'm sure everyone here would agree, but, a great big thank you to every individual participant on this project - this is going to make my imminent old age more bearable.

Edited by Keiser Zandrich
More information/clarification.
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  • Totem Arts Staff
5 minutes ago, Keiser Zandrich said:

I seem to be having a similar issue. Although I do have an FX, the game ran perfectly fine earlier today. Not one issue over the course of two (three?) matches.

Now the game frequently hangs, sometimes locking up entirely. It has occurred in the menu, as well as in game; but primarily at/within the purchase terminal.


GTX 1050TI


But as I said, the problem did not exist earlier today.

Edit: I have not had a crash, just hanging/freezing/locking up/becoming unresponsive.


P.S. I only began playing this today. I did not know it existed until the other day, when someone dropped a Tiberian Sun bomb on me - quite literally my favourite RTS of all time, followed by *cough* C&C 95. Finally downloaded this, and I'm blown away, not only by the nostalgia, but also by the fact that it exists at all. I'm sure everyone here would agree, but, a great big thank you to every individual participant on this project - this is going to make my imminent old age more bearable.

Yes unfortunately this is an FX chip issue. It's an odd bug, I played the game on an amd fx3970 for years without issues, then once it started freezing and giving problems all the time.


Really only solution is to change CPUs :(

1 hour ago, roweboat said:

Yes unfortunately this is an FX chip issue. It's an odd bug, I played the game on an amd fx3970 for years without issues, then once it started freezing and giving problems all the time.


Really only solution is to change CPUs :(

Thank you for the prompt response!

That is very unfortunate timing. I only started playing today.

I will look at an upgrade package, though I don't believe that will happen before this time next year; I use my workstation for CAD and basic rendering, as well as office/administrative tasks. Game-wise, everything runs fine - what's not broken, can't be fixed, so I don't see the need to dump money on a new PC (the only hardware I'd be able to carry over would be my GPU).

On that note, and in regards to this specific issue - is there any word on them upgrading the engine? That's a mammoth task (heu-heu), so I'm in no way suggesting that they do it simply to overcome this issue, I'm just inquiring out of curiosity.

  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, Keiser Zandrich said:


On that note, and in regards to this specific issue - is there any word on them upgrading the engine? That's a mammoth task (heu-heu), so I'm in no way suggesting that they do it simply to overcome this issue, I'm just inquiring out of curiosity.

You will probably have a new computer before that happens lol


The problem has returned, it was fine for like 2 days, now its back to its old PT crashing tricks.

I am veryifing the game again, but nothing else has changed?


Cleaning your Cache-Folder will probably help with that BountyMutator Error.

Delete all Content in   Your      \Renegade X\UDKGame\Cache\     Folder.



OK More info, when the Patch came out there were no crashes, now there are more crashes than ever before.

When I verify the game it seems to push back the quantity of the crashes, but then they get progressively worse.

Is there a file that when "Fresh" would not let the game crash, but over time or over multiple games becomes corrupted making the game crash at all?


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, KCRITON' said:


Where do we start.

That cache corruption shouldn't be happening and I have never experienced it myself.
This could be security programs tinkering with file/folder permissions, or hardware problems such as with the SSD or even memory.

Are you, by any chance, experiencing issues with other software and games aswell?
Instabilities, errors, files missing, anything out of the ordinary at all even if it seems small or meaningless. This is very important to know.

Try manually starting UDK as Administrator.

Are you using a 3rd party virusscanner or other security-related software?
If so you could try temporarily disabling those, except for internet-/firewall-specific things which are not the problem here.

Then verify game files and/or clean reinstall and then test your new situation.

If it still gives problem with those security programs fully disabled, then you have ruled out at least their realtime interference.
However they can still have permanently tinkered with permissions on those game files/folders, hence the clean reinstall after disabling idea.

As was mentioned, we're aware of the PT problem with FX processors, but afaik not on Intel.
Perhaps if we can solve your situation it may also give us a clue as to how to better deal with the FX situations.

p.s. if you chose to temporarily disable your security programs, make sure to have them reenabled

Edited by DugeHick
  • 3 weeks later...

