Ryz Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 My eyes had an accident, those colors.... Hope you recover soon Tony!
Moderator Quinc3y Posted June 4, 2016 Moderator Posted June 4, 2016 So are we sure there will be PUG tonight? I saw servers being very unstable in the past 2 days, including CT servers going off.
testman Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 WAS NOT ANBLE TO PLAY FOR LAST FEW WEEKSHAD AN ACCIDENT NOW RECOVERING TODAY WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PUG HOPES HIGH Did the accident make you colorblind? Like Ryz said, I wish you fast recovery, so that you can get back into this colorful world. READY FOR TONIGHT? Can we add interesting unit quotes to the selection of voice commands? Or maybe as automatic responses. Mobius electrifies 4 people and says " "
RoundShades Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Oddly enough, I am probably more keen to participating in the PUG today than I am most other weeks. See you there.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted June 4, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 4, 2016 Oddly enough, I am probably more keen to participating in the PUG today than I am most other weeks. See you there. PUG cancelled says TS
RoundShades Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 PUG cancelled says TS ...Just gunna grab a cup of Kahlúa and a separate one of tea, sit down, fire up Teamspeak 3, and... it's cancelled. Why is it cancelled. DAFUQ! WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THIS TO ME! GRAAAHHH!!!
Schmitzenbergh Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 So everyone is playing UT2004 with waifus? meh -.- I must say the game looks interesting, but not for that price... EDIT: Ah, DDos again... That's sad
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted June 4, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 4, 2016 PUG probably cancelled cause Ddos is very active atm
MrSeriousOak Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 PUG probably cancelled cause Ddos is very active atm FFS!!!!
RoundShades Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Probably because everyone is playing Overwatch C'mon, we are asking for a Saturday, one after they already took a break from the week prior. Is Saturday asking too much anymore, and if so, do we have any takers for hosting a PUG server for those of us still interested, or do I need to look into hosting? EDIT: Drinking too much, Voltex, don't bait me when I'm drunk and make me need to apologize, the damn DDOSer is just being very active atm, give it a week for him to fucking drink bleach or lose interest (idc which) so we can have a proper game.
Profane Pagan Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 I am so sorry guys. I couldn't come anyway, but really sorry to hear this cancellation. Do you have anybody in mind who could behind these DDOS attacks?
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted June 5, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 5, 2016 I am so sorry guys. I couldn't come anyway, but really sorry to hear this cancellation. Do you have anybody in mind who could behind these DDOS attacks? Some guy called MAX
Profane Pagan Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 One thing is sure. The hacker is a lonely ass, with serious pathologic mental problems. He must feel himself as a Bond villain, confidently believing, this community has nothing much against him. Big ruler of his small, petty world.
voltex Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 I am so sorry guys. I couldn't come anyway, but really sorry to hear this cancellation. Do you have anybody in mind who could behind these DDOS attacks? Some guy called MAX LOL It's not Max, I don't even know how that guy managed to install the game, also they know who is doing it and have even reported him to the police but of course they did nothing.
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted June 6, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 6, 2016 Just track him down when he wants to Ddos.
boxes Posted June 6, 2016 Posted June 6, 2016 Just track him down when he wants to Ddos. its impossible, and knowing who it is isn't going to solve anything. all of you need to know is that the guy's only goal in mind is to watch people suffer and rage, and the best thing we can we can do to make him feel stupid for wasting money is to wait patiently until the server owners find a solution. talking smack about him on the forums is exactly what he hoped to see, and is exactly why he's willing to pay money for ddos. smartest thing to do is to talk about the matter rationally with realistic solutions in mind. if you don't have anything productive to say towards helping mitigate this issue, i'd highly recommend keeping any negative thoughts to yourself on this topic.
