Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted January 7, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 7, 2017 (edited) Hey guys, After 1 month since I installed the editor, I managed it to make a good design. After like 6 big failes, I made a good desgin. But I don't talk sentimantal shit, you want to see some screens. Here they are. Spoiler This map contains: Refinery, Hand of Nod /Barracks, Airstrip/Weapons Factory 2 Silos 2 Infantry Paths 2 Tank routes Tiberium Trees More Trees Deco shit I hope you like it. Mats are from CNC - Crash - Site SPECIAL THANKS TO: @kenz3001 @Schmitzenbergh @Xtractor @Handepsilon @Ruud033 @TK0104 Btw, I am sorry the Mammoth MKII is only for decoration. What to do: Collisions little hills gras/bushes Paths Lights Subtleties some more deco shit Harvester routes Water Edited January 7, 2017 by (Ger)Luhrian 1 Quote
Henk Posted January 8, 2017 Posted January 8, 2017 some things I see form the screenshots: Texture scale on the river is too big. The trees have too many different colors, I think all trees have a color parameter in their Material Instances so you can easily change that (create copies of them to your package and assign those to the trees). The pipeline needs a forced LOD model of 0, so it keeps looking smooth instead of 6-sided. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted January 8, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted January 8, 2017 (edited) @DarkSn4ke This is no Version for map testing. I have to fix the water and the light befor you can play this map. @Henk I added the Water only for the Screens. I will see what I can so at the other 2 points Edited January 8, 2017 by (Ger)Luhrian Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted January 8, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted January 8, 2017 (edited) I am in the editor at the moment and the LOD level is already 0 But I see it too, the pipeline looks a bit crappy. Edited January 8, 2017 by (Ger)Luhrian Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted January 8, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 8, 2017 Did you used a skylight in this map? If you did, I strongly suggest you remove it when you're done and fix shadows with world properties settings. I understand it's not done yet You can use CNC-Field for example (because it's a night map ) Good luck with finishing your map! Looking forward to it! Regards, Thommy Quote
IllumZar Posted January 8, 2017 Posted January 8, 2017 Hey looking really great so far ! keep it up!^^ Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted January 8, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted January 8, 2017 @TK0104 I used the skylight, because I can't see anything if I only use the Dominat Directional. The background trees would be black, that annoyed me. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted January 8, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 8, 2017 @(Ger)Luhrian true Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 11, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 11, 2017 (edited) Yo guys, long time that you heard something about this map. It is sad that I must say that I can't finish this map, because I can't build any lights on this map. But for me it is ok, I learned much while developing this map. But I want to show you some screens what I've done on this map. Spoiler Map Overview Nod Tiberium Field Decoration Arty on top of the Hand of Nod Nod Tiberium Silo (If I am able to upload a playable version it will be replaced through a Nod Team Silo from @TK0104) Bunker at GDI back entrance Nod and GDI back entrance Gun emplacment at Nod back entrance Gun emplacment at GDI back entrance Decoration near GDI barracks Decoration near GDI barracks Don't worry that is no comm center inside base, just Decoration Destroyed MRLS on top of Weapons Factory The Field from the GDI infantry path GDI front entrance Nod front entrance Gas pipeline on the Infantry path @IllumZar's Tiberium trees (ty that I can use them ) What would be special on this map? The special things would be: Tiberium Team Silo near base, not inside the base (is only killable with Infantry) The Harvester is only killable for Infantry (not if you have 8 Flames or Meds in base, but I think you know what I mean) DL-Link: WARNING: THIS VERSION IS ONLY FOR THE SDK, YOU CAN'T PLAY IT IN THE GAME I want to say everyone who helped me with getting started with the SDK or get rid of some bugs. But I hope you'll like my new map that is currently in progress. So let's see that we can make some new and better maps. Edited March 11, 2017 by Luhrian Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 11, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 11, 2017 38 minutes ago, Xtractor said: not sure but i think your DL is wrong Yes you are right, it should be fixed now Quote
