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Post any related feedback/thoughts/suggestions/bugs you have for 5.3 here. Devs may not always reply, but everything will be read and noted. Green = Fixed or added



+ The in-game downloader has somehow acquired a ticking noise

+ Endgame scoreboard no longer plays tick sounds for the last remaining seconds

+ Bolt action weapons are not affected by Offensive commander buffs

+ Heroic Apache rockets may randomly disappear visually

+ Loading screens may not match with their associated map (64bit)

+ Interact key doesn't update on HUD menus if players change the bind (default "e")

+ HON MCT mines still vanishing


+ Whiteout's issues weren't fixed entirely





Fixed in current version

+ Shotgun sounds and animations are not synced

+ Teams without commanders should have a constant notification on their HUD telling all players in that team. Only goes away until a commander is elected [Mutatator. Possibly will be added to the base game] 

+ Connection to steam account not working (to fix this, Go to UDKEngine.ini in the UDKGame->Config, search for the line bEnableSteam and set to true)

+ The MiG and A10's flyover sounds were cooked out 

+ The cruise missile sound tends to linger around after it explodes 

+ EVA occasionally says 'GDI Harvester Destroyed' when the Nod harvester dies

+ Offensive buff doesn't go in effect if you are suppressing fire with an automatic weapon (let go of M1 and shoot again to make the buff work)

+ Cruise missile detonation could use larger explosion sprite so its less 'wtf' when you randomly die by it

+ Lower time of Status effect modifier crates or lower effect amount

+ Alt+C should bring up the commander menu as well

+ Tomb completely broken, wrong package version

+ Airstrip lights on Walls have no collision

+ Sunrise has some landscape clipping in the floor of the PP 

+ Field endgame cam clips through rocks

+ Field floating ramp behind bar

+ Lakeside's cliffs are a bit more murderous to aircraft than intended 

+ The Cruise missile can get stuck between cracks on high rock arches, e.g on Eyes/Tunnels

+ Credit ticker goes erratic when the enemy harvester is dumping (only visually, actual credits aren't affected)

+ Player credits show as 0 when showing team info

+ "-- is the new team commander" instead of showing the actual name of the player

+ Vehicles can move when EMP'd, but still take reduced repair rate. You also still get the VP for disabling a vehicle

+ If Enemy commander swaps teams with the other team having an existing commander, that team will have 2 commanders

+ Tac-rifle ammo count does not update

+ Kick menu bugged
+ Static Commanders not working for one team
+ Cruise Missile kills through buildings

+ Outposts - Repair hitboxes inconsistent at certain locations, water flickers on low settings

+ CnC-Eyes - Infantry coverings do not collide with infantry but with vehicles, major issue with bots

+ Outposts water should be more visible, add advanced base defenses and air to help deal with stanks a little better as well as traversing the map, change sound of easter egg to play in proximity rather than to everybody
  • Haha 1
  • boxes unlocked this topic
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)


+ Tomb completely broken, wrong package version



+ Old Field has wrong loading screen (Still has Field X Night, while there is a regular Field loading screen)

+ Field X has no loading screen (I prefer using Field Day loading screen, since it's day)

Edited by TK0104
  • Sad 2

Suggestion (Bug?):

While holding Alt, the list of radio options includes C for Commander Menu still. Pressing C does nothing though. Suggested to either remove it from the list while holding alt, or allow alt+c to also bring up the menu.


- Tried the commander smoke support power and the smoke grenade detonated in the air high above ground. Could be because I did this from an orca.

- While testing in skirmish I noticed that no crates spawned in lakeside. I only saw one crate

- Outposts seemed like a really cool map, love the towers. However I think the sea should be made more visible, first I didn't even know there was water because the fog and drove right into it with my humvee and got killed.


2 minutes ago, SvN91 said:

first I didn't even know there was water because the fog and drove right into it with my humvee and got killed.

What graphics preset do you use (or to which preset is your setting the closest) ?

Posted (edited)

-Shotgunner sounds are not synced with animations anymore.

