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  • Totem Arts Staff


Pick-Up-Game : An organized game where teams are simply chosen by captains and ALL participants are in Discord(mic or not). These are more coordinated than normal games, and often far more intense. If you're looking for a game that isn't just full of people playing COD, reply to this topic and/or join us. Information is down below.


Times: Every Saturday at 7:00 PM GMT (1PM Central US time.) ((That's 0400 for me in Japan... so if I can make it you can probably make it))


1. Discord. You are not required to have a mic, but you NEED to be on Discord voice chat to keep communication as smooth as possible AND to acquire the password for the server.

To join the Renegade X Discord server, go to: https://renegade-x.com/discord

2. LISTEN to what people are telling you. That includes in and out of game. This lets us get teams established easier and also aids in keeping this a competitive, but friendly atmosphere. You don't listen, you may very well get your feelings hurt.

3. Win. Screw having fun... have that on your own time :P

Replying to this topic is a good way for us to get head-counts.


Also remember guys, this is today so if you want you are more than welcome to join the TS and turn sound off as early today as you want. You will recieve a poke around game time. The earlier you do it, the less likely you'll lose track of remembering to be on, eh?

  • Totem Arts Staff

Succesful PUG indeed tonight. Went up to a 12v12, ended up 3-2 B0ng's team winning. Hopefully someone was recording, as I totally forgot to. Maybe kenz got it. Will update main post with schedule.


My favorite match was Canyon. Although still a very smashy shutout, at least it favors both sides evenly, whichever side gets field just sort of rolls over top. Maybe both holes in the wall should be infantry entrances as well as exits, and maybe both teams should have a single entrance turret like from whiteout to prevent the first tank surge in the game from becoming the last every time.

What was up with the crates? B0ng said odds are they are default config, but we got first crate tibsuns and one time we had 4 at the same time. Def a bit higher than usual.

GGs indeed though.

My favorite match was Canyon. Although still a very smashy shutout, at least it favors both sides evenly, whichever side gets field just sort of rolls over top. Maybe both holes in the wall should be infantry entrances as well as exits, and maybe both teams should have a single entrance turret like from whiteout to prevent the first tank surge in the game from becoming the last every time.

What was up with the crates? B0ng said odds are they are default config, but we got first crate tibsuns and one time we had 4 at the same time. Def a bit higher than usual.

GGs indeed though.

Crates were higher than normal for tib sun vehicles. The values have been fixed already and will be back to normal for next week's match.

  • Totem Arts Staff
They were fun this week tbh. Who hates tibsun vehs. They didn't change any outcomes AFAIK.

1 word........ FIELD.

Nod gets a money crate, GDI gets a Titan... then a Tick tank right at the beginning.


Correctomundo! Ticktank on 1st field crate for the other team on atleast 2 occasions. It was a hard fought battle to regain the field after that (Field map) and DAMN that Bananas guy can snipe.

I think tibsun vehicles are cool and all, but they are totally un-balanced versus bought-vehicles. I think in PUGs they can be allowed but for clanwars, meh. Whoever controls the field, controls the tib-sun vehicles and eventually the match thanks to that.

I guess the tibsun vehicles are supposed to be stronger, as they are the next-gen tech in the tiberium era.

It's getting around that time again. Who's in for Saturday (the 25th) ?

I been lazy, but I will renew the info/countdown for this week. Bio was supposed to take over, let alone show up, but life happens and I know that, and anytime he comes back with an interest I would be glad to let him. I slept too much last few days to renew the info for next week.

Countdown Link: Saturday RenX Pickup Game

^Updated for July 25th^

It's getting around that time again. Who's in for Saturday (the 25th) ?

I been lazy, but I will renew the info/countdown for this week. Bio was supposed to take over, let alone show up, but life happens and I know that, and anytime he comes back with an interest I would be glad to let him. I slept too much last few days to renew the info for next week.

