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We should try it for one week, and if it doesn't go well, we'll just go back to map only. Captains post in the chatbox what faction they want to be during the end-game cameras. The problem I see with map only is that only a select number of maps will be chosen depending on who wins the first map, ex. if GDI loses the first game next pug, we'll likely see a similar map pool to what quincy posted


I still don't believe there are 'GDI or Nod minded' maps. It's all about how the team functions, not about the map.

Couldn't make it btw: was playing a PUB game till the first 20 min of the PUG, cause I had to leave after it and didn't want to play a pug for a short time. Next week same stuff, have to attend appointments, but good to read this is still going strong!

Yes there are, Ryz :D

And nice video xtractor haha! Shame u didn't include that moment in GDI PP on Mesa :P

HAHA ! my fraps was off and I didn't know ,was coming back from my game crash :(

I heard my mines killed someone ..whent in PP to check.. first door was ok ..didnt see anyrhing on the MCT (mb my brightness was too dark :P ) ..second door my mines was gone ..I started remined and then ..lol..saw you in the corner making you small hiding just at my right.. lol .. then everything blow and I dont remember if you killed me just before ..

Something similar happend at wall PP when cheking PP ..didnt go inside just open doors saw mines at the two doors ..so I was telling everything ok to my team ..then PP blow ..WHAT!!..I guest the mines at one door wasnt ours :P my bad ..Again ..Bad day ! :(


Hello everyone,

I had a blast yesterday playing PUG with you lot, here is my review.


At the beginning of the games it appeared as if the teams were balanced.

The idea that the losing team picks the next map is really good. Although they're usually going to pick team based maps, for example if you're Nod next, you're more likely to pick Whiteout than Under. Therefore the losing team should pick both map and side.

I was a bit nervous playing my first game of PUG, the starting games I was defending the base. When I wasn't I was trying something weird with other team mates which I normally wouldn't do in public games.

The games were fast paced which I liked, a building was getting destroyed at least every 10 minutes. Sometimes multiple at once (field) where I got excited seeing Quincy run into WF so I decided to take Bar.


I felt we could have done a lot better if our commander set roles for us each game, for example someone protecting the base with Hotties and Möbius (searching for stealth). Some people to sneak and others in vehicles. But we still did a good job and we had a lot of fun thanks to Quincy (excellent commander). The gunner rush was definitely weird but it worked.

Towards the end the majority of decent players from the other team had either lost connection or quit. When I joined the other team last minute I could only hear one or two people talking, and when the commander was giving orders for a flame rush no one was listening and doing their own thing as if it were a public game.

Unfortunately I don't feel like I did the best I could have done, there were a lot of mistakes which could have easily taken out a few buildings over the games. Probably my nerves playing up. Although I was defending the base heavily in Mesa. I don't think anyone was in our base on X Mountain when they stank rushed us.

I understand the commander role but did not see any objectives in my tab change.


When joining team speak, players without a mic should probably add "(no mic)" into their username to easily distinguish who hasn't got a mic. Players with microphones are a lot more helpful and create a more joyful atmosphere.

It would be good to keep an equal amount of players with mics on each team.


If any spelling mistakes contact Apple about iPhones auto correct.

If we had 40 players online most with mics, that would be awesome.


Disputes all the negatives (don't take them personally), I still had a great time and would like to thank Quincy and my team members for a great time. You guys were amazing. I would also like to thank the hosts for setting up the games, and everyone else who participated.


I understand the commander role but did not see any objectives in my tab change.

If we had 40 players online most with mics, that would be awesome.

You're not supposed to, commander orders are only spoken through TS

No that would be terror

  • Moderator

Hello Newbie! Was good to have you with us.

Thanks for the compliments. About specific roles - sometimes I do that, but sometimes I think it's trying too hard. Depends on the map and amount of players. And commander role isn't the same as commander in the commander mod - I was the commander in our team, but we had no commander that would use the mod (for the latter you vote in game in the ctrl+V menu). That's why you saw nothing in the objective tab. I don't really like using it (influences my gameplay) and no one volunteered so we did not vote.

And as Jeff said, a lot of mics cause a lot of chaos. This time it was 12v12 at most, so there was order on TS, but it's not the case in every PUG... we've been through the discussion on how to use teamspeak properly at PUGs in this thread already.


Guys I am so sorry, I lost the connection to the host, and I even lost the connection with the constructiveTyranny teamspeak server. I was unable to reconnect. I wanted to warn you that I was out, and probably my character was still in the game. I don't know what happened, it was not my internet connection.

