Ryz Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 Have to say that was pretty amazing in many perspectives. When we started I immediately had a good feeling, cause people replied very quick to team related questions. "Can you remove mines there *insert random playername*" "Affirmitive!" , within seconds. Lakeside switched between winning and losing, Whiteout was a wonder we could survive artyspam and the fact 'we' won was also amazing, but even if we had lost it was a great game. Walls same situation, damn SBH spy and Under had also good teamwork picking of the enemies one by one with our med / mammy wall. Too bad Nod surrendered and didnt try anything special like using the WF path.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted July 24, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 24, 2016 Renegade X PUG July 23th 2016 Round 1: LakeSide rPtn0IGmFKw Round 2: Whiteout eMj016Rw9hs Round 3: Walls pBWi0cZ-Q00 Round 4: Under Not recorded because I had to go after the 3rd round
Xtractor Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 Really Enjoy this PUG Amazing first 2 maps and I liked our team composition ,nice invidual teamplay..all for one! ,one for all! )
SMayhew Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 First PUG in ages, it was good fun. Whiteout was bullshit, that's all I have to say.
RoundShades Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 I had work. Unlike last week, I didn't get off in time to catch the end. Glad it was good either way, a good PUG is good for the community, just like a good occasional update is, especially a content-based one.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted July 24, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 24, 2016 First PUG in ages, it was good fun.Whiteout was bullshit, that's all I have to say. I agree. In the final second they take the point lead............WAS SO ANNOYING
Novilan Posted July 25, 2016 Posted July 25, 2016 On Whiteout, there were several players on Nod using a questionable way to get to the GDI ref. From the inf entrance (the path which leads towards WF), they climbed onto and over the walls. From there it is easy to get to the ref unseen by GDI. Not sure if it is indeed a glitch or an intended path, could the devs please clarify? Most GDI players were feeling it was illegal as it seemed you need to leave the map for a short moment to pull this off. And after watching Thommy's records of the PUG: on Walls he used the glitch on the NOD side ramp to get in the base with a med-tank two times. That way our pp got destroyed near the end of the game, not that it mattered anymore, but that's so annoying... Apart from that it was a good PUG though. Under Nothing to see here... [...] borefest. Well, you insisted to play this map! I would have preferred another map, even if it would have been to our disadvantage.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted July 25, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 25, 2016 On Whiteout, there were several players on Nod using a questionable way to get to the GDI ref. From the inf entrance (the path which leads towards WF), they climbed onto and over the walls. From there it is easy to get to the ref unseen by GDI. Not sure if it is indeed a glitch or an intended path, could the devs please clarify? Most GDI players were feeling it was illegal as it seemed you need to leave the map for a short moment to pull this off. And after watching Thommy's records of the PUG: on Walls he used the glitch on the NOD side ramp to get in the base with a med-tank two times. That way our pp got destroyed near the end of the game, not that it mattered anymore, but that's so annoying... Yeah but sometimes you have to be smart. But most of the time I don't use the glitch
Novilan Posted July 25, 2016 Posted July 25, 2016 Yeah but sometimes you have to be smart. But most of the time I don't use the glitch That's not 'smart'. By using a glitch you simply want to gain an advantage over the other team in a way, which wasn't intended by the developers and so in an unfair manner. Doesn't matter how 'often' you do it, you don't have to do it in the first place.
Moderator Quinc3y Posted July 25, 2016 Moderator Posted July 25, 2016 Under Nothing to see here... [...] borefest. Well, you insisted to play this map! I would have preferred another map, even if it would have been to our disadvantage. That is true But the choice in the end was Tomb vs. Under and even though I think Tomb is a much more interesting & balanced map, I didn't want to choose it because of the glitchy Nod harvester that keeps getting stuck. We've been through that on PUGs already...