DoctorB0NG Posted June 6, 2016 Posted June 6, 2016 Just track him down when he wants to Ddos. its impossible, and knowing who it is isn't going to solve anything. all of you need to know is that the guy's only goal in mind is to watch people suffer and rage, and the best thing we can we can do to make him feel stupid for wasting money is to wait patiently until the server owners find a solution. talking smack about him on the forums is exactly what he hoped to see, and is exactly why he's willing to pay money for ddos. smartest thing to do is to talk about the matter rationally with realistic solutions in mind. if you don't have anything productive to say towards helping mitigate this issue, i'd highly recommend keeping any negative thoughts to yourself on this topic. Listen to Jeff. Don't feed the troll. I already have a solution, I just need to implement it. In the meantime just relax a bit and watch some TV or play overwatch with me
RoundShades Posted June 6, 2016 Posted June 6, 2016 Honestly, being this angry about it is already a setback. Just by seeing all this, the guy might stick around even longer. Every time he's come back, he's left for months at a time. He might be around for weeks before he gets the point this time. We ALL know there is already a solution in place. Everyone just needs to calm down and ignore him, by this time next week, whether he's trying or not, he'll be forgotten about. Let's hope this time, when we forget about him, he forgets about himself as well, and we can all just leave this bullshit in the past. It's wasting a lot more of his time than it is ours, and is literally violating most national laws when he does it, putting him at risk of a bare minimum 6 month prison stay, each and every time he comes back. Remember, one of these days, SWAT is going to kick down your door, if they'll do it to Twitch streamers, they won't have a single problem doing it to you. Is it worth 6 months in prison, just to bring down Ren-X servers, and it's already small yet dedicated playerbase, for a single fucking week?
MrSeriousOak Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 Isn't the PUG happening on saturdays? Oh yeah, I feel dumb now........ I forgot about friday....
Crowsy Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 Oh yeah, I feel dumb now........ I forgot about friday.... You're just impatient, just as I am .
Ryz Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 Hope there is one tomorrow indeed, we are ready for it!
Fffreak9999 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 As far as I am aware it is running, haven't had a chance to speak to Bong about it, but haven't had an announcement on the matter yet.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted June 11, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted June 11, 2016 I definitely won't be there.
Mystic~ Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 I'll be playing if it's on, but it would be good to know in advance if there's a server available and the necessary minimum organisation to run a PUG.
Ryz Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Yes, indeed, plz update us about the availability of the server... Server seams to be working but hidden if I am not mistaken, lets just wait and make sure we are ready!
RoundShades Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Would be nice. Also, if you don't feel like it in light of things, that's fine, but DDOS isn't so much an excuse if we don't publish the server to the public list and have everyone direct-connect via TS3.
Fffreak9999 Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 The game is on. Details will be on TS3 at start time
MrSeriousOak Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Honestly the best PUG I have yet to play, balanced teams, constant flow of gameplay, and enthusiastic players and commanders who did their job well. This PUG is a demonstration of how RenX can be, even if it is repetitive.