*Edit: After 15 minutes of trying I was able to establish connection with you on teamspeak.

Posted (edited)

when is the PUG today? I dont see it in the server list.

Edit, it turns out u guys are on teamspeak and the server is hidden from the server list.

The 2 games i played in the PUG today were fun, thanks to the guys that organize this every week :)

Edited by Guest

Was great games today. Always remember to check TS3, as the server will likely be hidden.

ProTip for the Veterans, when your team does a tank rush and the vehicle limit's reached, instead, get an anti-infantry class and get out of a tank to stand at a door and fire from the outside at the MCT/Repairmen. That'll bring a building down even if it's being repaired.

  • Moderator


A lol 4 minutes game. GDI made the mistake of not watching the path to their ref and lost it to 3 engis. Then they stopped repairing and let their base die to arties/flame tanks.

I think that was a kinda early surrender. If GDI could hold on to the rest of the buildings for a few minutes, one lucky hotwire might have turned the game around.


As usually, Nod won the harvester battle and took initiative in the beginning. WF and PP fell to vehicle mass. But, while Nod was busy destroying GDI base, 2 hotwires destroyed both production buildings.

Bar + Ref > PP + Ref, but at that moment Nod was 1,5k points ahead (which means they could just defend) and had a single camping flame tank. GDI, forced to attack, APC+ion rushed and failed. Nod's response, APC+flame tank+nuke on back of barracks succeeded and soon after GDI surrendered.


GDI won the harvester battle, which helped them to defend from the first arty spam, but that was the only original/extraordinary thing about this game.

30 minutes of vehicle slugfest, with GDI being ahead on points and finally ioning the end of strip, game over.


Close game. GDI with field advantage most of the time, but a stank rush first badly damaged and after that next one destroyed WF. Still, GDI was comfortably ahead on points (meds damaged HoN at one point), had a few meds left and all they needed is to camp. They failed though, few stanks + SBH shooting repairs destroyed ref and with a few minutes to go, Nod was a few hundred points ahead. GDI gunner rushed in the final seconds and only 5 gunners managed to damage the health of airstrip, but not enough to close down the point gap. Literally 2-3 more gunners and GDI would have won. GG.

3-1, ~15v15. GG.

  • Totem Arts Staff

As usually, Nod won the harvester battle and took initiative in the beginning. WF and PP fell to vehicle mass. But, while Nod was busy destroying GDI base, 2 hotwires destroyed both production buildings.

Bar + Ref > PP + Ref, but at that moment Nod was 1,5k points ahead (which means they could just defend) and had a single camping flame tank. GDI, forced to attack, APC+ion rushed and failed. Nod's response, APC+flame tank+nuke on back of barracks succeeded and soon after GDI surrendered.

3 Hotties :D. 2 for Air and 1 (me) for HoN

  • Totem Arts Staff

Is anyone in to do a test session 1 hour before PUG? I want to test City Flying so I can update the map and so it can be added to a patch.


Worst PUG in a while, meanly cause our team was stearless almost all the games...

Whiteout was pretty good and intense, Volcano got better after 20 minutes, rest was bad .. In the end when I left cause I said there was almost no communication I got the reaction that it was just how I felt. Than Machette said: "I feel the same. I asked many question, but nobody ever replied. I feel like we are not communicating..."

We asked for a reply on that several times, but still not reaction. Only a few ppl used TS. Madkill, Tony, Yagi and I (afaik) 'dominated' 90 percent of the teamchat and still didn't say too much (ok I did..). Most other players almost (never) talked and some very, very seldom.


First games: "Who is defending? zero reply numerous times.."

Third game (Lakeside): "We need dedicated defenders, me and Machette were on that after asking for a reply at least 5 times."

Third game (Lakeside): "We are getting overrun, multiple people entering bar. Need help... Some people came, but nobody replied / affirmatived."

Fourth game (Eyes): after we mined. "Chinooks inc!" As soon as they left base. Zero response, some ppl on the defense. Same with HON.

I hate leaving during a PUG cause I don't want to screw the team. But if I get more comments about the fact that I am asking for a plan / direction ("discuss this afterwards" and stuff) in one game than that I ever had in all games when I asked stuff like "Who is defending / mining / repairing / on that beacon / checking were mines were lost" than I feel no use of playing a pug above a PUB.