Novilan Posted July 25, 2016 Posted July 25, 2016 That is true But the choice in the end was Tomb vs. Under and even though I think Tomb is a much more interesting & balanced map, I didn't want to choose it because of the glitchy Nod harvester that keeps getting stuck. We've been through that on PUGs already... I know, but Islands was an option aswell, it would have been likely more interesting than Under. As a side note: If we would have chosen Tomb, we would have been GDI against Jeff on NOD, who was against destroying the stuck NOD harvester back then. Could have been a little revenge though... xP
SMayhew Posted July 30, 2016 Posted July 30, 2016 That transport helicopter rush on Walls was the best rush in the history of Renegade X, for all those people who didn't join the PUG tonight missed out on something utterly glorious. Executed by Yosh. Fun PUG though. Goldrush was terrible yet brilliant. Sorry Voltex.
RoundShades Posted July 30, 2016 Posted July 30, 2016 That transport helicopter rush on Walls was the best rush in the history of Renegade X, for all those people who didn't join the PUG tonight missed out on something utterly glorious. Executed by Yosh.Fun PUG though. Goldrush was terrible yet brilliant. Sorry Voltex. I am sad I couldn't make it. A new lady friend invited me over for some affectionate time. Priorities. Glad it was good for those who did join, and may the odds ever be in our favor to play the next PUG in 5.2.
Jarzey Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 (edited) Recap of the PUG (plagiarizing Quincy's style without any remorse): Snow GDI successfully defends initial flame trooper rush by Nod. After that, both team push forth and back, along with several unsuccessful rushes, including: GDI pushing Meds to Air, and Nod rushing LCGs + Dozas to WF. Moments later HON is destroyed by a sneaking hottie coupled with other GDI players. Nod swiftly replies with a large chem rush which takes down the WF, and Bar is finished by a tech who sneaked in while the chem rush was taking place. Volcano Both teams go towards Harvies and tunnels at the beginning as usual. Vehicle warfare follows, with arties pounding and meds repelling. The turning point of this match is when a tech brings down Bar, made easier by GDI supposedly dealing with overmining issues. After that, stank rush destroys GDI PP. GDI, after a unsucessful Med rush, organizes a grenadier rush and rocket rush; both fail to produce any result. In the end, flame tanks raze WF and Ref to the ground. Walls Classic start with each team going toward each other's Harvie. Nod saved for Apaches and took control of the plateau with Raves for most of the match. GDI tried plenty of rushes, ranging from Chinooks, APCs, and a large Orca rush; however, all of them were called out and dealt accordingly. Nod answers by planting a decoy nuke to attract hotties away from Bar, which is destroyed by a large Apache force while the nuke is being disarmed. After some few failed rushes, including a large APC rush, GDI surrendered. Goldrush Massive McFarland rush by GDI brings down HON and PP. In the meantime, massive flame trooper rush to AGT by Nod is defeated by a single engi and a soldier. A single arty harasses GDI Ref for a while, but fails to break its armor. Following up, a hottie sneaks and blows Air up; Nod calls for reinforcements, summoning large amount of bots to fight for them. However, without infantry and vehicles, they are unable to stop a Med rush by GDI that brings down the remaining Obi and Ref. 4 matches in total; 3-1 for Team Jeff; around 13-15 players for each team. Edited July 31, 2016 by Guest
Jarzey Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 (edited) Following the issues that occurred during this PUG, here is a reminder about the PUG rules (from the PUG rules TeamSpeak page, with some additional information): Welcome to the official Renegade X Weekly PUG! Games start in: https://countingdownto.com/countdown/re ... down-clock Listen to your Captain(s), and be a team player, the goal for the PUGs is to encourage amazing teamwork that would otherwise not be easily seen in a public server. We're all here to have fun. Anybody is welcome to join, but it is still highly recommended that you at least have basic knowledge of the game mechanics before you hop in. Basically, play around in public games first for a while before joining this. PUGs will typically last for about 2-3 hours long (sometimes longer), normally within 3-5 games. The losing team will pick the map for the next game after the current game is finished. Do not vote in the map selection if you are on the winning team. If teams are considerably imbalanced and both commanders agree, a team-scramble will take place. Consistent violations of these rules will result in your dismissal and a temporary ban from future pugs: *Do not change your name during the pug. *Albeit not obligatory, it is recommended that your in-game name matches the same one