-Ammo count on Tac-Rifle doesn't update

-Transition between riffle and grenade mode on Tac-Riffle looks and sounds weird

-Connection with Steam doesn't seem to work

Edited by TRRDroid
  • Totem Arts Staff

at 2160p, commander mode options overlap into the radio commands above it.

Only tested on Outposts, but occasionally while in radio commands, hitboxes disappeared completely. (maybe different than known bug?)


I have a different key other than "E" mapped for enter/interact, but radio commands still show "E".


Easter egg on Outposts is really loud. *technically not a bug*


If bradley here is cannonical modified m2 bradley which served as light tank in the early stages of war and not like simple IFV, why is it has got standard light auto cannon instead 75mm tank gun?

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Not a bug, but a simple fix for the Steam connection bug

Line varies... around 1180 - 1200

Change bEnableSteam=false to bEnableSteam=true


Edited by Sarah!

Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk.

System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException error in UDK:

Внешний компонент создал исключение.

   в GuardedMainWrapper(Char* , HINSTANCE__* , HINSTANCE__* , Int32 )
   в ManagedGuardedMain(Char* CmdLine, HINSTANCE__* hInInstance, HINSTANCE__* hPrevInstance, Int32 nCmdShow)Address = 0x76f0c54f (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll]
Address = 0xb491b1   (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0xb52bb3   (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x48000a   (filename not found) 
Address = 0xb0210    (filename not found) 
Address = 0x2100048  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x448000b  (filename not found) 
Address = 0x50210    (filename not found) 
Address = 0x2100048  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x4480005  (filename not found) 
Address = 0xb0210    (filename not found) 
Address = 0x2100440  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x480004   (filename not found) 
Address = 0x70210    (filename not found) 
Address = 0x2100048  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x4400004  (filename not found) 
Address = 0x70210    (filename not found) 
Address = 0x2840448  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x400003   (filename not found) 
Address = 0x10381    (filename not found) 
Address = 0x3018040  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x80400001 (filename not found) 
Address = 0xb0210    (filename not found) 
Address = 0x382044a  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\wxmsw28u_xrc_vc_custom.dll]
Address = 0x80400001 (filename not found) 
Address = 0x10302    (filename not found) 
Address = 0x2288040  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x2288040  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

I cant playing. WTF?



Commander name doesnt show... Had: "-- is vote as the new commander.."  while Freak was the commander for example.


Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk.

System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException error in UDK:

Внешний компонент создал исключение.

   в GuardedMainWrapper(Char* , HINSTANCE__* , HINSTANCE__* , Int32 )
   в ManagedGuardedMain(Char* CmdLine, HINSTANCE__* hInInstance, HINSTANCE__* hPrevInstance, Int32 nCmdShow)Address = 0x7622c54f (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll]
Address = 0x13291b1  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x1332bb3  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x749f3561 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcGenral.DLL]
Address = 0x13570da  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x12be491  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x1356ab3  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x1725db6  (filename not found) [in E:\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

I cant Running



Well ever since the update i cannot play this game anymore, i have tried unistalling, repairing, disabling steam since i saw that was a bug but nothing seemed to work. the client just keeps on crashing mostly when i am about to enter a game. Does someone have a clue what i could to fix this? i have tried disabling my firewall aswell just to check if that might have been the case. 

  • Totem Arts Staff
33 minutes ago, shanaizumi said:

Well ever since the update i cannot play this game anymore, i have tried unistalling, repairing, disabling steam since i saw that was a bug but nothing seemed to work. the client just keeps on crashing mostly when i am about to enter a game. Does someone have a clue what i could to fix this? i have tried disabling my firewall aswell just to check if that might have been the case. 

Need logs before we can provide any useful information.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs\Launch.log


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, shanaizumi said:

Well ever since the update i cannot play this game anymore, i have tried unistalling, repairing, disabling steam since i saw that was a bug but nothing seemed to work. the client just keeps on crashing mostly when i am about to enter a game. Does someone have a clue what i could to fix this? i have tried disabling my firewall aswell just to check if that might have been the case. 

