Ryz Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 Like mentioned yesterday on TS: Maybe it's good some people who join know the rules and are willing to do teamwork? I played 2 PUG's since it's the holiday season here (usually I have to make photos on concerts during Saturday night). Last week was ok for a few short matches I was able to join while yesterday was more of a chaos if you ask me. It was fun to see some planned attacks work since we could coordinate them in detail over TS, but on the other hand it was total anarchy. I played with a friend sitting next to me and he had the same experience. Examples: - walls and he had the ONLY MRLS, no support by engies at all - walls again, I was designated defender but got killed and waited over 5 minutes before somebody finally donated me so I could get hottie again (lost my money on AT mines). Bar had NO mines all the way. - Xmountain: like 10 calls from friend of mine that they were inside a building. No response but building down. - Walls: friend tells there is a stank behind BAR: minutes later it's still there and untouched. - Friend had c4 on his vehicle, asked people to repair (not sure which map) and they just moved on... - Islands: I asked for a decoy at barracks like 20 times while I was behind the ref for minutes. Instead a person ran into the ref seconds after I was and place my C4. That person made a lot off hotties come inside it so it didn't get killed. - Xmountain: we went to the silo with the whole team except 3 people. At the silo only 2 people were there.... You might see this is the way things work, but I think it's due to (at least some) of our teammembers (and we had Super disconnecting + Ceaser afk for a while). I noticed that it could work like a well oiled machine also. B0NGS team responded with 6 (!) hotties on Xmountain when we got in the WF. They disarmed our c4 in 15 seconds. Some vehicles at his team kept being repaired all the way and so on. What I noticed is that the team was coordinated well and it was almost impossible to do something while we just got nailed cause of the mistakes our people made (not responding, not doing what was asked, and so on). I join these game for the teamwork and while I can't force people to do it I can at least hope they are pointed at the rules when entering. Now we lost 4 out of 5, or 5 out of 6 matches and we had absolutely zero chance... I am not saying there was zero teamwork, but we just lacked the finesse to coordinate something well and this is the difference between having a chance and getting slaughtered.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 7, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 7, 2015 Kinda' late on this one, but hell yeah it's still going on. Sound off.
RoundShades Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 I get busy and is hard to actually get my game on, let alone update the timer. Definitely do when i get home. Thank my folks for me not doing it yesterday. Click Here For Countdown Timer, 08/08 PUG
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2015 Yes we still plan on having this today, just for all people's information.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2015 Dad might be on patrol, so I dunno..
Totem Arts Staff LavaDr4gon Posted August 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2015 Are we doing the custom maps too?
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2015 That'll be cool if we do. Already got everything updated. But if we don't, it's fine too
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2015 Oh... crap.... uuh we COULD but then people joining late might not want to DL
Totem Arts Staff LavaDr4gon Posted August 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2015 I just needed to know so I could download the maps because I have none of them.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2015 Likely won't be including custom maps this time around.
RoundShades Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 PUG Gameplay never fails to surprise me. Great games! See everyone next week. Will be hard to top this week though.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 9, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 9, 2015 X-Mountain was like : "They're winning by score! Get the silos for score, get it get it get it!!!! Yesssss!!!! We win!!!" Both bases were intact in the end because we foiled B0NG team's C4 attempts even with Hotties managing to plant their c4s. It all ends when Silo gave us the score we need for victory. Such is a close triumph Gold Rush intro was like : Bananas : Wanna do something stupid, like Rocket Soldiers? Everyone : *buys rockets* *few minutes later* Cabal : GDI Power Plant destroyed Bananas :Nice, now we can do anything we want! Let's flame spam! Apparently stupid but organized plan works well and win us the game. But my rocket jammed on the launcher and blew up in my face
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 9, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 9, 2015 I won't lie... rockets on GoldRush WTF Pwned us. That silo cap on XMountain though... that was intense.
Ryz Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Or Canyon where we totally nailed it, although the first beacon got disarmed.
Malak Dawnfire Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 I won't lie... rockets on GoldRush WTF Pwned us. Dat nade at Goldrush silo, never forget.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 12, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 12, 2015 Yosh, if we're really going to use custom map for PUG, I'll update my installer today. or do you want me to make a PUG special package so the size is a lot smaller?
RoundShades Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 But my rocket jammed on the launcher and blew up in my face This is a very common problem with rocket and grenadier. Saw it happen to Kenz on stream too. I think it has to do with the location the projectile spawns in at in order to fire, along with pawn's new sprint changes perhaps.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 14, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 14, 2015 PUG for Saturday... SOUND OFF (Damn I'm getting late with these)
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 15, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 15, 2015 Updated main post, and corrected my fail
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 15, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 15, 2015 Today, I will not be participating PUG, sorry
Ryz Posted August 15, 2015 Posted August 15, 2015 Depends on the clanwar, managed to cancel some appointments.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 15, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 15, 2015 Aaaaaaand The Yosh forgot to set an alarm while B0ng got roped into doing stuff.. GG So on top of the fact that there was also a clan war going on, yeah... PUG tonight was basically cancelled. Next week should be better.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 15, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 15, 2015 hopefully with custom maps?