Machette even thought his Mic didnt work, cause he had like 2 replies to maybe 50 questions all game... It's not even about winning / losing, but about the fact that you have the feeling of talking to a wall... I mean what's hard to answer when you ask a very simple question like: "Are you doing A or B?" Only to hear your own echo....


That was pretty boring even for us, almost fell asleep on whiteout

Hoped to see lots of action on lakeside but blew up the barracks at the start with a flametrooper rush that we didn't even plan on doing in the first place


Ehh, this sounded like a Crummy week. I came in last game after getting fresh off from work, so I had fun while losing. Just had a 5 man SBH team gun down snipers in salvos, and then tried rushing the AGT (2 made it to agt, humvee kept defending even though they didn't need to, but if it had left we coulda downed the AGT).

We have bad weeks. We have a patch coming hopefully eventually, so just try to laxly enjoy until then.


Our team didn't have a single leader/commander after the teams were picked, whilst the enemy team appeared to have at least three choices. The smaller organised team stomped over the larger unorganised team. I left after Lakeside.

(humvee kept defending even though they didn't need to, but if it had left we coulda downed the AGT).

It is best to always have at least one member defending/camping, no matter the circumstances.

  • Moderator

Yeah, I guess enough has been said about this week's PUG, not gonna bother with the recap :rolleyes:

I do agree that, in the beginning, putting all 3 commanders on one team wasn't the best idea. I wasn't the one picking teams, but also I admit I wasn't willing to change, because I simply didn't feel like being the commander.

The other team made so many mistakes, mainly connected with bad defending. And Lakeside was so lame... officer rush, really? Since when infantry rushes work on this map? 1 in 100 maybe. And officers cost credits, which means you won't be able to get orcas early. And first harvester here is imo as crucial as first harvester on Whiteout or Volcano and you let me kill yours solo with a flamethrower. And I didn't even mention leaving barracks unprotected here :P

And I didn't even mention leaving barracks unprotected here :P

Machette and I were insisting on people defending. We even decided to leave and do a PUB next time when teams are disorganized, but were willing to give it 2 more tries with Lakeside and Eyes.

After a LOT of questions about defence Madkill reacted as only person with something like: "Yeah you do it.." while his voice sounded like stop asking this BS. People clearly didn't give a fuck. Than when we 2 were overrun we lost the barracks, meanly cause nobody responded to the incoming 'rush' (which was announced like 5 other rushes and in all cases mainly ignored by the team).

So the barracks wasn't unprotected, but in almost all the games only a few ppl defended / mined and when there was an issues (mines missing, building attacked) there just came almost no reply from anyone...


It wasn't terrible stomp all around, other team got the building kills they needed. It's just nobody was a dedicated defender and way too much criticizing and casual talk back and forth after watching gliven's pov

It wasn't terrible stomp all around, other team got the building kills they needed. It's just nobody was a dedicated defender and way too much criticizing and casual talk back and forth after watching gliven's pov

Cause we asked for someone to take charge of the team from round one. During the first round 2 ppl said they would be leading the team and then they just got silent... Even a question to teamleader (who is mining, what is the plan?) was either not answered or with a vague thing like get vehicles and uhm, drive around?


I have an suggestion, how about we start using discord?

The reason I suggest this is because Teamspeak is a really old software and the overlay doesn't look great at all, discord also has better mic detection, voice transmission, etc.

It's really good, I suggest we should communicate though discord instead of Teamspeak.


Discord has been suggested before, but we're unlikely to change the software and location that everybody's already familiar with without a substantive reason to do so. If we're going to ask dozens of people to switch software, there should be a pretty concrete and incontrovertible reason for it.

There are also reasons to not use Discord. Namely, I would be most concerned about our ability to ban any problematic users -- nobody can view a user's IP on Discord, nor can you manually add IP-based bans. If a user gets banned on TeamSpeak and attempts to evade it, we can expand the ban to the subnet their address is assigned from. We simply can't do this on Discord.

With that said, I actually do tend to prefer Discord over TeamSpeak for non-organizations. It has a cleaner and simpler interface, doesn't require the end user to host a server, and you don't have to always be connected in order to receive messages. In smaller groups where the server isn't publicly made available/advertised, it's much less likely for problematic users to arise. Even though bans are somewhat rarely utilized on TeamSpeak (and subnet bans even more rare), it's genuinely useful to have available as a deterrent or worst-case scenario. If Discord ever implements a sufficient solution for that issue, then it'd be usable and at least up for discussion.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Renegade X PUG July 16th 2016

Round 1: Volcano


Round 2: Whiteout


Round 3: LakeSide


Round 4: Eyes


  • Totem Arts Staff
Possibly the last pug of 5.16, let's make it a good one

Which means 5.2 Will be released next week? And I'm not happy with that cause I'm on vacation that week. Pleeeeeeaaaase release it tomorrow

I will record most of the stuff from the PUG tonight but all the matches will be uploaded the same day (Sunday) because I can't upload anything when I'm on vacation


Might be there, might not, depending on how long it takes at the concert and festival we are visiting...