Ya I am having the same problem, I can get into the game menu screen however the second you go to join a server it freezes and then crashes. As he has done I have tried repairing, Uninstalling the game and reinstalling and just keep getting the same problem at the loading screen where it crashes. Not sure what else to do it doesnt give an error code or anything just stops working completely 

I have updated the game and updated the launcher mission files for the record. 

Edited by D.Maxwell
Posted (edited)

- Ingame server browser says "Unknown Game Type" for all servers.

- Map bug: On Field, the ramp behind Barracks floats.


Edited by Kaiser739
On 31.1.2018 at 3:04 PM, limsup said:

What graphics preset do you use (or to which preset is your setting the closest) ?

Think I had most of the settings on medium but the settings always reset with a new patch so I'm not sure

Posted (edited)

Teamchat (as commander) is shown as EVA: in green...

(might be AGN related)

Also I cannot remove the waypoints...
When typing a . (dot) in the after game screen the command prompt show up. Was also in earlier betas...

Edited by Ryz
  • Totem Arts Staff
14 minutes ago, Ryz said:

Teamchat (as commander) is shown as EVA: in green...

(might be AGN related)

When typing a . (dot) in the after game screen the command prompt show up. Was also in earlier betas...

I told you in-game it's an AGN issue. Not sure about the bottom one.

16 minutes ago, Sarah! said:

I told you in-game it's an AGN issue. Not sure about the bottom one.

I didn't get that before I made this post, (went to topic as soon as I discovered it)  that's why I edited this... 

Posted (edited)

I keep getting the error "ran out of video memory". It happened the first 2 times I tried to join the AGN server. I then tried to join CT and it worked. So I left and tried AGN again and it actually worked that time. I got to play for a couple minutes before it crashed and I got the video memory message again. I don't know if this is an AGN specific issue, as I was playing on the CT marathon server last night for about an hour with no issues.

Here's the end of my log if that helps: 

Edit: deleted log


Edited by ps212
  • Totem Arts Staff
4 hours ago, Sarah! said:

The post processing in Field tunnels is pretty bright

I agree, it's so bright (Field X)

Posted (edited)

I noticed a bunch of us are getting out of memory crashes, especially on eyes and outposts. Switching to 64 bit seems to work

Edited by Gliven
  • Totem Arts Staff
4 hours ago, Gliven said:

I noticed a bunch of us are getting out of memory crashes, especially on eyes and outposts. Switching to 64 bit seems to work

Eyes also has issues with the GDI harvester. When it's about to dock, it gets really confused and just moves forwards and backwards

On 2/1/2018 at 7:47 PM, ps212 said:

I keep getting the error "ran out of video memory". It happened the first 2 times I tried to join the AGN server. I then tried to join CT and it worked. So I left and tried AGN again and it actually worked that time. I got to play for a couple minutes before it crashed and I got the video memory message again. I don't know if this is an AGN specific issue, as I was playing on the CT marathon server last night for about an hour with no issues.

Here's the end of my log if that helps: 

Edit: deleted log


I got the error again tonight. Both times were on map Eyes, so I think that map is the problem. I played a few other maps with no issues tonight.

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

Working hard on a new version of Outposts but probably won't be able to finish it before an update comes out

  • Thanks 1

@TK0104 For the love of everything that is holy and the almighty emperror, please tone down the yellow fog on Outposts. My screen displays more than 50 shades of yellow nowadays... 

In all seriousness, if you enter the command to turn off the fog on that map, it looks soo much better! I get it, you want a sandy environment but do that with some particles and maybe a very light fog (Whats the name of the thing that increases fog intensity the higher you get, "Exponantional hight fog"? )

Otherwise I have no real recommendations yet.

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, Schmitzenbergh said:

@TK0104 For the love of everything that is holy and the almighty emperror, please tone down the yellow fog on Outposts. My screen displays more than 50 shades of yellow nowadays... 

In all seriousness, if you enter the command to turn off the fog on that map, it looks soo much better! I get it, you want a sandy environment but do that with some particles and maybe a very light fog (Whats the name of the thing that increases fog intensity the higher you get, "Exponantional hight fog"? )

Otherwise I have no real recommendations yet.