Xtractor Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Intereseting.. and you learned a lot ..if only i could learn as much ...well.. Anyway ..I guest you have a lot to tweak ,,sometimes we overlook few things while building the map one that may have been unnoticed from you Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 11, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 11, 2017 @Luhrian Why are you not able to build lights for this map? Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 11, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 11, 2017 5 hours ago, Xtractor said: Intereseting.. and you learned a lot ..if only i could learn as much ...well.. Anyway ..I guest you have a lot to tweak ,,sometimes we overlook few things while building the map one that may have been unnoticed from you I know about this buggy.I added many buggies in this map to be faster at Point A or B. In the final version it would be removed, but it isn't a final version. I don't even added some grass. 5 hours ago, TK0104 said: @Luhrian Why are you not able to build lights for this map? If I try to build the lights, it is crashing always. At the moment I have one idea to fix it: Open 2 editors one the first editor you are opening CNC-Forest on the second you open a blank map copy the landscape and the rocks (right click on a rock -> Select -> Select all with matching material) to the blank map build lights If you have sucess you can take the Tiberium, trees, and the other stuff and build lights between that. Maybe we'll be lucky and it is working. The problem is, that it takes a lot of time. Time that I don't have at the moment. But maybe you have enough time to do that. It isn't forbidden to try it. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 12, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2017 If you want someone to build the lights I don't mind? Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 12, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2017 1 hour ago, Madkill40 said: If you want someone to build the lights I don't mind? I would never say no, if someone want to try it. So if you want to try it, just do it. 1 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 12, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2017 (edited) "Lighting Results: Critical Error; No importance volume found - lighting build will take a long time." I think this may just be my SDK/SwarmAgent with issues, although I'm sure I was able to build lights on Frostbite using the latest SDK. 12-Mar-17 11:50:33 AM: Lightmass WIN64 started on: BATTALION. Command-line: "A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe" 8C8177044035A885200D7381A938A2C1 -trisperleaf 4 12-Mar-17 11:50:33 AM: Processing scene GUID: 8C8177044035A885200D7381A938A2C1 with 8 threads 12-Mar-17 11:50:33 AM: Building static lighting... 12-Mar-17 11:50:33 AM: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 14432 12-Mar-17 11:50:33 AM: [Job] 29AC9EC9 -> 2F864002 12-Mar-17 11:50:33 AM: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Measured CPU frequency: 4.01 GHz 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of texture mappings: 2665 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of vertex mappings: 297 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of terrain mappings: 0 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of fluid mappings: 0 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of landscape mappings: 9 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of SpeedTree mappings: 0 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of BSP mappings: 6 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 2962 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Number of SpeedTree mesh instance mappings: 0 12-Mar-17 11:50:46 AM: Reserving memory for 2977 meshes, 4503682 vertices, 4857720 triangles 12-Mar-17 11:50:48 AM: Clamped the number of direct photons to emit to 40.000 million, from 493.028 million requested. 12-Mar-17 11:50:48 AM: Scene surface area calculated at 249801.906 million units (19.304% of the estimated 1294049.375 million units) 12-Mar-17 11:50:48 AM: Importance volume surface area calculated at 249801.906 million units (0.000% of the estimated 0.000 million units) 12-Mar-17 11:50:48 AM: Clamped the number of indirect photon paths to 20000. 12-Mar-17 11:50:48 AM: Clamped the number of indirect photons to emit to 40.000 million, from 1199.049 million requested. 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: Building kDOP took 5.51 seconds. 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: Static lighting kDOP: 3095926 nodes, 1547964 leaves, 6191856 triangles, 4503682 vertices 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: Static lighting kDOP: 21.549% wasted space in leaves 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: kDopTree.Nodes : 330.7Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: kDopTree.SOATriangles : 425.2Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: kDOPTriangles : 0.0Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: TrianglePayloads : 148.2Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: MeshInfos : 0.0Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: Vertices : 68.7Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: UVs : 34.4Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: LightmapUVs : 34.4Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: Static lighting kDOP: 3095926 nodes, 1547964 leaves, 6191856 triangles, 4503682 vertices, 1041.5 Mb 12-Mar-17 11:50:53 AM: Processing... 