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  • Totem Arts Staff

I work my ass off to bring you a graciously brilliant version of Frostbite and you guys play the same old bullshit.


Damn vagabonds, Frostbite for launcher acceptance.


I love me. Totes alcohol'd.


Frostbite for MVP 

I.e. Map virtually precious.


@yosh56 will do loading scteen bezzy

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

New maps for the PUG would be cool, but when we (Machette and I) tried to download Glasses it didnt work on one PC ending in a loop where you could not bypass the download, nor enter finish it. In order to get into the game we needed a direct IP. 

About the PUG itself. Sorry for bitching (more than usual, but it was horrible). i just unplugged my headset after Whiteout so I couldn't talk anymore. While I followed the commander(s) orders every game, I didn't like them. Why? For every map we did the same tactics as you would see every single time on the chosen map. First map(s) this was kinda ok, but when it didn't work twice the commander(s) kept doing the same predictable attacks because 'that works every time.'

In contruary to us, the enemy managed to do different attacks and thus surprise us and win. The only thing we did something 'different' was on Lakeside with the gunner rush, which should have killed the HON if our base didn't die too early.

I understand that, in order to win, you have to do a certain amount of 'predictable stuff.' But if every pug becomes more of a mathematical procedure than a fun game where you can try different tactics than it's really not worth playing at all. For example last week 'we' lost 3 out of 5 maps, but I liked the games cause they involved fresh gameplay.  

What I also didn't like on some maps is that wherever we attacked, the building was instant repaired. It was like some buildings had (afk) repairs in there all game. 

Conclusion: our team spent too much time doing (and preparing for) the predictable stuff and while focusing on that the enemy outsmarted us with quick rushes we couldn't' anticipate on. 

Edited by Ryz

To try something different this weekend, we will be playing a variety of maps for the PUG, not just the regular maps, this will give a much greater game play experience than normal.

However PLEASE make sure if you are going to attend this weekend's PUG match you have downloaded this map pack.

It has all the maps you need, the Server will have the auto-downloader download any maps you are missing, but if for some reason you cannot or will not use the auto-downloader, please download this map pack.

Map Pack Download

If you have not downloaded the map pack the server will not allow you to play.

We will be checking before-hand that you have downloaded it, but Just be aware that we will find out that you have not downloaded the maps.


P.S Only I will know the actual rotation. The maps that are to be added, will be discussed in advance with the admins but the actual order of the maps and exactly which maps are to be played will be unknown by anyone, if you need any help with the set-up of the map pack, please let us know.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

That will be very very very very very interesting PUG

Hope it will be more that a standard 4-round PUG


I suggest River won't be added to the rotation at all because it's just a shitty map I created back in the day and I don't really like it at all

Edited by ThommyK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff
1 minute ago, Fffreak9999 said:

It will also be a Marathon PUG. No Time Limit.

Also good cause that will gives us time to explore the map

  • Totem Arts Staff
1 minute ago, Fffreak9999 said:

Who said there would be time for "Exploration" :P

Ah well I have to explore them in Skirmish.


Question: Snow is in the .zip file but it is already added to the game. Overwrite the file?

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

There is something going  on with one of the files which makes my game unloadable (He doesn't crash). He starts up normally but won't go any further than the first loading screen (that old one with the Command & Conquer Mode overview). The old loading screen shows up and keeps there. I've been away for 30 mins and he was still on the same loading screen


Any explanation?

Could it be one of the .udk, .upk or .ini files?

Edited by ThommyK0104

We'll also go back to captains selecting their teammates one at a time, as it should always be for PUGs. At this point pug regs are much more familiar with each other's skill levels and are a bit more mature, so things should go well but with more consistently balanced teams. 

Posted (edited)

Suggestion for PUG 1st October 2016. Can we play the maps in order: City, Glasses, Tunnels, Frostbite. These new maps haven't been played on PUG yet (to my knowelege). Does anyone agree or have an objection to this? Also +1 on captains selecting their teammates.

Edited by You

Like I said, the maps and the rotation will be kept unknown until you all play it.

City will definately not be played due to the issue with the Nod Harvester getting stuck more frequently than not, The other 3 are possibilities but you will not know until Saturday.

Posted (edited)

Swap City for Field then, otherwise it sounds good ;) Edit: There's a problem with viewing the map preview. Can you confirm which maps we need to download?

Edited by You

It's probably best to stick to 1 custom level per week. This will help focus and generate feedback for one specific level per week, and also keep the PUGs sane.

On 27-9-2016 at 5:20 PM, Fffreak9999 said:

Map Pack Download

If you have not downloaded the map pack the server will not allow you to play.

We will be checking before-hand that you have downloaded it, but Just be aware that we will find out that you have not downloaded the maps.

Please remove CNC-Woodsv2.ini and CNC-Woods.ini from the Gdrive 


They only need the map pack, not Woods and V2, they are on google drive because they are cloud based backups for my work


I will go through the zip and make sure they are removed.


Edit: The INIs are not in the Zip so they should not be an issue.