as your TeamSpeak name. *Do not change teams unless told so. *If you need leave before a pug officially ends, you must notify a CT moderator before the pug starts. *If you leave because of an in-game bug (sound bug for example), computer overheating, blackout, etc, try to rejoin asap. If you can't, make sure you inform a mod what happened anytime after the pug or post on the forums. *Do not ignore your commander's direct orders. *Do not remain silent. If your commander asks you a question, answer back. Usually, an "affirmative" will suffice. *If your commander orders you to not plant solo nukes, and you disregard the order and do it anyways, you will get kicked. *You must notify your team if you have to go AFK. Going AFK without notice will potentially result in a kick and somebody else taking your spot. *Excessive gloating/whining/retardation in all-chat/team-chat is not allowed. If you have any complaints, PM a moderator in-game. *Do not give away the PUG password to somebody who is not on this TeamSpeak. You and your friend will be banned immediately. *You must have your headphones/speakers unmuted. PUG Tips: *When picking a leader, remember that the best commanders are the ones that have a mic and are willing to use it, and they are also one of your team's best all-around players. *Don't be discouraged from a loss, instead of groaning about it start talking about strategies for the next game. *Please don't lock your vehicles, this is a PUG, it does more harm than good. *The PUG is your opportunity to participate in 20-man rushes. *Being loud tends to make people listen to you more (albeit prolonged screaming information non relevant to the battlefield will be seen as an act of retardation and it will be dealt accordingly). *Most importantly, have fun, it is just a game. Edited July 31, 2016 by Guest
RoundShades Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 Following the issues that occurred during this PUG, here is a reminder about the PUG rules (from the PUG rules TeamSpeak page, with some additional information): From what I was told, it was good. Where is this every OTHER week that needed it?
boxes Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 Me: If you nuke on your own, I will remove you from the game (nukes in front of 7 orcas)
Guest Gliven Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 Edoardo: I am an sbh Entire Nod team: WHY! Edoardo: I am going to nuke Entire Nod team: NO DONT NUKE Jeff: if you nuke im going to remove you from the game *Edoardo has planted nuke beacon by gdi ref* Entire Nod team: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Instant vote kick
Jarzey Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 (Courtesy of Gliven)Around 2:35-2:45 (or seconds before Jessica says "Fuck you Jarzey >:@"): I really wonder how was the TS chatter in Nod team in that precise moment.....
Moderator Quinc3y Posted July 31, 2016 Moderator Posted July 31, 2016 Thanks for the nice recap, Jarzey Snow and Bar is finished by a tech who sneaked in while the chem rush was taking place. Fun fact: while HoN was being destroyed, I was a tech inside WF with C4 on its MCT. I got spotted and, seeing that HoN was dead, I ran back to my base and made it to the terminal with 1 hp. Then I refilled and infiltrated again, used the chaos around WF to my advantage and killed the barracks. 1 hp. These are the details that often decide the game.
Ryz Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 (edited) Omg this General Havoc / Edoardo was talking all game about stuff which was completly irrelevant. "Apc rush inc!!" "Where?' "They have two in base!" It was like he was in a parallel universe. Before PUG started he shot a lot off ppl at the beacon moment while he didnt respond via TS, even though is mic was constantly open (as you knew cause of his dog). Later we could still heard the dog and he said his mic didn't work and so on via chat. WTF! Even tried to help him with changing has name, but he never responded. Some good games with Goldrush being an odd outcome. Too bad someone was overmining on Volcano. Machette and I communicated outside the games TS and we made sure we never overmined. Still we saved the BAR twice cause there were no mines there. The third time I checked it we still had max mines, but someone was inside BAR and killed it. It's ashame this happens on PUG. Edited July 31, 2016 by Guest
Guest Gliven Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 I like it when new people join the PUG. But if they arent going to listen and hog the ts channel with useless information they arent going to make a great impression. I'm sure we could let him play with us next week if he is willing to listen. TIPS IF YOU ARE NEW; Start a conversation with someone during the warm up stage. That way you yourself, and us know that your mic and speakers/headphones are working. It also shows that you are willing to listen to people and that you might be an asset to the team.