12-Mar-17 11:51:01 AM: EmitDirectPhotons complete, 40.000 million photons emitted in 7.2 seconds 12-Mar-17 11:51:08 AM: EmitIndirectPhotons complete, 40.000 million photons emitted in 7.0 seconds 12-Mar-17 11:51:08 AM: Marking Irradiance Photons complete, 0.870 million photons marked in 0.6 seconds 12-Mar-17 11:51:32 AM: Caching Irradiance Photons complete, 38.885 million cache samples in 23.9 seconds 12-Mar-17 11:51:32 AM: Calculate Irradiance Photons complete, 0.000 million irradiance calculations in 0.1 seconds 12-Mar-17 11:51:34 AM: Assertion failed: NewPtr || Size==0 [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 98] 12-Mar-17 11:51:34 AM: OUT OF MEMORY: Realloc: 872415232 bytes ( 832.00MB) requested, 134206216.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 4478.01 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 454.63 of 15942.41 MB of page file free 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: Assertion failed: Ptr [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 91] 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: OUT OF MEMORY: Malloc: 1048544 bytes ( 1.00MB) requested, 134205264.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 54.37 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 5.32 of 16279.26 MB of page file free 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: Assertion failed: Ptr [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 91] 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: OUT OF MEMORY: Malloc: 1048544 bytes ( 1.00MB) requested, 134205264.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 53.75 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 5.38 of 16279.26 MB of page file free 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: Assertion failed: Ptr [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 91] 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: OUT OF MEMORY: Malloc: 1048544 bytes ( 1.00MB) requested, 134205264.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 54.16 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 5.39 of 16279.26 MB of page file free 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: Assertion failed: Ptr [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 91] 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: OUT OF MEMORY: Malloc: 1048544 bytes ( 1.00MB) requested, 134205264.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 54.14 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 5.77 of 16279.26 MB of page file free 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: Assertion failed: Ptr [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 91] 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: OUT OF MEMORY: Malloc: 1048544 bytes ( 1.00MB) requested, 134205264.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 54.09 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 5.52 of 16279.26 MB of page file free 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: Assertion failed: Ptr [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 91] 12-Mar-17 11:51:40 AM: OUT OF MEMORY: Malloc: 1048544 bytes ( 1.00MB) requested, 134205264.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 53.86 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 5.77 of 16279.26 MB of page file free 12-Mar-17 12:21:09 PM: Assertion failed: NewPtr || Size==0 [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 98] 12-Mar-17 12:21:09 PM: OUT OF MEMORY: Realloc: 1073741824 bytes ( 1024.00MB) requested, 134205256.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 3454.34 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 1006.03 of 16279.26 MB of page file free 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Static lighting thread exception: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Assertion failed: NewPtr || Size==0 [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 98] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: OUT OF MEMORY: Realloc: 872415232 bytes ( 832.00MB) requested, 134206216.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 4478.01 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 454.63 of 15942.41 MB of page file freeRaiseException() Address = 0xf3f57788 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: CxxThrowException() Address = 0x6e6714f1 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR100.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Address = 0x40055ac1 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Address = 0x400562df (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Address = 0x400537d6 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Address = 0x400702fb (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Address = 0x4004921f (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Address = 0x4004942f (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: Address = 0x400514d9 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: BaseThreadInitThunk() Address = 0xf4eb8364 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: RtlUserThreadStart() Address = 0xf78970d1 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: RtlUserThreadStart() Address = 0xf78970d1 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:10 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Exception handled in main, crash report generated, re-throwing exception 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Exception handled in main, calling appHandleCriticalError 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: === Critical error: === 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Static lighting thread exception: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Assertion failed: NewPtr || Size==0 [File:LightmassCore\Src\LMMemory.cpp] [Line: 98] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: OUT OF MEMORY: Realloc: 872415232 bytes ( 832.00MB) requested, 134206216.