On 9/27/2016 at 5:00 PM, Agent said:

It's probably best to stick to 1 custom level per week. This will help focus and generate feedback for one specific level per week, and also keep the PUGs sane.

I'm glad my suggestion was taken seriously, and the PUG totally didn't consist purely of custom levels. I definitely didn't have to spend 2 hours downloading unnecessary gimmicks. My mood definitely didn't get soured long before I could join the game.

Edit: After playing for a bit, the PUG was "eh" at best. There were far too many custom levels (as opposed to the original plan of 1), and my FPS was a whooping 15 on average on Reservoir (very pretty map btw).


Newbie is undefeated once again. 100% commander win ratio on PUG.

I would like to thank everyone who was on my team. God job lads!

As for the public games, I'm going to miss you all, thanks for a great time and all the fun.

It was nice playing with you all. Peace out :x

PS. I'll be back when game is fully released (eta 2018)


PUG was meh. 

Walls Snowing - Orca/Apache slugfest for the top for the majority of the game. Occasional rushes here and there (orca rush on HON dealing 70 perma, apaches+Nukes dealing some perma to WF and Refinery). During a Nod rush however 2 hotties sneak in and kill airstrip and PP. Nod surrenders

Fort - Tank slugfest for 30 minutes. Solo nuke kills WF, Rocket rush kills HON, Tech+Mobius+Mendoza kills ref, Hottie kills ref, and then snooze fest for the rest of the game.

Reservoir - Rocket rush by GDI fails to do perma, stank rush by Nod gets caught. Tank slugfest ensues, GDI having the upper hand in the end. Gunners and tanks deal perma to hon, and GDI slowly starts steamrolling. 


Oh wow you played Reservoir? Interested to see the recoridngs. It still needs some work but the gameplay of the map/the layout and most of the map were good enough for it to get played.

Also, how has Tunnels been recieved so far? It's been on the CT servers but I've barely had time to play lately. I'd love some feedback (on both Tunnels & Reservoir)


Went through tunnels on my own, very good map. Need to see how it goes in an organized game first to give feedback however.

Reservoir needs optimization, as people complained about FPS issues. I didn't really see a proper match though, as people were kinda worn out from the previous Fort game. 

41 minutes ago, Henk said:

Also, how has Tunnels been recieved so far?

From what I experienced it gets more votes than other custom maps. Saw both GDI and Nod win the map and a lot of players said they like it. Had a good time playing it so far.

  • Totem Arts Staff

If you look at the Dam on Reservoir from the silo there is a big fps drop. 

Visibility volumes for that map (even though its a day map) might be a good idea. 

Why it was Reservoir before Tunnels baffles me. [Being aware that Tunnels was going to be the 4th game]


Next time, Captains will be chosen and start picking teams at exactly 7:00PM GMT latest. It took longer than expected and we ended up being 40 minutes late to starting the games. Please come on time so we can get the teams sorted out as soon as possible. 

We'll lock the waiting room once 40 players have been reached. We had 47 today, and it led to a pretty awkward situation. So yeah, now you have to be there on time if you want to play at all.

As far as custom maps go, maybe only 1 every week would be preferable after the issues faced this pug. 


Personally I'm getting tired of these huge games. I'm interested in smaller ones, 10v10 preferably, so interesting things can happen more often and so there will be more organization. Commanding 19 people vs commanding 9 people is a huge difference, and I'm interested to see how it'll turn out as things will be less stressful in communication. 

Depends if anybody is interested though, basically it'll be same as the saturday pugs except there will be 20 players max instead of 40, and first come first serve. How does the same time on Sunday sound for you all? (7:00pm GMT)


10v10 sounds like a good idea to me. And yes, definitely only one new map per week. Not only are you potentially playing an incomplete map but you're also going to get people wandering around a new map not knowing where they are going. But playing one new map as the final game would be quite fun.

I joined the PUG during Fort and it was a bit of slugfest. Reservoir was pretty poor from our side however the map itself is gorgeous, there were a few FPS drops however I imagine the map is incomplete and that's the reason why. But yeah, great map that.

I'm away next weekend so I won't be in the PUG, if the Sunday 10v10 one happened I might be there for that. :)


Ok good to hear that about Tunnels. And indeed Reservoir needs optimization, that's why I haven't released it yet, it's still a WIP.

@SMayhew Technically only 1 new map was played, since Walls Snowing is just a reskin.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Renegade X PUG - October 1st 2016


Round 1: Walls Snowing

Round 2: Fort


Round 3: Reservoir


Edited by ThommyK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff
12 hours ago, CampinJeff said:

Depends if anybody is interested though, basically it'll be same as the saturday pugs except there will be 20 players max instead of 40, and first come first serve. How does the same time on Sunday sound for you all? (7:00pm GMT)

Smaller PUGs on Sundays seem fun.


Start with what you have on a Saturday PUG, if there are 20 people, you start with 20 people, if there are 30 people then there are 30 people, if there are 14 people then you start with 14 people. (Minimum of 14 is probably a good idea though)

But not starting on time isn't a people arriving on time issue it's a organization issue you numpty, if you wait for people to arrive then (40 minutes? Wow) then that's just badness and puts down anyone who arrived early. 