Turned it down already. Will look better now😉

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, TK0104 said:

Turned it down already. Will look better now😉

Nice, Outposts right now give a desert feel rather than a coastal feel. Not sure if it was intended tough.

  • Haha 1

With 5.31 the Game crashes everytime to Windows right after the Intro Video has played. A view in the Log reveals that a function within the Main Menu (RenXFrontEnd.upk) seems to be the Problem. When I'm using the File from Version 5.293 the Game starts  properly, but the Textfields are not working.

Please help... three days without Renegade X now :-(.

[0030.43] GFxUI: Rx_GFxFrontEnd::Loading MultiplayerView
[0030.47] Critical: appError called: SECURE CRT: Invalid parameter detected.
Expression: Unknown Function: Unknown. File: Unknown Line: 0

[0030.47] Critical: Windows GetLastError: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (0)
[0030.55] Log: === Critical error: ===
SECURE CRT: Invalid parameter detected.
Expression: Unknown Function: Unknown. File: Unknown Line: 0

Address = 0x77d67f9d (filename not found)
Address = 0x40289695 (filename not found)
Address = 0x40246d1b (filename not found)



  • Totem Arts Staff

+ Game ignores value of amount of bots in Skirmish. Every map has 8 vs 8 instead of the correct value entered in .ini file


Kill feed occasionally dissapears, alt-tabbing and tabbing back in seems to fix it.

Posted (edited)

commander's team text doesn't show up in chat menu (chat history)

Brightness setting doesn't аffect big map.

Edited by Mikla
Posted (edited)
  • Presence of 1337-sniper still decides over win or loss, like it always has been.
  • Games are usually heavily unbalanced/stacked: most of the time the Allstar-team plays vs the Noobs/bad players with shitty aim/stupid people like me (sorry I just can't git gud but I accepted to be a maggoty subhuman creature compared to you godlike players).
  • Great commander features offer the illusion to the maggoty subhuman players that they might be able to win a round. This bittersweet hope made the game more fun to play for me. 

The players of devine descent will always rule the game. For all the others, while they serve the main purpose of their existence, growing a head that can then be shot by our loved Gods, the commander feature introduced neat additions that establish the illusion of 


being an important part of every game. I like it.

Edited by lawANDorder
  • Haha 1
Guest once upon the time
Posted (edited)

@lawANDorder I understand you but I really think its more for the Toppic 


Edited by once upon the time


Set starting CP to 0. What Team 2 accomplished on Complex in today's PUG with the early offensive buff with just a few arties is way too strong.


Have certain powers get unlocked as time progresses in game. This way an early rush using smokescreen could still be possible.

Posted (edited)

The 'votekick' screen seams to be having issues. Tried to enter the number (37 I suppose) instead player 3 got almost kicked because the votekick started as soon as I pressed the first number. Sorry @Snips!

Not a bug, but a suggestion:
Sometimes the 'commander menu' doesn't react for a few sec (I suppose lag) but if you repeatedly press 'E' you also exit your vehicle. Maybe change the back key to something else? I know 'E' and 'Q' are close to 'wasd'  so easy to use while walking / driving

Also, but this could be my mistake, I have had problems deploying the 'buffs' you have to place at a certain position cause they seam to be off.'Defensive and offensive buff work well since they are deployed around you. Airstrike, Smoke, EMP and the Cruise Missile are harder to place. Maybe add the binoculares for them?

Edited by Ryz
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Bug: Shooting a friendly cruise missile gives ownership of the kills to the person who shoots the missile.


Ex. Player 1 is commander, fires the missile. Player 2 hits the missile in the air, when the missile hits the kills are granted to player 2.

Edited by Sarah!
On 2/5/2018 at 6:08 AM, Ryz said:

The 'votekick' screen seams to be having issues. Tried to enter the number (37 I suppose) instead player 3 got almost kicked because the votekick started as soon as I pressed the first number

yes, this...how does the new kick system even work?

2 hours ago, Gliven said:

yes, this...how does the new kick system even work?

As far as I heard it is completely broken for the moment... But it looks good :). Guess it will be fixed soon.

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