Novilan Posted July 31, 2016 Posted July 31, 2016 (Courtesy of Gliven)Around 2:35-2:45 (or seconds before Jessica says "Fuck you Jarzey >:@"): I really wonder how was the TS chatter in Nod team in that precise moment..... From what I remember, it was mostly laughing, especially Jessica. And game over... That failed rush immediatly reminded me of the failed McFarland Rush on Islands some time ago, but now the other way around.
RoundShades Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 First Pug of Veterancy and 5.2, and alas, I will not be able to make it for the start, I get out from work an hour after it starts. I have just pitched a suggested re-scheduling of me for now on, to future-proof this situation because it's really that important to me. Hope to catch some games towards the end next week. Best of luck everyone.
MrSeriousOak Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 I will definitely be there, I just got back from a small holiday so it will also be my first game of 5.2. See you guys tonight
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 6, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 6, 2016 Barring unforeseen circumstances, you bet your ass I'll be there.
Newbie Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Hello everyone, So last night while wondering around I met a really nice girl, today she has invited me round hers at 6pm (PUG starts at 7pm GMT), I barely know her and she's offering to cook food for me. I have a decision to make today, I'd really like to play PUG seeing that it's the first of 5.2 and possible the last PUG I'll take part in. What should I do? 1. Play PUG and leave the girl. 2. Visit the girl and smash her all night long. 3. Play PUG and visit the girl late. Although with option 3 there's no guarantee what will happen because I'll be arriving at hers quite late.
Xtractor Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 4. Invite her ,Play PUG (with her as spectator)and Buy Pizza
Henk Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Option 2. Wanted to explain why but do I even have to?
Guest Gliven Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Option 4: Smash her while playing PUG. Live the dream
Moderator Quinc3y Posted August 6, 2016 Moderator Posted August 6, 2016 Option 4: Smash her while playing PUG.Live the dream LOL I vote for this one I won't be on the PUG invited to a party... damn, stupid parties
Henk Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Option 4: Smash her while playing PUG.Live the dream But leave your mic on. Because teamwork stuff.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 6, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 6, 2016 Option 5, make her download Ren and ruin this relationship before it starts
MrSeriousOak Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Due to me being an idiot, I forgot to update. So that means I lied earlier
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted August 6, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 6, 2016 (edited) This pug be like http://i.imgur.com/1RdzNMt.png LCG's everywhere Anyway: Round 1: Volcano QmlVOXVLIL4 Edited August 6, 2016 by Guest
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted August 6, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 6, 2016 pug was fun (what i could play) ... about time i got back into the swing of things
RoundShades Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Option 2. Wanted to explain why but do I even have to? I didn't even ask this last week, this is what I did though. The fact that he had to ask is worrysome, I didn't even ask.