7pm START, anyone who arrives late has to wait in the waiting room until the first match is finished to join the second match.

Therefore after the teams are selected and players are allocated both Team 1 and Team 2 channels are locked to avoid interruptions by LATE COMERS.

This isn't me making a suggestion, this is me informing you all how strict you have to be to late comers in future if you want a good, enjoyable, efficient PUG.

I should be there next Saturday to coordinate this part of the PUG and will handle late-comers, team selection as I've read will be left to the commanders and as per usual Fffreak will likely do the forced teams thingy.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

10:48 - 15:40 -- Weapons Factory Nuke (How I did the Nuke on the WF Roof)


NOTE: I only did this because I want to attract the Devs to fix this. Really easy to do it. Just give the ramp perpoly Collision on it and that will do the trick (I tried it already out)

Edited by ThommyK0104

Do not blame me, blame the glitch.

That's complete bs, just because you're able to take advantage of something that wasn't intended doesn't mean you should, you knew you shouldn't have done it and you did it anyways therefore the blame is all on you. Also, going off that same logic I guess it would be just fine for me to grab a Nod spy on Under and Ion the top of the PP because as you said its not my fault its the glitch's.

As for bringing this to the attention of the Dev's I'm sure they already knew about it as its been a known problem for a while and there are other far better ways of letting these things be known such as simply making a post about it with a screenshot or two and they will fix it when they have the time.

And for those saying that this could of been avoided by simply mining differently, the person that mined the ramp didn't know about this bug, therefore they mined the ramp to the best of their ability, it's not their fault they didn't know about something you shouldn't be able to do in the first place.

As for other bugs/exploits whatever I know plenty of them I think most of which  Quinc3y just stated in a different topic which I rarely use and especially don't use in a PUG but I guess I now have free reign to use (not any game breaking ones obviously).

Guest Gliven



I would REALLY appreciate it if people stopped doing shit like this in the PUG. I purposely don't do this in PUGs.

Thommy this isn't the first time you've exploited map "glitches" "bugs" or w.e you want to call it. It isn't even the second time you've done similar stuff. I have even called you out on it on whiteout before. If your old youtube channel wasnt gone id go pull up the video of Jeff telling you personally TWICE  in the same game not to jump the wall behind hon on whiteout. I know you aren't the only one who does this. But i'm going to single you out. If i see you exploit something in another pug and no one does anything about it...im just going to stop playing the pugs entirely. We play with the same general people every weekend. You are a map developer. You are well known in this tiny community. If us 40 or so people cant decide that map exploits are bad, then i dont want to play with said people anymore.

Rant over. Someone get me some cheese for my big ass whine.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

@GlivenDuring that Whiteout game I didn't hear it because I was focusing on someone else said something.

You meant this match?:

I didn't noticed you said it to me. I watched it back and noticed someone said: do not go that way.


Okay I'll keep a promise. NO MORE GLITCHING FOR THOMMY!!!! 


Let the past behind and start a new beginning, but this glitch is been there for a long time so someone fix it asap


And if I glitch once again you guys can blame me forever


Edited by ThommyK0104

It's a pretty minor exploit, and the beacon itself was still perfectly disarmable. He put it in a legal location, and how you get there is up to you. The beacon succeeded more-so because he successfully defended it, than it did because he used this minor exploit. I wouldn't get too salty over a minor exploit like that, though I did forward the post to @Havoc89 to see if he can fix it real quick. There is some merit in that he grabbed attention, even if it's not in the most elegant fashion.


38 minutes ago, voltex said:

Also, going off that same logic I guess it would be just fine for me to grab a Nod spy on Under and Ion the top of the PP because as you said its not my fault its the glitch's.

That's a much more severe exploit, as you're placing the beacon in a location that is in no way accessible.

Guest Gliven
5 minutes ago, ThommyK0104 said:

Okay I'll keep a promise. NO MORE GLITCHING FOR THOMMY!!!! 


Thank you Thommy, that is all i ask. Sorry for singling you out. Acknowledging bugs is all well and good, but there are better ways of getting the map creators and the devs attention. 

Also I am willing to go through the tutorials and fiddle around with the tools to aquire the skills to help out on fixing or finding bugs in peoples maps. I dont want to be a whiner and not help solve the problems


I wouldn't mind a smaller group PUG on Sunday. Had to leave early on Saturday because game trickled on past 3:30 my time and I had work to get at.

Also, if we have 2 PUGs, we should do 1 new map per.

Also, if we have 46 people for the regular Saturday PUG, why the FUCK don't we have 11 per team and 2 servers allotted? That way, we can spread thinner various combinations of people who are disgusting to play against stacked, not to mention leave more interesting gameplay without having a swamped 20v20.

I've said this various times, and I think, by 7pm GMT, if 47 people show up, then start a 2nd server and 4 TS channels (Team1, Team2, TeamA, TeamB), and quickly divide them out. They can be entirely separate entities with no switching players in between until playercount mandates A joining 1 and B joining 2.

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