OK Guys I have tried -

Virus protection off.

Installing to a different SSD.

Max windows updates.

Max Nvidia Updates.

Completely fresh install.

64bit / 32bit

Enabling / disabling Vsync

I now get crashes either during PT opening or just after I have purchased something, up to 10 secs after walking about from the PT.


This seems to happen more often on the NA / Fairplay servers, is there something about a server which it can make it crash more?

Please inform.


Thank you


OK So now it just crashes, whereever and when ever for no reason either from PT purchases or just in the middle of a field.

I have verified the game, and got latest drivers for NVidia.

Why do the logs say they cant fing the UDK?


Now since Game verify seems to help for a short period of Time, i tend to think anything with your Hardware is inconsitend ..

maybe anything like RAM and/or HDD/SSD or SATA-Cable if your HDD/SSD is connected via SATA-Cable.



So what does the LOGS mean when they say they cant find the UDK.exe?

How could it suddenly just stop knowing where it is when it plays from that itself?

Also, its been moved from 1 SSD to another SSD.

I am now doing another fresh install to my M.2 driver to eliminate any HDD issues.


Ive tried 32/64 Bit still crashes (seems worse then normal)

Moved and installed a fresh install of the game from DL - Into my M.2 Root C drive still crashes randomly near PTs or just after PTs.

What else should I try?

Thank you all for taking the time to read and suggest things, much apreciated.

Posted (edited)
On 8/17/2020 at 9:48 PM, KCRITON' said:

Here is the most recent log file coupled with it being a time when it crashed mid game losing me, command, mvp, nuke, spy and an assured victory.

Launch.log 1.6 MB · 5 downloads

TBBMALLOC! This cannot be a coincidence.
It is also one of the prime suspects relating to "the sound bug".

Like Sarah said the log is not literally talking about the .exe itself.
The actual payload for us is in that first line referring to tbbmalloc.dll.

Anyway, thank you for submitting that log.

So, first of all, I really cannot guarantee a positive outcome here.
This is a nasty issue you're having and it's not looking good. Chances are relatively slim.

That being said, there are still some things that we can try.

Edited by DugeHick
Posted (edited)

Please do answer my question that I wrote before:


Are you, by any chance, experiencing issues with other software and games aswell? (this includes your browser and such)
Instabilities, errors, files missing, crashes, anything out of the ordinary at all even if it seems small or meaningless. This is very important to know.

While you think of an answer to that, you can proceed with the following hypotheses:

1. Insufficient RAM
How much free RAM do you have left while running Renegade-X?

2. Bad RAM
Get MemTest, start 4 instances of it, and set each instance to test a quarter of your current free RAM.
Make sure you get all of it. And do not close any applications while testing.
If there is any error at all, your RAM is bad.

One of my customers once had a defect in their 4th memory module that would only show up with heavy use because only then would that bank get addressed. That's why we do this.

3. Set your 64-bit UDK.exe compatibility mode to Vista.

4. I have attached a package of tbbmalloc.dll files from 2010 to 2020 which you can try to replace the current in Binaries/Win64 folder.
Rename your old file to e.g. tbbmalloc_BAK.dll.


Edited by DugeHick


Yes I will start gathering the data you asked for.

As for your first question - I only have one other game that crashes and thats PUBG - But mate, comon that is a filty unoptimised POC. So I don't think that is a fair test, but if you think its relevant.

I currently have 32GB of DDR4.

Set the UDK to vista mode now.

On the .dll do i need to replace all or just one specific one?


With the Ram testing do you want me to cover only the UNUSED ramm when nothing is running or the UNUSED ram when things ARE running?

Or all ram when everyting is running etc?

3 hours ago, KCRITON' said:

With the Ram testing do you want me to cover only the UNUSED ramm when nothing is running or the UNUSED ram when things ARE running?

Or all ram when everyting is running etc?