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 4478.01 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 454.63 of 15942.41 MB of page file freeRaiseException() Address = 0xf3f57788 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: CxxThrowException() Address = 0x6e6714f1 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR100.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Address = 0x40055ac1 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Address = 0x400562df (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Address = 0x400537d6 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Address = 0x400702fb (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Address = 0x4004921f (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Address = 0x4004942f (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Address = 0x400514d9 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\SwarmCache\Jobs\Job-8C817704-4035A885-200D7381-A938A2C1\UnrealLightmass.exe] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: BaseThreadInitThunk() Address = 0xf4eb8364 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: RtlUserThreadStart() Address = 0xf78970d1 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: RtlUserThreadStart() Address = 0xf78970d1 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll] 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: CreateProc AutoReporter.exe "UE3AutoReportDump.txt" "UnrealLightmass_BATTALION_D09176E04C7DA634F43885B19274D796.log" "UE3AutoReportIniDump.txt" "UnrealLightmass.exe-2017.03.12-11.51.34.dmp" -unattended 12-Mar-17 12:21:11 PM: Couldn't start up the Auto Reporting process! .log has been attached. UnrealLightmass_BATTALION_D09176E04C7DA634F43885B19274D796.log Edited March 12, 2017 by Madkill40 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 12, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2017 (edited) [delete] Edited March 12, 2017 by Madkill40 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 12, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2017 (edited) ...Okay so I think I know the problem, you have more lights than any map I have ever seen (over 250 individual lights), I can see why I'm getting a "Low memory, cancel operation" message is appearing and why your lights won't build. Geezus. (12GB RAM is not enough) Edit: 309 point lights. Edited March 12, 2017 by Madkill40 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 12, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2017 (edited) -Added Lightmass Importance Volume -Fixed terrain around structures -Paths have been built -Moved blocking volume which was covering the Barracks and blocking the Barracks' spawn points -Lights have been built -Removed weird untextured geometry cubes. -Reduced total number of lights ¬-Rotated the direction of the DominantDirectionalLight a downwards so the terrain is visible (Still at an angle to coincide with the moon) Download Link:!AkQOo2N5i06RnLZnwQhtuPXLUZIK4w Still running into a Virtual memory issue (a guess based on the log) Okay @Ruud033, need you now. Is it just too many lights? (still over 250 pointlights) UnrealLightmass_BATTALION_49C956B54F56730FDDE91AA13550F22F.log Edited March 12, 2017 by Madkill40 Light build failed, somebody else take over Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 No. Once you hit 10.000+ it might be a question but 250 is nothing. Spoiler [Line: 98] OUT OF MEMORY: Realloc: 872415232 bytes ( 832.00MB) requested, 134206216.00 of 134217728.00 MB of virtual memory free, 4478.01 of 12183.26 MB of physical memory free, 454.63 of 15942.41 MB of page file freeRaiseException() Address = Thats the error right there. Try running the 64 bit version of the SDK. Also be sure to use the latest one. Check how many light bounces you have in the world settings, set it to 3. Check the trees and their lightmapresolution. I wouldnt be suprised if they're set to 64 or 128, hence the memory issue. Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 13, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 13, 2017 (edited) I reduced all of the trees lightmass down from 64 to 32 and the background foliage which surround the map down to either 16 or 24. I just can't comprehend how this is the only map I've come across which causes a memory issue, even Ukill ran this map through a lighting build and the last message I received from him the lighting build for this map was using 24GB out of 32GB RAM... I wonder if those TS vehicles and the miniature scrin ship are causing some of these insane lighting build issues. @Ukill, what was the end result of your lighting build? Edited March 13, 2017 by Madkill40 Quote