boxes Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Volcano - GDI's harvester dies at the last second to a quick arty from a money crate. Nod rolls over GDI with wandering flame troopers running inside buildings while artys and flame tanks took advantage of the chaos and smashed everything. GDI didn't have time to get a single med and Nod wins in a little over 5 minutes. Whiteout - Both harvys die, then a war between MRLS/Gunner vs Arty/LCG ensues. LCGs reigned over gunners as the superior support infantry and GDI then struggled to retake control of the hill while repairing all of the buildings for a good 20 minutes. Eventually GDI's vehicle force gets wiped out and an LCG army marches in along with artys on the hill and flamers/lights/apcs, destroying and killing everything on sight. A surrender passes right after the bar gets blown up. Mesa - Both harvys die and GDI initially takes control of the Silo hill with APCs/Gunners/MRLS, but eventually get out-muscled by arty+tech. Nod takes control of the hill, artys crush gdi, etc etc Complex - Silo control goes back and forth for the first few minutes, Nod starts rolling out arties and GDI with MRLS/Gunners. Game was a pretty close back and forth battle, but a sneak kill on the barracks sealed the deal. GDI attempts one last med rush but gets flattened by flame tanks and LCGs. XMountain - Back and forth vehicle wars for about 30 minutes until sneak kills occur on the GDI PP and Nod ref. Nod however was ahead by 3000 points, and time was almost over. GDI goes for a med rush under the bridge, but gets countered by flame tanks/LCGs. GDI attempts a Mobius rush, but gets countered by mendozas/LCGs and flame tanks. GDI then goes for a Patch rush, but then also gets countered by mendozas/LCGs, and during that rush all of Nod's vehicles push in the GDI base and destroy the ref. Time ran out and Nod wins comfortably by points. Team1 3, Team bong/yosh 2 ~ Next pug we will make the losing team pick the map AND the faction they wish to play as. Also need to remember to add the new maps
boxes Posted August 7, 2016 Posted August 7, 2016 We should also consider removing maps from the pug rotation that have completely lopsided balance. Example, Under, Mesa, (Islands and Volcano, maybe). I'm down for some discussion though, I mainly want to get rid of maps could be fun for one team but dreadfully boring for the other..or straight up boring for both
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 7, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 7, 2016 Nod?.. .... Nod.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted August 7, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 7, 2016 Round 2: Whiteout quzpI6kuEEE Also check out the forum where I post videos and dates when I upload a video: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=76513&p=165278#p165278
Ryz Posted August 7, 2016 Posted August 7, 2016 Interesting PUG! A bit single sided, but now not with teams, but one faction: Nod won everything We also had a nice extra show: GeneralHavoc / Eduardo / Theioncannonstrike joined our team and we heard all his family stories and what his mom was cooking (or whatever, can't understand Italian) while he kept is mic open ALL the time to fill teamchat with nonsense. Yet he NEVER replied to the team and typed if he could use his mic, but also didn't react. Odd! When he finally respond to a question it went like: GeneralHavoc: "They are rushing!" Me: "Where? Where is GDI rushing from?" GeneralHavoc: "The units come from their base..." WTF, where else? Totally weird, but had a good laugh. The solo beacon (he failed at least 3 times at it) was also memorizable. Back to the PUG itself: No clue if veterancy changed a lot for this gametype since both teams ranked up. We also played very conservative, so didn't gain much ranks. Too bad we didn't do any new maps!
Xtractor Posted August 7, 2016 Posted August 7, 2016 When he finally respond to a question it went like: GeneralHavoc: "They are rushing!" Me: "Where? Where is GDI rushing from?" GeneralHavoc: "The units come from their base..." WTF, where else? :=)))
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted August 8, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2016 GeneralHavoc: "They are rushing!" Me: "Where? Where is GDI rushing from?" GeneralHavoc: "The units come from their base..." That was an hilarious moment in the PUG.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted August 8, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2016 Round 3: Mesa s6sJ7K0AsDI
KrypTheBear Posted August 8, 2016 Posted August 8, 2016 Round 3: Mesas6sJ7K0AsDI Mesa rounds be like:
boxes Posted August 8, 2016 Posted August 8, 2016 Round 3: Mesas6sJ7K0AsDI Mesa rounds be like: nah, mesa more like
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted August 9, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 9, 2016 Round 4: Complex g-kkdkL_3lg
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted August 10, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 10, 2016 Round 5: Xmountain bG30FwLkKWs
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