Good question.
It'll be best to first close all applications, and then let those MemTest instances slurp up all the unused RAM at that point.

3 hours ago, KCRITON' said:

As for your first question - I only have one other game that crashes and thats PUBG - But mate, comon that is a filty unoptimised POC. So I don't think that is a fair test, but if you think its relevant.

If it crashes in more or less the same fashion, then it might be relevant.

3 hours ago, KCRITON' said:

I currently have 32GB of DDR4.

OK so #1 Insufficient RAM has been ruled out.

3 hours ago, KCRITON' said:

On the .dll do i need to replace all or just one specific one?

There is one tbbmalloc.dll file in your Binaries/Win64 folder.
You rename that to tbbmalloc_BAK.dll, and then you copy a brand new tbbmalloc.dll from my .rar package and then test.
You can pick any year you like. I suggest you try at least the oldest and the newest.


Also, install this thing:


Try closing ALL unnecessary programs on your computer before running Renegade-X.
This time I do not mean this from a RAM perspective, but rather from an interference perspective.

Run your 64-bit UDK.exe explicitly as an Administrator. (right-click -> Run as Administrator)


MORE QUESTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What exact OS are you using? How fresh is the install?
Have you installed the latest chipset, LAN and sound drivers for your motherboard model?

Has your CPU/mem been manually clocked?

While doing these attempts, could you from time to time check if UDK's newly-created crash log files keep pointing at tbbmalloc.dll consistently?

Also could you tell more about those crashes with PUBG?
Are there any peculiar similarities or differences in the details, compared with Renegade-X?


OK so ran the UDK 64 bit SDK straight from the .exe - As Vista mode As Admin - Redownloaded and installed UDK installer - Used the 2010 Varient of the DLL.

Still same thing.

Did two quick games and on the third game as soon as  I bought a Chem trooper, boom crashed like always.

Attached in the .txt file. Logs

When I am way from PC tonight, I will run the RAM testers.




Crashes randomly mostly as soon as the game starts probs 1 in 10  maybe 1 in 8 times.

Crashes mid game but this has done this since PUBG was released so it seems to be not releated.

1 hour ago, KCRITON' said:

Attached in the .txt file. Logs
Launch.log 427.76 kB · 0 downloads

There's no mention of tbbmalloc.dll in this log.
It's giving us literally nothing to work with this time.

Need more consistent and informative logs.

Find the Engine/Config/BaseEngine.ini file.
Search for "Suppress=" without double-quotes.

Now for each of those lines, add a ; at the start and save the file.

2 hours ago, KCRITON' said:

OK so ran the UDK 64 bit SDK straight from the .exe - As Vista mode As Admin - Redownloaded and installed UDK installer - Used the 2010 Varient of the DLL. Still same thing.

Did two quick games and on the third game as soon as  I bought a Chem trooper, boom crashed like always.

When I am way from PC tonight, I will run the RAM testers.

Did you close ALL programs on your computer, like, rigorously, before starting Renegade-X?

Also try the 2020 variant of the dll.

Now awaiting your RAM test results.

Before or after that, you may want to specifically update your chipset, LAN and sound drivers of your motherboard.
It wouldn't be the first time that doing so solves weird problems such as yours.

To provide the right drivers for your motherboard, you can go to the manufacturer's website to find their drivers page.
Then look for your particular model number and OS and look for 64-bit.

With some manufacturers it can be a bit confusing as to which is wise to download.
If you want you can also write down your manufacturer and model number here and I will put together the optimal driver-package for you.



I have the latest Drivers for all items on the offical Asus site for my specific motherboard.

Above is my Windows 10 64bit details.

I am now trying the 2020 Dll.

This fresh install for his machine was done on the 27/8/2018 so yea I suppose you could make the argument for a fresh install since its been over a year.

CPU is standard motherboard settings.

Ram testing did not occur last night, I will get it sorted and get some results back to you, just been using the machine a lot in the past few days and have not had the time to leave it to test freely.

Thank you once again for all your time and efforts!