Countdown Link: Saturday RenX Pickup Game

^Updated for July 25th^

You set the timer to 1 AM central. Let the confusion begin!

  • Totem Arts Staff

Alright, it's coming up in less than 24 hours,. As far as you all know, the PUG is STILL ON. B0ng can't make it, but I'm still here to spam to my heart's content.

Alright, it's coming up in less than 24 hours,. As far as you all know, the PUG is STILL ON. B0ng can't make it, but I'm still here to spam to my heart's content.

PUG is definitely still on. I'll be around via RDP to make sure the server is ready to rock but I'm busy getting ready to move to my new apartment :mrgreen:

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Less than 12 hours till the pick-up game. Will start broadcast across various media once we hit the 1-2 hour warning.

We still don't have 2 team captains. It's just me so far.

We may run the commander mod for this. At least, whatever the current iteration of it is. I've done so much work that hasn't been patched in yet that I don't even remember what IS currently released.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I just love how PUGs basically prove every myth of map imbalance wrong as all get out. Also, I think that's like my 1st time playing Canyon since B5 came out. I totally forgot GDI doesn't have full advantage at getting silo anymore =(

  • Totem Arts Staff

You know what was the most interesting part? that engi rush to ref in Field. I think all 10 of us were there. I just try to keep myself distanced away since turret splash damage can be a bitch. 2 secs after I enter the ref... boom, no ref.

Yodh's team tried to do the same, I think, but we lost ref only after 20 mins later when Minji and Nanas snuck in

PS : Bananas OP plz nerf :P

  • Totem Arts Staff
You know what was the most interesting part? that engi rush to ref in Field. I think all 10 of us were there. I just try to keep myself distanced away since turret splash damage can be a bitch. 2 secs after I enter the ref... boom, no ref.

Yodh's team tried to do the same, I think, but we lost ref only after 20 mins later when Minji and Nanas snuck in

PS : Bananas OP plz nerf :P

Yeah we engi rushed, but honestly in hind sight we panicked and detonated remotes too early cuz we knew for a fact why we ran into no resistance.

Anyone got a recording of the matches? Preferably someone from Team Kenz, hopefully Kenz himself.

He seemed to be recording. On Canyon, he started recording a bit late, but it was a good match, especially from his recording of it.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Anyone got a recording of the matches? Preferably someone from Team Kenz, hopefully Kenz himself.

He seemed to be recording. On Canyon, he started recording a bit late, but it was a good match, especially from his recording of it.

I.. .can't even talk crap about Canyon... we got outright outplayed.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Anyone got a recording of the matches? Preferably someone from Team Kenz, hopefully Kenz himself.

yer i got vid from all the matches i was in from both PUG's (no deck)

  • Totem Arts Staff

Alright, it's time to start thinking about it again. Post if you're in... or just be like all the other people and sort of show up.

Same time(In the main post), same day (Saturday)

Alright, it's time to start thinking about it again. Post if you're in... or just be like all the other people and sort of show up.

Same time(In the main post), same day (Saturday)

I believe I last updated the countdown for Aug. 1st. Same time as every week, 1 in the afternoon united states central, and that is like 8pm GMT or something I could be wrong. That time has been excellent so far, we had several hours of consistent gameplay from people that weren't in a hurry to leave.

Awesome pug! Volcano and Walls were the best.

Canyon though, Nod won even when GDI had a full harvy advantage. :>

AT Mines would have done us well. Even 1 less flamer would have secured it.


Suggestions :

1) while a automated team setting is in the works, can you guys have a 30 second waiting for players.

2) team sorting is important. There is a good reason 1st team leader should select one 1st and second should select two before taking turns. It makes sure if first captain gets best that second gets more gradually good players in return. Also, if a team losses 2 times and especially 3, consider trading top nonleader of winning team for one of the bottom of the losing one. Even one more coordinated player helps.

3) turn back on afk kick in pug server, at 3.5 minutes. I could comfortably pee and get a drink in 3.

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