Ukill Posted March 13, 2017 Posted March 13, 2017 2 hours ago, Madkill40 said: @Ukill, what was the end result of your lighting build? I thought i already did tell you, but i was unable to build the lighting, my pc with 16GB RAM will crash after some minutes. When i did use the PC with 32GB it did not crash but the process hangs at 0%, and I did not find any solution to build the map successful. Quote
Ukill Posted March 13, 2017 Posted March 13, 2017 @Ruud033 The light map resolution of the trees i did see was < 32. Maybe this picture shows the problem, the landscape looks different if i compare them to other maps. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 13, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 13, 2017 I never noticed that big grey platform... Maybe its that? Although the importance lightmass volume should really cancel things outside of its square. [Just a guess] Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 14, 2017 Posted March 14, 2017 Some still were at 64 and all background trees casted a shadow.. even the skeletal meshes casted a shadow (not needed). I still had the error while rebuilding though. I'll look into it. Quote
Ukill Posted March 14, 2017 Posted March 14, 2017 11 hours ago, Ruud033 said: Some still were at 64 and all background trees casted a shadow.. even the skeletal meshes casted a shadow (not needed). I still had the error while rebuilding though. I'll look into it. @Ruud033 Good luck! in the beginning it tried to solve all the map errors, and also did find out that a lot of meshes got shadows. But about the landscape, where does the grey area come from? is that a normal behavior?, i did try to put the landscape into the "sky"-environment, but did not find where to change it.@Luhrian Did you change the properties of all the object after you placed them? Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 14, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 14, 2017 So, I made some changes on this map (based on the version from @Madkill40): changed the landscape material removed shadows from the background trees removed shadows from Skeletal Meshes fixed some blocking volumes added some more stuff to the map removed the Tiberium Silos (will be replaced through @TK0104's Team Silos soon) That's it. Thanks to all, who are supporting me to finish this map. @Ukill be a bit more special, I don't really know wich objects you mean. But I can say you that I mostly changed nothing in the Actor Properties. DL-Link: Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 14, 2017 Posted March 14, 2017 Found the issue.. Spoiler Set this to 1. If you really want to have very crisp details in your landscape (RenX is not worth it with the current graphics trust me) you could set this to 2. Also, check your world settings. You need to set Rx_Game as a gametype and also as MapInfo. The little things like the ship on the desk, the MKII on the desk and the light tanks on the desk also cast shadows, remember that! To track where the expensive things are, use the "primitive stats" browser. It provides you with a list of things in your level and provides information about them. Most important here is that the 'cost' is determined by the amount*weight. So if you have 2 or 3 objects with a 1024 lightmapres it's not important. Spoiler If you have 100001 trees with a lightmapres of 64 THAT is a thing what matters. You have a dark level so the shadows don't need to be that crisp. I think you can get away with 32 on every tree and maybe 64 on some spots.. depends on what you like as a result. Just try. Remember; the bigger the lightmapres*amount-of-meshes, the bigger your map file size in MB. 2 hours ago, Ukill said: @Ruud033where does the grey area come from? What grey area? I only see water 2 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 14, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 14, 2017 43 minutes ago, Ruud033 said: What grey area? I only see water The grey area in the middle is water. It looks a bit differnt, because of the fog. I'll see, maybe on Friday, what I can do on the other points from @Ruud033. Thank you for your help. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 14, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 14, 2017 59 minutes ago, Ruud033 said: The little things like the ship on the desk, the MKII on the desk and the light tanks on the desk also cast shadows, remember that! Don't know what you mean, I removed them all Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted March 14, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 14, 2017 look at the landscape light map res Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 16, 2017 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 16, 2017 Does the water really need to be the size it is outside the map? Considering how much is actually used wihin the map itself seems inefficient. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 16, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 16, 2017 I'll see what I can do on Firday. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted March 19, 2017 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 19, 2017 Currently building lights, new version is coming soon Quote
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