Just played a 40min ish game with all Non essential programs turned off,  Virus protection turned off, latest 2020 DLL and max update on everything.

Didnt crash.

Will keep you posted.

27 minutes ago, KCRITON' said:


I have the latest Drivers for all items on the offical Asus site for my specific motherboard.

Above is my Windows 10 64bit details.

I am now trying the 2020 Dll.

This fresh install for his machine was done on the 27/8/2018 so yea I suppose you could make the argument for a fresh install since its been over a year.

CPU is standard motherboard settings.

Ram testing did not occur last night, I will get it sorted and get some results back to you, just been using the machine a lot in the past few days and have not had the time to leave it to test freely.

Thank you once again for all your time and efforts!

Ok thank you for that information.
Maybe you could also do the BaseEngine.ini thing that I talked about before, and then upload a newly generated crash-log.

Also I consider 2018 fresh enough. I don't see how reïnstalling Windows would help you with this.
BUT if you have a free drive, you could throw a temporary, non-activated (=1 month) Windows install on it without fully migrating everything. Just to check.

But that'd be a last resort, I guess.
Perhaps it would be better to first give it some space and maybe new inspiration will come. Wouldn't you think?

1 minute ago, KCRITON' said:

Just played a 40min ish game with all Non essential programs turned off,  Virus protection turned off, latest 2020 DLL and max update on everything.

Didnt crash.

Will keep you posted.

Interesting development.

I'd say grab this opportunity: try not to do anything else with your computer right now other than Renegade-X.
Because if you do, and it crashes again, then you will never know if these 40mins were just a coincidence or if something you did actually sticked.



Sorry that I have not come back to you in the last few days, I have been really busy.

I have played a fair few games now and had no crashes. - But I am keeping in mind Ram and the possiblity of it being related to either that or perhaps Steam connectivity? (Since its one of the only things left running).

Thank you for all your time and efforts in helping me with this issue, whilst I  dont think its gone, I think its abaited for a while yet.

I hope the new release of firestorm proves more stable on my machine going forward.

Thank you again!

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, KCRITON' said:


Sorry that I have not come back to you in the last few days, I have been really busy.

I have played a fair few games now and had no crashes. - But I am keeping in mind Ram and the possiblity of it being related to either that or perhaps Steam connectivity? (Since its one of the only things left running).

Thank you for all your time and efforts in helping me with this issue, whilst I  dont think its gone, I think its abaited for a while yet.

I hope the new release of firestorm proves more stable on my machine going forward.

Thank you again!

Hello KCRITON, you have been on my mind today and I've also looked a couple of times if I saw you ingame.

What is very important is that you try to remember (make a note of it if need be) the last series of changes you did just before the problem went away.

For example: we know for sure that the following did NOT resolve it, because the problem still occurred right after it:
- Latest Nvidia drivers
- Fresh install on different SSD
- Virus protection turned off
- Vista mode as admin
- Reinstalled UE3 redistributable (I assume that's what you referred to with "UDK installer")
- 2010 DLL

Whereas the problem seemed to go away after the following, and not limited to:
- Checked on all motherboard drivers
- 2020 DLL
- Non essential programs turned off
- "max update on everything" (?? did you mean with this that you actually updated something or did you just check if everything was maxed?)

Also, while troubleshooting, users sometimes unconsciously do 'little' other things that tend to get forgotten, such as rebooting.
Which is actually a great example, because since Windows 8 the normal 'shutdown' merely shuts down all programs after which it hibernates the kernel. Today, only a reboot is a reboot, whereas in the old days a 'shutdown' followed by a power-on also counted as a reboot.

Stuff like that. (...yea, try rebooting btw. I must've thought we already did this, my bad.)

So I wish for you that it was *something you did* that granted you "a fair few" games without problems.
In which case it would be totally within your power to find the pattern and hunt the thing down.

Good luck for now, and if you don't mind please also let us know if the problem turns out to have gone away permanently.
In which case we may be able to extract a lesson from it for the next player with this problem.

See you. :) 

Edited by DugeHick

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