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Posted (edited)


Sarah and me have been working on a new mode called Nod vs Black Hand (mostly refered as Nod vs Nod). Right now there is an Alpha test server running the mode. Currently there are only two maps available: CNC-WallsX and CNC-DaybreakX. The Recon Bike (not TS Attack Cycle) will also be added to both teams as a purchaseable unit in the future.

There are some more maps planned though:

  • CNC-Arid
  • CNC-LakeSideBH
  • CNC-UnderBH
  • CNC-FieldBH
  • CNC-OutpostBH (maybe)
  • and some more

Since I'm not good at writing exciting topics, I'll just drop some screenshots in:



Known issues:

  • Some HUD elements are not changed yet
  • EVA voiceclips
  • Some weapons need some work
  • Commander powers
  • C130 spawning
  • random crashes
  • Bots spawning with GDI soldiers
Edited by Cynthia
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  • Totem Arts Staff

On a more serious note, everything is coming together nicely!

My only complaint, is that the blue hue/color feels unnatural. Now maybe the red on nod seems fine because it's what were used to, but the standard red/black and gold/beige for GDI do seem more authentic.


Perhaps a Gray instead? Or would that make it too difficult to tell the teams apart? Does that even matter? Hmmm.

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Posted (edited)

Looks really cool! Any plans on faction differentiation, or are the 2 factions intentionally meant to be the exact same for a really balanced game? 🙂

If not, I think it could be really nifty if at least the vehicle selections could be differentiated a bit between the two factions. Perhaps something like Stanks being replaced by Tick Tanks for BH? Infantry differentiation would be awesome, but that would obviously take a lot of work.

Either way, really cool concept! Looking forward to playing it!

Edited by svett89
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On 12/19/2019 at 12:13 AM, svett89 said:

Looks really cool! Any plans on faction differentiation, or are the 2 factions intentionally meant to be the exact same for a really balanced game? 🙂

If not, I think it could be really nifty if at least the vehicle selections could be differentiated a bit between the two factions. Perhaps something like Stanks being replaced by Tick Tanks for BH? Infantry differentiation would be awesome, but that would obviously take a lot of work.

Either way, really cool concept! Looking forward to playing it!

It is intended to have two identical factions which should lead to some interesting gameplay. 


I would look forward to this, thanks for taking the time to make it, I hope the flame tank's also shoot blue fire. It would be cool if there were some small differences, a bit like Vanilla Nod and Black Hand Nod in Kane's Wrath being different factions of the same alliance, and maybe the weapons also perhaps behave differently. If blue is anything like Cabal, in Firestorm there needs to be a cyborg unit.

I agree about the colour, some of it is over saturated, particularly the purchase terminals and purchase interfaces.

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Any specific ideas you guys would want for Nod v Nod? Differences between units that don't include new models or materials. (changes like colour changes are obviously easy and can be done, but I nor Cynthia can model)

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Maybe like someone else suggested, give each side access to different Nod units.

Like Nod has the buggy, Black Hand has the recon bike.

Nod has the light tank, Black hand has the Bradley light tank.


Or maybe just keep things equal since that's interesting in itself enough.

Posted (edited)

I actually had a similar idea, though I wouldn't give one team both classic units as I consider them as straight upgrades to their counterparts you named. I also thought of little changes to infantry like maybe giving BH Mendoza the volt riffle instead of Blue Tib Auto Rifle bad idea but I that probably needs some testing before final decision.

Edited by TRRDroid
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  • Totem Arts Staff

So play tested Lakeside X or whatever its called... very awesome!!


Am I imagining it or has the "purple" tint of the black hand been changed to a softer blue? Either way only tested Lakeside map and it was very nice looking for Black Hand if thats the case. Doesn't feel out of place anymore.

The inclusion of Obelisks on both sides is very cool! Feels pretty natural honestly.

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Make the Black Hand light tank shoot blue lasers instead of tank shells. I would give Sakura a small stealth ability so she can move from cover to cover similar to the SBH, but make it so it can't be sustained indefinitely like the the SBH can. Make Red Nod's harvester carry more tiberium but slower, make Blue's move faster but carry less. Give Blue soliders a slower rate of fire, but make their flame troopers more powerful than red. I'm just thinking small adjustments that gives one side a slight speciality or an edge in one area that's asymmetrical so it's not just a total balanced head to head.

Posted (edited)

They seem to be saying they're open to suggestions as long as it doesn't require new models or animations. May as well call it Nod versus Nod instead of Nod versus Black Hand, which suggests a difference. I like the idea taken from C&C3 where they're are different factions from the same side like normal GDI and Steel Talons, one having access to Titan and Wolverines and the other more traditional tanks.

Edited by Mystic~
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  • 2 weeks later...