Discord has been suggested before, but we're unlikely to change the software and location that everybody's already familiar with without a substantive reason to do so. If we're going to ask dozens of people to switch software, there should be a pretty concrete and incontrovertible reason for it.

There are also reasons to not use Discord. Namely, I would be most concerned about our ability to ban any problematic users -- nobody can view a user's IP on Discord, nor can you manually add IP-based bans. If a user gets banned on TeamSpeak and attempts to evade it, we can expand the ban to the subnet their address is assigned from. We simply can't do this on Discord.

With that said, I actually do tend to prefer Discord over TeamSpeak for non-organizations. It has a cleaner and simpler interface, doesn't require the end user to host a server, and you don't have to always be connected in order to receive messages. In smaller groups where the server isn't publicly made available/advertised, it's much less likely for problematic users to arise. Even though bans are somewhat rarely utilized on TeamSpeak (and subnet bans even more rare), it's genuinely useful to have available as a deterrent or worst-case scenario. If Discord ever implements a sufficient solution for that issue, then it'd be usable and at least up for discussion.

Reasonable enough, I understand the situation.


I still don't know who was that hottie ahead of me demining PP. We didnt care about time, we just placed timed C4 and then remotes and then OMG we were found and we blew remotes and it was last second.

  • Moderator
I still don't know who was that hottie ahead of me demining PP. We didnt care about time, we just placed timed C4 and then remotes and then OMG we were found and we blew remotes and it was last second.

It was Newbie.

Honestly great PUG.


Apaches & orcas action throughout the whole game.

First apache rush failed, GDI answered with an orca rush that destroyed HoN (damn windows). Next apache rush went via the ref path, but went for barracks which fooled GDI and let us destroy the latter building. A few apache/orca rushes later, WF was damaged to 30 health and Nod refinery fell.

After losing ref, things started looking bad for Nod that was also far behind in points. So we went for a rocket rush - the only tactic different from the usual apaches/orcas - and suprisingly it worked and we destroyed WF.

So it was 12 minutes to go, airstrip vs. refinery and GDI was far ahead in points and having like 3 hotwires and 4 orcas camping their last building that was mined to the full. Looked like nothing we could do, but we lucked out and got a sydney spy. So we rushed as a whole team in apaches, sydney throwed that crucial EMP, and remotes on MCT destroyed GDI refinery.


Nod won the harvester battle, but GDI defended from the initial arty spam by donating each other and getting 4-5 meds straight away. A lot of our buildings got their health damaged though and Nod had a ~1k point lead during the whole game.

No team had a big advantage during this game and both tried rushing. MRLS rush damaged Nod PP down to 30 health, a chinook damaged HoN down to 80 health. Still, Nod managed to hold on to the point lead until the very end and while we were already assuming we lost and discussing which map to pick next, with 5 seconds to go, 2 hotties infiltrated Nod PP and destroyed it with remote C4s, getting us on a 41 points lead... just omg.


Once again no team with a big advantage, balanced game. What decided it was GDI getting an SBH spy and Nod not mining airstrip tower properly. The spy planted ion inside the tower while orcas rushed. Airstrip fell and meanwhile 3 stanks damaged barracks down to 20 health.

After that Nod tried SBHs, but GDI was defending very hard. Finally another orca rush destroyed ref and we surrendered.


Nothing to see here... GDI dominating the field with meds while leaving 2 people back defending. Nod surrendered after 20 minutes of this borefest.

3-1, ~13v13. The first 2 games were truely epic. GG.


Agree with Quinc3y, the first two games were awesome! Teams were well balanced.

On Whiteout, there were several players on Nod using a questionable way to get to the GDI ref. From the inf entrance (the path which leads towards WF), they climbed onto and over the walls. From there it is easy to get to the ref unseen by GDI.

Not sure if it is indeed a glitch or an intended path, could the devs please clarify? Most GDI players were feeling it was illegal as it seemed you need to leave the map for a short moment to pull this off.

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