Moderator Quinc3y Posted June 11, 2016 Moderator Posted June 11, 2016 Yeah, really a great PUG. I can't remember a PUG where in every game each team destroyed at least one building. Canyon Drawish for the first part until GDI managed to push Nod into their base with meds and destroy the airstrip with a beacon on the end of it. Meanwhile a tech destroyed WF and with about 20 minutes to go both teams were left with hardly any vehicles and GDI was 1k points in front. After that both teams tried a lot of rushes (sydney rush, rocket rush, sbh rush, apc rush) and damaged a lot of buildings' health, but destroyed none. GDI won on time quite comfortably. Grassy Knoll Started like a standard game of Grassy Knoll, GDI taking control of the field with meds & mrls and destroying HoN. After that Nod was defending very well for a long time. They also managed to sneak a few stanks past the line of GDI siege. Those stanks destroyed GDI refinery, while Nod refinery also went down to the sneaky "I count to 10 and everyone stops attacking then I count to 10 again and everyone starts hitting their ref" tactic, credit to Madkill. When Nod started preparing another stank rush, GDI rushed with ion at the end of strip and that finished the game. When the ion countdown was ongoing, 2 stealth tanks destroyed the WF. That just showed how poor our defense was in this game Goldrush At first, standard Goldrush: GDI infantry rush on HoN failed, after that they dominated the field with meds. Then a tech destroyed WF and Nod was on a 800 points lead with ~20 minutes to go. At that point GDI gunner rushed and destroyed HoN, meanwhile an SBH nuke'd GDI PP and a single artillery brought GDI ref health down to 30. After that it looked kinda like the Canyon game - both teams tried various kind of vehicle/infantry rushes, but all were defended (although some were close) and Nod won on points. Walls A crazy game. After first harvesters were both saved, Nod went for a rocket rush and got GDI ref down to 30 health. GDI responded with an APC rush that destroyed the unmined HoN. Nod tries double Chinook and got GDI ref down further to 5 health. GDI responded with an orca rush with double ion and destroyed the airstrip, leaving Nod without production buildings. I'm guessing Nod would have surrendered at that point, but 15 minutes of the game had not passed at that time. And they made a small comeback - an engi sneaked and finished the GDI ref. Some time later, Nod managed to dominate the field with rocket soldiers and APCs and after damaging the health of WF and barracks they were only 1k points behind. But GDI managed to save up for a med rush that destroyed PP. Nod APC rush was then stopped and answered with another med rush that destroyed the ref and ended this epic PUG. Damn GG. ~13v13 most of the time, team Madkill 3-1 team Jeff. I sure did miss Renegade X.
RoundShades Posted June 12, 2016 Posted June 12, 2016 A McFarland spy nuked the GDI PP AFAIK. I was the one shot to death trying to diffuse it, by a flak shotgun burst.
Kaiser739 Posted June 12, 2016 Posted June 12, 2016 Some really good games last night, enjoyed this PUG a lot.
Ryz Posted June 12, 2016 Posted June 12, 2016 Yeah I enjoyed it, especially the idea to stop shoothing for 10 secs so a building wouldn't get repaired, only to hit it full force after the countdown and crush it!
MrSeriousOak Posted June 12, 2016 Posted June 12, 2016 Yeah I enjoyed it, especially the idea to stop shoothing for 10 secs so a building wouldn't get repaired, only to hit it full force after the countdown and crush it! It would of been awesome if we all got into a column formation and just rolled over em (C&C 3 mammoth tank quote anyone?)
Hackerham Posted June 12, 2016 Posted June 12, 2016 > Grassy Knoll > When the ion countdown was ongoing, 2 stealth tanks destroyed the WF. I saw those stanks and tried to kill them as an engi before they started attacking WF, instead of waiting their attack inside the base. Epic fail. > GoldRush > At that point GDI gunner rushed and destroyed HoN, meanwhile an SBH nuke'd GDI PP and a single artillery brought GDI ref health down to 30. At the same time I was in flametank attacking their AGT for 2 minutes Almost got their ref with tech just after that. Keiser tried to kill our Air with hottie, first time Tony saved it, second time I saw him, but he stole someone flamer > Walls Jp (I dont remember full nick) shoot me in the head with rocketlauncher 4 times. UPD. I will be late a bit for 18 Jun PUG
Fffreak9999 Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 I won't be available for the pug, however if you need the server setting up, then let me know, I can boot it up in time for the PUG. FYI - You will still need a server admin. Boxes/Poi (Jeff) may be able to do it, I will be on Teamspeak for a short while before the PUG if necessary
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted June 18, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted June 18, 2016 I may be around for this one
Fffreak9999 Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 Yosh, do you need me to boot up the server, or are you going to do it?
boxes Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 I'm actually on vacation, and I'm going to miss this and the next two pugs
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted June 18, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted June 18, 2016 Yosh, do you need me to boot up the server, or are you going to do it? You probably should..
Fffreak9999 Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 Ok, Enjoy your vacation Jeff. Hope you enjoy it. @Yosh When I go on my break later, I will boot up the server (It will be unlisted), I will give you the details later.
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