DoctorB0NG Posted August 15, 2015 Posted August 15, 2015 Aaaaaaand The Yosh forgot to set an alarm while B0ng got roped into doing stuff.. GG So on top of the fact that there was also a clan war going on, yeah... PUG tonight was basically cancelled. Next week should be better. I had to help my girlfriend's sister move into her apartment... It was a blast...
Totem Arts Staff LavaDr4gon Posted August 21, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 21, 2015 So, what's the word?
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 22, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 22, 2015 Oh hell yeah there's a PUG tomorrow. Sorry, had gotten all caught up in patch things Sound off!
DoctorB0NG Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 I'm in position! I'll be there this week. Sorry about last week
Totem Arts Staff LavaDr4gon Posted August 22, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 22, 2015 I'm in the mood to make a video. Join if you can to make the games great!
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 22, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 22, 2015 Okay, what the hell was that. DDoS on PUG server?
Ryz Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 (edited) Nope I played the PUG the first 3 rounds before I had to go (need to leave asap) and connection was stable. But again the PUG was (at least to me )disappointing. The first map GDI outpowered Nod on Islands which was a pretty intense fight and was ok. Second map was Lakeside. We got stuck everywhere (should be fixed soon) but also had like 5 people not doing any teamwork. When we arrived (after 10 minutes of waiting) at the strip and were placing beacons someone appeared to be inside and set of c4 and brought the strip down to 10%. Nobody on our team knew he was in. We wasted 2 beacons there while we had the chance to outside c4 the strip which we didn't, cause nobody used to listen on teamspeak. Two weeks ago the PUG was good and I don't recall who won or lost but we were on top off things and I had the feeling we were ONE team. As soon as the commander named someone was needed at x someone came. Today the PUG was like a few weeks before. At least 1/3rd of the the team didn't respond or tell what they were doing, everything we planned took way too long (if it even happened) and not to mention 'our' team lost 3 matches before I had to leave. I don't mind losing if I have the feeling we had at least an honest chance, but if a rush gets announced on a PUG and there is only ONE person defending I start asking myself what the difference is between a PUG and a normal match. I know it can be different cause everything I tried with the enemy (didnt matter where, when or how) was IMMEDIATLY countered by a swarm of their units. A game / PUG for me is about communication and an honest fight nomatter the outcome, but this was just PUG unworthy if you ask me, sorry... Too bad it might also be one of the last PUGs I can join in a while. Edited August 23, 2015 by Guest
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 22, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 22, 2015 er Ryz, I mean before it started. It did get a DDoS Yes, unfortunately for B0NG's team today's PUG is totally in Bananas' favor, literally. Goldrush was won by Bananas' Nod team by close score difference between loss of Strip and loss of Barracks
Ryz Posted August 22, 2015 Posted August 22, 2015 er Ryz, I mean before it started. It did get a DDoS I heard a friend of mine saying he was unable to access the teamspeak channel shortly for the match when I called him, he received time-outs. Yes, unfortunately for B0NG's team today's PUG is totally in Bananas' favor, literally. Goldrush was won by Bananas' Nod team by close score difference between loss of Strip and loss of Barracks Yeah but this had nothing to do with B0NG, but with many of the players. A few weeks ago B0NG was on top of things and the team anticipated (what they lacked now) Example: "There might be somewhere there, go check it out!" And person A and B left to do it and NOT the whole team together or nobody. The same friend as mentioned above told me that Bananas had dedicated roles for everything. People where on top off things and scouting / defending. He told me everbody knew his role and performed well in it. I know people think of me as a complainer and I also know I'dd like to strive for things. But if I order a snack aka a normal game I have nothing to expect, but when I try a Michelin Restaurant I might have (at least I hope) higher expectations. I think this is what the PUG is about: serving people a higher standard of the game and teamwork. And yeah maybe I expect to much but it makes me disappointed. Cause maybe when I order the same meal (PUG) by another cook (call it bananas or BONG) it would have turned out completly different. Not even because of the cooks, but because of the ones delivering the food, being the sous-chef, or choosing the wine. In this case team B0NG had a few bad helpers which screwed up the course. But in the end trainees have to learn somewhere I am not interested in blaming someone cause if I was I wouldn't have posted a dedicated post here. I am curious how we can take the hiatus (is that proper English?) out of these PUGS and eventually the whole game. I can live with this and try another time when I am available, but some people will eventually get turned down cause other (team)players join, but not act accordingly. At to be honest: this is not about being a hero or make my ideas work. Last PUG I played I did NOTHING besides mining and defending and I was satisfied. The most boring job made me feel good cause we were finally achieving something as a team, even though the game was close call.