RenX is craving game modes bad, so I commend you both for doing this - my only real issue is it would be nice to add the game 'modes' as options in the game over vote menu which players can vote for before it boots to the 'select map' vote menu.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new update Alpha v0.05 has been released today including:

  • new CABAL voice lines
  • CNC-SnowBH
  • CNC-SteppeBH (by @Nexus51325)
  • BH Repair Facility and BH Team Silo
  • Recon Bikes have been added to all maps
  • BH Obelisk range fixed on DaybreakX
  • LakeSideBHconcept renamed to LakeSideBH





AN Nod vs Nod server will be updated shortly

  • Thanks 4
  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm happy to participate a bit in that new mode, it was a pleasure to make a new lighting for Steppe !
Can't wait to see a pug on it.
Also, the new Cabal voice line is INCREDIBLE

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I've added a hotfix to the download section:

  • Fixed Red Nod units on Black Hand Team on SteppeBH
  • added configuration files for maps to use in Skirmish

I apologize for the inconvenience




  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

I reuploaded the whole package as Version 0.051 because there were some packages included which would overwrite original game packages. These are now combined into one seperate package so it won't interfere with any part of the standard game.

Update 2020-02-03

We've also managed to fix the C130 spawning on wrong positions.

Edited by Cynthia
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The new update Aplpha v0.06 has been release including:

  • Renamed all maps to have their own prefix (BH-)
  • changed PT colour to be less overbearing
  • fixed minimap and overview map colours
  • fixed unit names and count on map overview
  • fixed vehicle blocking volumes behind BH Air Strip and added fences (thx to @Luhrian)
  • increased size of BH base on Walls (thx to @Luhrian)
  • fixed spy crates giving GDI units
  • changed spotting areas on all maps to be BH instead of GDI
  • fixed sky on Daybreak (thx to @TK0104)
  • fixed Nuke Beacons using GDI EVA voicelines on Black Hand team
  • replaced GDI decals on Snow with Black Hand decals

Please delete all old maps and their configurations!



  • Thanks 1

Something that I think would be kind of cool would be that if two SBH from opposing teams got really close to each other they both start taking small amounts of damage maybe similar but less damage then standing in a tib field.  Or just maybe they are then exposed to everyone while they are in close proximity.  I don't know how hard that would be to implement though but something like that would be fun.


A new update has been released inlcluding the following:

  • Added BH-Field and BH-Under
  • Fixed a CABAL voice line which didn't get imported properly
  • BH C130 will also show up on first harvester spawn now
  • Prefabs for map development added




There actually is a Renegade X version of Arid already, which was actually the very first Nod vs Black Hand map. It's just not in a state where we consider releasing it yet.

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On 2/11/2020 at 7:34 PM, Pennydude17 said:

Something that I think would be kind of cool would be that if two SBH from opposing teams got really close to each other they both start taking small amounts of damage maybe similar but less damage then standing in a tib field.  Or just maybe they are then exposed to everyone while they are in close proximity.  I don't know how hard that would be to implement though but something like that would be fun.

Their stealth cloaks interfering with one anothers' and people might start noticing random static shocks shoot between the two opposing teams' SBH?  :D

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I mean something needs to happen when sbh get too close to one another.  We all know what happens when two opposing units equipped with stealth technology are too close to each other, obviously....

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

A new update for Nod vs Black Hand has been released including:

  • Fixed game and server crashing
  • Includes latest HUD changes from Patch 5.43
  • removed BH-Prefixes on building names
  • spotting anything Black Hand-related is now shown blue instead of yellow
  • Black Hand player names are now shown blue instead of yellow if classic colours are activated
  • Tech buildings captured by Black Hand now have a blue flag
  • fixed yellow infantry blips on minimap
  • fixed yellow tech buildings icons on overview map if captured by Black Hand




Edited by Cynthia

Version 0.08 release:

  • added BH-Tomb
  • fixed hovering rocks on Under
  • fixed BH building spotting area still shown yellow
  • character crates will now give BH units instead of GDI units
  • spy crates will now only give SBH spies
  • classic vehicle crates will now also give MRLS, Medium Tank and Mammoth Tank
  • added a GDI character crate (should be as rare as an epic character crate)





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Posted (edited)

Version Beta 0.1 release:

  • Black Hand now uses Nod commander powers instead of GDI
  • Light Tank on Nod got replaced with M2 Bradley
  • LCG on Black Hand got slightly buffed

Some new artwork:




Edited by Cynthia
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've listened to your feedback from last Nod vs Black Hand PUG event. Thank you for playing!

Changes in v0.2:

  • removed buffed stats on Black Hand LCG
  • added M2 Bradley to both factions now with original stats and 1000 credits price
  • moved Recon Bike and Bradley to the end of vehicle list in Purchase Terminal
  • converted all maps to static lighting
  • added BH-GrassyKnoll (might have some issues still)
  • added more blue weapons for Black Hand including: Auto Rifle, Marksman Rifle, Chaingun, SMG and Railgun
  • added a new unique charge up sound to Black Hand Obelisk
  • added custom Sakura model to Black Hand (animations partly bugged due to import/export issues that still needs to be resolved)
  • changed clothing colours slightly on Black Hand Technician
  • fixed particle effects on Black Hand Laser Rifle and LCG







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