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 (edited) to me,it was disapointing for the fact that no one would listen to me on chat,except for a few people I said that I won't use the microphone because I have anoying background sounds. even on the walls match I was typing : APC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APC!!!!!!!! APC!!!!!!!!!! and litterly everyone on teamspeak was like : what do we need to do next ? then I just unmute my microphone and shout APC INC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,and just mute it again. also I was a tech behind pp and there was 4 sbhs in GDI's base,NO ONE cared to help me,Yosh and lavadragon was next to me behind the ref I was telling them to come but 0 responds,and the pp was mined ALOT,then ruud spots me,and c4s my head all in all,I think the cause we lost this is lack of communication nothing else,he had a good start on islands,but then everyone went to take revenge on bananas or Iontech in sniper battles (which we all know you won't win it) same on lake,someone was inside of the airstrip when we x3 IONed it,if he told us he was inside we could have helped him,instead we made him get expozzed. PS: I HATE INVISBLE WALLS Edited August 23, 2015 by Guest
RoundShades Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 I was absent a week. I had a rough week, and honestly I took off to hang with friends. He set his computer to Win10 on friday, woke up saturday to the BadBootConfigurationError and spent all of saturday reinstalling 7, installing all 120 updates to 7, reinstalling 10, and reinstalling his files... Glad it went well.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 23, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 23, 2015 I was kinda surprised you fell for our Orca target distraction twice.... Bananas was like "Ok, we go hit the HoN, but then we take down ref" boom ref go down. Then "Same thing, we hit the HoN, take down the PP, then go strip" boom pp down. Though that APC rush vs Buggy traffic blockade was an interesting event.
boxes Posted August 23, 2015 Posted August 23, 2015 I kept pushing our team to buy apaches nonstop with techs, and we did, and got the bar. But then after that, everybody started doing their own thing. After we lost our Ref, we pretty much gave up. Only thing I knew was going on was an SBH c4 rush, but after we lost our PP, I heard the rush didn't go well. Throughout all of our games, we never really committed to any plans really. If we did, it took sooooo long for people to understand what was going on, and by the time we got organized, the other team figures out what we're doing and scrambles a counter. We also had no dedicated sniper.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted August 27, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 27, 2015 We also had no dedicated sniper. That was a big part of it right there. We really didn't get any snipers, and that kind of screwed us over. We did also seem to have A lot of solo acts. If your whole team is communicating, it's probably a good idea to let them know that you're in a freakin' building. Honestly I don't even know when people started the plan to Ion. We also have a lot more new players in pugs now, and TS gets filled with so much nonessential chatter that I'm sure some start ignoring it.
Ryz Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 Honestly I don't even know when people started the plan. We started it cause it was discussed on TS. The problem is every question took an hour to get answered and everything was chaotic. Even a rush which was announced did not lead to anyone responding. Suggestions: Tell the rules BEFORE start. This is a team effort and if you want to play you have to act like it Make the teamleader a priority speaker Assign people for specific tasks (like I was a defender the whole freaking map 2 PUG's ago. Boring but effective). And listen to eachother.
Totem Arts Staff LavaDr4gon Posted August 27, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 27, 2015 So, are we going to try again, hopefully better?
DoctorB0NG Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 So, are we going to try again, hopefully better? I'll be there. Supposedly yosh said he'd have the team retention mutator ready for this PUG.
Ryz Posted August 28, 2015 Posted August 28, 2015 So, are we going to try again, hopefully better? I'll be there. Supposedly yosh said he'd have the team retention mutator ready for this PUG. Will try to make it, but I am not sure if I can...
DoctorB0NG Posted August 28, 2015 Posted August 28, 2015 I talked to yosh last night and he confirmed that we will have a mutator to retain teams in between games. This should help make the games run more smoothly.
Truxa Posted August 28, 2015 Posted August 28, 2015 So, when is the next one? this saturday or sunday? What time again? Bro's countdown timer is @ 0:0:0
DoctorB0NG Posted August 28, 2015 Posted August 28, 2015 So, when is the next one? this saturday or sunday? What time again? Bro's countdown timer is @ 0:0:0 1:00 PM Central US 6:00 PM GMT
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted August 29, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 29, 2015 thought it was 7 pm GMT but ill be there and ill probably record it or even stream it on the youtubes
Totem Arts Staff LavaDr4gon Posted August 29, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 29, 2015 INSPIRE!!! Hopefully these will get you guys in the mood to win some games.
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